JSON Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The JSON class can be used to parse and write JSON documents.


class ipworksmq.JSON


The JSON class offers a fast and simple way to parse and write information in JSON documents.

Parsing JSON

The JSON class parses JSON documents and verifies that they are well-formed. The results are provided through a set of events.

In addition, the document structure may be queried through an xpath mechanism that supports a subset of the XPath and JSONPath specification.

The parser is optimized for read applications, with a very fast engine that builds internal DOM structures with close to zero heap allocations. Additionally, build_dom can be set to False, which reduces the overhead of creating the DOM and offers a fast forward-only parsing implementation that fires events to provide the parsed data.

When parsing a document, events will fire to provide information about the parsed data. After parse returns the document, it may be navigated by setting xpath if build_dom is True (default). If build_dom is False, parsed data are accessible only through the events.

The following events will fire during parsing:

If build_dom is True (default), xpath may be set after this method returns. xpath may be set to navigate to specific elements within the JSON document. This will be the path to a specified value within the document. Because arrays in JSON only contain values, and no associated object name, an empty name will be used for these values. To reach an array element at position 1, the path must be set to "[1]". In addition, a root element named "json" will be added to each JSON document in the parser.

build_dom must be set to True before parsing the document for the xpath functionality to be available.

The xpath property accepts both XPath and JSONPath formats. Please review the following notes on both formats.


The path is a series of one or more element accessors separated by '/'. The path can be absolute (starting with '/') or relative to the current xpath location.

The following are possible values for an element accessor:

'name'A particular element name.
[i]The i-th subelement of the current element.
..the parent of the current element.
When xpath is set to a valid path, the following properties are updated:

build_dom must be set to True before parsing the document for the xpath functionality to be available.

Simple JSON Document

  "firstlevel": {
    "one": "value",
    "two": ["first", "second"],
    "three": "value three"
Example 1. Setting XPath:

Document root JsonControl.XPath = "/"
Specific Element JsonControl.XPath = "/json/firstlevel/one/"
i-th Child JsonControl.XPath = "/json/firstlevel/two/[i]/"
Note: When using XPath notation, the root element is always referred to as "json". As in the previous examples, this means all paths will begin with "/json".


This property implements a subset of the JSONPath notation. This may be set to point to a specific element in the JSON document.

The JSONPath is a series of one or more accessors in either dot-notation

or in bracket-notation, as follows:

After setting xpath, the following properties are populated:

Example 2. Setting JSONPath:

Given the following JSON document:

    "store": {
        "book": [
                "category": "reference",
                "author": "Nigel Rees",
                "title": "Sayings of the Century",
                "price": 8.95
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
                "title": "Sword of Honour",
                "price": 12.99
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Herman Melville",
                "title": "Moby Dick",
                "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
                "price": 8.99
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
                "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
                "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
                "price": 22.99
        "bicycle": {
            "color": "red",
            "price": 19.95
The following code shows several examples.

Get the first book's author:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0].author"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); //Output //"Nigel Rees" Select the first book and inspect the children:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0]"; Console.WriteLine("Child Count: " + json.XChildren.Count); Console.WriteLine(json.XChildren[1].Name + ": " + json.XChildren[1].XText); //Output //Child Count: 4 //author: "Nigel Rees" Get the price of the second book:

json.XPath = "$['store']['book'][1]['price']"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); //Output //12.99 Get the second to last book's author:

json.XPath = "$['store']['book'][last() - 1]['author']"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); Console.WriteLine(json.XPath); //Note that "last() - 1" is resolved to "3". //Output //"Herman Melville" //$['store']['book'][3]['author'] Display the full subtree at the current path:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0]"; Console.WriteLine(json.XSubTree); //Output // { // "category": "reference", // "author": "Nigel Rees", // "title": "Sayings of the Century", // "price": 8.95 // }

Input Properties

The class will determine the source of the input based on which properties are set.

The order in which the input properties are checked is as follows:

When a valid source is found, the search stops.

If parsing multiple documents, call reset between documents to reset the parser.

Writing JSON

The JSON class also can be used to create a JSON document.

The document is written to the selected output property. In addition, as the document is written, the on_json event will fire. The Text event parameter contains the part of the document currently being written.

