FTP Class
Properties Methods Events Config Settings Errors
The FTP Class can be used to transfer files to and from FTP servers using the FTP protocol.
The FTP Class supports both plaintext and Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) connections. When connecting over SSL/TLS the SSLServerAuthentication event allows you to check the server identity and other security attributes. The SSLStatus event provides information about the SSL handshake. Additional SSL related settings are also supported via the Config method.
The FTP Class implements a standard FTP client as specified in RFC 959 and RFC 1579 with the added option of SSL security (RFC 2228) in both the protocol and data channels.
The first step in using the class is specifying the RemoteHost, User and Password. The file to upload to or download from is given by the RemoteFile property. The file to download to or upload from is specified by LocalFile. The current path in the server is set by calling ChangeRemotePath. The Passive property is especially useful if the client is behind a firewall, which inhibits incoming connections to higher ports.
If LocalFile is set to something other than an empty string, then files are received in LocalFile, and otherwise data are received through the Transfer event. StartTransfer and EndTransfer are fired at the beginning and end of transmission.
The PITrail event traces the interaction between the client and the server (the FTP protocol interface connection).
Directory listings are received through the DirList event.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Account | The property includes the user account needed to log in. |
Command | This property is used to send additional commands directly to the server. |
Connected | This shows whether the class is connected. |
DirListCount | The number of records in the DirList arrays. |
DirListEntry | This property contains the raw entry as received from the server. |
DirListFileName | This property shows the file name in the last directory listing. |
DirListFileSize | This property shows the file size in the last directory listing. |
DirListFileTime | This property shows the file time in the last directory listing. |
DirListIsDir | This property specifies whether entries in the last directory listing are directories. |
FileExists | This property returns True if the file specified by RemoteFile exists on the remote server. |
FileSize | This is the size of the file pointed to by RemoteFile . |
FileTime | This is the last modification time of the file pointed to by RemoteFile . |
FirewallAutoDetect | This property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available. |
FirewallType | This property determines the type of firewall to connect through. |
FirewallHost | This property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional). |
FirewallPassword | This property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. |
FirewallPort | This property contains the transmission control protocol (TCP) port for the firewall Host . |
FirewallUser | This property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. |
Idle | The current status of the class. |
LastReply | The last reply from the server. |
LocalFile | This is the path to a local file for download or upload. If the file exists, it is overwritten. |
LocalHost | The name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted. |
Overwrite | This indicates whether or not the class should overwrite files during transfer. |
Passive | This controls whether or not to direct the server into a passive mode. It is recommended if behind a firewall. |
Password | This is the password used to log in. |
RemoteFile | This is the name of the remote file for uploading, downloading, and performing other operations. |
RemoteHost | This is the domain name or IP address of the FTP server. |
RemotePath | This is the current path in the FTP server. |
RemotePort | This is the port for the FTP service (default is 21). |
SSLAcceptServerCertEncoded | This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). |
SSLCertEncoded | This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). |
SSLCertStore | This is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate. |
SSLCertStorePassword | If the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store. |
SSLCertStoreType | This is the type of certificate store for this certificate. |
SSLCertSubject | This is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication. |
SSLProvider | This specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use. |
SSLServerCertEncoded | This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). |
SSLStartMode | Determines how the class starts the SSL negotiation. |
StartByte | This is the byte index in RemoteFile and LocalFile from which to start a transmission. |
Timeout | A timeout for the class. |
TransferMode | This property includes the transfer mode (ASCII or binary). If the value is 0 (default), the initial server mode will be used. |
User | This property contains the user identifier to use to log in. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Abort | The method aborts the current upload or download. |
Append | This method appends data from LocalFile to a RemoteFile on an FTP server. |
ChangeRemotePath | This method changes the current path on the FTP server. |
ChangeTransferMode | This method changes the transfer mode for the current connection. |
CheckFileExists | This method returns True if the file specified by RemoteFile exists on the server. |
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
Connect | This method connects to the FTP server without logging in. |
DeleteFile | This method removes a file specified by FileName from an FTP server. |
Disconnect | This method disconnects from the server without first logging off. |
DoEvents | Processes events from the internal message queue. |
Download | This method downloads a RemoteFile from an FTP server. |
Interrupt | Interrupt the current method. |
ListDirectory | List the current directory specified by ChangeRemotePath on an FTP server. |
ListDirectoryLong | This method lists extended directory information for the remote path specified by calling ChangeRemotePath . |
Logoff | This method is used to log off from the FTP server by posting a QUIT command. |
Logon | This method is used to log on to the FTP RemoteHost using the current User and Password . |
MakeDirectory | This method is used to create a directory on the FTP server. |
QueryFileSize | This returns the size of the file specified by RemoteFile . |
QueryFileTime | This returns the modified time of the file specified by RemoteFile . |
QueryRemotePath | This queries the server for the current path. |
RemoveDirectory | This removes a directory specified by DirName from an FTP server. |
RenameFile | This changes the name of RemoteFile to NewName . |
Reset | Reset the class. |
SendCommand | Sends the exact command directly to the server. |
SetDownloadStream | This method sets the stream to which the downloaded data from the server will be written. |
SetUploadStream | This method sets the stream from which the class will read data to upload to the server. |
StoreUnique | This method uploads a file with a unique name to an FTP server. |
Upload | This method uploads a file specified by LocalFile to an FTP server. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
ConnectionStatus | This event is fired to indicate changes in the connection state. |
DirList | This event is fired when a directory entry is received. |
EndTransfer | This event is fired when a file finishes downloading or uploading. |
Error | Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery. |
PITrail | This event traces the commands sent to the server, and the respective replies. |
SSLServerAuthentication | Fired after the server presents its certificate to the client. |
SSLStatus | Fired when secure connection progress messages are available. |
StartTransfer | This event fires when a file starts downloading or uploading. |
Transfer | This event is fired during the file download or upload. |
Config Settings
The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
ActiveModeIP | Allows the specification of the IP address that the server will connect to for active mode connections. |
ActiveModePORTAddress | Allows the specification of the PORT address value for active mode connections. |
AppendToLocalFile | Append downloaded files to a local file. |
ApplyFileMaskLocally | Whether to filter the directory listing locally or on the server. |
AutoSelectDataIP | Automatically select the data connection IP. |
CalculatePercentDone | Enables or Disables calculating the percent complete for downloads. |
CheckTotalEntry | Whether to ignore directory listing total lines. |
DILinger | When set to True, DI connections are terminated gracefully. |
DILingerTime | Time in seconds to have the DI connection linger. |
FileTimeFormat | The format of file time reported by the server. |
IgnoreEntries | Directory entry data to ignore. |
MaskSensitive | Masks passwords in logs. |
ModeZCompressionLevel | Used to specify the level of compression used. |
PortRange | Allows the specification of a port range where the class listens for active mode connections. |
PreserveFileTime | Attempts to preserve timestamps when transferring files. |
RealTimeUpload | Enables real time uploading. |
RealTimeUploadAgeLimit | The age limit in seconds when using RealTimeUpload. |
ReusePISSLSessionInDI | Whether the PI SSL session will be reused for the DI connection. |
ReuseSSLSessionInDI | Whether the SSL session will be reused for the DI connection. |
UseClearChannel | Allows for the Clear Command Channel (CCC) command. |
UseClearDataChannel | Allows for the PROT C command. |
UseEPSV | Allows extended passive mode. |
UseMLSD | Uses listings for machine processing. |
UseMLST | Uses single file listing for machine processing. |
UseModeZ | Allows compression to be used when transferring data. |
UseOldAUTHSSL | Allows use of the 'AUTH SSL' command instead of 'AUTH TLS'. |
UseProtWhenImplicit | Sends the PROT P command to the server. |
UseRemoteHostAddressForPassive | Instructs the class to use the address specified by RemoteHost when establishing a data connection. |
VirtualHostName | Sends the HOST command to the server. |
ConnectionTimeout | Sets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection. |
FirewallAutoDetect | Tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available. |
FirewallHost | Name or IP address of firewall (optional). |
FirewallPassword | Password to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for the FirewallHost;. |
FirewallType | Determines the type of firewall to connect through. |
FirewallUser | A user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. |
KeepAliveInterval | The retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received. |
KeepAliveRetryCount | The number of keep-alive packets to be sent before the remotehost is considered disconnected. |
KeepAliveTime | The inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent. |
Linger | When set to True, connections are terminated gracefully. |
LingerTime | Time in seconds to have the connection linger. |
LocalHost | The name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted. |
LocalPort | The port in the local host where the class binds. |
MaxLineLength | The maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found. |
MaxTransferRate | The transfer rate limit in bytes per second. |
ProxyExceptionsList | A semicolon separated list of hosts and IPs to bypass when using a proxy. |
TCPKeepAlive | Determines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled. |
TcpNoDelay | Whether or not to delay when sending packets. |
UseIPv6 | Whether to use IPv6. |
LogSSLPackets | Controls whether SSL packets are logged when using the internal security API. |
OpenSSLCADir | The path to a directory containing CA certificates. |
OpenSSLCAFile | Name of the file containing the list of CA's trusted by your application. |
OpenSSLCipherList | A string that controls the ciphers to be used by SSL. |
OpenSSLPrngSeedData | The data to seed the pseudo random number generator (PRNG). |
ReuseSSLSession | Determines if the SSL session is reused. |
SSLCACertFilePaths | The paths to CA certificate files on Unix/Linux. |
SSLCACerts | A newline separated list of CA certificate to use during SSL client authentication. |
SSLCipherStrength | The minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption. |
SSLEnabledCipherSuites | The cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation. |
SSLEnabledProtocols | Used to enable/disable the supported security protocols. |
SSLEnableRenegotiation | Whether the renegotiation_info SSL extension is supported. |
SSLIncludeCertChain | Whether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event. |
SSLKeyLogFile | The location of a file where per-session secrets are written for debugging purposes. |
SSLNegotiatedCipher | Returns the negotiated cipher suite. |
SSLNegotiatedCipherStrength | Returns the negotiated cipher suite strength. |
SSLNegotiatedCipherSuite | Returns the negotiated cipher suite. |
SSLNegotiatedKeyExchange | Returns the negotiated key exchange algorithm. |
SSLNegotiatedKeyExchangeStrength | Returns the negotiated key exchange algorithm strength. |
SSLNegotiatedVersion | Returns the negotiated protocol version. |
SSLSecurityFlags | Flags that control certificate verification. |
SSLServerCACerts | A newline separated list of CA certificate to use during SSL server certificate validation. |
TLS12SignatureAlgorithms | Defines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when SSLProvider is set to Internal. |
TLS12SupportedGroups | The supported groups for ECC. |
TLS13KeyShareGroups | The groups for which to pregenerate key shares. |
TLS13SignatureAlgorithms | The allowed certificate signature algorithms. |
TLS13SupportedGroups | The supported groups for (EC)DHE key exchange. |
AbsoluteTimeout | Determines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts. |
FirewallData | Used to send extra data to the firewall. |
InBufferSize | The size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket. |
OutBufferSize | The size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket. |
BuildInfo | Information about the product's build. |
CodePage | The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations. |
LicenseInfo | Information about the current license. |
MaskSensitive | Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages. |
ProcessIdleEvents | Whether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle. |
SelectWaitMillis | The length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process. |
UseFIPSCompliantAPI | Tells the class whether or not to use FIPS certified APIs. |
UseInternalSecurityAPI | Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation. |
Account Property (FTP Class)
The property includes the user account needed to log in.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetAccount();
int SetAccount(const char* lpszAccount); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetAccount();
INT SetAccount(LPCWSTR lpszAccount);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getaccount(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setaccount(void* lpObj, const char* lpszAccount);
QString GetAccount();
int SetAccount(QString qsAccount);
Default Value
This property contains the user account to use when logging in. Some servers may require an Account to Logon or to access specific privileges, such as uploading or deleting files.
Data Type
Command Property (FTP Class)
This property is used to send additional commands directly to the server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int SetCommand(const char* lpszCommand); Unicode (Windows) INT SetCommand(LPCWSTR lpszCommand);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setcommand(void* lpObj, const char* lpszCommand);
int SetCommand(QString qsCommand);
Default Value
This property can be used to send additional commands directly to the server. Check the LastReply property or trap the PITrail events coming from the server to get the response.
