DecodeFromString Method
Decodes from string.
The 'callback' parameter specifies a function which will be called when the operation completes (or an error is encountered). If the 'callback' parameter is not specified, then the method will block and will not return until the operation completes (or an error is encountered).
The callback for this method is defined as:
function(err){ }
'err' is the error that occurred. If there was no error, then 'err' is 'null'.
'err' has 2 properties which hold detailed information:
err.code err.message
This method decodes from string. Same as DecodeFromFile, but now the Message denotes the real encoded message rather than a filename.
This method decodes the data given in Message and optionally MessageHeaders and fills out the Parts properties.
Example (Decoding Mail Message)
MIMEControl.MessageHeadersString = MailControl.MessageHeaders MIMEControl.Message = MailControl.MessageText MIMEControl.DecodeFromString