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TElSSLClass     See also     

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This property specifies the compression algorithms which can be used for compressing data


    bool CompressionAlgorithms[short Index];

    Property CompressionAlgorithms(ByVal Index As Short) As Boolean

    property CompressionAlgorithms[Index : TSBSSLCompressionAlgorithm] : boolean;

    bool get_CompressionAlgorithms(uint8_t Index);
    void set_CompressionAlgorithms(uint8_t Index, bool Value);

    bool get_CompressionAlgorithms(integer $Index)
    void set_CompressionAlgorithms(integer $Index, bool $Value)

    not available


  • Index - index of the compression algorithm.

TSBSSLCompressionAlgorithm values:


    Set this property before calling the Open method in the descendant classes to specify which compression algorithms can be used to compress the data during the session. For now only two algorithms are defined and used: NONE (no compression) and ZLIB.

See also:     CompressionAlgorithm    

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