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TElPublicKeyCrypto     See also     

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This method verifies digitally signed data


    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult Verify(byte[] InBuffer, int InIndex, int InSize, ref byte[] OutBuffer, int OutIndex, ref int OutSize);
    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult Verify(System.IO.Stream InStream, System.IO.Stream OutStream, int Count);

    Function Verify(ByVal InBuffer As Byte(), ByVal InIndex As Integer, ByVal InSize As Integer, ByRef OutBuffer As Byte(), ByVal OutIndex As Integer, ByRef OutSize As Integer) As TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult
    Function Verify(ByVal InStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal OutStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal Count As Integer) As TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult

    function Verify(InBuffer: pointer; InSize: integer; OutBuffer: pointer; var OutSize: integer): TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult;
    function Verify(InStream, OutStream : TStream; Count : integer = 0): TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult;

    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult Verify(void * InBuffer, int32_t InSize, void * OutBuffer, int32_t &OutSize);
    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult Verify(TStream &InStream, TStream &OutStream, int32_t Count);
    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult Verify(TStream *InStream, TStream *OutStream, int32_t Count);

    integer Verify(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $InBuffer, integer $InSize, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $OutBuffer, integer &$OutSize)
    integer Verify(TStream $InStream, TStream $OutStream, integer $Count)

    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult verify(InputStream InStream, OutputStream OutStream, int Count);
    TElPublicKeySyncVerificationResult verify(byte[] InBuffer, int InIndex, int InSize, byte[] OutBuffer, int OutIndex, int OutSize);


  • InBuffer - data buffer to verify
  • InIndex - offset of actual data from the beginning of the array
  • InSize - size of input data in bytes
  • OutBuffer - buffer where to put verified data
  • OutIndex - output buffer start offset
  • OutSize - the maximal expected size of output data in bytes
  • InStream - the stream with data to verify.
  • OutStream - the stream for verified data.
  • Count - the number of bytes to be read. If this parameter is zero, the whole stream is processed.
    Default value is 0.

Return value

    Verification result

Possible values:


    Use this method to verify the chunk of data with a key specified by the KeyMaterial property.

See also:     Encrypt     Decrypt     Sign     SignDetached     VerifyDetached    

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