CRLManager Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The CRLManager class supports the importing, exporting, and validation of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).




CRLs store information about revoked certificates, i.e., certificates that have been identified as invalid for any number of reasons by the issuing certificate authority (CA). CRLs identify certificates by their serial numbers. Therefore, by knowing the certificate's SerialNumber, its validity status can be checked against a CRL.

Each CRL corresponds to one issuing point, and each Certificate Authority (CA) certificate can have a corresponding CRL which contains information about the certificates signed with this CA certificate.

CAs are not required to issue CRLs if other revocation or certificate status mechanisms are provided. Each CRL must contain the date by which the next CRL will be issued. This date is specified by the NextUpdate field.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

CACertBytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
CACertHandleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
CRLBytesReturns raw CRL data in DER format.
CRLCAKeyIDA unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key, if present in the CRL.
CRLEntryCountReturns the number of certificate status entries in the CRL.
CRLHandleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
CRLIssuerThe common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.
CRLIssuerRDNA collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.
CRLLocationThe URL that the CRL was downloaded from.
CRLNextUpdateThe planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.
CRLSigAlgorithmThe public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this CRL.
CRLTBSThe to-be-signed part of the CRL (the CRL without the signature part).
CRLThisUpdateThe date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.
EntryCountThe number of items in the CRL.
CRLEntryInfoCertStatusReturns the status of the certificate.
CRLEntryInfoHandleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
CRLEntryInfoRevocationDateThe time and date when the certificate gets revoked or cancelled.
CRLEntryInfoRevocationReasonSpecifies the reason for certificate revocation.
CRLEntryInfoSerialNumberThe certificate serial number.
ExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentIDSpecifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.
ExternalCryptoCustomParamsCustom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).
ExternalCryptoDataAdditional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.
ExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculationSpecifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.
ExternalCryptoHashAlgorithmSpecifies the request's signature hash algorithm.
ExternalCryptoKeyIDThe ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
ExternalCryptoKeySecretThe pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
ExternalCryptoMethodSpecifies the asynchronous signing method.
ExternalCryptoModeSpecifies the external cryptography mode.
ExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithmProvide public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddAdds a new revoked certificate entry.
ClearEmpties the CRL.
ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
DoActionPerforms an additional action.
DownloadDownloads a CRL from the specified location.
GetCertEntryIndexReturns the index of the CRL item by the certificate's serial number.
GetExtensionDataReturns extension data.
GetExtensionStateReturns certificate extension state.
ListExtensionsList extensions currently available in the certificate or CRL.
LoadLoads a CRL from a byte array.
LoadFromFileLoads a CRL from a file.
LoadFromStreamLoads a CRL from a stream.
RemoveRemoves the specified entry from the CRL.
SaveSaves the CRL to a byte array.
SaveToFileSaves the CRL to a file.
SaveToStreamSaves this CRL to a stream.
SelectEntryFetches revocation information about the selected certificate from the CRL.
SetExtensionDataSets extension data.
SetExtensionStateSets certificate extension state.
ValidateValidates the CRL signature.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorInformation about errors during CRL management.
ExternalSignHandles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.
NotificationThis event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUseEnables or disable private key integrity check before use.
CookieCachingSpecifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.
CookiesGets or sets local cookies for the class.
DefDeriveKeyIterationsSpecifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHEEnables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.
GlobalCookiesGets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.
HttpUserAgentSpecifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.
LogDestinationSpecifies the debug log destination.
LogDetailsSpecifies the debug log details to dump.
LogFileSpecifies the debug log filename.
LogFiltersSpecifies the debug log filters.
LogFlushModeSpecifies the log flush mode.
LogLevelSpecifies the debug log level.
LogMaxEventCountSpecifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.
LogRotationModeSpecifies the log rotation mode.
MaxASN1BufferLengthSpecifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.
MaxASN1TreeDepthSpecifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.
OCSPHashAlgorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.
StaticDNSSpecifies whether static DNS rules should be used.
StaticIPAddress[domain]Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.
StaticIPAddressesGets or sets all the static DNS rules.
TagAllows to store any custom data.
TLSSessionGroupSpecifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.
TLSSessionLifetimeSpecifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.
TLSSessionPurgeIntervalSpecifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.
UseOwnDNSResolverSpecifies whether the client classes should use own DNS resolver.
UseSharedSystemStoragesSpecifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.
UseSystemOAEPAndPSSEnforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.
UseSystemRandomEnables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

CACertBytes Property (CRLManager Class)

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCACertBytes(char* &lpCACertBytes, int &lenCACertBytes);

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetCACertBytes(LPSTR &lpCACertBytes, INT &lenCACertBytes);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcacertbytes(void* lpObj, char** lpCACertBytes, int* lenCACertBytes);
QByteArray GetCACertBytes();


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type

Byte Array

CACertHandle Property (CRLManager Class)

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int64 GetCACertHandle();
int SetCACertHandle(int64 lCACertHandle); Unicode (Windows) LONG64 GetCACertHandle();
INT SetCACertHandle(LONG64 lCACertHandle);
int64 secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcacerthandle(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setcacerthandle(void* lpObj, int64 lCACertHandle);
qint64 GetCACertHandle();
int SetCACertHandle(qint64 lCACertHandle);