Output Properties

The class will determine the destination of the output based on which properties are set.

The order in which the output properties are checked is as follows:

Example. Writing a JSON Document:

Writing a simple JSON document describing a pet: Json json = new Json(); json.OutputFile = "C:\\temp\\fido.json"; json.StartObject(); json.PutProperty("name", "fido", 2); json.PutName("previousOwners"); json.StartArray(); json.PutValue("Steve Widgetson", 2); json.PutValue("Wanda Widgetson", 2); json.PutValue("Randy Cooper", 2); json.PutValue("Linda Glover", 2); json.EndArray(); json.PutProperty("weightUnit", "lbs", 2); json.PutProperty("weight", "62", 3); json.EndObject(); json.Flush();

This example results in the following JSON:

  "name": "fido",
  "previousOwners": [
    "Steve Widgetson",
    "Wanda Widgetson",
    "Randy Cooper",
    "Linda Glover"
  "weightUnit": "lbs",
  "weight": 62

When writing multiple documents, call reset between documents to reset the writer.

Modifying JSON

The JSON class also allows for modifying existing JSON documents. After loading a JSON document with parse the document may be edited. The class supports inserting new values, renaming or overwriting existing values, and removing values. After editing is complete, call save to output the updated JSON document.

The following methods are applicable when modifying a JSON document:

When save is called, the modified JSON is written to the specified output location.

Output Properties

The class will determine the destination of the output based on which properties are set.

The order in which the output properties are checked is as follows:

Example 1. Inserting New Values:

To insert new values in a JSON document, first load the existing document with parse. Next set xpath to the sibling or parent of the data to be inserted. Call insert_property or insert_value and pass the ValueType and Position parameters to indicate the type of data being inserted and the position.

The ValueType parameter of these methods specifies the type of the value. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

The Position parameter of these methods specifies the position of Value. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Before the current element)
  • 1 (After the current element)
  • 2 (The first child of the current element)
  • 3 (The last child of the current element)

For example:

Given the following JSON:

    "store": {
        "books": [
                "category": "reference",
                "author": "Nigel Rees",
                "title": "Sayings of the Century",
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
                "title": "Sword of Honour",

Insert a new property "price" for each book:

json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]"; json.InsertProperty("price", "8.95", 3, 3); //3 - Number, 3 - Last Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]"; json.InsertProperty("price", "12.99", 3, 3); //3 - Number, 3 - Last Child json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "category": "reference",
      "author": "Nigel Rees",
      "title": "Sayings of the Century",
      "price": 8.95
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99

To add a new book to the array:

json.XPath = "/json/store/books"; json.InsertValue("", 0, 3); //0 - Object, 3 - Last Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[3]"; json.InsertProperty("category", "fiction", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertProperty("author", "Herman Melville", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertProperty("title", "Moby Dick", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertProperty("price", "8.99", 3, 3); //3 - Number, 3 - Last Child json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "category": "reference",
      "author": "Nigel Rees",
      "title": "Sayings of the Century",
      "price": 8.95
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 8.99

To add a new array property to each book:

json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]"; json.InsertProperty("tags", "", 1, 2); //1 - Array, 2 - First Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]/tags"; json.InsertValue("quotes", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertValue("british", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]"; json.InsertProperty("tags", "", 1, 2); //1 - Array, 2 - First Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/tags"; json.InsertValue("trilogy", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertValue("war", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[3]"; json.InsertProperty("tags", "", 1, 2); //1 - Array, 2 - First Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[3]/tags"; json.InsertValue("classic", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertValue("whales", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "tags": ["quotes", "british"],
      "category": "reference",
      "author": "Nigel Rees",
      "title": "Sayings of the Century",
      "price": 8.95
      "tags": ["trilogy", "war"],
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99
      "tags": ["classic", "whales"],
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 8.99

Example 2. Removing Values:

To remove existing values, set xpath and call the remove method. Continuing with example 1, to remove the first book: json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]"; json.Remove(); json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "tags": ["trilogy", "war"],
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99
      "tags": ["classic", "whales"],
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 8.99

To remove the "category" properties from each book: json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]/category"; json.Remove(); json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/category"; json.Remove(); json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "tags": ["trilogy", "war"],
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99
      "tags": ["classic", "whales"],
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 8.99

