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TElSSLClass     See also     

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This property specifies the compression algorithm which was accepted during SSL handshake


    short CompressionAlgorithm;

    Property CompressionAlgorithm As Short

    property CompressionAlgorithm : TSBSSLCompressionAlgorithm;

    uint8_t get_CompressionAlgorithm();

    integer get_CompressionAlgorithm()

    boolean getCompressionAlgorithm(short Index);
    short getCompressionAlgorithm();
    void setCompressionAlgorithm(short Index, boolean Value);


  • Index - the index of the desired item in the list, starting from 0.

TSBSSLCompressionAlgorithm values:


    Check this property after OnOpenConnection was fired. This property returns the compression algorithm which was established during the SSL handshake.

See also:     CompressionAlgorithms    

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