TimezoneStdStart Property
The effective onset date and local time for the standard-time time zone definition.
property TimezoneStdStart: String;
Default Value
The effective onset date and local time for the standard-time time zone definition. The date and time MUST be specified as a date with a local time value. in the format "YYYYMMDDThhmmss", where "T" indicates the break between date and time.
TimezoneStdStart, TimezoneStdOffsetFrom, and TimezoneStdOffsetTo are all required to specify the standard-time time zone.
The following example shows the CalTimezone set to Eastern time.
CalDAV.Timezone.TimezoneId =
CalDAV.Timezone.URL =
CalDAV.Timezone.StdName =
"Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada)"
CalDAV.Timezone.StdStart =
CalDAV.Timezone.StdOffsetFrom =
CalDAV.Timezone.StdOffsetTo =
CalDAV.Timezone.StdRule =
CalDAV.TimeZone.DSTName =
"Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada)"
CalDAV.TimeZone.DSTStart =
CalDAV.TimeZone.DSTOffsetFrom =
CalDAV.TimeZone.DSTOffsetTo =
CalDAV.TimeZone.DSTRule =
Data Type