This property is write-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Connected Property (FTP Class)
This shows whether the class is connected.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetConnected();
int SetConnected(int bConnected); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetConnected();
INT SetConnected(BOOL bConnected);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getconnected(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setconnected(void* lpObj, int bConnected);
bool GetConnected();
int SetConnected(bool bConnected);
Default Value
This property is used to determine whether or not the class is connected to the remote host.
Note: It is recommended to use the Connect or Disconnect method instead of setting this property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
DirListCount Property (FTP Class)
The number of records in the DirList arrays.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetDirListCount(); Unicode (Windows) INT GetDirListCount();
int ipworksssl_ftp_getdirlistcount(void* lpObj);
int GetDirListCount();
Default Value
This property controls the size of the following arrays:
The array indices start at 0 and end at DirListCount - 1.This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
DirListEntry Property (FTP Class)
This property contains the raw entry as received from the server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetDirListEntry(int iEntryIndex); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetDirListEntry(INT iEntryIndex);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getdirlistentry(void* lpObj, int entryindex);
QString GetDirListEntry(int iEntryIndex);
Default Value
This property contains the raw entry as received from the server. It is the complete unparsed entry in the directory listing.
The EntryIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the DirListCount property.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
DirListFileName Property (FTP Class)
This property shows the file name in the last directory listing.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetDirListFileName(int iEntryIndex); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetDirListFileName(INT iEntryIndex);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getdirlistfilename(void* lpObj, int entryindex);
QString GetDirListFileName(int iEntryIndex);
Default Value
This property shows the file name in the last directory listing. This also may be the directory name if a directory is being listed. You can tell whether it is a file or a directory by the Boolean DirListIsDir property.
The EntryIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the DirListCount property.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
DirListFileSize Property (FTP Class)
This property shows the file size in the last directory listing.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int64 GetDirListFileSize(int iEntryIndex); Unicode (Windows) LONG64 GetDirListFileSize(INT iEntryIndex);
int64 ipworksssl_ftp_getdirlistfilesize(void* lpObj, int entryindex);
qint64 GetDirListFileSize(int iEntryIndex);
Default Value
This property shows the file size in the last directory listing.
The EntryIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the DirListCount property.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
DirListFileTime Property (FTP Class)
This property shows the file time in the last directory listing.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetDirListFileTime(int iEntryIndex); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetDirListFileTime(INT iEntryIndex);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getdirlistfiletime(void* lpObj, int entryindex);
QString GetDirListFileTime(int iEntryIndex);
Default Value
This property shows the file time in the last directory listing. This contains the date/time stamp in which the file was created.
Note: In Unix systems, the date is given in two types of formats: If the date is in the past 12 months, the exact time is specified and the year is omitted. Otherwise, only the date and the year, but not hours or minutes, are given.
The EntryIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the DirListCount property.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
DirListIsDir Property (FTP Class)
This property specifies whether entries in the last directory listing are directories.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetDirListIsDir(int iEntryIndex); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetDirListIsDir(INT iEntryIndex);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getdirlistisdir(void* lpObj, int entryindex);
bool GetDirListIsDir(int iEntryIndex);
Default Value
This property specifies whether entries in the last directory listing are directories. This Boolean value denotes whether or not the directory entry listed in DirListFileName is a file or a directory.
The EntryIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the DirListCount property.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
FileExists Property (FTP Class)
This property returns True if the file specified by RemoteFile exists on the remote server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetFileExists(); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetFileExists();
int ipworksssl_ftp_getfileexists(void* lpObj);
bool GetFileExists();
Default Value
This property returns True if the file exists on the remote server. It returns False if the file does not exist. You must specify the file you wish to check by setting the RemoteFile before calling this method.
If the class is busy or is not connected, 0 is returned.
If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
FileSize Property (FTP Class)
This is the size of the file pointed to by RemoteFile .
ANSI (Cross Platform) int64 GetFileSize(); Unicode (Windows) LONG64 GetFileSize();
int64 ipworksssl_ftp_getfilesize(void* lpObj);
qint64 GetFileSize();
Default Value
When this property is read, the FTP server is queried for the file size, and the response is provided as the property value.
If the class is busy or is not connected, 0 is returned.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
FileTime Property (FTP Class)
This is the last modification time of the file pointed to by RemoteFile .
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetFileTime(); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetFileTime();
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getfiletime(void* lpObj);
QString GetFileTime();
Default Value
When this property is read, the FTP server is queried for the file modification time, and the response is provided as the property value. The time will be converted to the local time zone.
If the class is busy or is not connected, an empty string is returned.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
FirewallAutoDetect Property (FTP Class)
This property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetFirewallAutoDetect();
int SetFirewallAutoDetect(int bFirewallAutoDetect); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetFirewallAutoDetect();
INT SetFirewallAutoDetect(BOOL bFirewallAutoDetect);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getfirewallautodetect(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setfirewallautodetect(void* lpObj, int bFirewallAutoDetect);
bool GetFirewallAutoDetect();
int SetFirewallAutoDetect(bool bFirewallAutoDetect);
Default Value
This property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
Data Type
FirewallType Property (FTP Class)
This property determines the type of firewall to connect through.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetFirewallType();
int SetFirewallType(int iFirewallType); Unicode (Windows) INT GetFirewallType();
INT SetFirewallType(INT iFirewallType);
Possible Values
int ipworksssl_ftp_getfirewalltype(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setfirewalltype(void* lpObj, int iFirewallType);
int GetFirewallType();
int SetFirewallType(int iFirewallType);
Default Value
This property determines the type of firewall to connect through. The applicable values are as follows:
fwNone (0) | No firewall (default setting). |
fwTunnel (1) | Connect through a tunneling proxy. FirewallPort is set to 80. |
fwSOCKS4 (2) | Connect through a SOCKS4 Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080. |
fwSOCKS5 (3) | Connect through a SOCKS5 Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080. |
fwSOCKS4A (10) | Connect through a SOCKS4A Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080. |
Data Type
FirewallHost Property (FTP Class)
This property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional).
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetFirewallHost();
int SetFirewallHost(const char* lpszFirewallHost); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetFirewallHost();
INT SetFirewallHost(LPCWSTR lpszFirewallHost);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getfirewallhost(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setfirewallhost(void* lpObj, const char* lpszFirewallHost);
QString GetFirewallHost();
int SetFirewallHost(QString qsFirewallHost);
Default Value
This property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional). If a FirewallHost is given, the requested connections will be authenticated through the specified firewall when connecting.
If this property is set to a Domain Name, a DNS request is initiated. Upon successful termination of the request, this property is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, the class fails with an error.
Data Type
FirewallPassword Property (FTP Class)
This property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetFirewallPassword();
int SetFirewallPassword(const char* lpszFirewallPassword); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetFirewallPassword();
INT SetFirewallPassword(LPCWSTR lpszFirewallPassword);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getfirewallpassword(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setfirewallpassword(void* lpObj, const char* lpszFirewallPassword);
QString GetFirewallPassword();
int SetFirewallPassword(QString qsFirewallPassword);
Default Value
This property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. If FirewallHost is specified, the FirewallUser and FirewallPassword properties are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, the class fails with an error.
Data Type
FirewallPort Property (FTP Class)
This property contains the transmission control protocol (TCP) port for the firewall Host .
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetFirewallPort();
int SetFirewallPort(int iFirewallPort); Unicode (Windows) INT GetFirewallPort();
INT SetFirewallPort(INT iFirewallPort);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getfirewallport(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setfirewallport(void* lpObj, int iFirewallPort);
int GetFirewallPort();
int SetFirewallPort(int iFirewallPort);
Default Value
This property contains the transmission control protocol (TCP) port for the firewall FirewallHost. See the description of the FirewallHost property for details.
Note: This property is set automatically when FirewallType is set to a valid value. See the description of the FirewallType property for details.
Data Type
FirewallUser Property (FTP Class)
This property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetFirewallUser();
int SetFirewallUser(const char* lpszFirewallUser); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetFirewallUser();
INT SetFirewallUser(LPCWSTR lpszFirewallUser);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getfirewalluser(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setfirewalluser(void* lpObj, const char* lpszFirewallUser);
QString GetFirewallUser();
int SetFirewallUser(QString qsFirewallUser);
Default Value
This property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. If the FirewallHost is specified, this property and FirewallPassword properties are used to connect and authenticate to the given Firewall. If the authentication fails, the class fails with an error.
Data Type
Idle Property (FTP Class)
The current status of the class.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetIdle(); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetIdle();
int ipworksssl_ftp_getidle(void* lpObj);
bool GetIdle();
Default Value
Idle will be False if the component is currently busy (communicating and/or waiting for an answer), and True at all other times.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
LastReply Property (FTP Class)
The last reply from the server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetLastReply(); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetLastReply();
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getlastreply(void* lpObj);
QString GetLastReply();
Default Value
This property indicates the last reply received from the server. It can be used for informational purposes. The same information and more can also be retrieved through the PITrail event.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
LocalFile Property (FTP Class)
This is the path to a local file for download or upload. If the file exists, it is overwritten.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetLocalFile();
wchar_t* GetLocalFile_W(); // Windows only
int SetLocalFile(const char* lpszLocalFile);
int SetLocalFile(const wchar_t* lpszLocalFile); // Windows only Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetLocalFile();
INT SetLocalFile(LPCWSTR lpszLocalFile);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getlocalfile(void* lpObj);
wchar_t* ipworksssl_ftp_getlocalfile_W(void* lpObj); // Windows only
int ipworksssl_ftp_setlocalfile(void* lpObj, const char* lpszLocalFile);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setlocalfile(void* lpObj, const wchar_t* lpszLocalFile); // Windows only
QString GetLocalFile();
int SetLocalFile(QString qsLocalFile);
Default Value
This property is used by the Upload and Download methods to specify the path to a local file to be downloaded or uploaded. See the method descriptions for more information.
Example (Setting LocalFile)
FTPControl.LocalFile = "C:\localfile.txt"
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "remotefile.txt"
FTPControl.LocalFile = "C:\localfile2.txt"
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "folder/remotefile2.txt"
Data Type
LocalHost Property (FTP Class)
The name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetLocalHost();
int SetLocalHost(const char* lpszLocalHost); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetLocalHost();
INT SetLocalHost(LPCWSTR lpszLocalHost);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getlocalhost(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setlocalhost(void* lpObj, const char* lpszLocalHost);
QString GetLocalHost();
int SetLocalHost(QString qsLocalHost);
Default Value
The LocalHost property contains the name of the local host as obtained by the gethostname() system call, or if the user has assigned an IP address, the value of that address.
In multi-homed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface) setting LocalHost to the value of an interface will make the class initiate connections (or accept in the case of server classs) only through that interface.
If the class is connected, the LocalHost property shows the IP address of the interface through which the connection is made in internet dotted format (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). In most cases, this is the address of the local host, except for multi-homed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface).
NOTE: LocalHost is not persistent. You must always set it in code, and never in the property window.
Data Type
Overwrite Property (FTP Class)
This indicates whether or not the class should overwrite files during transfer.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetOverwrite();
int SetOverwrite(int bOverwrite); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetOverwrite();
INT SetOverwrite(BOOL bOverwrite);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getoverwrite(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setoverwrite(void* lpObj, int bOverwrite);
bool GetOverwrite();
int SetOverwrite(bool bOverwrite);
Default Value
This property is a value indicating whether or not the class should overwrite downloaded files. If Overwrite is False, an error will be thrown whenever LocalFile exists before a download operation.
Data Type
Passive Property (FTP Class)
This controls whether or not to direct the server into a passive mode. It is recommended if behind a firewall.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetPassive();
int SetPassive(int bPassive); Unicode (Windows) BOOL GetPassive();
INT SetPassive(BOOL bPassive);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getpassive(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setpassive(void* lpObj, int bPassive);
bool GetPassive();
int SetPassive(bool bPassive);
Default Value
This property controls whether or not to direct the server into a passive mode. Many firewalls will not allow the FTP server to open a connection from outside to the higher ports where the FTP client class expects them to be. If Passive is set to TRUE, the class will use the PASV command instead of the PORT command and thus will direct the server into a passive mode: connections are initiated only by the client.