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLBytes Property (CRLManager Class)

Returns raw CRL data in DER format.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCRLBytes(char* &lpCRLBytes, int &lenCRLBytes);

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetCRLBytes(LPSTR &lpCRLBytes, INT &lenCRLBytes);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlbytes(void* lpObj, char** lpCRLBytes, int* lenCRLBytes);
QByteArray GetCRLBytes();


Returns raw CRL data in DER format.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type

Byte Array

CRLCAKeyID Property (CRLManager Class)

A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key, if present in the CRL.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCRLCAKeyID(char* &lpCRLCAKeyID, int &lenCRLCAKeyID);
int SetCRLCAKeyID(const char* lpCRLCAKeyID, int lenCRLCAKeyID); Unicode (Windows) INT GetCRLCAKeyID(LPSTR &lpCRLCAKeyID, INT &lenCRLCAKeyID);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlcakeyid(void* lpObj, char** lpCRLCAKeyID, int* lenCRLCAKeyID);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setcrlcakeyid(void* lpObj, const char* lpCRLCAKeyID, int lenCRLCAKeyID);
QByteArray GetCRLCAKeyID();
int SetCRLCAKeyID(QByteArray qbaCRLCAKeyID);


A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key, if present in the CRL.

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type

Byte Array

CRLEntryCount Property (CRLManager Class)

Returns the number of certificate status entries in the CRL.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCRLEntryCount();

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetCRLEntryCount();
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlentrycount(void* lpObj);
int GetCRLEntryCount();

Default Value



Returns the number of certificate status entries in the CRL.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLHandle Property (CRLManager Class)

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int64 GetCRLHandle();
int SetCRLHandle(int64 lCRLHandle); Unicode (Windows) LONG64 GetCRLHandle();
INT SetCRLHandle(LONG64 lCRLHandle);
int64 secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlhandle(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setcrlhandle(void* lpObj, int64 lCRLHandle);
qint64 GetCRLHandle();
int SetCRLHandle(qint64 lCRLHandle);

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLIssuer Property (CRLManager Class)

The common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCRLIssuer();

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR GetCRLIssuer();
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlissuer(void* lpObj);
QString GetCRLIssuer();

Default Value



The common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLIssuerRDN Property (CRLManager Class)

A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCRLIssuerRDN();

Unicode (Windows)
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlissuerrdn(void* lpObj);
QString GetCRLIssuerRDN();

Default Value



A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLLocation Property (CRLManager Class)

The URL that the CRL was downloaded from.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCRLLocation();

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR GetCRLLocation();
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrllocation(void* lpObj);
QString GetCRLLocation();

Default Value



The URL that the CRL was downloaded from.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLNextUpdate Property (CRLManager Class)

The planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCRLNextUpdate();

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR GetCRLNextUpdate();
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlnextupdate(void* lpObj);
QString GetCRLNextUpdate();

Default Value



The planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLSigAlgorithm Property (CRLManager Class)

The public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this CRL.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCRLSigAlgorithm();

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR GetCRLSigAlgorithm();
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlsigalgorithm(void* lpObj);
QString GetCRLSigAlgorithm();

Default Value



The public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this CRL.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLTBS Property (CRLManager Class)

The to-be-signed part of the CRL (the CRL without the signature part).


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCRLTBS(char* &lpCRLTBS, int &lenCRLTBS);

Unicode (Windows)
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrltbs(void* lpObj, char** lpCRLTBS, int* lenCRLTBS);
QByteArray GetCRLTBS();


The to-be-signed part of the CRL (the CRL without the signature part).

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type

Byte Array

CRLThisUpdate Property (CRLManager Class)

The date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCRLThisUpdate();

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR GetCRLThisUpdate();
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlthisupdate(void* lpObj);
QString GetCRLThisUpdate();

Default Value



The date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


EntryCount Property (CRLManager Class)

The number of items in the CRL.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetEntryCount();

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetEntryCount();
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getentrycount(void* lpObj);
int GetEntryCount();

Default Value



Returns the number of certificate status entries in the CRL.

This property is read-only.

Data Type


CRLEntryInfoCertStatus Property (CRLManager Class)

Returns the status of the certificate.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCRLEntryInfoCertStatus();

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetCRLEntryInfoCertStatus();

Possible Values

int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlentryinfocertstatus(void* lpObj);
int GetCRLEntryInfoCertStatus();

Default Value



Returns the status of the certificate.


This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLEntryInfoHandle Property (CRLManager Class)

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int64 GetCRLEntryInfoHandle();

Unicode (Windows)
LONG64 GetCRLEntryInfoHandle();
int64 secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlentryinfohandle(void* lpObj);
qint64 GetCRLEntryInfoHandle();

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLEntryInfoRevocationDate Property (CRLManager Class)

The time and date when the certificate gets revoked or cancelled.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCRLEntryInfoRevocationDate();

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR GetCRLEntryInfoRevocationDate();
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlentryinforevocationdate(void* lpObj);
QString GetCRLEntryInfoRevocationDate();

Default Value



The time and date when the certificate gets revoked or cancelled.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLEntryInfoRevocationReason Property (CRLManager Class)

Specifies the reason for certificate revocation.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCRLEntryInfoRevocationReason();

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetCRLEntryInfoRevocationReason();
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlentryinforevocationreason(void* lpObj);
int GetCRLEntryInfoRevocationReason();

Default Value



Specifies the reason for certificate revocation.


