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TElSAMLAdapter     See also     

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This event is fired when login data is received from the IdP.


    event TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge;
    delegate void TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge(Object Sender, string URL, byte[] Body, ref string TargetURL, TElStringList Fields);

    Event OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge As TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge
    Delegate Sub TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal URL As String, ByVal Body As Byte(), ByRef TargetURL As String, ByVal Fields As TElStringList)

    property OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge : TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge;
    TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge = procedure(Sender : TObject; const URL : string; const Body : ByteArray; var TargetURL : string; Fields : TElStringList) of object;

    void get_OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge(TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge(TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, const char * pcURL, int32_t szURL, const uint8_t pBody[], int32_t szBody, char * pcTargetURL, int32_t &szTargetURL, TElStringListHandle Fields);

    TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge|callable|NULL get_OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge()
    void set_OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge(TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge(TObject $Sender, string $URL, string $Body, string &$TargetURL, TElStringList $Fields)

    TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge getOnSAMLCredentialsChallenge();
    void setOnSAMLCredentialsChallenge(TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge Value);
    TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge.Callback OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge = new TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallenge.Callback() {
        public void TSBHTTPSAMLCredentialsChallengeCallback(TObject Sender, String URL, byte[] Body, TSBString TargetURL, TElStringList Fields) {


  • URL - specifies the URL of the request.
  • Body - contains the body of the request.
  • TargetURL - the target URL that should be specified by the event handler.
  • Fields - parsed fields of the web form, supplied by the event handler.
  • pcURL - specifies the URL of the request.
  • szURL - the length of pcURL.
  • pBody - contains the body of the request.
  • szBody - the length of pBody
  • pcTargetURL - the target URL that should be specified by the event handler.
  • szTargetURL - the length of pcTargetURL.


This event is fired when a data of the login web form is received from the IdP. The handler should process the form data and return the URL contained in the form's action attribute, and the values of all input fields like login and password.

See also:     OnSAMLParseForm    

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