Data Type
Password Property (FTP Class)
This is the password used to log in.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetPassword();
int SetPassword(const char* lpszPassword); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetPassword();
INT SetPassword(LPCWSTR lpszPassword);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getpassword(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setpassword(void* lpObj, const char* lpszPassword);
QString GetPassword();
int SetPassword(QString qsPassword);
Default Value
This property contains the password used to log in. It must be set before the class connects to the FTP server.
Data Type
RemoteFile Property (FTP Class)
This is the name of the remote file for uploading, downloading, and performing other operations.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetRemoteFile();
int SetRemoteFile(const char* lpszRemoteFile); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetRemoteFile();
INT SetRemoteFile(LPCWSTR lpszRemoteFile);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getremotefile(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setremotefile(void* lpObj, const char* lpszRemoteFile);
QString GetRemoteFile();
int SetRemoteFile(QString qsRemoteFile);
Default Value
This property contains the name of the remote file to be uploaded or downloaded and is either an absolute file path or a relative path based on the remote path set by calling ChangeRemotePath.
A number of methods use RemoteFile as an argument.
Example 1. Setting RemoteFile:
FTPControl.LocalFile = "C:\localfile.txt"
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "remotefile.txt"
FTPControl.LocalFile = "C:\localfile2.txt"
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "folder/remotefile2.txt"
Note: As long as file masks are supported by the server, then this property will act as a file mask when performing ListDirectory or ListDirectoryLong. If not supported, then ApplyFileMaskLocally could be set to True to filter the results locally.
Example 2. Using RemoteFile as a file mask:
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "*.txt"
The following special characters are supported for pattern matching:
? | Any single character. |
* | Any characters or no characters (e.g., C*t matches Cat, Cot, Coast, Ct). |
[,-] | A range of characters (e.g., [a-z], [a], [0-9], [0-9,a-d,f,r-z]). |
\ | The slash is ignored and exact matching is performed on the next character. |
If these characters need to be used as a literal in a pattern, then they must be escaped by surrounding them with brackets []. Note: "]" and "-" do not need to be escaped. See below for the escape sequences:
Character | Escape Sequence |
? | [?] |
* | [*] |
[ | [[] |
\ | [\] |
For example, to match the value [Something].txt, specify the pattern [[]Something].txt.
Data Type
RemoteHost Property (FTP Class)
This is the domain name or IP address of the FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetRemoteHost();
int SetRemoteHost(const char* lpszRemoteHost); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetRemoteHost();
INT SetRemoteHost(LPCWSTR lpszRemoteHost);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getremotehost(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setremotehost(void* lpObj, const char* lpszRemoteHost);
QString GetRemoteHost();
int SetRemoteHost(QString qsRemoteHost);
Default Value
This property specifies the IP address (IP number in dotted internet format) or the domain name of the FTP server. It is set before a connection is attempted and cannot be changed once a connection is in progress.
If this property is set to a domain name, a DNS request is initiated and upon successful termination of the request, this property is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, an error is returned.
If the class is configured to use a SOCKS firewall, the value assigned to this property may be preceded with an "*". If this is the case, the host name is passed to the firewall unresolved and the firewall performs the DNS resolution.
Data Type
RemotePath Property (FTP Class)
This is the current path in the FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetRemotePath();
int SetRemotePath(const char* lpszRemotePath); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetRemotePath();
INT SetRemotePath(LPCWSTR lpszRemotePath);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getremotepath(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setremotepath(void* lpObj, const char* lpszRemotePath);
QString GetRemotePath();
int SetRemotePath(QString qsRemotePath);
Default Value
This property shows the current working directory on the FTP server. It also can be used to change the working directory by setting it to an absolute directory path, or a relative path with respect to the existing value of this property.
If the first two bytes of the new path are "..", then a change to one level higher in the directory tree is performed.
Setting this property causes the class to send the appropriate command to the remote server only if it is connected.
Example 1. Changing Directory:
FTPControl.RemotePath = "/home/user"
Data Type
RemotePort Property (FTP Class)
This is the port for the FTP service (default is 21).
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetRemotePort();
int SetRemotePort(int iRemotePort); Unicode (Windows) INT GetRemotePort();
INT SetRemotePort(INT iRemotePort);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getremoteport(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setremoteport(void* lpObj, int iRemotePort);
int GetRemotePort();
int SetRemotePort(int iRemotePort);
Default Value
This property contains the port for the FTP service, which defaults to 21 if not set. A valid port number (a value between 1 and 65535) is required for the connection to take place. The property must be set before a connection is attempted and cannot be changed once a connection is established. Any attempt to change this property while connected will fail with an error.
For an implicit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), use port 990 (please see the SSLStartMode property for more information).
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SSLAcceptServerCertEncoded Property (FTP Class)
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded(char* &lpSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded, int &lenSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded);
int SetSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded(const char* lpSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded, int lenSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded); Unicode (Windows) INT GetSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded(LPSTR &lpSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded, INT &lenSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded);
INT SetSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded(LPCSTR lpSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded, INT lenSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getsslacceptservercertencoded(void* lpObj, char** lpSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded, int* lenSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setsslacceptservercertencoded(void* lpObj, const char* lpSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded, int lenSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded);
QByteArray GetSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded();
int SetSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded(QByteArray qbaSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded);
Default Value
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The SSLAcceptServerCertStore and SSLAcceptServerCertSubject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.
When SSLAcceptServerCertEncoded is set, a search is initiated in the current SSLAcceptServerCertStore for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, SSLAcceptServerCertSubject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, SSLAcceptServerCertSubject is set to an empty string.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Binary String
SSLCertEncoded Property (FTP Class)
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetSSLCertEncoded(char* &lpSSLCertEncoded, int &lenSSLCertEncoded);
int SetSSLCertEncoded(const char* lpSSLCertEncoded, int lenSSLCertEncoded); Unicode (Windows) INT GetSSLCertEncoded(LPSTR &lpSSLCertEncoded, INT &lenSSLCertEncoded);
INT SetSSLCertEncoded(LPCSTR lpSSLCertEncoded, INT lenSSLCertEncoded);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getsslcertencoded(void* lpObj, char** lpSSLCertEncoded, int* lenSSLCertEncoded);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setsslcertencoded(void* lpObj, const char* lpSSLCertEncoded, int lenSSLCertEncoded);
QByteArray GetSSLCertEncoded();
int SetSSLCertEncoded(QByteArray qbaSSLCertEncoded);
Default Value
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The SSLCertStore and SSLCertSubject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.
When SSLCertEncoded is set, a search is initiated in the current SSLCertStore for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, SSLCertSubject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, SSLCertSubject is set to an empty string.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Binary String
SSLCertStore Property (FTP Class)
This is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetSSLCertStore(char* &lpSSLCertStore, int &lenSSLCertStore);
int SetSSLCertStore(const char* lpSSLCertStore, int lenSSLCertStore); Unicode (Windows) INT GetSSLCertStore(LPSTR &lpSSLCertStore, INT &lenSSLCertStore);
INT SetSSLCertStore(LPCSTR lpSSLCertStore, INT lenSSLCertStore);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getsslcertstore(void* lpObj, char** lpSSLCertStore, int* lenSSLCertStore);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setsslcertstore(void* lpObj, const char* lpSSLCertStore, int lenSSLCertStore);
QByteArray GetSSLCertStore();
int SetSSLCertStore(QByteArray qbaSSLCertStore);
Default Value
This is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate.
The SSLCertStoreType property denotes the type of the certificate store specified by SSLCertStore. If the store is password protected, specify the password in SSLCertStorePassword.
SSLCertStore is used in conjunction with the SSLCertSubject property to specify client certificates. If SSLCertStore has a value, and SSLCertSubject or SSLCertEncoded is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please see the SSLCertSubject property for details.
Designations of certificate stores are platform dependent.
The following designations are the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:
MY | A certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys. |
CA | Certifying authority certificates. |
ROOT | Root certificates. |
When the certificate store type is PFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is PFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e., PKCS#12 certificate store).
Data Type
Binary String
SSLCertStorePassword Property (FTP Class)
If the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetSSLCertStorePassword();
int SetSSLCertStorePassword(const char* lpszSSLCertStorePassword); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetSSLCertStorePassword();
INT SetSSLCertStorePassword(LPCWSTR lpszSSLCertStorePassword);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getsslcertstorepassword(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setsslcertstorepassword(void* lpObj, const char* lpszSSLCertStorePassword);
QString GetSSLCertStorePassword();
int SetSSLCertStorePassword(QString qsSSLCertStorePassword);
Default Value
If the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store.
Data Type
SSLCertStoreType Property (FTP Class)
This is the type of certificate store for this certificate.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetSSLCertStoreType();
int SetSSLCertStoreType(int iSSLCertStoreType); Unicode (Windows) INT GetSSLCertStoreType();
INT SetSSLCertStoreType(INT iSSLCertStoreType);
Possible Values
int ipworksssl_ftp_getsslcertstoretype(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setsslcertstoretype(void* lpObj, int iSSLCertStoreType);
int GetSSLCertStoreType();
int SetSSLCertStoreType(int iSSLCertStoreType);
Default Value
This is the type of certificate store for this certificate.
The class supports both public and private keys in a variety of formats. When the cstAuto value is used, the class will automatically determine the type. This property can take one of the following values:
0 (cstUser - default) | For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a certificate store owned by the current user.
Note: This store type is not available in Java. |
1 (cstMachine) | For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a machine store.
Note: This store type is not available in Java. |
2 (cstPFXFile) | The certificate store is the name of a PFX (PKCS#12) file containing certificates. |
3 (cstPFXBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in PFX (PKCS#12) format. |
4 (cstJKSFile) | The certificate store is the name of a Java Key Store (JKS) file containing certificates.
Note: This store type is only available in Java. |
5 (cstJKSBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in Java Key Store (JKS) format.
Note: this store type is only available in Java. |
6 (cstPEMKeyFile) | The certificate store is the name of a PEM-encoded file that contains a private key and an optional certificate. |
7 (cstPEMKeyBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a private key and an optional certificate. |
8 (cstPublicKeyFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate. |
9 (cstPublicKeyBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate. |
10 (cstSSHPublicKeyBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains an SSH-style public key. |
11 (cstP7BFile) | The certificate store is the name of a PKCS#7 file containing certificates. |
12 (cstP7BBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary) representing a certificate store in PKCS#7 format. |
13 (cstSSHPublicKeyFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains an SSH-style public key. |
14 (cstPPKFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key). |
15 (cstPPKBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary) that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key). |
16 (cstXMLFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a certificate in XML format. |
17 (cstXMLBlob) | The certificate store is a string that contains a certificate in XML format. |
18 (cstJWKFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key). |
19 (cstJWKBlob) | The certificate store is a string that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key). |
21 (cstBCFKSFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store).
Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET. |
22 (cstBCFKSBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store) format.
Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET. |
23 (cstPKCS11) | The certificate is present on a physical security key accessible via a PKCS#11 interface.
To use a security key, the necessary data must first be collected using the CertMgr class. The ListStoreCertificates method may be called after setting CertStoreType to cstPKCS11, CertStorePassword to the PIN, and CertStore to the full path of the PKCS#11 DLL. The certificate information returned in the CertList event's CertEncoded parameter may be saved for later use. When using a certificate, pass the previously saved security key information as the SSLCertStore and set SSLCertStorePassword to the PIN. Code Example. SSH Authentication with Security Key:
99 (cstAuto) | The store type is automatically detected from the input data. This setting may be used with both public and private keys and can detect any of the supported formats automatically. |
Data Type
SSLCertSubject Property (FTP Class)
This is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetSSLCertSubject();
int SetSSLCertSubject(const char* lpszSSLCertSubject); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetSSLCertSubject();
INT SetSSLCertSubject(LPCWSTR lpszSSLCertSubject);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getsslcertsubject(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setsslcertsubject(void* lpObj, const char* lpszSSLCertSubject);
QString GetSSLCertSubject();
int SetSSLCertSubject(QString qsSSLCertSubject);
Default Value
This is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication.