This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


CRLEntryInfoSerialNumber Property (CRLManager Class)

The certificate serial number.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber(char* &lpCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber, int &lenCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber);

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber(LPSTR &lpCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber, INT &lenCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcrlentryinfoserialnumber(void* lpObj, char** lpCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber, int* lenCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber);
QByteArray GetCRLEntryInfoSerialNumber();


The certificate serial number.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type

Byte Array

ExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID Property (CRLManager Class)

Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID();
int SetExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID(const char* lpszExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID();
INT SetExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID(LPCWSTR lpszExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptoasyncdocumentid(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptoasyncdocumentid(void* lpObj, const char* lpszExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID);
QString GetExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID();
int SetExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID(QString qsExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID);

Default Value



Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.

Use this property when working with multi-signature DCAuth requests and responses to uniquely identify documents signed within a larger batch. On the completion stage, this value helps the signing component identify the correct signature in the returned batch of responses.

If using batched requests, make sure to set this property to the same value on both pre-signing (SignAsyncBegin) and completion (SignAsyncEnd) stages.

Data Type


ExternalCryptoCustomParams Property (CRLManager Class)

Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetExternalCryptoCustomParams();
int SetExternalCryptoCustomParams(const char* lpszExternalCryptoCustomParams); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetExternalCryptoCustomParams();
INT SetExternalCryptoCustomParams(LPCWSTR lpszExternalCryptoCustomParams);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptocustomparams(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptocustomparams(void* lpObj, const char* lpszExternalCryptoCustomParams);
QString GetExternalCryptoCustomParams();
int SetExternalCryptoCustomParams(QString qsExternalCryptoCustomParams);

Default Value



Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


ExternalCryptoData Property (CRLManager Class)

Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetExternalCryptoData();
int SetExternalCryptoData(const char* lpszExternalCryptoData); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetExternalCryptoData();
INT SetExternalCryptoData(LPCWSTR lpszExternalCryptoData);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptodata(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptodata(void* lpObj, const char* lpszExternalCryptoData);
QString GetExternalCryptoData();
int SetExternalCryptoData(QString qsExternalCryptoData);

Default Value



Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


ExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation Property (CRLManager Class)

Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation();
int SetExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation(int bExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation();
INT SetExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation(BOOL bExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptoexternalhashcalculation(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptoexternalhashcalculation(void* lpObj, int bExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation);
bool GetExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation();
int SetExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation(bool bExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation);

Default Value



Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint. Please note that this mode is not supported by all components. In particular, components operating with larger objects (PDFSigner, CAdESSigner, XAdESSigner) do not support it.

Data Type


ExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm Property (CRLManager Class)

Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm();
int SetExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm(const char* lpszExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm();
INT SetExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm(LPCWSTR lpszExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptohashalgorithm(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptohashalgorithm(void* lpObj, const char* lpszExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm);
QString GetExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm();
int SetExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm(QString qsExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm);

Default Value



Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm.


Data Type


ExternalCryptoKeyID Property (CRLManager Class)

The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetExternalCryptoKeyID();
int SetExternalCryptoKeyID(const char* lpszExternalCryptoKeyID); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetExternalCryptoKeyID();
INT SetExternalCryptoKeyID(LPCWSTR lpszExternalCryptoKeyID);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptokeyid(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptokeyid(void* lpObj, const char* lpszExternalCryptoKeyID);
QString GetExternalCryptoKeyID();
int SetExternalCryptoKeyID(QString qsExternalCryptoKeyID);

Default Value



The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.

Asynchronous DCAuth-driven communication requires that parties authenticate each other with a secret pre-shared cryptographic key. This provides extra protection layer for the protocol and diminishes the risk of private key becoming abused by foreign parties. Use this property to provide the pre-shared key identifier, and use ExternalCryptoKeySecret to pass the key itself.

The same KeyID/KeySecret pair should be used on the DCAuth side for the signing requests to be accepted.

Note: The KeyID/KeySecret scheme is very similar to the AuthKey scheme used in various Cloud service providers to authenticate users.

Example: signer.ExternalCrypto.KeyID = "MainSigningKey"; signer.ExternalCrypto.KeySecret = "abcdef0123456789";

Data Type


ExternalCryptoKeySecret Property (CRLManager Class)

The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetExternalCryptoKeySecret();
int SetExternalCryptoKeySecret(const char* lpszExternalCryptoKeySecret); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetExternalCryptoKeySecret();
INT SetExternalCryptoKeySecret(LPCWSTR lpszExternalCryptoKeySecret);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptokeysecret(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptokeysecret(void* lpObj, const char* lpszExternalCryptoKeySecret);
QString GetExternalCryptoKeySecret();
int SetExternalCryptoKeySecret(QString qsExternalCryptoKeySecret);

Default Value



The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication. This key must be set and match the key used by the DCAuth counterpart for the scheme to work.

