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ReportFilterEndDate Property

Limits the events returned in the report to only those which occur in the time range specified by StartDate and EndDate .

Object Oriented Interface

public function getReportFilterEndDate();
public function setReportFilterEndDate($value);

Procedural Interface

ipworks_caldav_get($res, 77 );
ipworks_caldav_set($res, 77, $value );

Default Value



Limits the events returned in the report to only those which occur in the time range specified by ReportFilterStartDate and ReportFilterEndDate. The date/time format is "YYYYMMDDThhmmss", where "T" indicates the break between date and time. You may also append a 1-character alpha code for the timezone. For instance, "20100104T123456Z" indicates January 4th, 2010 at 12:34:56 PM UTC.

Data Type


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