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    int PostMultipart(string URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, TElHTTPMultipartList PartsList);
    int PostMultipart(string URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, string RelatedStart, string RelatedStartInfo, string RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList PartsList);
    int PostMultipart(string URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, string RelatedStart, string RelatedStartInfo, string RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList PartsList, string Charset);

    Function PostMultipart(ByVal URL As String, ByVal MultipartMode As TSBHTTPMultipartMode, ByVal PartsList As TElHTTPMultipartList) As Integer
    Function PostMultipart(ByVal URL As String, ByVal MultipartMode As TSBHTTPMultipartMode, ByVal RelatedStart As String, ByVal RelatedStartInfo As String, ByVal RelatedType As String, ByVal PartsList As TElHTTPMultipartList) As Integer
    Function PostMultipart(ByVal URL As String, ByVal MultipartMode As TSBHTTPMultipartMode, ByVal RelatedStart As String, ByVal RelatedStartInfo As String, ByVal RelatedType As String, ByVal PartsList As TElHTTPMultipartList, ByVal Charset As String) As Integer

    function PostMultipart(const URL : string; MultipartMode : TSBHTTPMultipartMode; PartsList : TElHTTPMultipartList) : Integer; overload;
    function PostMultipart(const URL : string; MultipartMode : TSBHTTPMultipartMode; const RelatedStart, RelatedStartInfo, RelatedType : string; PartsList : TElHTTPMultipartList) : Integer; overload;
    function PostMultipart(const URL : string; MultipartMode : TSBHTTPMultipartMode; const RelatedStart, RelatedStartInfo, RelatedType : string; PartsList : TElHTTPMultipartList; const Charset : string) : Integer; overload;

    int32_t PostMultipart(const std::string &URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, TElHTTPMultipartList &PartsList);
    int32_t PostMultipart(const std::string &URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, TElHTTPMultipartList *PartsList);
    int32_t PostMultipart(const std::string &URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, const std::string &RelatedStart, const std::string &RelatedStartInfo, const std::string &RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList &PartsList);
    int32_t PostMultipart(const std::string &URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, const std::string &RelatedStart, const std::string &RelatedStartInfo, const std::string &RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList *PartsList);
    int32_t PostMultipart(const std::string &URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, const std::string &RelatedStart, const std::string &RelatedStartInfo, const std::string &RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList &PartsList, const std::string &Charset);
    int32_t PostMultipart(const std::string &URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, const std::string &RelatedStart, const std::string &RelatedStartInfo, const std::string &RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList *PartsList, const std::string &Charset);

    integer PostMultipart(string $URL, integer $MultipartMode, TElHTTPMultipartList $PartsList)
    integer PostMultipart(string $URL, integer $MultipartMode, string $RelatedStart, string $RelatedStartInfo, string $RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList $PartsList)
    integer PostMultipart(string $URL, integer $MultipartMode, string $RelatedStart, string $RelatedStartInfo, string $RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList $PartsList, string $Charset)

    int postMultipart(String URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, String RelatedStart, String RelatedStartInfo, String RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList PartsList, String Charset);
    int postMultipart(String URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, String RelatedStart, String RelatedStartInfo, String RelatedType, TElHTTPMultipartList PartsList);
    int postMultipart(String URL, TSBHTTPMultipartMode MultipartMode, TElHTTPMultipartList PartsList);


  • URL - specifies the destination URL.
  • MultipartMode - specifies the multipart mode.
  • PartsList - the list of message parts.
  • RelatedStart - identifies the starting body part or root.
  • RelatedStartInfo - contains additional information required for unpacking or processing of the content.
  • RelatedType - media type/subtype of message's content.
  • Charset - specifies the charset of the message.

TSBHTTPMultipartMode values

Return value



    This topic is under development.

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