Read more about configuring authentication in the ExternalCryptoKeyID topic.

Data Type


ExternalCryptoMethod Property (CRLManager Class)

Specifies the asynchronous signing method.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetExternalCryptoMethod();
int SetExternalCryptoMethod(int iExternalCryptoMethod); Unicode (Windows) INT GetExternalCryptoMethod();
INT SetExternalCryptoMethod(INT iExternalCryptoMethod);

Possible Values

int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptomethod(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptomethod(void* lpObj, int iExternalCryptoMethod);
int GetExternalCryptoMethod();
int SetExternalCryptoMethod(int iExternalCryptoMethod);

Default Value



Specifies the asynchronous signing method. This is typically defined by the DC server capabilities and setup.

Available options:


Data Type


ExternalCryptoMode Property (CRLManager Class)

Specifies the external cryptography mode.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetExternalCryptoMode();
int SetExternalCryptoMode(int iExternalCryptoMode); Unicode (Windows) INT GetExternalCryptoMode();
INT SetExternalCryptoMode(INT iExternalCryptoMode);

Possible Values

int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptomode(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptomode(void* lpObj, int iExternalCryptoMode);
int GetExternalCryptoMode();
int SetExternalCryptoMode(int iExternalCryptoMode);

Default Value



Specifies the external cryptography mode.

Available options:

ecmDefaultThe default value (0)
ecmDisabledDo not use DC or external signing (1)
ecmGenericGeneric external signing with OnExternalSign event (2)
ecmDCAuthDCAuth signing (3)
ecmDCAuthJSONDCAuth signing in JSON format (4)

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


ExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm Property (CRLManager Class)

Provide public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm();
int SetExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm(const char* lpszExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm();
INT SetExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm(LPCWSTR lpszExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getexternalcryptopublickeyalgorithm(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setexternalcryptopublickeyalgorithm(void* lpObj, const char* lpszExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm);
QString GetExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm();
int SetExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm(QString qsExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm);

Default Value



Provide public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.


Data Type


FIPSMode Property (CRLManager Class)



ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetFIPSMode();
int SetFIPSMode(int bFIPSMode); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetFIPSMode();
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getfipsmode(void* lpObj);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setfipsmode(void* lpObj, int bFIPSMode);
bool GetFIPSMode();
int SetFIPSMode(bool bFIPSMode);

Default Value



This property is reserved for future use.

Data Type


Add Method (CRLManager Class)

Adds a new revoked certificate entry.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int Add(const char* lpSerialNumber, int lenSerialNumber, const char* lpszRevocationDate, int iRevocationReason);

Unicode (Windows)
INT Add(LPCSTR lpSerialNumber, INT lenSerialNumber, LPCWSTR lpszRevocationDate, INT iRevocationReason);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_add(void* lpObj, const char* lpSerialNumber, int lenSerialNumber, const char* lpszRevocationDate, int iRevocationReason);
int Add(QByteArray qbaSerialNumber, const QString& qsRevocationDate, int iRevocationReason);


Use this method to add information about a revoked certificate to the CRL. SerialNumber identifies the certificate, while RevocationDate and RevocationReason set the termination date and the reason for revocation.


Note that a single CRL may only contain certificates issued by a single CA, and this CRL must be signed by that CA.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns an Integer value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

Clear Method (CRLManager Class)

Empties the CRL.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int Clear();

Unicode (Windows)
INT Clear();
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_clear(void* lpObj);
int Clear();


Use this method to remove all elements currently included in the CRL.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

Config Method (CRLManager Class)

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* Config(const char* lpszConfigurationString);

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR Config(LPCWSTR lpszConfigurationString);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_config(void* lpObj, const char* lpszConfigurationString);
QString Config(const QString& qsConfigurationString);


Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a String value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

DoAction Method (CRLManager Class)

Performs an additional action.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* DoAction(const char* lpszActionID, const char* lpszActionParams);

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR DoAction(LPCWSTR lpszActionID, LPCWSTR lpszActionParams);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_doaction(void* lpObj, const char* lpszActionID, const char* lpszActionParams);
QString DoAction(const QString& qsActionID, const QString& qsActionParams);


DoAction is a generic method available in every class. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier (case insencitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.

ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a String value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

Download Method (CRLManager Class)

Downloads a CRL from the specified location.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int Download(const char* lpszURL);

Unicode (Windows)
INT Download(LPCWSTR lpszURL);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_download(void* lpObj, const char* lpszURL);
int Download(const QString& qsURL);


Use this method to download a CRL from a remote location specified by URL. If the download succeeds, the CRL property will be initialized with its details.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

GetCertEntryIndex Method (CRLManager Class)

Returns the index of the CRL item by the certificate's serial number.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCertEntryIndex(const char* lpSerialNumber, int lenSerialNumber);

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetCertEntryIndex(LPCSTR lpSerialNumber, INT lenSerialNumber);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getcertentryindex(void* lpObj, const char* lpSerialNumber, int lenSerialNumber);
int GetCertEntryIndex(QByteArray qbaSerialNumber);


Use this method to get the index of the CRL entry that corresponds to the certificate. The return value of -1 indicates that no entry for the given certificate was found in the CRL.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns an Integer value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

GetExtensionData Method (CRLManager Class)

Returns extension data.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetExtensionData(const char* lpszOID, int *lpSize = NULL);

Unicode (Windows)
LPSTR GetExtensionData(LPCWSTR lpszOID, LPINT lpSize = NULL);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_getextensiondata(void* lpObj, const char* lpszOID, int *lpSize);
QByteArray GetExtensionData(const QString& qsOID);


Use this method to retrieve extension data in ASN.1 encoded format. Use GetExtensionState to check the availability of the extension and establish its critical attribute.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a Byte Array value (with length lpSize); after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

GetExtensionState Method (CRLManager Class)

Returns certificate extension state.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetExtensionState(const char* lpszOID);

Unicode (Windows)
INT GetExtensionState(LPCWSTR lpszOID);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_getextensionstate(void* lpObj, const char* lpszOID);
int GetExtensionState(const QString& qsOID);


Use this method to find out whether the extension is included in the certificate/CRL and check its critical attribute.

cesNotIncluded0The extension is not included in the certificate

cesCritical1The extension is included and is marked critical

cesNonCritical2The extension is included and is not marked critical

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns an Integer value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

ListExtensions Method (CRLManager Class)

List extensions currently available in the certificate or CRL.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* ListExtensions();

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR ListExtensions();
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_listextensions(void* lpObj);
QString ListExtensions();


Use this method to list the extensions included in the certificate or CRL. The method returns a list of OIDs separated by newline characters.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a String value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

Load Method (CRLManager Class)

Loads a CRL from a byte array.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int Load(const char* lpBytes, int lenBytes);

Unicode (Windows)
INT Load(LPCSTR lpBytes, INT lenBytes);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_load(void* lpObj, const char* lpBytes, int lenBytes);
int Load(QByteArray qbaBytes);


Use this method to load a CRL from a byte array. DER and PEM formats are supported.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

LoadFromFile Method (CRLManager Class)

Loads a CRL from a file.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int LoadFromFile(const char* lpszPath);

Unicode (Windows)
INT LoadFromFile(LPCWSTR lpszPath);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_loadfromfile(void* lpObj, const char* lpszPath);
int LoadFromFile(const QString& qsPath);


Use this method to load a CRL from a file. DER and PEM formats are supported.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

LoadFromStream Method (CRLManager Class)

Loads a CRL from a stream.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int LoadFromStream(SecureBlackboxStream* sStream);

Unicode (Windows)
INT LoadFromStream(SecureBlackboxStream* sStream);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_loadfromstream(void* lpObj, SecureBlackboxStream* sStream);
int LoadFromStream(SecureBlackboxStream* sStream);


Use this method to load a CRL from a stream. DER and PEM formats are supported.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

Remove Method (CRLManager Class)

Removes the specified entry from the CRL.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int Remove(int iIndex);

Unicode (Windows)
INT Remove(INT iIndex);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_remove(void* lpObj, int iIndex);
int Remove(int iIndex);


Use this method to remove the entry from the CRL.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

Save Method (CRLManager Class)

Saves the CRL to a byte array.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* Save(int *lpSize = NULL);

Unicode (Windows)
LPSTR Save(LPINT lpSize = NULL);
char* secureblackbox_crlmanager_save(void* lpObjint *lpSize);
QByteArray Save();


Use this method to save the CRL to a byte array.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a Byte Array value (with length lpSize); after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

SaveToFile Method (CRLManager Class)

Saves the CRL to a file.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int SaveToFile(const char* lpszPath);

Unicode (Windows)
INT SaveToFile(LPCWSTR lpszPath);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_savetofile(void* lpObj, const char* lpszPath);
int SaveToFile(const QString& qsPath);


Use this method to save the CRL to a file.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

SaveToStream Method (CRLManager Class)

Saves this CRL to a stream.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int SaveToStream(SecureBlackboxStream* sStream);

Unicode (Windows)
INT SaveToStream(SecureBlackboxStream* sStream);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_savetostream(void* lpObj, SecureBlackboxStream* sStream);
int SaveToStream(SecureBlackboxStream* sStream);


Use this method to save the CRL to a stream.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

SelectEntry Method (CRLManager Class)

Fetches revocation information about the selected certificate from the CRL.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int SelectEntry(int iIndex);

Unicode (Windows)
INT SelectEntry(INT iIndex);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_selectentry(void* lpObj, int iIndex);
int SelectEntry(int iIndex);


Upon calling this method the revocation information for the chosen certificate entry will be propagated in EntryInfo.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

SetExtensionData Method (CRLManager Class)

