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AppendToMailbox Method

Appends the message in MessageText to the mailbox specified by Mailbox .


Public Sub AppendToMailbox()
public void AppendToMailbox();


This method appends the RFC822-encoded message in MessageText to the mailbox specified by Mailbox. If the MessageFlags property is not an empty string, it's contents are supplied with the 'APPEND' command sent to the server.

Example (Append Message to Mailbox)

IMAPControl.MessageText = MessageHeaders + CRLF + CRLF + MessageBody + CRLF
IMAPControl.Mailbox = "INBOX"
IMAPControl.MessageFlags = "\Deleted"

NOTE: This method has a corresponding asynchronous version (AppendToMailboxAsync) for use in the Xamarin environment.

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Build 9.0.6635.0