Example 3. Updating Existing Names and Values:

The set_name and set_value methods may be used to modify existing names and values. Continuing with the preceding JSON in example 2, to rename "tags" to "meta" and update values within the array and prices:

//Rename "tags" to "meta" for 1st book json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]/tags"; json.SetName("meta"); //Update Price json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]/price"; json.SetValue("13.99", 3); //3 - Number //Rename "tags" to "meta" for 2nd book json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/tags"; json.SetName("meta"); //Update tag "whales" to "revenge" json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/meta/[2]"; json.SetValue("revenge", 2); //2 - String //Update Price json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/price"; json.SetValue("9.99", 3); //3 - Number json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "meta": ["trilogy", "war"],
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 13.99
      "meta": ["classic", "revenge"],
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 9.99

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

build_domWhen True, an internal object model of the JSON document is created.
input_dataThis property includes the JSON data to parse.
input_fileThe file to process.
output_dataThis property includes the output JSON after processing.
output_fileThis is the path to a local file where the output will be written.
overwriteThis property indicates whether or not the class should overwrite files.
validateThis property controls whether documents are validated during parsing.
x_child_countThe number of records in the XChild arrays.
x_child_element_typeThe ElementType property indicates the data type of the element.
x_child_nameThe Name property provides the name of the element.
x_child_x_textThis property contains the text of the element.
x_elementThis property includes the name of the current element.
x_element_typeThis property indicates the data type of the current element.
x_error_pathThis property includes an XPath to check the server response for errors.
x_parentThe parent of the current element.
xpathThis property provides a way to point to a specific element in the response.
x_sub_treeThis property includes a snapshot of the current element in the document.
x_textThis property includes the text of the current element.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

configSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
end_arrayThis method writes the closing bracket of a JSON array.
end_objectThis method writes the closing brace of a JSON object.
flushThis method flushes the parser's or writer's buffers.
has_xpathDetermines whether a specific element exists in the document.
insert_propertyThis method inserts the specified name and value at the selected position.
insert_valueThis method inserts the specified value at the selected position.
parseThis method parses the specified JSON data.
put_nameThis method writes the name of a property.
put_propertyThis method writes a property and value.
put_rawThis method writes a raw JSON fragment.
put_valueThis method writes a value of a property.
removeThis method removes the element or value set in XPath.
resetThis method resets the class.
saveThis method saves the modified JSON document.
set_nameThis method sets a new name for the element specified by XPath.
set_valueThis method sets a new value for the element specified by XPath.
start_arrayThis method writes the opening bracket of a JSON array.
start_objectThis event writes the opening brace of a JSON object.
try_xpathNavigates to the specified XPath if it exists.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

on_charactersThis event is fired for plaintext segments of the input stream.
on_end_documentThis event fires when the end of a JSON document is encountered.
on_end_elementThis event is fired when an end-element tag is encountered.
on_errorFired when information is available about errors during data delivery.
on_ignorable_whitespaceThis event is fired when a section of ignorable whitespace is encountered.
on_jsonThis event fires with the JSON data being written.
on_start_documentThis event fires when the start of a new JSON document is encountered.
on_start_elementThis event is fired when a new element is encountered in the document.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

CacheContentIf true, the original JSON is stored internally in a buffer.
CloseInputStreamAfterProcessDetermines whether or not the input stream is closed after processing.
CloseOutputStreamAfterProcessDetermines whether or not the output stream is closed after processing.
ElementXPathThe XPath value for the current element in the document.
EscapeForwardSlashesWhether to escape forward slashes when writing a JSON object.
InputFormatSpecifies the input format used in JSON streaming.
PrettyPrintDetermines whether output is on one line or "pretty printed".
RecordEndDelimiterThe character sequence after the end of a JSON document.
RecordStartDelimiterThe character sequence before the start of a JSON document.
StringProcessingOptionsDefines options to use when processing string values.
XPathNotationSpecifies the expected format when setting XPath.

build_dom Property

When True, an internal object model of the JSON document is created.


def get_build_dom() -> bool: ...
def set_build_dom(value: bool) -> None: ...

build_dom = property(get_build_dom, set_build_dom)

Default Value



Set this property to True when you need to browse the current document through xpath.

input_data Property

This property includes the JSON data to parse.


def get_input_data() -> str: ...
def set_input_data(value: str) -> None: ...

input_data = property(get_input_data, set_input_data)

Default Value



This property specifies the JSON to be processed. Set this property before calling parse.