Sets extension data.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int SetExtensionData(const char* lpszOID, const char* lpValue, int lenValue);

Unicode (Windows)
INT SetExtensionData(LPCWSTR lpszOID, LPCSTR lpValue, INT lenValue);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setextensiondata(void* lpObj, const char* lpszOID, const char* lpValue, int lenValue);
int SetExtensionData(const QString& qsOID, QByteArray qbaValue);


Use this method to set extension data in encoded ASN.1 format. Use SetExtensionState to enable the extension or change its critical attribute.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

SetExtensionState Method (CRLManager Class)

Sets certificate extension state.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int SetExtensionState(const char* lpszOID, int iState);

Unicode (Windows)
INT SetExtensionState(LPCWSTR lpszOID, INT iState);
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_setextensionstate(void* lpObj, const char* lpszOID, int iState);
int SetExtensionState(const QString& qsOID, int iState);


Use this method to enable or disable the extension and set its critical attribute.

cesNotIncluded0The extension is not included in the certificate

cesCritical1The extension is included and is marked critical

cesNonCritical2The extension is included and is not marked critical

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

Validate Method (CRLManager Class)

Validates the CRL signature.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int Validate();

Unicode (Windows)
INT Validate();
int secureblackbox_crlmanager_validate(void* lpObj);
int Validate();


Call this method to check the validity of this CRL's signature. The CACertificate property needs to be set for this method to be capable of doing the check.

svtValid0The signature is valid

svtUnknown1Signature validity is unknown

svtCorrupted2The signature is corrupted

svtSignerNotFound3Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated.

svtFailure4General failure

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns an Integer value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

Error Event (CRLManager Class)

Information about errors during CRL management.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
virtual int FireError(CRLManagerErrorEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
int ErrorCode;
const char *Description; int reserved; } CRLManagerErrorEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireError(CRLManagerErrorEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
INT ErrorCode;
LPCWSTR Description; INT reserved; } CRLManagerErrorEventParams;

virtual INT SECUREBLACKBOX_CALL FireError(INT &iErrorCode, LPSTR &lpszDescription);
class CRLManagerErrorEventParams {
  int ErrorCode();

  const QString &Description();

  int EventRetVal();
  void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal);
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void Error(CRLManagerErrorEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass CRLManager and override this emitter function. virtual int FireError(CRLManagerErrorEventParams *e) {...}


The event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during CRL processing.

ErrorCode contains the error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For the list of error codes please refer to CRL.

ExternalSign Event (CRLManager Class)

Handles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
virtual int FireExternalSign(CRLManagerExternalSignEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
const char *OperationId;
const char *HashAlgorithm;
const char *Pars;
const char *Data;
char *SignedData; int reserved; } CRLManagerExternalSignEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireExternalSign(CRLManagerExternalSignEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
LPCWSTR OperationId;
LPCWSTR HashAlgorithm;
LPWSTR SignedData; INT reserved; } CRLManagerExternalSignEventParams;

virtual INT SECUREBLACKBOX_CALL FireExternalSign(LPSTR &lpszOperationId, LPSTR &lpszHashAlgorithm, LPSTR &lpszPars, LPSTR &lpszData, LPSTR &lpszSignedData);
class CRLManagerExternalSignEventParams {
  const QString &OperationId();

  const QString &HashAlgorithm();

  const QString &Pars();

  const QString &Data();

  const QString &SignedData();
  void SetSignedData(const QString &qsSignedData);

  int EventRetVal();
  void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal);
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void ExternalSign(CRLManagerExternalSignEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass CRLManager and override this emitter function. virtual int FireExternalSign(CRLManagerExternalSignEventParams *e) {...}


Assign a handler to this event if you need to delegate a low-level signing operation to an external, remote, or custom signing engine. Depending on the settings, the handler will receive a hashed or unhashed value to be signed.

The event handler must pass the value of Data to the signer, obtain the signature, and pass it back to the component via SignedData parameter.

OperationId provides a comment about the operation and its origin. It depends on the exact component being used, and may be empty. HashAlgorithm specifies the hash algorithm being used for the operation, and Pars contain algorithm-dependent parameters.

The component uses base16 (hex) encoding for Data, SignedData, and Pars parameters. If your signing engine uses a different input and output encoding, you may need to decode and/or encode the data before and/or after the signing.

A sample MD5 hash encoded in base16: a0dee2a0382afbb09120ffa7ccd8a152 - lower case base16 A0DEE2A0382AFBB09120FFA7CCD8A152 - upper case base16

A sample event handler that uses a .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider class may look like the following: signer.OnExternalSign += (s, e) => { var cert = new X509Certificate2("cert.pfx", "", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable); var key = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey; var dataToSign = e.Data.FromBase16String(); var signedData = key.SignHash(dataToSign, "2.16.840."); e.SignedData = signedData.ToBase16String(); };

Notification Event (CRLManager Class)

This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
virtual int FireNotification(CRLManagerNotificationEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
const char *EventID;
const char *EventParam; int reserved; } CRLManagerNotificationEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireNotification(CRLManagerNotificationEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
LPCWSTR EventParam; INT reserved; } CRLManagerNotificationEventParams;

virtual INT SECUREBLACKBOX_CALL FireNotification(LPSTR &lpszEventID, LPSTR &lpszEventParam);
class CRLManagerNotificationEventParams {
  const QString &EventID();

  const QString &EventParam();

  int EventRetVal();
  void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal);
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void Notification(CRLManagerNotificationEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass CRLManager and override this emitter function. virtual int FireNotification(CRLManagerNotificationEventParams *e) {...}


The class fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the component. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier of the event is provided in EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the component, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.

