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TElSAMLAdapter     See also     

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This event is fired when a non-standard form is received.


    event TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm OnSAMLParseForm;
    delegate void TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm(Object Sender, string Html, string BodyName, ref string URL, ref string Body, ref string RelayState);

    Event OnSAMLParseForm As TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm
    Delegate Sub TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Html As String, ByVal BodyName As String, ByRef URL As String, ByRef Body As String, ByRef RelayState As String)

    property OnSAMLParseForm : TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm;
    TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm = procedure(Sender : TObject; const Html, BodyName : string; var URL : string; var Body : string; var RelayState : string) of object;

    void get_OnSAMLParseForm(TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnSAMLParseForm(TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, const char * pcHtml, int32_t szHtml, const char * pcBodyName, int32_t szBodyName, char * pcURL, int32_t &szURL, char * pcBody, int32_t &szBody, char * pcRelayState, int32_t &szRelayState);

    TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm|callable|NULL get_OnSAMLParseForm()
    void set_OnSAMLParseForm(TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm(TObject $Sender, string $Html, string $BodyName, string &$URL, string &$Body, string &$RelayState)

    TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm getOnSAMLParseForm();
    void setOnSAMLParseForm(TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm Value);
    TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm.Callback OnSAMLParseForm = new TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseForm.Callback() {
        public void TSBSAMLPOSTBindingParseFormCallback(TObject Sender, String Html, String BodyName, TSBString URL, TSBString Body, TSBString RelayState) {


  • Html - the HTML code of the form to be parsed.
  • BodyName - the name of the body element.
  • URL - the handler should provide the request URL via this parameter.
  • Body - the handler should provide the request body via this parameter.
  • RelayState - the handler should extract and save here the value of the RelayState parameter.
  • pcHtml - the HTML code of the form to be parsed.
  • szHtml - the length of pcHtml.
  • pcBodyName - the name of the body element.
  • szBodyName - the length of pcBodyName.
  • pcURL - the handler should provide the request URL via this parameter.
  • szURL - the length of pcURL.
  • pcBody - the handler should provide the request body via this parameter.
  • szBody - the length of pcBody.
  • pcRelayState - the handler should extract and save here the value of the RelayState parameter.
  • szRelayState - the length of pcRelayState.


This event allows to parse non-standard login forms received from the IdP. The handler should extract from the form and return the following information: request URL, request body, and the value of the RelayState parameter.

See also:     OnSAMLCredentialsChallenge    

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