Sample Projects

The sample projects listed below demonstrate the usage of the IPWorks Auth components in a simple, straightforward way. By default the sample projects are installed in the demos subfolder of the installation directory.
Sample ProjectDescription
Certificate Manager

Full-featured certificate management sample. Demonstrates how to list, manage, create, and sign certificates.


Shows how to create and validate HMAC-Based One-Time Passwords.


Shows how to create and sign JSON Web Tokens.


Demonstrates how to authenticate a user with Kerberos.

LDAP Search

Shows how to contact an SSL-enabled LDAP server and lookup a name.

OAuth Demo

Demonstrates how to authenticate using the OAuth component.


Shows how to obtain an assertion or security token using SAML.


Shows how to create and validate Time-Based One-Time Passwords.

NOTE: These projects are mostly simple demos, and by no means complete applications. They are intended to illustrate the usage of the IPWorks Auth components in a simple, straightforward way. What we are hoping to demonstrate is how simple it is to program with our tools. If you want to know more about them, or if you have questions, please visit or email to