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TElSSLClient class

Properties     Methods     Events     Declared in     Licensing     

TElSSLClient provides client-side functionality for SSL and TLS connections.


    TElSSLClient is used to add SSL/TLS support to client side of TCP connection (the client side is the side which initiates connection). This component is NOT a transport, i.e. it doesn't work with sockets directly. All it does is encrypt and decrypt the data and perform supplementary data exchange according to SSL/TLS protocol specifications. You need to handle the events and call the methods as follows:

  1. To initiate connection call Open method.
  2. When some data (either your encrypted data or the data sent during handshake) is to be sent to the socket, TElSSLClient will fire OnSend event. Your application needs to send the provided data block to the socket or other underlying carrier.
  3. Use DataAvailable method to tell TElSSLClient that there is some data in the socket that should be read and processed.
  4. When you notify TElSSLClient about pending data OR when TElSSLClient needs the data during handshake, it fires OnReceive event. Your application needs to read the data from the socket or other underlying carrier and pass them back to the component. If the incoming block results in decrypted data for the application, OnData event is fired and you can process the incoming application data.
  5. To send the application data to the remote side call SendData.

    By default, TElSSLClient is allowed to work using all SSL/TLS versions and all cipher suites. You can disable or enable different versions using Versions property and disable or enable cipher suites with CipherSuites property.
    When connection is established, connection version can be read from CurrentVersion property.


Inherited from TElSSLClass



Inherited from TElSSLClass

Declared in

  • Namespace: SBSSLClient
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox.SSLClient
  • Unit: SBSSLClient
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.SSLClient.jar
  • sbsslclient.h


To use this class in the development and distribution of your software projects, you need to purchase one of the following licenses:

SecureBlackbox Professional, SecureBlackbox Standard, SecureBlackbox Lite

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