ParseAssertion Method
Parses the specified assertion.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doParseAssertion($assertion);
Procedural Interface
ipworksauth_claimsauth_do_parseassertion($res, $assertion);
This method parses the assertion specified by the assertion parameter. If the assertion is signed the class will use the certificate specified in SignerCert to verify the signature. If SignerCert is not set the class will attempt to parse the certificate present in the assertion to perform verification.
After the assertion is parsed and the signature is verified (if present) the following properties will be populated:
- AssertionId
- AssertionIssueInstant
- AssertionIssuer
- AssertionNotBefore
- AssertionNotOnOrAfter
- AssertionSubject
- AssertionVersion
- AssertionXML
- Claim* properties