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Modify Method

Performs an LDAP 'modify' operation on the entry specified by DN .


Public Sub Modify()
public void Modify();


This method performs an LDAP 'modify' operation on the entry specified by DN. The attribute(s) to modify should be set via the Attributes collection . When specifying multi-valued attributes, specify the attribute type only in the first occurrence of that attribute type in the Attributes collection . Additional occurrences of the same attribute type should specify an attribute type of empty string.

The modification can be a replacement, an addition, or a deletion, depending on the ModOp field of the attribute;. The result of the operation is returned via the Result event.

Example (Modify an Entry - Replace an Attribute Value)

LDAPControl.DN = "uid=TThompson,ou=Employees,dc=server"
LDAPControl.Attributes.Add(New LDAPAttribute("url", "www.url1.net", LDAPAttributeModOps.amoReplace))
LDAPControl.Attributes.Add(New LDAPAttribute("", "www.url2.net", LDAPAttributeModOps.amoReplace))

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