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Specifies the adapter used for SAML authentication.


    TElCustomSAMLAdapter SAMLAdapter;

    Property SAMLAdapter As TElCustomSAMLAdapter

    property SAMLAdapter : TElCustomSAMLAdapter;

    TElCustomSAMLAdapter* get_SAMLAdapter();
    void set_SAMLAdapter(TElCustomSAMLAdapter &Value);
    void set_SAMLAdapter(TElCustomSAMLAdapter *Value);

    TElCustomSAMLAdapter get_SAMLAdapter()
    void set_SAMLAdapter(TElCustomSAMLAdapter $Value)

    TElCustomSAMLAdapter getSAMLAdapter();
    void setSAMLAdapter(TElCustomSAMLAdapter Value);


    In order to use SAML authentication, create a new descendant of TElCustomSAMLAdapter (e.g., TElSAMLAdapter), set it up as described in this how-to article, and assign it to this property.

See also:     TElSAMLAdapter    

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