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TElHTTPSClient class

Properties     Methods     Events     Declared in     Licensing     

This class is a descendant of TElCustomSimpleSSLClient.


TElHTTPSClient provides implementation of the client-side HTTP protocol. Also, the component adds SSL/TLS support to HTTP connection. In general, HTTP/HTTPS connections proceed in two steps:

  1. Client sends a request (as "GET / HTTP/1.0") to server,
  2. Server sends a response back to the client.
Both request and response consist of a set of headers (i.e., name=value pairs) and a body.

The only difference between HTTP and HTTPS is that the HTTPS request and response are transmitted over SSL channel, and thus HTTPS connection is secure.


Inherited from TElCustomSimpleSSLClient Inherited from TElBaseSocketClient


Inherited from TElCustomSimpleSSLClient Inherited from TElBaseSocketClient


Inherited from TElCustomSimpleSSLClient Inherited from TElBaseSocketClient

Declared in

  • Namespace: SBHTTPSClient
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox.HTTP
  • Unit: SBHTTPSClient
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.HTTP.jar
  • sbhttpsclient.h


To use this class in the development and distribution of your software projects, you need to purchase one of the following licenses:

SecureBlackbox Professional, SecureBlackbox Standard, SecureBlackbox Lite

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