PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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TransactionType Property

The type of transaction.


public String getTransactionType();


Valid return values include:

cartThis payment was sent by your customer via the PayPal Shopping Cart feature.
send_moneyThis payment was sent by your customer from the PayPal website, using the "Send Money" tab.
web_acceptThe payment was sent by your customer via Buy Now buttons, Donations, or Auction Smart Logos.
express_checkoutThis payment was sent using the ExpressCheckout bean.
merch_pmtWebsite Payments Pro monthly billing fee.
virtual_terminalTransaction created with Virtual Terminal.
subscr_failedSubscription sign-up.
subscr_cancelSubscription cancellation.
subscr_paymentSubscription payment failure.
subscr_signupSubscription payment.
subscr_eotSubscription's End of Term.
subscr_modifySubscription modification.
new_caseA new Dispute has been registered (Dispute Notification).
masspayA payment sent using the MassPay bean.

This property will be filled after calling either the FillFormVars or VerifyIPN method.

The value of this property is parsed out of the Instant Payment Notification data that was posted by PayPal to your webserver. If you are passing the entire post data to FillFormVars, this will save you having to parse each form variable separately.

This property is read-only.

Default Value


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