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TElAlgorithmIdentifier     See also     

Filter: C#  VB.NET  Pascal  C++  PHP  Java  

Creates a descendant of TElAlgorithmIdentifier, corresponding to certain algorithm.


    static TElAlgorithmIdentifier CreateFromBuffer(byte[] Buffer);

    Shared Function CreateFromBuffer(ByVal Buffer As Byte()) As TElAlgorithmIdentifier

    class function CreateFromBuffer(Buffer : pointer; Size : integer) : TElAlgorithmIdentifier;

    static TElAlgorithmIdentifierHandle CreateFromBuffer(void * Buffer, int32_t Size);

    TElAlgorithmIdentifier CreateFromBuffer(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer $Size)

    static TElAlgorithmIdentifier createFromBuffer(TElAlgorithmIdentifier> this, byte[] Buffer);


  • Buffer - buffer containing ANS.1 tag with algorithm OID
  • Size - size of the buffer in bytes

Return value

    Returns a reference to the newly created descendant of TElAlgorithmIdentifier.


    Call this method to create an algorithm identifier container, which is necessary to store data for certain algorithm.

See also:     CreateFromTag     CreateByAlgorithm     CreateByAlgorithmOID     LoadFromBuffer    

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