This property must be set after all other certificate properties are set. When this property is set, a search is performed in the current certificate store to locate a certificate with a matching subject.
If a matching certificate is found, the property is set to the full subject of the matching certificate.
If an exact match is not found, the store is searched for subjects containing the value of the property.
If a match is still not found, the property is set to an empty string, and no certificate is selected.
The special value "*" picks a random certificate in the certificate store.
The certificate subject is a comma-separated list of distinguished name fields and values. For instance, "CN=www.server.com, OU=test, C=US, E=support@nsoftware.com". Common fields and their meanings are as follows:
Field | Meaning |
CN | Common Name. This is commonly a hostname like www.server.com. |
O | Organization |
OU | Organizational Unit |
L | Locality |
S | State |
C | Country |
E | Email Address |
If a field value contains a comma, it must be quoted.
Data Type
SSLProvider Property (FTP Class)
This specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetSSLProvider();
int SetSSLProvider(int iSSLProvider); Unicode (Windows) INT GetSSLProvider();
INT SetSSLProvider(INT iSSLProvider);
Possible Values
int ipworksssl_ftp_getsslprovider(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setsslprovider(void* lpObj, int iSSLProvider);
int GetSSLProvider();
int SetSSLProvider(int iSSLProvider);
Default Value
This property specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use. In most cases the default value of 0 (Automatic) is recommended and should not be changed. When set to 0 (Automatic) the class will select whether to use the platform implementation or the internal implementation depending on the operating system as well as the TLS version being used.
Possible values are:
0 (sslpAutomatic - default) | Automatically selects the appropriate implementation. |
1 (sslpPlatform) | Uses the platform/system implementation. |
2 (sslpInternal) | Uses the internal implementation. |
In most cases using the default value (Automatic) is recommended. The class will select a provider depending on the current platform.
When Automatic is selected, on Windows the class will use the platform implementation. On Linux/macOS the class will use the internal implementation. When TLS 1.3 is enabled via SSLEnabledProtocols the internal implementation is used on all platforms.
Data Type
SSLServerCertEncoded Property (FTP Class)
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetSSLServerCertEncoded(char* &lpSSLServerCertEncoded, int &lenSSLServerCertEncoded); Unicode (Windows) INT GetSSLServerCertEncoded(LPSTR &lpSSLServerCertEncoded, INT &lenSSLServerCertEncoded);
int ipworksssl_ftp_getsslservercertencoded(void* lpObj, char** lpSSLServerCertEncoded, int* lenSSLServerCertEncoded);
QByteArray GetSSLServerCertEncoded();
Default Value
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The SSLServerCertStore and SSLServerCertSubject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.
When SSLServerCertEncoded is set, a search is initiated in the current SSLServerCertStore for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, SSLServerCertSubject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, SSLServerCertSubject is set to an empty string.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Binary String
SSLStartMode Property (FTP Class)
Determines how the class starts the SSL negotiation.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetSSLStartMode();
int SetSSLStartMode(int iSSLStartMode); Unicode (Windows) INT GetSSLStartMode();
INT SetSSLStartMode(INT iSSLStartMode);
Possible Values
int ipworksssl_ftp_getsslstartmode(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setsslstartmode(void* lpObj, int iSSLStartMode);
int GetSSLStartMode();
int SetSSLStartMode(int iSSLStartMode);
Default Value
The SSLStartMode property may have one of the following values:
0 (sslAutomatic) | If the remote port is set to the standard plaintext port of the protocol (where applicable), the class will behave the same as if SSLStartMode is set to sslExplicit. In all other cases, SSL negotiation will be implicit (sslImplicit). |
1 (sslImplicit) | The SSL negotiation will start immediately after the connection is established. |
2 (sslExplicit) | The class will first connect in plaintext, and then explicitly start SSL negotiation through a protocol command such as STARTTLS. |
Data Type
StartByte Property (FTP Class)
This is the byte index in RemoteFile and LocalFile from which to start a transmission.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetStartByte();
int SetStartByte(const char* lpszStartByte); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetStartByte();
INT SetStartByte(LPCWSTR lpszStartByte);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getstartbyte(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setstartbyte(void* lpObj, const char* lpszStartByte);
QString GetStartByte();
int SetStartByte(QString qsStartByte);
Default Value
This property contains a zero-based index in both RemoteFile and LocalFile that determines the point from which the transmission of data begins. This is useful for resuming interrupted downloads and uploads of files from FTP servers.
Once set, the StartByte index is used for all future downloads and uploads. The property must be reset to "0" for normal downloads and uploads.
The type of the property is a string instead of numeric value to allow for certain implementations that expect an alphanumeric marker for the start index.
In the Transfer event, the TransferredBytes parameter will include the bytes skipped (i.e., it will show StartByte more bytes than actually transferred).
Note: Some FTP servers may not support the FTP REST command. If that is the case with the server you are accessing, you will not be able to use the StartByte property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Timeout Property (FTP Class)
A timeout for the class.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetTimeout();
int SetTimeout(int iTimeout); Unicode (Windows) INT GetTimeout();
INT SetTimeout(INT iTimeout);
int ipworksssl_ftp_gettimeout(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_settimeout(void* lpObj, int iTimeout);
int GetTimeout();
int SetTimeout(int iTimeout);
Default Value
If the Timeout property is set to 0, all operations will run uninterrupted until successful completion or an error condition is encountered.
If Timeout is set to a positive value, the class will wait for the operation to complete before returning control.
The class will use DoEvents to enter an efficient wait loop during any potential waiting period, making sure that all system events are processed immediately as they arrive. This ensures that the host application does not "freeze" and remains responsive.
If Timeout expires, and the operation is not yet complete, the class fails with an error.
Please note that by default, all timeouts are inactivity timeouts, i.e. the timeout period is extended by Timeout seconds when any amount of data is successfully sent or received.
The default value for the Timeout property is 60 seconds.
Data Type
TransferMode Property (FTP Class)
This property includes the transfer mode (ASCII or binary). If the value is 0 (default), the initial server mode will be used.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int GetTransferMode();
int SetTransferMode(int iTransferMode); Unicode (Windows) INT GetTransferMode();
INT SetTransferMode(INT iTransferMode);
Possible Values
int ipworksssl_ftp_gettransfermode(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_settransfermode(void* lpObj, int iTransferMode);
int GetTransferMode();
int SetTransferMode(int iTransferMode);
Default Value
This property specifies the transfer mode, which is either ASCII or binary. The valid options for the TransferMode property are as follows:
tmDefault (0) | The initial mode of the FTP server is taken. No change. |
tmASCII (1) | Files are transferred in ASCII mode (a TYPE A command). |
tmBinary (2) | Files are transferred in binary mode (a TYPE I command). |
Note: It is recommended to use the ChangeTransferMode method instead of setting this property.
Data Type
User Property (FTP Class)
This property contains the user identifier to use to log in.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* GetUser();
int SetUser(const char* lpszUser); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetUser();
INT SetUser(LPCWSTR lpszUser);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_getuser(void* lpObj);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setuser(void* lpObj, const char* lpszUser);
QString GetUser();
int SetUser(QString qsUser);
Default Value
This property contains the user identifier to be used when logging in. It must be set before the class connects to the FTP server.
Data Type
Abort Method (FTP Class)
The method aborts the current upload or download.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Abort(); Unicode (Windows) INT Abort();
int ipworksssl_ftp_abort(void* lpObj);
int Abort();
This method sends an ABOR command to the FTP server. It is used to interrupt file uploads and downloads.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
Append Method (FTP Class)
This method appends data from LocalFile to a RemoteFile on an FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Append(); Unicode (Windows) INT Append();
int ipworksssl_ftp_append(void* lpObj);
int Append();
This method causes the server-data transfer process (DTP) to accept the data transferred through the data connection and to store the data in a file on the server site. If the file specified in the pathname exists on the server site, then the data shall be appended to that file; otherwise, the file specified in the pathname shall be created on the server site. This method is similar to the Upload method, but the local file specified by LocalFile is appended to RemoteFile on the server as opposed to replacing it, as with the Upload method. RemoteFile is either an absolute path on the server, or a path relative to the current path set by ChangeRemotePath. The server will create a file with that name if it doesn't already exist (similar to upload). If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
ChangeRemotePath Method (FTP Class)
This method changes the current path on the FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int ChangeRemotePath(const char* lpszRemotePath); Unicode (Windows) INT ChangeRemotePath(LPCWSTR lpszRemotePath);
int ipworksssl_ftp_changeremotepath(void* lpObj, const char* lpszRemotePath);
int ChangeRemotePath(const QString& qsRemotePath);
This method changes the current path on the FTP server to the specified RemotePath. When called, the class will issue a command to the server to change the directory. The RemotePath parameter may hold an absolute or relative path.
Absolute Paths
If the path begins with a /, it is considered an absolute path and must specify the entire path from the root of the server. For instance:
Relative Paths
If the path does not begin with a /, it is considered a relative path and is resolved in relation to the current directory. For instance, a value of myfolder will indicate a subfolder of the current directory. The special value .. refers to the parent directory of the current path. For instance:
//Change to the 'myfolder' sub-directory
//Navigate up two levels and then into the 'another/folder' path.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
ChangeTransferMode Method (FTP Class)
This method changes the transfer mode for the current connection.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int ChangeTransferMode(int iTransferMode); Unicode (Windows) INT ChangeTransferMode(INT iTransferMode);
int ipworksssl_ftp_changetransfermode(void* lpObj, int iTransferMode);
int ChangeTransferMode(int iTransferMode);
This method optionally changes the transfer mode used for the connection. The TransferMode parameter indicates the new transfer mode to be used.
In many cases, it is not necessary to explicitly change the transfer mode; however, the binary transfer mode is useful to ensure that files are preserved byte-for-byte during the transfer. For instance, when uploading or downloading images or archives, the binary transfer mode will ensure that no line-ending transformations are performed by the server before data are transmitted.
Valid values for the TransferMode parameter are as follows:
0 (Default) | Files are transferred using the default mode of the FTP server. |
1 (ASCII) | Files are transferred in ASCII mode (sends the command "TYPE A"). |
2 (Binary) | Files are transferred in Binary mode (sends the command "TYPE I"). |
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
CheckFileExists Method (FTP Class)
This method returns True if the file specified by RemoteFile exists on the server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int CheckFileExists(); Unicode (Windows) INT CheckFileExists();
int ipworksssl_ftp_checkfileexists(void* lpObj);
bool CheckFileExists();
This method sends a command to the server to determine if the file specified by RemoteFile exists.
If the file exists, this method returns true, otherwise it returns false. RemoteFile must be specified before calling this method. For instance:
component.RemoteFile = "test.txt";
if(component.CheckFileExists()) {
//Do something
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a Boolean value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.
Config Method (FTP Class)
Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* Config(const char* lpszConfigurationString); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR Config(LPCWSTR lpszConfigurationString);
char* ipworksssl_ftp_config(void* lpObj, const char* lpszConfigurationString);
QString Config(const QString& qsConfigurationString);
Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.
These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.
To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).
To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a String value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.
Connect Method (FTP Class)
This method connects to the FTP server without logging in.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Connect(); Unicode (Windows) INT Connect();
int ipworksssl_ftp_connect(void* lpObj);
int Connect();
This method establishes a connection with the RemoteHost but does not log in. In most cases, it is recommended to use the Logon method, which will both establish a connection and log in to the server.
This method may be useful in cases in which it is desirable to separate the connection and logon operations, for instance, confirming that a host is available by first creating the connection.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
DeleteFile Method (FTP Class)
This method removes a file specified by FileName from an FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int DeleteFile(const char* lpszFileName); Unicode (Windows) INT DeleteFile(LPCWSTR lpszFileName);
int ipworksssl_ftp_deletefile(void* lpObj, const char* lpszFileName);
int DeleteFile(const QString& qsFileName);
This method is used to remove a file specified by FileName from an FTP server. The remote file or directory specified by FileName is deleted. FileName is either an absolute path on the server, or a path relative to remote path set by ChangeRemotePath. If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
Disconnect Method (FTP Class)
This method disconnects from the server without first logging off.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Disconnect(); Unicode (Windows) INT Disconnect();
int ipworksssl_ftp_disconnect(void* lpObj);
int Disconnect();
This method immediately disconnects from the server without first logging off.
