DataFormat Property

The format of the data being sent.


public int getDataFormat();
public void setDataFormat(int dataFormat);

Enumerated values: public final static int dfAutomatic = 0; public final static int dfText = 1; public final static int dfBinary = 2; public final static int dfPing = 9; public final static int dfPong = 10;

Default Value



When data is sent over an established connection it is usually considered as text or binary data. Text data is UTF-8 encoded. Binary data has no encoding associated with it.

Possible values are:

0 (dfAutomatic - default) The class will attempt to automatically determine the correct data format. This is suitable for most cases.
1 (dfText) The class will UTF-8 encode the specified data before sending. Data that has already been UTF-8 encoded may also be supplied.
2 (dfBinary) The class will send the data exactly as it is provided.
9 (dfPing) The class will send the ping with data exactly as it is provided.
10 (dfPong) The class will send the pong with data exactly as it is provided.

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