Sample Projects

The sample projects listed below demonstrate the usage of the Cloud Storage components in a simple, straightforward way. By default, the sample projects are installed in the demos subfolder of the installation directory.
Sample ProjectDescription
Amazon S3 Browser

Uses the Amazons3 component to browse and modify your S3 Buckets and their Objects.


Demonstrates how to use the AzureBlob component to browse and modify your Azure Blob Storage containers and their blobs.

Backblaze B2 Browser

Uses the BackblazeB2 component to browse and modify your B2 Buckets and their Files.

Box Browser

Uses the Box component to manage the documents in Box.


Uses the CloudFiles component to manage files stored in the cloud.

Dropbox Browser

Uses the Dropbox component to manage the documents in Dropbox.

Google Drive Browser

Uses the GoogleDrive component to manage the documents in Google Drive.

OneDrive Browser

Uses the OneDrive component to manage the documents in Microsoft OneDrive.


Uses the ShareFile component to manage and share files and folders.

Wasabi Browser

Uses the Wasabi component to browse and modify your Wasabi Buckets and their Objects.

NOTE: These projects are mostly simple demos and by no means complete applications. They are intended to illustrate the usage of the Cloud Storage components in a simple, straightforward way. What we are hoping to demonstrate is how simple it is to program with our tools. If you want to know more about them, or if you have questions, please visit or email to