PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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VerifyIPN Method

Verifies the IPN received by the merchant.


public void verifyIPN();


This method verifies the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) sent to the merchant. The postdata from the received IPN should be passed to the FillFormVars method, or parsed manually into the FormVars property. Then simply call VerifyIPN to check if the IPN was really sent by PayPal. The result of that check is stored in the Response property.

A code example is shown below:

If (bean.Response = "VERIFIED") Then
  ProcessOrder() ' Process the order
  LogError() ' Log the error and ignore this fraudulent IPN.
End If
If the IPN is verified, you may use the data contained within the IPN to ship the package. Alternatively, you may use the TransactionDetails bean to download more detailed information about the transaction before sending a package.

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