In most cases, the Logoff method should be used to log off and disconnect from the server. Call the Disconnect method in cases in which it is desirable to immediately disconnect without first logging off.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
DoEvents Method (FTP Class)
Processes events from the internal message queue.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int DoEvents(); Unicode (Windows) INT DoEvents();
int ipworksssl_ftp_doevents(void* lpObj);
int DoEvents();
When DoEvents is called, the class processes any available events. If no events are available, it waits for a preset period of time, and then returns.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
Download Method (FTP Class)
This method downloads a RemoteFile from an FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Download(); Unicode (Windows) INT Download();
int ipworksssl_ftp_download(void* lpObj);
int Download();
This method is used to download the remote file specified by RemoteFile to the local file specified by LocalFile, or it is retrieved through the Transfer event if the LocalFile property is "" (empty string). RemoteFile is either an absolute path on the server or a path relative to a remote path set by calling ChangeRemotePath. If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
Example (Download a File)
FTPControl.LocalFile = "C:\localfile.txt"
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "remotefile.txt"
FTPControl.LocalFile = "C:\localfile2.txt"
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "folder/remotefile2.txt"
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
Interrupt Method (FTP Class)
Interrupt the current method.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Interrupt(); Unicode (Windows) INT Interrupt();
int ipworksssl_ftp_interrupt(void* lpObj);
int Interrupt();
If there is no method in progress, Interrupt simply returns, doing nothing.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
ListDirectory Method (FTP Class)
List the current directory specified by ChangeRemotePath on an FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int ListDirectory(); Unicode (Windows) INT ListDirectory();
int ipworksssl_ftp_listdirectory(void* lpObj);
int ListDirectory();
This method is used to list the directory (or file mask) specified in RemoteFile. RemoteFile is either an absolute path on the server, or a path relative to the remote path set by ChangeRemotePath. The file listing is received through the DirList event.
Similar to ListDirectoryLong, except that only file names are returned.
Note: Because RemoteFile acts as a file mask, to retrieve a complete directory listing RemoteFile should be set to an empty string or a mask like "*". If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
ListDirectoryLong Method (FTP Class)
This method lists extended directory information for the remote path specified by calling ChangeRemotePath .
ANSI (Cross Platform) int ListDirectoryLong(); Unicode (Windows) INT ListDirectoryLong();
int ipworksssl_ftp_listdirectorylong(void* lpObj);
int ListDirectoryLong();
This method is used to request a directory (or file mask) listing specified in RemoteFile. RemoteFile is either an absolute path on the server, or a path relative to the remote path set by calling ChangeRemotePath. The file listing is received through the DirList event. Extended file information is returned.
Note: Because RemoteFile acts as a file mask, to retrieve a complete directory listing RemoteFile should be set to empty string or a mask like "*". If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
Logoff Method (FTP Class)
This method is used to log off from the FTP server by posting a QUIT command.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Logoff(); Unicode (Windows) INT Logoff();
int ipworksssl_ftp_logoff(void* lpObj);
int Logoff();
This method is used to log off from the FTP server by posting a QUIT command. If that fails, the connection is terminated by the local host.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
Logon Method (FTP Class)
This method is used to log on to the FTP RemoteHost using the current User and Password .
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Logon(); Unicode (Windows) INT Logon();
int ipworksssl_ftp_logon(void* lpObj);
int Logon();
This method is used to log on to the FTP server using the current User and Password. If TransferMode is not 0 (Default), then the FTP transfer mode is set to the appropriate value.
Example (Logging On)
FTPControl.RemoteHost = "ftpserver"
FTPControl.User = "username"
FTPControl.Password = "password"
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
MakeDirectory Method (FTP Class)
This method is used to create a directory on the FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int MakeDirectory(const char* lpszNewDir); Unicode (Windows) INT MakeDirectory(LPCWSTR lpszNewDir);
int ipworksssl_ftp_makedirectory(void* lpObj, const char* lpszNewDir);
int MakeDirectory(const QString& qsNewDir);
This method is used to create a directory with a path specified by NewDir on the FTP server. NewDir is either an absolute path on the server, or a path relative to the remote path that is set by calling ChangeRemotePath. If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
Note: When MakeDirectory is called, RemoteFile is changed to NewDir.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
QueryFileSize Method (FTP Class)
This returns the size of the file specified by RemoteFile .
ANSI (Cross Platform) int64 QueryFileSize(); Unicode (Windows) LONG64 QueryFileSize();
int64 ipworksssl_ftp_queryfilesize(void* lpObj);
qint64 QueryFileSize();
This method sends the SIZE command to the server to obtain the size (in bytes) of the file specified by RemoteFile.
RemoteFile must be specified before calling this method. For instance:
component.RemoteFile = "test.txt";
long myFileSize = component.QueryFileSize();
If RemoteFile does not exist on the server, the class fails with an error.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a Long64 value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.
QueryFileTime Method (FTP Class)
This returns the modified time of the file specified by RemoteFile .
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* QueryFileTime(); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR QueryFileTime();
char* ipworksssl_ftp_queryfiletime(void* lpObj);
QString QueryFileTime();
This method sends the MDTM command to the server to obtain the modified time of the file specified by RemoteFile.
The time returned by this method will be converted to the local timezone. RemoteFile must be specified before calling this method. For instance:
component.RemoteFile = "test.txt";
string myModifiedTime = component.QueryFileTime();
The FileTimeFormat configuration setting controls the format of the returned value.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a String value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.
QueryRemotePath Method (FTP Class)
This queries the server for the current path.
ANSI (Cross Platform) char* QueryRemotePath(); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR QueryRemotePath();
char* ipworksssl_ftp_queryremotepath(void* lpObj);
QString QueryRemotePath();
This method queries the server for the current path. When called, the class will issue a command to the server to retrieve the current path value. The return value of this method is the path returned by the server. For instance:
string remotePath = component.QueryRemotePath();
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a String value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.
RemoveDirectory Method (FTP Class)
This removes a directory specified by DirName from an FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int RemoveDirectory(const char* lpszDirName); Unicode (Windows) INT RemoveDirectory(LPCWSTR lpszDirName);
int ipworksssl_ftp_removedirectory(void* lpObj, const char* lpszDirName);
int RemoveDirectory(const QString& qsDirName);
This method is used to remove a directory with path specified by DirName from the FTP server. DirName is either an absolute path on the server, or a path relative to the remote path set by calling ChangeRemotePath. If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
RenameFile Method (FTP Class)
This changes the name of RemoteFile to NewName .
ANSI (Cross Platform) int RenameFile(const char* lpszNewName); Unicode (Windows) INT RenameFile(LPCWSTR lpszNewName);
int ipworksssl_ftp_renamefile(void* lpObj, const char* lpszNewName);
int RenameFile(const QString& qsNewName);
This method is used to change the name of a remote file, specified by RemoteFile to NewName. RemoteFile and NewName are either absolute paths on the server, or a path relative to a remote path set by calling ChangeRemotePath. If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
Reset Method (FTP Class)
Reset the class.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Reset(); Unicode (Windows) INT Reset();
int ipworksssl_ftp_reset(void* lpObj);
int Reset();
This method will reset the class's properties to their default values.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
SendCommand Method (FTP Class)
Sends the exact command directly to the server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int SendCommand(const char* lpszCommand); Unicode (Windows) INT SendCommand(LPCWSTR lpszCommand);
int ipworksssl_ftp_sendcommand(void* lpObj, const char* lpszCommand);
int SendCommand(const QString& qsCommand);
This method sends the command specified by Command to the server exactly as it is provided. Use this method to send additional or custom commands directly to the server.
After calling this method check the LastReply property and/or monitor the PITrail event to obtain the server's response.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
SetDownloadStream Method (FTP Class)
This method sets the stream to which the downloaded data from the server will be written.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int SetDownloadStream(IPWorksSSLStream* sDownloadStream); Unicode (Windows) INT SetDownloadStream(IPWorksSSLStream* sDownloadStream);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setdownloadstream(void* lpObj, IPWorksSSLStream* sDownloadStream);
int SetDownloadStream(IPWorksSSLStream* sDownloadStream);
This method is used to set the stream to which the downloaded data from the server will be written. If a download stream is set before the Download method is called, the downloaded data will be written to the stream. The stream should be open and normally set to position 0. The class will automatically close this stream if CloseStreamAfterTransfer is True (default). If the stream is closed, you need to call SetDownloadStream again before calling Download again. The downloaded content will be written starting at the current position in the stream. If StartByte is a non-zero value, the server will be instructed to skip those bytes before starting to send the content of the file. In that case, it is up to you to build the stream appropriately.
Note: SetDownloadStream and LocalFile will reset the other stream.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
SetUploadStream Method (FTP Class)
This method sets the stream from which the class will read data to upload to the server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int SetUploadStream(IPWorksSSLStream* sUploadStream); Unicode (Windows) INT SetUploadStream(IPWorksSSLStream* sUploadStream);
int ipworksssl_ftp_setuploadstream(void* lpObj, IPWorksSSLStream* sUploadStream);
int SetUploadStream(IPWorksSSLStream* sUploadStream);
This method is used to set the stream from which the class will read data to upload to the server. If an upload stream is set before the Upload method is called, the content of the stream will be read by the class and uploaded to the server. The stream should be open and normally set to position 0. The class will automatically close this stream if CloseStreamAfterTransfer is True (default). If the stream is closed, you need to call SetUploadStream again before calling Upload again. The content of the stream will be read from the current position all the way to the end, and no bytes will be skipped even if StartByte is set to a non-zero value (although the server will be instructed to skip those bytes in its file).
Note: SetUploadStream and LocalFile will reset the other stream.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
StoreUnique Method (FTP Class)
This method uploads a file with a unique name to an FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int StoreUnique(); Unicode (Windows) INT StoreUnique();
int ipworksssl_ftp_storeunique(void* lpObj);
int StoreUnique();
This method is used to upload a file with a unique name to an FTP server. This is similar to the Upload method, but the server determines a unique name for the LocalFile to be saved on the current directory set by calling ChangeRemotePath. The server includes the new name of the file in its response. The user should check the PITrail event, or LastReply property to retrieve this generated filename.
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
Upload Method (FTP Class)
This method uploads a file specified by LocalFile to an FTP server.
ANSI (Cross Platform) int Upload(); Unicode (Windows) INT Upload();
int ipworksssl_ftp_upload(void* lpObj);
int Upload();
This method uploads a local file specified by LocalFile to the remote file specified by RemoteFile. RemoteFile is either an absolute path on the server, or a path relative to the remote path set by calling ChangeRemotePath. If no FTP session is in place, one is automatically created by first calling the Logon method.
If you want to append to a server file, please refer to the Append method.
Example 1: Upload a File
FTPControl.LocalFile = "C:\localfile.txt"
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "remotefile.txt"
FTPControl.LocalFile = "C:\localfile2.txt"
FTPControl.RemoteFile = "folder/remotefile2.txt"
Error Handling (C++)
This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)
ConnectionStatus Event (FTP Class)
This event is fired to indicate changes in the connection state.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FireConnectionStatus(FTPConnectionStatusEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
const char *ConnectionEvent;
int StatusCode;
const char *Description; int reserved; } FTPConnectionStatusEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireConnectionStatus(FTPConnectionStatusEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
LPCWSTR ConnectionEvent;
INT StatusCode;
LPCWSTR Description; INT reserved; } FTPConnectionStatusEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_CONNECTIONSTATUS 1 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FireConnectionStatus(LPSTR &lpszConnectionEvent, INT &iStatusCode, LPSTR &lpszDescription);
class FTPConnectionStatusEventParams { public: const QString &ConnectionEvent(); int StatusCode(); const QString &Description(); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void ConnectionStatus(FTPConnectionStatusEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FireConnectionStatus(FTPConnectionStatusEventParams *e) {...}
The ConnectionStatus event is fired when the connection state changes: for example, completion of a firewall or proxy connection or completion of a security handshake.
The ConnectionEvent parameter indicates the type of connection event. Values may include the following:
Firewall connection complete. | |
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or S/Shell handshake complete (where applicable). | |
Remote host connection complete. | |
Remote host disconnected. | |
SSL or S/Shell connection broken. | |
Firewall host disconnected. |
DirList Event (FTP Class)
This event is fired when a directory entry is received.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FireDirList(FTPDirListEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
const char *DirEntry;
const char *FileName;
int IsDir;
int64 FileSize;
const char *FileTime; int reserved; } FTPDirListEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireDirList(FTPDirListEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
LONG64 FileSize;
LPCWSTR FileTime; INT reserved; } FTPDirListEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_DIRLIST 2 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FireDirList(LPSTR &lpszDirEntry, LPSTR &lpszFileName, BOOL &bIsDir, LONG64 &lFileSize, LPSTR &lpszFileTime);
class FTPDirListEventParams { public: const QString &DirEntry(); const QString &FileName(); bool IsDir(); qint64 FileSize(); const QString &FileTime(); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void DirList(FTPDirListEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FireDirList(FTPDirListEventParams *e) {...}
The DirList events are fired when a directory listing is received as a response to a ListDirectory or ListDirectoryLong call.
The StartTransfer and EndTransfer events mark the beginning and end of the event stream.
The DirEntry parameter contains the filename when ListDirectory is called and includes extended file information when ListDirectoryLong is called.
The class tries to fill out the FileName, IsDir, FileSize, and FileTime parameters when calling the ListDirectoryLong method. Except for FileName, these parameters are empty when a short "List Directory" is performed.
In Unix systems, the date is given in two types of formats: If the date is in the past 12 months the exact time is specified and the year is omitted. Otherwise, only the date and the year, but not hours or minutes, are given.
EndTransfer Event (FTP Class)
This event is fired when a file finishes downloading or uploading.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FireEndTransfer(FTPEndTransferEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
int Direction; int reserved; } FTPEndTransferEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireEndTransfer(FTPEndTransferEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
INT Direction; INT reserved; } FTPEndTransferEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_ENDTRANSFER 3 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FireEndTransfer(INT &iDirection);
class FTPEndTransferEventParams { public: int Direction(); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void EndTransfer(FTPEndTransferEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FireEndTransfer(FTPEndTransferEventParams *e) {...}
The EndTransfer event fires when a Data Interface connection is closed. This occurs when the file finishes transferring or a directory listing is finished.
The Direction parameter shows whether the client (0) or the server (1) is sending the data.
Error Event (FTP Class)
Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FireError(FTPErrorEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
int ErrorCode;
const char *Description; int reserved; } FTPErrorEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireError(FTPErrorEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
INT ErrorCode;
LPCWSTR Description; INT reserved; } FTPErrorEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_ERROR 4 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FireError(INT &iErrorCode, LPSTR &lpszDescription);
class FTPErrorEventParams { public: int ErrorCode(); const QString &Description(); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void Error(FTPErrorEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FireError(FTPErrorEventParams *e) {...}
The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing. Normally the class fails with an error.
The ErrorCode parameter contains an error code, and the Description parameter contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.
PITrail Event (FTP Class)
This event traces the commands sent to the server, and the respective replies.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FirePITrail(FTPPITrailEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
int Direction;
const char *Message; int reserved; } FTPPITrailEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FirePITrail(FTPPITrailEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
INT Direction;
LPCWSTR Message; INT reserved; } FTPPITrailEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_PITRAIL 5 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FirePITrail(INT &iDirection, LPSTR &lpszMessage);
class FTPPITrailEventParams { public: int Direction(); const QString &Message(); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void PITrail(FTPPITrailEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FirePITrail(FTPPITrailEventParams *e) {...}
The PITrail event is useful for debugging purposes. It shows all of the interactions between the client and the server, line by line.
The Message parameter contains the full text of the message. The Direction parameter shows the originator of the message:
0 (Client) | The Message originates from the client. |
1 (Server) | The Message originates from the server. |
2 (Info) | The Message is an informative message originating from the client software (the class code). |
SSLServerAuthentication Event (FTP Class)
Fired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FireSSLServerAuthentication(FTPSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
const char *CertEncoded; int lenCertEncoded;
const char *CertSubject;
const char *CertIssuer;
const char *Status;
int Accept; int reserved; } FTPSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireSSLServerAuthentication(FTPSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
LPCSTR CertEncoded; INT lenCertEncoded;
LPCWSTR CertSubject;
LPCWSTR CertIssuer;
BOOL Accept; INT reserved; } FTPSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_SSLSERVERAUTHENTICATION 6 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FireSSLServerAuthentication(LPSTR &lpCertEncoded, INT &lenCertEncoded, LPSTR &lpszCertSubject, LPSTR &lpszCertIssuer, LPSTR &lpszStatus, BOOL &bAccept);
class FTPSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams { public: const QByteArray &CertEncoded(); const QString &CertSubject(); const QString &CertIssuer(); const QString &Status(); bool Accept(); void SetAccept(bool bAccept); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void SSLServerAuthentication(FTPSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FireSSLServerAuthentication(FTPSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams *e) {...}
During this event, the client can decide whether or not to continue with the connection process. The Accept parameter is a recommendation on whether to continue or close the connection. This is just a suggestion: application software must use its own logic to determine whether or not to continue.
When Accept is False, Status shows why the verification failed (otherwise, Status contains the string OK). If it is decided to continue, you can override and accept the certificate by setting the Accept parameter to True.
SSLStatus Event (FTP Class)
Fired when secure connection progress messages are available.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FireSSLStatus(FTPSSLStatusEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
const char *Message; int reserved; } FTPSSLStatusEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireSSLStatus(FTPSSLStatusEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
LPCWSTR Message; INT reserved; } FTPSSLStatusEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_SSLSTATUS 7 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FireSSLStatus(LPSTR &lpszMessage);
class FTPSSLStatusEventParams { public: const QString &Message(); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void SSLStatus(FTPSSLStatusEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FireSSLStatus(FTPSSLStatusEventParams *e) {...}
The event is fired for informational and logging purposes only. This event tracks the progress of the connection.
StartTransfer Event (FTP Class)
This event fires when a file starts downloading or uploading.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FireStartTransfer(FTPStartTransferEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
int Direction; int reserved; } FTPStartTransferEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireStartTransfer(FTPStartTransferEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
INT Direction; INT reserved; } FTPStartTransferEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_STARTTRANSFER 8 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FireStartTransfer(INT &iDirection);
class FTPStartTransferEventParams { public: int Direction(); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void StartTransfer(FTPStartTransferEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FireStartTransfer(FTPStartTransferEventParams *e) {...}
The StartTransfer event fires when a Data Interface connection is created. This is when the file starts transferring or a directory listing is started.
The Direction parameter shows whether the client (0) or the server (1) is sending the data.
Transfer Event (FTP Class)
This event is fired during the file download or upload.
ANSI (Cross Platform) virtual int FireTransfer(FTPTransferEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
int Direction;
int64 BytesTransferred;
int PercentDone;
const char *Text; int lenText; int reserved; } FTPTransferEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireTransfer(FTPTransferEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
INT Direction;
LONG64 BytesTransferred;
INT PercentDone;
LPCSTR Text; INT lenText; INT reserved; } FTPTransferEventParams;
#define EID_FTP_TRANSFER 9 virtual INT IPWORKSSSL_CALL FireTransfer(INT &iDirection, LONG64 &lBytesTransferred, INT &iPercentDone, LPSTR &lpText, INT &lenText);
class FTPTransferEventParams { public: int Direction(); qint64 BytesTransferred(); int PercentDone(); const QByteArray &Text(); int EventRetVal(); void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal); };
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void Transfer(FTPTransferEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FTP and override this emitter function. virtual int FireTransfer(FTPTransferEventParams *e) {...}
One or more Transfer events are fired during file transfer. The BytesTransferred parameter shows the number of bytes transferred since the beginning of the transfer.
Text contains the portion of the file data being delivered.
The Direction parameter shows whether the client (0) or the server (1) is sending the data.
The PercentDone parameter shows the progress of the transfer in the corresponding direction. If PercentDone can not be calculated the value will be -1.
Note: Events are not re-entrant. Performing time-consuming operations within this event will prevent it from firing again in a timely manner and may affect overall performance.
IPWorksSSLStream Type
IPWorksSSLStream (declared in ipworksssl.h)
The FTP class includes one or more API members that take a stream object as a parameter. To use such API members, create a concrete class that implements the IPWorksSSLStream interface and pass the FTP class an instance of that concrete class.
When implementing the IPWorksSSLStream interface's properties and methods, they must behave as described below. If the concrete class's implementation does not behave as expected, undefined behavior may occur.
Properties | |
CanRead |
Whether the stream supports reading.
bool CanRead() { return true; } |
CanSeek |
Whether the stream supports seeking.
bool CanSeek() { return true; } |
CanWrite |
Whether the stream supports writing.
bool CanWrite() { return true; } |
Length |
Gets the length of the stream, in bytes.
int64 GetLength() = 0; |
Methods | |
Close |
Closes the stream, releasing all resources currently allocated for it.
void Close() {} This method is called automatically when an IPWorksSSLStream object is deleted. |
Flush |
Forces all data held by the stream's buffers to be written out to storage.
int Flush() { return 0; } Must return 0 if flushing is successful; or -1 if an error occurs or the stream is closed. If the stream does not support writing, this method must do nothing and return 0. |
Read |
Reads a sequence of bytes from the stream and advances the current position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
int Read(void* buffer, int count) = 0; Buffer specifies the buffer to populate with data from the stream. Count specifies the number of bytes that should be read from the stream. Must return the total number of bytes read into Buffer; this may be less than Count if that many bytes are not currently available, or 0 if the end of the stream has been reached. Must return -1 if an error occurs, if reading is not supported, or if the stream is closed. |
Seek |
Sets the current position within the stream based on a particular point of origin.
int64 Seek(int64 offset, int seekOrigin) = 0; Offset specifies the offset in the stream to seek to, relative to SeekOrigin. Valid values for SeekOrigin are:
Must return the new position within the stream; or -1 if an error occurs, if seeking is not supported, or if the stream is closed (however, see note below). If -1 is returned, the current position within the stream must remain unchanged. Note: If the stream is not closed, it must always be possible to call this method with an Offset of 0 and a SeekOrigin of 1 to obtain the current position within the stream, even if seeking is not otherwise supported. |
Write |
Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream and advances the current position within the stream by the number of bytes written.
int Write(const void* buffer, int count) = 0; Buffer specifies the buffer with data to write to the stream. Count specifies the number of bytes that should be written to the stream. Must return the total number of bytes written to the stream; this may be less than Count if that many bytes could not be written. Must return -1 if an error occurs, if writing is not supported, or if the stream is closed. |
Config Settings (FTP Class)
The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.FTP Config Settings
Note: This configuration setting will be ignored if ActiveModePORTAddress is also specified.
This configuration setting must be used in conjunction with PortRange to ensure that the correct port is used by the client.
In many cases, FTP servers are not configured to return a valid public IP in the PASV response. When Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) is used any network address translation (NAT) done by the firewall cannot occur. The result is the client may receive an IP that is not accessible.
This setting is designed to allow the connection to succeed in as many cases as possible. When the IP for the data connection is received from the server, the class will inspect the value. If the received value is not within the known private IP ranges, the class will use it, assuming it is a valid public IP. If the received value is a private IP, the class will instead assume the data connection should be established to the same IP as the command connection (true in almost all cases).
When this setting is False, the class will not perform any checks on the received value. When set to False, UseRemoteHostAddressForPassive is applicable.
In the case that DILinger is True (default), follow two scenarios to determine how long the connection will linger. In the first scenario, if DILingerTime is 0 (default), the system will attempt to send pending data for a connection until the default IP timeout expires.
In the second scenario, DILingerTime is a positive value, the system will attempt to send pending data until the specified DILingerTime is reached. If this attempt fails, then the system will reset the connection.
The default behavior (which is also the default mode for stream sockets) might result in a long delay in closing the connection. Although the class returns control immediately, the system could hold system resources until all pending data are sent (even after your application closes).
Setting this property to False forces an immediate disconnection. If you know that the other side has received all the data you sent (by a client acknowledgment, for example), setting this property to False might be the appropriate course of action.
This setting applies only when calling QueryFileTime. It does not apply to the FileTime parameter of the DirList event.
The range is provided as start-end, for instance: "1024-" stands for anything higher than 1024, "1024-2048" stands for ports between 1024 and 2048 inclusive, "4000-4010, 50000-50010" stands for ports between 4000 and 4010 or between 50000 and 50010.
When set to True, set RemoteFile to the filemask and call either ListDirectory or ListDirectoryLong. There is no difference between the two methods when this setting is enabled.
When set to True, set RemoteFile to the file or folder you wish to get information about and call either ListDirectory or ListDirectoryLong. There is no difference between the two methods when this setting is enabled. When both UseMLSD and UseMLST are set, UseMLSD takes precedence.
Note: Using AUTH SSL instead of AUTH TLS is strongly discouraged because of potential security vulnerabilities. If you must use this configuration setting, please do so very carefully.
When this setting is False (default) and AutoSelectDataIP is also False, the class will use the IP address returned by the server when establishing a data connection.
This setting is not applicable when Passive is set to False (Active mode).
TCPClient Config Settings
If the FirewallHost setting is set to a Domain Name, a DNS request is initiated. Upon successful termination of the request, the FirewallHost setting is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, an error is returned.
Note: This setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.
Note: This setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.
Note: This configuration setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.
0 | No firewall (default setting). |
1 | Connect through a tunneling proxy. FirewallPort is set to 80. |
2 | Connect through a SOCKS4 Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080. |
3 | Connect through a SOCKS5 Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080. |
10 | Connect through a SOCKS4A Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080. |
Note: This setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.
Note: This setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.
Note: This value is not applicable in macOS.
Note: This configuration setting is only available in the Unix platform. It is not supported in masOS or FreeBSD.
In the case that Linger is True (default), two scenarios determine how long the connection will linger. In the first, if LingerTime is 0 (default), the system will attempt to send pending data for a connection until the default IP timeout expires.
In the second scenario, if LingerTime is a positive value, the system will attempt to send pending data until the specified LingerTime is reached. If this attempt fails, then the system will reset the connection.
The default behavior (which is also the default mode for stream sockets) might result in a long delay in closing the connection. Although the class returns control immediately, the system could hold system resources until all pending data are sent (even after your application closes).
Setting this property to False forces an immediate disconnection. If you know that the other side has received all the data you sent (e.g., by a client acknowledgment), setting this property to False might be the appropriate course of action.
In multi-homed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface) setting LocalHost to the value of an interface will make the class initiate connections (or accept in the case of server classs) only through that interface.
If the class is connected, the LocalHost setting shows the IP address of the interface through which the connection is made in internet dotted format (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). In most cases, this is the address of the local host, except for multi-homed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface).
Setting this to 0 (default) enables the system to choose a port at random. The chosen port will be shown by LocalPort after the connection is established.
LocalPort cannot be changed once a connection is made. Any attempt to set this when a connection is active will generate an error.
This; setting is useful when trying to connect to services that require a trusted port in the client side. An example is the remote shell (rsh) service in UNIX systems.
If an EOL string is found in the input stream before MaxLineLength bytes are received, the DataIn event is fired with the EOL parameter set to True, and the buffer is reset.
If no EOL is found, and MaxLineLength bytes are accumulated in the buffer, the DataIn event is fired with the EOL parameter set to False, and the buffer is reset.
The minimum value for MaxLineLength is 256 bytes. The default value is 2048 bytes.
Note: This value is not applicable in Java.
By default, this config is set to false.
0 | IPv4 Only |
1 | IPv6 Only |
2 | IPv6 with IPv4 fallback |
SSL Config Settings
When enabled, SSL packet logs are output using the SSLStatus event, which will fire each time an SSL packet is sent or received.
Enabling this setting has no effect if SSLProvider is set to Platform.
The path set by this property should point to a directory containing CA certificates in PEM format. The files each contain one CA certificate. The files are looked up by the CA subject name hash value, which must hence be available. If more than one CA certificate with the same name hash value exist, the extension must be different (e.g. 9d66eef0.0, 9d66eef0.1 etc). OpenSSL recommends to use the c_rehash utility to create the necessary links. Please refer to the OpenSSL man page SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3) for details.
The file set by this property should contain a list of CA certificates in PEM format. The file can contain several CA certificates identified by
... (CA certificate in base64 encoding) ...
sequences. Before, between, and after the certificates text is allowed which can be used e.g. for descriptions of the certificates. Please refer to the OpenSSL man page SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3) for details.
The format of this string is described in the OpenSSL man page ciphers(1) section "CIPHER LIST FORMAT". Please refer to it for details. The default string "DEFAULT" is determined at compile time and is normally equivalent to "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH".
By default OpenSSL uses the device file "/dev/urandom" to seed the PRNG and setting OpenSSLPrngSeedData is not required. If set, the string specified is used to seed the PRNG.
If set to true, the class will reuse the context if and only if the following criteria are met:
- The target host name is the same.
- The system cache entry has not expired (default timeout is 10 hours).
- The application process that calls the function is the same.
- The logon session is the same.
- The instance of the class is the same.
The value is formatted as a list of paths separated by semicolons. The class will check for the existence of each file in the order specified. When a file is found the CA certificates within the file will be loaded and used to determine the validity of server or client certificates.
The default value is:
Please note that this setting contains the minimum cipher strength requested from the security library. The actual cipher strength used for the connection is shown by the SSLStatus event.
Use this setting with caution. Requesting a lower cipher strength than necessary could potentially cause serious security vulnerabilities in your application.
When the provider is OpenSSL, SSLCipherStrength is currently not supported. This functionality is instead made available through the OpenSSLCipherList config setting.
By default, the enabled cipher suites will include all available ciphers ("*").
The special value "*" means that the class will pick all of the supported cipher suites. If SSLEnabledCipherSuites is set to any other value, only the specified cipher suites will be considered.
Multiple cipher suites are separated by semicolons.
Example values when SSLProvider is set to Platform:
Possible values when SSLProvider is set to Platform include:
- CALG_3DES_112
- CALG_AES_128
- CALG_AES_192
- CALG_AES_256
- CALG_SHA_256
- CALG_SHA_384
- CALG_SHA_512
Possible values when SSLProvider is set to Internal include:
- TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (Not Recommended)
- TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (Not Recommended)
- TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (Not Recommended)
- TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (Not Recommended)
When TLS 1.3 is negotiated (see SSLEnabledProtocols) only the following cipher suites are supported:
- TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
- TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
SSLEnabledCipherSuites is used together with SSLCipherStrength.
Not all supported protocols are enabled by default (the value of this setting is 4032). If you want more granular control over the enabled protocols, you can set this property to the binary 'OR' of one or more of the following values:
TLS1.3 | 12288 (Hex 3000) |
TLS1.2 | 3072 (Hex C00) (Default) |
TLS1.1 | 768 (Hex 300) (Default) |
TLS1 | 192 (Hex C0) (Default) |
SSL3 | 48 (Hex 30) [Platform Only] |
SSL2 | 12 (Hex 0C) [Platform Only] |
SSLEnabledProtocols - TLS 1.3 Notes
By default when TLS 1.3 is enabled the class will use the internal TLS implementation when the SSLProvider is set to Automatic for all editions.
In editions which are designed to run on Windows SSLProvider can be set to Platform to use the platform implementation instead of the internal implementation. When configured in this manner, please note that the platform provider is only supported on Windows 11 / Windows Server 2022 and up. The default internal provider is available on all platforms and is not restricted to any specific OS version.
If set to 1 (Platform provider) please be aware of the following notes:
- The platform provider is only available on Windows 11 / Windows Server 2022 and up.
- SSLEnabledCipherSuites and other similar SSL configuration settings are not supported.
- If SSLEnabledProtocols includes both TLS 1.3 and TLS 1.2 the above restrictions are still applicable even if TLS 1.2 is negotiated. Enabling TLS 1.3 with the platform provider changes the implementation used for all TLS versions.
SSLEnabledProtocols: SSL2 and SSL3 Notes:
SSL 2.0 and 3.0 are not supported by the class when the SSLProvider is set to internal. To use SSL 2.0 or SSL 3.0, the platform security API must have the protocols enabled and SSLProvider needs to be set to platform.
This setting is only applicable when SSLProvider is set to Internal.
If set to True all certificates returned by the server will be present in the Encoded parameter of the SSLServerAuthentication event. This includes the leaf certificate, any intermediate certificate, and the root certificate.
When set, the class will save the session secrets in the same format as the SSLKEYLOGFILE environment variable functionality used by most major browsers and tools such as Chrome, Firefox, and cURL. This file can then be used in tools such as Wireshark to decrypt TLS traffice for debugging purposes. When writing to this file the class will only append, it will not overwrite previous values.
Note: This setting is only applicable when SSLProvider is set to Internal.
Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example:
Note: For server components (e.g.TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example:
Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example:
Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example:
Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example:
Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example:
0x00000001 | Ignore time validity status of certificate. |
0x00000002 | Ignore time validity status of CTL. |
0x00000004 | Ignore non-nested certificate times. |
0x00000010 | Allow unknown Certificate Authority. |
0x00000020 | Ignore wrong certificate usage. |
0x00000100 | Ignore unknown certificate revocation status. |
0x00000200 | Ignore unknown CTL signer revocation status. |
0x00000400 | Ignore unknown Certificate Authority revocation status. |
0x00000800 | Ignore unknown Root revocation status. |
0x00008000 | Allow test Root certificate. |
0x00004000 | Trust test Root certificate. |
0x80000000 | Ignore non-matching CN (certificate CN not-matching server name). |
This functionality is currently not available when the provider is OpenSSL.
The value of this setting is a newline (CrLf) separated list of certificates. For instance:
When specified the class will verify that the server certificate signature algorithm is among the values specified in this setting. If the server certificate signature algorithm is unsupported the class fails with an error.
The format of this value is a comma separated list of hash-signature combinations. For instance:
component.SSLProvider = TCPClientSSLProviders.sslpInternal;
component.Config("SSLEnabledProtocols=3072"); //TLS 1.2
The default value for this setting is sha512-ecdsa,sha512-rsa,sha512-dsa,sha384-ecdsa,sha384-rsa,sha384-dsa,sha256-ecdsa,sha256-rsa,sha256-dsa,sha224-ecdsa,sha224-rsa,sha224-dsa,sha1-ecdsa,sha1-rsa,sha1-dsa.
In order to not restrict the server's certificate signature algorithm, specify an empty string as the value for this setting, which will cause the signature_algorithms TLS 1.2 extension to not be sent.
The default value is ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ecdhe_secp521r1.
When using TLS 1.2 and SSLProvider is set to Internal, the values refer to the supported groups for ECC. The following values are supported:
- "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
- "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
- "ecdhe_secp521r1" (default)
The default value is set to balance common supported groups and the computational resources required to generate key shares. As a result only some groups are included by default in this setting.
Note: All supported groups can always be used during the handshake even if not listed here, but if a group is used which is not present in this list it will incur an additional round trip and time to generate the key share for that group.
In most cases this setting does not need to be modified. This should only be modified if there is a specific reason to do so.
The default value is ecdhe_x25519,ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ffdhe_2048,ffdhe_3072
The values are ordered from most preferred to least preferred. The following values are supported:
- "ecdhe_x25519" (default)
- "ecdhe_x448"
- "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
- "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
- "ecdhe_secp521r1"
- "ffdhe_2048" (default)
- "ffdhe_3072" (default)
- "ffdhe_4096"
- "ffdhe_6144"
- "ffdhe_8192"
- "ed25519" (default)
- "ed448" (default)
- "ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256" (default)
- "ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384" (default)
- "ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512" (default)
- "rsa_pkcs1_sha256" (default)
- "rsa_pkcs1_sha384" (default)
- "rsa_pkcs1_sha512" (default)
- "rsa_pss_sha256" (default)
- "rsa_pss_sha384" (default)
- "rsa_pss_sha512" (default)
The default value is ecdhe_x25519,ecdhe_x448,ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ecdhe_secp521r1,ffdhe_2048,ffdhe_3072,ffdhe_4096,ffdhe_6144,ffdhe_8192
The values are ordered from most preferred to least preferred. The following values are supported:
- "ecdhe_x25519" (default)
- "ecdhe_x448" (default)
- "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
- "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
- "ecdhe_secp521r1" (default)
- "ffdhe_2048" (default)
- "ffdhe_3072" (default)
- "ffdhe_4096" (default)
- "ffdhe_6144" (default)
- "ffdhe_8192" (default)
Socket Config Settings
Note: This option is not valid for UDP ports.
Some TCP/IP implementations do not support variable buffer sizes. If that is the case, when the class is activated the InBufferSize reverts to its defined size. The same happens if you attempt to make it too large or too small.
Some TCP/IP implementations do not support variable buffer sizes. If that is the case, when the class is activated the OutBufferSize reverts to its defined size. The same happens if you attempt to make it too large or too small.
Base Config Settings
The following is a list of valid code page identifiers:
Identifier | Name |
037 | IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada |
437 | OEM - United States |
500 | IBM EBCDIC - International |
708 | Arabic - ASMO 708 |
709 | Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4 |
710 | Arabic - Transparent Arabic |
720 | Arabic - Transparent ASMO |
737 | OEM - Greek (formerly 437G) |
775 | OEM - Baltic |
850 | OEM - Multilingual Latin I |
852 | OEM - Latin II |
855 | OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian) |
857 | OEM - Turkish |
858 | OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol |
860 | OEM - Portuguese |
861 | OEM - Icelandic |
862 | OEM - Hebrew |
863 | OEM - Canadian-French |
864 | OEM - Arabic |
865 | OEM - Nordic |
866 | OEM - Russian |
869 | OEM - Modern Greek |
870 | IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2) |
874 | ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15) |
875 | IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek |
932 | ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS |
936 | ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore) |
949 | ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code) |
950 | ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC) |
1026 | IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5) |
1047 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System |
1140 | IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol) |
1141 | IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol) |
1142 | IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol) |
1143 | IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol) |
1144 | IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol) |
1145 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol) |
1146 | IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol) |
1147 | IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol) |
1148 | IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol) |
1149 | IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol) |
1200 | Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646) |
1201 | Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian |
1250 | ANSI - Central European |
1251 | ANSI - Cyrillic |
1252 | ANSI - Latin I |
1253 | ANSI - Greek |
1254 | ANSI - Turkish |
1255 | ANSI - Hebrew |
1256 | ANSI - Arabic |
1257 | ANSI - Baltic |
1258 | ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese |
1361 | Korean (Johab) |
10000 | MAC - Roman |
10001 | MAC - Japanese |
10002 | MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5) |
10003 | MAC - Korean |
10004 | MAC - Arabic |
10005 | MAC - Hebrew |
10006 | MAC - Greek I |
10007 | MAC - Cyrillic |
10008 | MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312) |
10010 | MAC - Romania |
10017 | MAC - Ukraine |
10021 | MAC - Thai |
10029 | MAC - Latin II |
10079 | MAC - Icelandic |
10081 | MAC - Turkish |
10082 | MAC - Croatia |
12000 | Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian |
12001 | Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian |
20000 | CNS - Taiwan |
20001 | TCA - Taiwan |
20002 | Eten - Taiwan |
20003 | IBM5550 - Taiwan |
20004 | TeleText - Taiwan |
20005 | Wang - Taiwan |
20105 | IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit) |
20106 | IA5 German (7-bit) |
20107 | IA5 Swedish (7-bit) |
20108 | IA5 Norwegian (7-bit) |
20127 | US-ASCII (7-bit) |
20261 | T.61 |
20269 | ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent |
20273 | IBM EBCDIC - Germany |
20277 | IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway |
20278 | IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden |
20280 | IBM EBCDIC - Italy |
20284 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain |
20285 | IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom |
20290 | IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended |
20297 | IBM EBCDIC - France |
20420 | IBM EBCDIC - Arabic |
20423 | IBM EBCDIC - Greek |
20424 | IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew |
20833 | IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended |
20838 | IBM EBCDIC - Thai |
20866 | Russian - KOI8-R |
20871 | IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic |
20880 | IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian) |
20905 | IBM EBCDIC - Turkish |
20924 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol) |
20932 | JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990 |
20936 | Simplified Chinese (GB2312) |
21025 | IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian) |
21027 | Extended Alpha Lowercase |
21866 | Ukrainian (KOI8-U) |
28591 | ISO 8859-1 Latin I |
28592 | ISO 8859-2 Central Europe |
28593 | ISO 8859-3 Latin 3 |
28594 | ISO 8859-4 Baltic |
28595 | ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic |
28596 | ISO 8859-6 Arabic |
28597 | ISO 8859-7 Greek |
28598 | ISO 8859-8 Hebrew |
28599 | ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 |
28605 | ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 |
29001 | Europa 3 |
38598 | ISO 8859-8 Hebrew |
50220 | ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana |
50221 | ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana |
50222 | ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989 |
50225 | ISO 2022 Korean |
50227 | ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese |
50229 | ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese |
50930 | Japanese (Katakana) Extended |
50931 | US/Canada and Japanese |
50933 | Korean Extended and Korean |
50935 | Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese |
50936 | Simplified Chinese |
50937 | US/Canada and Traditional Chinese |
50939 | Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese |
51932 | EUC - Japanese |
51936 | EUC - Simplified Chinese |
51949 | EUC - Korean |
51950 | EUC - Traditional Chinese |
52936 | HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese |
54936 | Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte) |
57002 | ISCII Devanagari |
57003 | ISCII Bengali |
57004 | ISCII Tamil |
57005 | ISCII Telugu |
57006 | ISCII Assamese |
57007 | ISCII Oriya |
57008 | ISCII Kannada |
57009 | ISCII Malayalam |
57010 | ISCII Gujarati |
57011 | ISCII Punjabi |
65000 | Unicode UTF-7 |
65001 | Unicode UTF-8 |
Identifier | Name |
1 | ASCII |
3 | JapaneseEUC |
4 | UTF8 |
5 | ISOLatin1 |
6 | Symbol |
7 | NonLossyASCII |
8 | ShiftJIS |
9 | ISOLatin2 |
10 | Unicode |
11 | WindowsCP1251 |
12 | WindowsCP1252 |
13 | WindowsCP1253 |
14 | WindowsCP1254 |
15 | WindowsCP1250 |
21 | ISO2022JP |
30 | MacOSRoman |
10 | UTF16String |
0x90000100 | UTF16BigEndian |
0x94000100 | UTF16LittleEndian |
0x8c000100 | UTF32String |
0x98000100 | UTF32BigEndian |
0x9c000100 | UTF32LittleEndian |
65536 | Proprietary |
- Product: The product the license is for.
- Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
- License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
- License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
- Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.
FIPS mode can be enabled by setting the UseFIPSCompliantAPI configuration setting to true. This is a static setting which applies to all instances of all classes of the toolkit within the process. It is recommended to enable or disable this setting once before the component has been used to establish a connection. Enabling FIPS while an instance of the component is active and connected may result in unexpected behavior.
For more details please see the FIPS 140-2 Compliance article.
Note: This setting is only applicable on Windows.
Note: Enabling FIPS-compliance requires a special license; please contact sales@nsoftware.com for details.
Setting this configuration setting to true tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.
On Windows, this setting is set to false by default. On Linux/macOS, this setting is set to true by default.
To use the system security libraries for Linux, OpenSSL support must be enabled. For more information on how to enable OpenSSL, please refer to the OpenSSL Notes section.
Trappable Errors (FTP Class)
Error Handling (C++)
Call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain the last called method's result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. Known error codes are listed below. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.
FTP Errors
118 Firewall error. The error description contains detailed information. | |
141 FTP error. The error message contains the server reply. | |
142 Communication error. The error message contains the description. | |
143 Busy executing current method. | |
144 Local file error. The error description contains detailed information. | |
145 Can't open LocalFile for reading. | |
146 No RemoteFile specified while uploading. | |
147 Data interface error. The error description contains detailed information. | |
148 LocalFile already exists and overwrite is False. | |
149 Windows message queue dropped a message (typically due to heavy load). | |
301 Operation is interrupted. | |
302 Can't open local file. | |
311 Accept failed for data connection. | |
312 Asynchronous select failed for data connection. |
The class may also return one of the following error codes, which are inherited from other classes.
SSLClient Errors
100 You cannot change the RemotePort at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
101 You cannot change the RemoteHost (Server) at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
102 The RemoteHost address is invalid ( | |
104 Already connected. If you want to reconnect, close the current connection first. | |
106 You cannot change the LocalPort at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
107 You cannot change the LocalHost at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
112 You cannot change MaxLineLength at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
116 RemotePort cannot be zero. Please specify a valid service port number. | |
117 You cannot change the UseConnection option while the class is active. | |
135 Operation would block. | |
201 Timeout. | |
211 Action impossible in control's present state. | |
212 Action impossible while not connected. | |
213 Action impossible while listening. | |
301 Timeout. | |
302 Could not open file. | |
434 Unable to convert string to selected CodePage. | |
1105 Already connecting. If you want to reconnect, close the current connection first. | |
1117 You need to connect first. | |
1119 You cannot change the LocalHost at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
1120 Connection dropped by remote host. |
SSL Errors
270 Cannot load specified security library. | |
271 Cannot open certificate store. | |
272 Cannot find specified certificate. | |
273 Cannot acquire security credentials. | |
274 Cannot find certificate chain. | |
275 Cannot verify certificate chain. | |
276 Error during handshake. | |
280 Error verifying certificate. | |
281 Could not find client certificate. | |
282 Could not find server certificate. | |
283 Error encrypting data. | |
284 Error decrypting data. |
TCP/IP Errors
10004 [10004] Interrupted system call. | |
10009 [10009] Bad file number. | |
10013 [10013] Access denied. | |
10014 [10014] Bad address. | |
10022 [10022] Invalid argument. | |
10024 [10024] Too many open files. | |
10035 [10035] Operation would block. | |
10036 [10036] Operation now in progress. | |
10037 [10037] Operation already in progress. | |
10038 [10038] Socket operation on non-socket. | |
10039 [10039] Destination address required. | |
10040 [10040] Message too long. | |
10041 [10041] Protocol wrong type for socket. | |
10042 [10042] Bad protocol option. | |
10043 [10043] Protocol not supported. | |
10044 [10044] Socket type not supported. | |
10045 [10045] Operation not supported on socket. | |
10046 [10046] Protocol family not supported. | |
10047 [10047] Address family not supported by protocol family. | |
10048 [10048] Address already in use. | |
10049 [10049] Can't assign requested address. | |
10050 [10050] Network is down. | |
10051 [10051] Network is unreachable. | |
10052 [10052] Net dropped connection or reset. | |
10053 [10053] Software caused connection abort. | |
10054 [10054] Connection reset by peer. | |
10055 [10055] No buffer space available. | |
10056 [10056] Socket is already connected. | |
10057 [10057] Socket is not connected. | |
10058 [10058] Can't send after socket shutdown. | |
10059 [10059] Too many references, can't splice. | |
10060 [10060] Connection timed out. | |
10061 [10061] Connection refused. | |
10062 [10062] Too many levels of symbolic links. | |
10063 [10063] File name too long. | |
10064 [10064] Host is down. | |
10065 [10065] No route to host. | |
10066 [10066] Directory not empty | |
10067 [10067] Too many processes. | |
10068 [10068] Too many users. | |
10069 [10069] Disc Quota Exceeded. | |
10070 [10070] Stale NFS file handle. | |
10071 [10071] Too many levels of remote in path. | |
10091 [10091] Network subsystem is unavailable. | |
10092 [10092] WINSOCK DLL Version out of range. | |
10093 [10093] Winsock not loaded yet. | |
11001 [11001] Host not found. | |
11002 [11002] Non-authoritative 'Host not found' (try again or check DNS setup). | |
11003 [11003] Non-recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP. | |
11004 [11004] Valid name, no data record (check DNS setup). |