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TElMessagePart     See also     

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This method assembles body and all header fields into one part.


    int Assemble(System.IO.Stream Destination, string Charset, TElHeaderEncoding HeaderEncoding, string BodyEncoding, string AttachEncoding, bool bAssembleSource);

    Function Assemble(ByVal Destination As System.IO.Stream, ByVal Charset As String, ByVal HeaderEncoding As TElHeaderEncoding, ByVal BodyEncoding As String, ByVal AttachEncoding As String, ByVal bAssembleSource As Boolean) As Integer

    function Assemble(Destination: TElNativeStream; const Charset: AnsiString; HeaderEncoding: TElHeaderEncoding; const BodyEncoding, AttachEncoding: AnsiString; bAssembleSource: Boolean = False): ELMIMERESULT;

    int32_t Assemble(TStream &Destination, const std::string &Charset, TElHeaderEncoding HeaderEncoding, const std::string &BodyEncoding, const std::string &AttachEncoding, bool bAssembleSource);
    int32_t Assemble(TStream *Destination, const std::string &Charset, TElHeaderEncoding HeaderEncoding, const std::string &BodyEncoding, const std::string &AttachEncoding, bool bAssembleSource);

    integer Assemble(TStream $Destination, string $Charset, integer $HeaderEncoding, string $BodyEncoding, string $AttachEncoding, bool $bAssembleSource)

    int assemble(TElStream Destination, String Charset, TElHeaderEncoding HeaderEncoding, String BodyEncoding, String AttachEncoding, boolean bAssembleSource);


  • Destination - stream to which assembled data will be written.
  • Charset - charset of the part.
  • HeaderEncoding - type of the header encoding.
  • BodyEncoding - type of text parts encoding.
  • AttachEncoding - type of attach encoding.
  • bAssembleSource - shows assembly type. True - loaded message will be assembled in its unmodified state.
    Default value - False.

TElHeaderEncoding values

Return value

    Returns 0 (EL_OK) on success, 1 (EL_WARNING) if information can't be encoded with given Charset and encodings.
    Error otherwise.


    Use this method when you have defined all necessary message part fields.
    Assemble has functionality opposite to Parse method.

See also:     Parse    

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