ObjectList Event
Fired for every object when ListObjects , or upload when ListMultipartUploads is called.
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TicsAmazonS3ObjectListEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TicsAmazonS3ObjectListEventParams *e);__property TicsAmazonS3ObjectListEvent OnObjectList = {read=FOnObjectList, write=FOnObjectList};
typedef struct {
String ObjectName;
String ObjectModifiedDate;
__int64 ObjectSize;
String ETag;
String OwnerId;
String OwnerName;
String UploadId;
String OtherData;
} TicsAmazonS3ObjectListEventParams;
The bucket name is specified by the Bucket property. This event can be used to inspect the details of existing objects. It provides information such as its name, creation date, size, etag, owner id and owner name. The "OtherData" is reserved for future use.
When calling ListObjects the following parameters are applicable:
- ObjectName
- ObjectModifiedDate
- ObjectSize
- ETag
- OwnerId
- OwnerName
- ObjectName
- OwnerId
- OwnerName
- UploadId