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Loads public part of the key


    void LoadPublic(byte[] P, int PStartIndex, int PSize, byte[] G, int GStartIndex, int GSize, byte[] Y, int YStartIndex, int YSize);
    void LoadPublic(byte[] Buffer, int Index, int Size);
    void LoadPublic(System.IO.Stream Stream, int Count);

    Sub LoadPublic(ByVal P As Byte(), ByVal PStartIndex As Integer, ByVal PSize As Integer, ByVal G As Byte(), ByVal GStartIndex As Integer, ByVal GSize As Integer, ByVal Y As Byte(), ByVal YStartIndex As Integer, ByVal YSize As Integer)
    Sub LoadPublic(ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer)
    Sub LoadPublic(ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal Count As Integer)

    procedure LoadPublic(P: pointer; PSize: integer; G: pointer; GSize: integer; Y: pointer; YSize: integer);

    void LoadPublic(void * P, int32_t PSize, void * G, int32_t GSize, void * Y, int32_t YSize);

    void LoadPublic(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $P, integer $PSize, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $G, integer $GSize, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Y, integer $YSize)
    void LoadPublic(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer $Size)
    void LoadPublic(TStream $Stream, integer $Count)

    void loadPublic(byte[] P, int PStartIndex, int PSize, byte[] G, int GStartIndex, int GSize, byte[] Y, int YStartIndex, int YSize);


  • P - Diffie-Hellman public key "P" parameter (prime number)
  • PStartIndex - Index from which the "P" data starts in the P buffer
  • PSize - Size of the "P" parameter value
  • G - Diffie-Hellman public key "G" parameter (base)
  • GStartIndex - Index from which the "G" data starts in the G buffer
  • GSize - Size of the "G" parameter value
  • Y - Diffie-Hellman public key "Y" parameter
  • YStartIndex - Index from which the "Y" data starts in the Y buffer
  • YSize - Size of the "Y" parameter value
  • Buffer - ...
  • Size - ...
  • Stream - ...
  • Count - ...
  • Index -


    Use this method to load public part of the key.

See also:     LoadPeerY    

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