This may be set to a complete JSON document, or partial data. When setting partial data, call parse after each chunk of data is set. For instance:

//Parse the following in chunks: { "data": 1} json.InputData = "{ \"data\"" json.Parse(); json.InputData = ": 1}" json.Parse();

Input Properties

The class will determine the source of the input based on which properties are set.

The order in which the input properties are checked is as follows:

When a valid source is found, the search stops.

input_file Property

The file to process.


def get_input_file() -> str: ...
def set_input_file(value: str) -> None: ...

input_file = property(get_input_file, set_input_file)

Default Value



This property specifies the file to be processed. Set this property to the full or relative path to the file which will be processed.

After setting this property call parse to parse the document.

Input Properties

The class will determine the source of the input based on which properties are set.

The order in which the input properties are checked is as follows:

When a valid source is found, the search stops.

output_data Property

This property includes the output JSON after processing.


def get_output_data() -> str: ...
def set_output_data(value: str) -> None: ...

output_data = property(get_output_data, set_output_data)

Default Value



This property contains the resultant JSON after processing.

Output Properties

The class will determine the destination of the output based on which properties are set.

The order in which the output properties are checked is as follows:

  • output_file
  • output_data: The output data are written to this property if no other destination is specified.

output_file Property

This is the path to a local file where the output will be written.


def get_output_file() -> str: ...
def set_output_file(value: str) -> None: ...

output_file = property(get_output_file, set_output_file)

Default Value



This property specifies the file to which the output will be written. This may be set to an absolute or relative path.

Output Properties

The class will determine the destination of the output based on which properties are set.

The order in which the output properties are checked is as follows:

  • output_file
  • output_data: The output data are written to this property if no other destination is specified.

overwrite Property

This property indicates whether or not the class should overwrite files.


def get_overwrite() -> bool: ...
def set_overwrite(value: bool) -> None: ...

overwrite = property(get_overwrite, set_overwrite)

Default Value



This property indicates whether or not the class will overwrite output_file. If overwrite is False, an error will be thrown whenever output_file exists before an operation. The default value is False.

validate Property

This property controls whether documents are validated during parsing.


def get_validate() -> bool: ...
def set_validate(value: bool) -> None: ...

validate = property(get_validate, set_validate)

Default Value



When True (default) the document will be validated during parsing. To disable validation set validate to False. Disabling validation may be useful in cases where data can still be parsed even if the document is not well-formed.

x_child_count Property

The number of records in the XChild arrays.


def get_x_child_count() -> int: ...
def set_x_child_count(value: int) -> None: ...

x_child_count = property(get_x_child_count, set_x_child_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at x_child_count - 1.

x_child_element_type Property

The ElementType property indicates the data type of the element.


def get_x_child_element_type(x_child_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



The x_child_element_type property indicates the data type of the element.

Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

The x_child_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the x_child_count property.

This property is read-only.

x_child_name Property

The Name property provides the name of the element.


def get_x_child_name(x_child_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The x_child_name property provides the name of the element. For elements within an array, the x_child_name property will be empty.

The x_child_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the x_child_count property.

This property is read-only.

x_child_x_text Property

This property contains the text of the element.


def get_x_child_x_text(x_child_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



This property contains the text of the element.

The x_child_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the x_child_count property.

This property is read-only.

x_element Property

This property includes the name of the current element.


def get_x_element() -> str: ...
def set_x_element(value: str) -> None: ...

x_element = property(get_x_element, set_x_element)

Default Value



This property contains the name of the current element. The current element is specified through the xpath property.

x_element_type Property

This property indicates the data type of the current element.


def get_x_element_type() -> int: ...

x_element_type = property(get_x_element_type, None)

Default Value



This property specifies the data type of the current element. After setting xpath, this property is populated. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

Note: This property is not applicable when parsing a document and build_dom is False.