SecureBlackboxStream Type


SecureBlackboxStream (declared in secureblackbox.h)


The CRLManager class includes one or more API members that take a stream object as a parameter. To use such API members, create a concrete class that implements the SecureBlackboxStream interface and pass the CRLManager class an instance of that concrete class.

When implementing the SecureBlackboxStream interface's properties and methods, they must behave as described below. If the concrete class's implementation does not behave as expected, undefined behavior may occur.


CanRead Whether the stream supports reading.

bool CanRead() { return true; }
CanSeek Whether the stream supports seeking.

bool CanSeek() { return true; }
CanWrite Whether the stream supports writing.

bool CanWrite() { return true; }
Length Gets the length of the stream, in bytes.

int64 GetLength() = 0;


Close Closes the stream, releasing all resources currently allocated for it.

void Close() {}

This method is called automatically when a SecureBlackboxStream object is deleted.

Flush Forces all data held by the stream's buffers to be written out to storage.

int Flush() { return 0; }

Must return 0 if flushing is successful; or -1 if an error occurs or the stream is closed. If the stream does not support writing, this method must do nothing and return 0.

Read Reads a sequence of bytes from the stream and advances the current position within the stream by the number of bytes read.

int Read(void* buffer, int count) = 0;

Buffer specifies the buffer to populate with data from the stream. Count specifies the number of bytes that should be read from the stream.

Must return the total number of bytes read into Buffer; this may be less than Count if that many bytes are not currently available, or 0 if the end of the stream has been reached. Must return -1 if an error occurs, if reading is not supported, or if the stream is closed.

Seek Sets the current position within the stream based on a particular point of origin.

int64 Seek(int64 offset, int seekOrigin) = 0;

Offset specifies the offset in the stream to seek to, relative to SeekOrigin. Valid values for SeekOrigin are:

  • 0: Seek from beginning.
  • 1: Seek from current position.
  • 2: Seek from end.

Must return the new position within the stream; or -1 if an error occurs, if seeking is not supported, or if the stream is closed (however, see note below). If -1 is returned, the current position within the stream must remain unchanged.

Note: If the stream is not closed, it must always be possible to call this method with an Offset of 0 and a SeekOrigin of 1 to obtain the current position within the stream, even if seeking is not otherwise supported.

Write Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream and advances the current position within the stream by the number of bytes written.

int Write(const void* buffer, int count) = 0;

Buffer specifies the buffer with data to write to the stream. Count specifies the number of bytes that should be written to the stream.

Must return the total number of bytes written to the stream; this may be less than Count if that many bytes could not be written. Must return -1 if an error occurs, if writing is not supported, or if the stream is closed.

Config Settings (CRLManager Class)

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

Base Config Settings

CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUse:   Enables or disable private key integrity check before use.

This global property enables or disables private key material check before each signing operation. This slows down performance a bit, but prevents a selection of attacks on RSA keys where keys with unknown origins are used.

You can switch this property off to improve performance if your project only uses known, good private keys.

CookieCaching:   Specifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.

Set this property to enable or disable cookies caching for the class.

Supported values are:

offNo caching (default)
localLocal caching
globalGlobal caching

Cookies:   Gets or sets local cookies for the class.

Use this property to get cookies from the internal cookie storage of the class and/or restore them back between application sessions.

DefDeriveKeyIterations:   Specifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.

This global property sets the default number of iterations for all supported key derivation algorithms. Note that you can provide the required number of iterations by using properties of the relevant key generation component; this global setting is used in scenarios where specific iteration count is not or cannot be provided.

EnableClientSideSSLFFDHE:   Enables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.

This global property enables or disables support for finite field DHE key exchange methods in TLS clients. FF DHE is a slower algorithm if compared to EC DHE; enabling it may result in slower connections.

This setting only applies to sessions negotiated with TLS version 1.3.

GlobalCookies:   Gets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.

Use this property to get cookies from the GLOBAL cookie storage or restore them back between application sessions. These cookies will be used by all the classes that have its CookieCaching property set to "global".

HttpUserAgent:   Specifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.

This global setting defines the User-Agent field of the HTTP request provides information about the software that initiates the request. This value will be used by all the HTTP clients including the ones used internally in other classes.

LogDestination:   Specifies the debug log destination.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies where debug log should be dumped.

Supported values are:

systemlogSystem Log (supported for Android only)
debuggerDebugger (supported for VCL for Windows and .Net)

LogDetails:   Specifies the debug log details to dump.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies which debug log details to dump.

