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TElDHKeyMaterial     See also     

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Loads opponent's Y value.


    void LoadPeerY(byte[] Y, int YStartIndex, int YSize);

    Sub LoadPeerY(ByVal Y As Byte(), ByVal YStartIndex As Integer, ByVal YSize As Integer)

    procedure LoadPeerY(Y: pointer; YSize: integer);

    void LoadPeerY(void * Y, int32_t YSize);

    void LoadPeerY(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Y, integer $YSize)

    void loadPeerY(byte[] Y, int YStartIndex, int YSize);


  • Y - Diffie-Hellman public key "Y" parameter
  • YStartIndex - Index from which the "Y" data starts in the Y buffer
  • YSize - Size of the "Y" parameter value


    Use this method to opponent's Y value.

See also:     LoadPublic    

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