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TElHTTPSClient     See also     

Filter: C#  VB.NET  Pascal  C++  PHP  Java  

Sends the GET request to server.


    int Get(string URL);

    Function Get(ByVal URL As String) As Integer

    function Get(const URL : string) : integer;

    int32_t Get(const std::string &URL);

    integer Get(string $URL)

    int get(String URL);


  • URL - specifies resource address. This method does NOT encode the parameters that you pass in the URL, they need to be encoded prior to calling the method.

Return value

    HTTP result code


    Use this method to send 'GET' request to server. As a response to this request, server should return the content of resource specified in URL parameter. GET is one of the most usable HTTP requests.

See also:     Delete     Post     Head     Put     Trace     Options    

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