Supported values are:

timeCurrent time
packagePackage name
moduleModule name
classClass name
methodMethod name
threadidThread Id
contenttypeContent type
allAll details

LogFile:   Specifies the debug log filename.

Use this property to provide a path to the log file.

LogFilters:   Specifies the debug log filters.

Contains a comma-separated list of value pairs ("name:value") that describe filters.

Supported filter names are:

exclude-packageExclude a package specified in the value
exclude-moduleExclude a module specified in the value
exclude-classExclude a class specified in the value
exclude-methodExclude a method specified in the value
include-packageInclude a package specified in the value
include-moduleInclude a module specified in the value
include-classInclude a class specified in the value
include-methodInclude a method specified in the value

LogFlushMode:   Specifies the log flush mode.

Use this property to set the log flush mode. The following values are defined:

noneNo flush (caching only)
immediateImmediate flush (real-time logging)
maxcountFlush cached entries upon reaching LogMaxEventCount entries in the cache.

LogLevel:   Specifies the debug log level.

Use this property to provide the desired debug log level.

Supported values are:

noneNone (by default)
fatalSevere errors that cause premature termination.
errorOther runtime errors or unexpected conditions.
warningUse of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong".
infoInteresting runtime events (startup/shutdown).
debugDetailed information on flow of through the system.
traceMore detailed information.

LogMaxEventCount:   Specifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.

Use this property to specify the log event number threshold. This threshold may have different effects, depending on the rotation setting and/or the flush mode.

The default value of this setting is 100.

LogRotationMode:   Specifies the log rotation mode.

Use this property to set the log rotation mode. The following values are defined:

noneNo rotation
deleteolderDelete older entries from the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount
keepolderKeep older entries in the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount (newer entries are discarded)

MaxASN1BufferLength:   Specifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.

This global property limits the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 tag data for non-content-carrying structures, such as certificates, CRLs, or timestamps. It does not affect structures that can carry content, such as CMS/CAdES messages. This is a security property aiming at preventing DoS attacks.

MaxASN1TreeDepth:   Specifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.

This global property limits the maximal depth of ASN.1 trees that the component can handle without throwing an error. This is a security property aiming at preventing DoS attacks.

OCSPHashAlgorithm:   Specifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.

This global setting defines the hash algorithm to use in OCSP requests during chain validation. Some OCSP responders can only use older algorithms, in which case setting this property to SHA1 may be helpful.

StaticDNS:   Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used.

Set this property to enable or disable static DNS rules for the class. Works only if UseOwnDNSResolver is set to true.

Supported values are:

noneNo static DNS rules (default)
localLocal static DNS rules
globalGlobal static DNS rules

StaticIPAddress[domain]:   Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.

Use this property to get or set an IP address for the specified domain name in the internal (of the class) or global DNS rules storage depending on the StaticDNS value. The type of the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) is determined automatically. If both addresses are available, they are devided by the | (pipe) character.

StaticIPAddresses:   Gets or sets all the static DNS rules.

Use this property to get static DNS rules from the current rules storage or restore them back between application sessions. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "local", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the internal storage of the class. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "global", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the GLOBAL storage. The rules list is returned and accepted in JSON format.

Tag:   Allows to store any custom data.

Use this config property to store any custom data.

TLSSessionGroup:   Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.

Use this property to limit the search of chached TLS sessions to the specified group. Sessions from other groups will be ignored. By default, all sessions are cached with an empty group name and available to all the classes.

TLSSessionLifetime:   Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.

Use this property to specify how much time the TLS session should be kept in the session cache. After this time, the session expires and will be automatically removed from the cache. Default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

TLSSessionPurgeInterval:   Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.

Use this property to specify the time interval of purging the expired TLS sessions from the session cache. Default value is 60 seconds (1 minute).

UseOwnDNSResolver:   Specifies whether the client components should use own DNS resolver.

Set this global property to false to force all the client components to use the DNS resolver provided by the target OS instead of using own one.

UseSharedSystemStorages:   Specifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.

Set this global property to false to make each validation run use its own copy of system certificate stores.

UseSystemOAEPAndPSS:   Enforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.

This global setting defines who is responsible for performing RSA-OAEP and RSA-PSS computations where the private key is stored in a Windows system store and is exportable. If set to true, SBB will delegate the computations to Windows via a CryptoAPI call. Otherwise, it will export the key material and perform the computations using its own OAEP/PSS implementation.

This setting only applies to certificates originating from a Windows system store.

UseSystemRandom:   Enables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

Use this global property to enable or disable the use of operating system-driven pseudorandom number generation.

Trappable Errors (CRLManager Class)

Error Handling (C++)

Call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain the last called method's result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. Known error codes are listed below. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

CRLManager Errors

1048577   Invalid parameter value (SB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
1048578   Class is configured incorrectly (SB_ERROR_INVALID_SETUP)
1048579   Operation cannot be executed in the current state (SB_ERROR_INVALID_STATE)
1048580   Attempt to set an invalid value to a property (SB_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE)
1048581   Certificate does not have its private key loaded (SB_ERROR_NO_PRIVATE_KEY)
1048581   Cancelled by the user (SB_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER)