Sample Projects

The sample projects listed below demonstrate the usage of the IPWorks EDI components in a simple, straightforward way. By default the sample projects are installed in the demos subfolder of the installation directory.
Sample ProjectDescription
AS1 Sender and Receiver

Shows how to use the AS1Sender component to send an EDI document, and the AS1Receiver to process it.

AS2 Client

A simple but full-featured AS2 client.

AS4 Client

This demo shows how to use the AS4Client component to send files to AS4Server.

Certificate Manager

Full-featured certificate management sample. Demonstrates how to list, manage, create, and sign certificates.


Shows how to parse EDIFACT documents via the ParseFile or Input methods.

EDIFACT Translator

Demonstrates how to translate EDIFACT data to XML and vice versa.


This demo shows how to use EDIFACTWriter to create EDIFACT documents.

GISB Client

A simple client for sending EDI data using the GISB protocol.

IMAP Email Client

Shows how to use the IMAP component to access IMAP servers (e.g. MS Exchange).

OFTP Client

A simple OFTP client which uploads and downloads files to and from the server.

Secure FTP Client

A secure FTP client built using the FTPS component. It allows browsing of directories, uploads and downloads of files, and more.

X12 Parser

Shows how to parse EDI X12 document via the ParseFile or Input methods.

X12 Translator

This demo shows how to use X12Translator to translate an X12 formatted document to XML.

X12 Writer

This demo shows how to use X12Writer to create X12 documents.

AS2 Server (Web)

A simple example of an AS2 server.

AS4 Server (Web)

This demo shows how to receive files and send a receipt using AS4Server.

Async MDN Receiver (Web)

Sample code illustrating how to receive an asynchronous MDN.

GISB Server (Web)

Shows how to use the GISBReceiver component.

RosettaNet Server (Web)

A simple example of a RosettaNet server.

NOTE: These projects are mostly simple demos, and by no means complete applications. They are intended to illustrate the usage of the IPWorks EDI components in a simple, straightforward way. What we are hoping to demonstrate is how simple it is to program with our tools. If you want to know more about them, or if you have questions, please visit or email to