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TElECDSAPublicKeyCrypto     See also     

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Encodes two DSA signature scheme parameters to a single ASN.1 encoded blob.


    void EncodeSignature(byte[] R, int RIndex, int RSize, byte[] S, int SIndex, int SSize, ref byte[] Sig, int SigIndex, ref int SigSize);

    Sub EncodeSignature(ByVal R As Byte(), ByVal RIndex As Integer, ByVal RSize As Integer, ByVal S As Byte(), ByVal SIndex As Integer, ByVal SSize As Integer, ByRef Sig As Byte(), ByVal SigIndex As Integer, ByRef SigSize As Integer)

    procedure EncodeSignature(R : pointer; RSize : integer; S : pointer; SSize : pointer; Sig : pointer; var SigSize : integer);

    void EncodeSignature(void * R, int32_t RSize, void * S, int32_t SSize, void * Sig, int32_t &SigSize);

    void EncodeSignature(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $R, integer $RSize, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $S, integer $SSize, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Sig, integer &$SigSize)

    void encodeSignature(byte[] R, int RIndex, int RSize, byte[] S, int SIndex, int SSize, byte[][] Sig, int SigIndex, int[] SigSize);


  • R - DSA "R" parameter
  • RSize - size of the R buffer
  • RIndex - index from which the "R" data begins in the R buffer
  • S - DSA "S" parameter
  • SSize - size of the S buffer
  • SIndex - index from which the "S" data begins in the S buffer
  • Sig - encoded signature
  • SigSize - size of the Sig buffer
  • SigIndex - index from which the signature data begins in the Sig buffer


    Use this method to encode two DSA signature scheme parameters to a single ASN.1 encoded blob.
The resulting encoded data is in the same format as it is returned by the Sign method. It is also used as input to Verify.

See also:     DecodeSignature    

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