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TElSSLClient     See also     

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Deprecated. Use OnCertificateNeededEx event instead.


    event TSBCertificateNeededEvent OnCertificateNeeded;
    delegate void TSBCertificateNeededEvent(Object Sender, ref byte[] CertificateBuffer, ref int CertificateSize, ref byte[] PrivateKeyBuffer, ref int PrivateKeySize, TClientCertificateType CertificateType);

    Event OnCertificateNeeded As TSBCertificateNeededEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBCertificateNeededEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByRef CertificateBuffer As Byte(), ByRef CertificateSize As Integer, ByRef PrivateKeyBuffer As Byte(), ByRef PrivateKeySize As Integer, ByVal CertificateType As TClientCertificateType)

    property OnCertificateNeeded : TSBCertificateNeededEvent;
    TSBCertificateNeededEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; CertificateBuffer: pointer; var CertificateSize: LongInt; PrivateKeyBuffer: pointer; var PrivateKeySize: LongInt; CertificateType : TClientCertificateType) of object;

    void get_OnCertificateNeeded(TSBCertificateNeededEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnCertificateNeeded(TSBCertificateNeededEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBCertificateNeededEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, void * CertificateBuffer, int32_t &CertificateSize, void * PrivateKeyBuffer, int32_t &PrivateKeySize, TClientCertificateTypeRaw CertificateType);

    TSBCertificateNeededEvent|callable|NULL get_OnCertificateNeeded()
    void set_OnCertificateNeeded(TSBCertificateNeededEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBCertificateNeededEvent(TObject $Sender, TSBPointer|NULL $CertificateBuffer, integer &$CertificateSize, TSBPointer|NULL $PrivateKeyBuffer, integer &$PrivateKeySize, integer $CertificateType)

    TSBCertificateNeededEvent getOnCertificateNeeded();
    void setOnCertificateNeeded(TSBCertificateNeededEvent Value);
    TSBCertificateNeededEvent.Callback OnCertificateNeeded = new TSBCertificateNeededEvent.Callback() {
        public void TSBCertificateNeededEventCallback(TObject arg0, TElCertificateNeededEventParams arg1, TClientCertificateType arg2) {


  • CertificateBuffer - Contains a buffer for the certificate
  • CertificateSize - When the event handler is called, this parameter contains the size of the buffer passed via CertificateBuffer. The event handler should put the data to the buffer and return the size of the data in CertificateSize
  • PrivateKeyBuffer - Contains a buffer for the private key that corresponds to the given certificate
  • PrivateKeySize - When the event handler is called, this parameter contains the size of the buffer passed via PrivateKeyBuffer. The event handler should put the data to the buffer and return the size of the data in PrivateKeySize
  • CertificateType - specifies the type of certificate requested.

TClientCertificateType values:


    This event is fired by TElSSLClient when the negotiated protocol requires a client-side X509 certificate to be used during session.

See also:     TElSSLClass.OnCertificateValidate    

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