The following values can be configured independently for each tunnel, at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\nsoftware\SFTPDrive\3\SSHTunnels\{Tunnel Name}:
Name | Type | Description |
TunnelName | String | A label for the daemon which will accept connections and tunnel data from the local machine to the forward host. |
ForwardHost | String | A hostname or IP address of the destination machine. |
ForwardPort | DWORD | The port on the destination machine to which data will be sent. |
ListenHost | String | A hostname or IP address of the interface to use to accept connections. |
ListenPort | DWORD | The ingress port for data to be tunneled. |
SSHHost | String | A hostname or IP address of the gateway machine. This server will project the data from the local machine to the destination machine and is sometimes called a "bastion host" or "jump host". |
SSHPort | DWORD | The port on the gateway machine used to establish the tunnel. |
SSHUser | String | The username which is used to authenticate to the gateway machine. |
SSHPassword | String | The password which is used to authenticate to the gateway machine. |
StoreType | DWORD | The type of certificate store used to authenticate to the gateway machine.
Store | String | The name of the certificate store will be used to authenticate to the gateway machine. |
StorePassword | String | If the certificate used to authenticate to the gateway machine requires a password, this registry setting is used to specify that password in order to open the certificate store. |