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IP*Works! Auth V9
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ProxySSL Property

This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to the proxy.


__property TipaOAuthProxySSLs ProxySSL = {read=FProxySSL, write=FSetProxySSL, default=0};

enum TipaOAuthProxySSLs { psAutomatic=0, psAlways=1, psNever=2, psTunnel=3 };

Default Value



This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to the proxy. The applicable values are the following:

psAutomatic (0)Default setting. If the URL is an "https" URL, the component will use the psTunnel option. If the URL is a "http" URL, the component will use the psNever option.
psAlways (1)The connection is always SSL-enabled.
psNever (2)The connection is not SSL-enabled.
psTunnel (3)The connection is through a tunneling (HTTP) proxy.

Data Type


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