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TElAlgorithmIdentifier     See also     

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Creates a descendant of TElAlgorithmIdentifier, corresponding to certain algorithm OID.


    static TElAlgorithmIdentifier CreateByAlgorithmOID(byte[] OID);

    Shared Function CreateByAlgorithmOID(ByVal OID As Byte()) As TElAlgorithmIdentifier

    class function CreateByAlgorithmOID(const OID : ByteArray) : TElAlgorithmIdentifier;

    static TElAlgorithmIdentifierHandle CreateByAlgorithmOID(const std::vector<uint8_t> &OID);

    TElAlgorithmIdentifier CreateByAlgorithmOID(array of byte|string|NULL $OID)

    static TElAlgorithmIdentifier createByAlgorithmOID(TElAlgorithmIdentifier> this, byte[] OID);


  • OID - algorithm OID

Possible RSA algorithms OIDs

Possible DSA algorithms OIDs

Possible Diffie-Hellman algorithms OIDs

Return value

    Returns a reference to the newly created descendant of TElAlgorithmIdentifier.


    Call this method to create an algorithm identifier container which is necessary to store data for certain algorithm. For example, if OID equals to SB_OID_SHA1_RSAENCRYPTION, a new instance of TElRSAAlgorithmIdentifier will be created.

See also:     CreateByAlgorithm     CreateFromBuffer     CreateFromTag    

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