This property is read-only.

x_error_path Property

This property includes an XPath to check the server response for errors.


def get_x_error_path() -> str: ...
def set_x_error_path(value: str) -> None: ...

x_error_path = property(get_x_error_path, set_x_error_path)

Default Value



This property contains an XPath to check the server response for errors. If the XPath exists, an exception will be thrown containing the value of the element at the path.

x_parent Property

The parent of the current element.


def get_x_parent() -> str: ...

x_parent = property(get_x_parent, None)

Default Value



This property contains the parent of the current element. The current element is specified via the xpath property.

This property is read-only.

xpath Property

This property provides a way to point to a specific element in the response.


def get_xpath() -> str: ...
def set_xpath(value: str) -> None: ...

xpath = property(get_xpath, set_xpath)

Default Value



xpath may be set to navigate to specific elements within the JSON document. This will be the path to a specified value within the document. Because arrays in JSON only contain values, and no associated object name, an empty name will be used for these values. To reach an array element at position 1, the path must be set to "[1]". In addition, a root element named "json" will be added to each JSON document in the parser.

build_dom must be set to True before parsing the document for the xpath functionality to be available.

The xpath property accepts both XPath and JSONPath formats. Please review the following notes on both formats.


The path is a series of one or more element accessors separated by '/'. The path can be absolute (starting with '/') or relative to the current xpath location.

The following are possible values for an element accessor:

'name'A particular element name.
[i]The i-th subelement of the current element.
..the parent of the current element.
When xpath is set to a valid path, the following properties are updated:

build_dom must be set to True before parsing the document for the xpath functionality to be available.

Simple JSON Document

  "firstlevel": {
    "one": "value",
    "two": ["first", "second"],
    "three": "value three"
Example 1. Setting XPath:

Document root JsonControl.XPath = "/"
Specific Element JsonControl.XPath = "/json/firstlevel/one/"
i-th Child JsonControl.XPath = "/json/firstlevel/two/[i]/"
Note: When using XPath notation, the root element is always referred to as "json". As in the previous examples, this means all paths will begin with "/json".


This property implements a subset of the JSONPath notation. This may be set to point to a specific element in the JSON document.

The JSONPath is a series of one or more accessors in either dot-notation

or in bracket-notation, as follows:

After setting xpath, the following properties are populated:

Example 2. Setting JSONPath:

Given the following JSON document:

    "store": {
        "book": [
                "category": "reference",
                "author": "Nigel Rees",
                "title": "Sayings of the Century",
                "price": 8.95
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
                "title": "Sword of Honour",
                "price": 12.99
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Herman Melville",
                "title": "Moby Dick",
                "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
                "price": 8.99
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
                "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
                "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
                "price": 22.99
        "bicycle": {
            "color": "red",
            "price": 19.95
The following code shows several examples.

Get the first book's author:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0].author"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); //Output //"Nigel Rees" Select the first book and inspect the children:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0]"; Console.WriteLine("Child Count: " + json.XChildren.Count); Console.WriteLine(json.XChildren[1].Name + ": " + json.XChildren[1].XText); //Output //Child Count: 4 //author: "Nigel Rees" Get the price of the second book:

json.XPath = "$['store']['book'][1]['price']"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); //Output //12.99 Get the second to last book's author:

json.XPath = "$['store']['book'][last() - 1]['author']"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); Console.WriteLine(json.XPath); //Note that "last() - 1" is resolved to "3". //Output //"Herman Melville" //$['store']['book'][3]['author'] Display the full subtree at the current path:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0]"; Console.WriteLine(json.XSubTree); //Output // { // "category": "reference", // "author": "Nigel Rees", // "title": "Sayings of the Century", // "price": 8.95 // }

x_sub_tree Property

This property includes a snapshot of the current element in the document.


def get_x_sub_tree() -> str: ...

x_sub_tree = property(get_x_sub_tree, None)

Default Value



The current element is specified through this property. For this property to work, you must have the CacheContent set to True.

This property is read-only.

x_text Property

This property includes the text of the current element.


def get_x_text() -> str: ...
def set_x_text(value: str) -> None: ...

x_text = property(get_x_text, set_x_text)

Default Value



This property contains the text of the current element. The current element is specified through the xpath property.

config Method

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


def config(configuration_string: str) -> str: ...


config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

end_array Method

This method writes the closing bracket of a JSON array.


def end_array() -> None: ...


This method writes the closing bracket of a JSON array to the output. An array must already have been opened by calling start_array.

end_object Method

This method writes the closing brace of a JSON object.


def end_object() -> None: ...


This method writes the closing brace of a JSON object. An object must have been started previously by calling start_object.

flush Method

This method flushes the parser's or writer's buffers.


def flush() -> None: ...


When flush is called, the component flushes all of its buffers, firing events as necessary.

When parsing, the end state of the JSON is checked. If validate is also True, the parser verifies that all open elements were closed, returning an error if not.

When writing, the resultant JSON is available in one of the output properties.

Output Properties

The class will determine the destination of the output based on which properties are set.

The order in which the output properties are checked is as follows:

has_xpath Method

Determines whether a specific element exists in the document.


def has_xpath(xpath: str) -> bool: ...


This method determines whether a particular XPath exists within the document. This may be used to check if a path exists before setting it via xpath.

This method returns True if the xpath exists, False if not.

See xpath for details on the XPath syntax.

insert_property Method

This method inserts the specified name and value at the selected position.


def insert_property(name: str, value: str, value_type: int, position: int) -> None: ...


This method inserts a property and its corresponding value relative to the element specified by xpath. Before calling this method, a valid JSON document must first be loaded by calling parse.

The Name parameter specifies the name of the property.

The Value parameter specifies the value of the property.

The ValueType parameter specifies the type of the value. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

The Position parameter specifies the position of Value relative to the element specified by xpath. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Before the current element)
  • 1 (After the current element)
  • 2 (The first child of the current element)
  • 3 (The last child of the current element)

See save for details.

insert_value Method

This method inserts the specified value at the selected position.


def insert_value(value: str, value_type: int, position: int) -> None: ...


This method inserts a value relative to the element specified by xpath. Before calling this method, a valid JSON document must first be loaded by calling parse.

The Value parameter specifies the value of the property.

The ValueType parameter specifies the type of the value. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

The Position parameter specifies the position of Value relative to the element specified by xpath. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Before the current element)
  • 1 (After the current element)
  • 2 (The first child of the current element)
  • 3 (The last child of the current element)

See save for details.

parse Method

This method parses the specified JSON data.


def parse() -> None: ...


This method parses the specified JSON data.

When parsing a document, events will fire to provide information about the parsed data. After parse returns the document, it may be navigated by setting xpath if build_dom is True (default). If build_dom is False, parsed data are accessible only through the events.

The following events will fire during parsing:

If build_dom is True (default), xpath may be set after this method returns. xpath may be set to navigate to specific elements within the JSON document. This will be the path to a specified value within the document. Because arrays in JSON only contain values, and no associated object name, an empty name will be used for these values. To reach an array element at position 1, the path must be set to "[1]". In addition, a root element named "json" will be added to each JSON document in the parser.

build_dom must be set to True before parsing the document for the xpath functionality to be available.

The xpath property accepts both XPath and JSONPath formats. Please review the following notes on both formats.


The path is a series of one or more element accessors separated by '/'. The path can be absolute (starting with '/') or relative to the current xpath location.

The following are possible values for an element accessor:

'name'A particular element name.
[i]The i-th subelement of the current element.
..the parent of the current element.
When xpath is set to a valid path, the following properties are updated:

build_dom must be set to True before parsing the document for the xpath functionality to be available.

Simple JSON Document

  "firstlevel": {
    "one": "value",
    "two": ["first", "second"],
    "three": "value three"
Example 1. Setting XPath:

Document root JsonControl.XPath = "/"
Specific Element JsonControl.XPath = "/json/firstlevel/one/"
i-th Child JsonControl.XPath = "/json/firstlevel/two/[i]/"
Note: When using XPath notation, the root element is always referred to as "json". As in the previous examples, this means all paths will begin with "/json".


This property implements a subset of the JSONPath notation. This may be set to point to a specific element in the JSON document.

The JSONPath is a series of one or more accessors in either dot-notation

or in bracket-notation, as follows:

After setting xpath, the following properties are populated:

Example 2. Setting JSONPath:

Given the following JSON document:

    "store": {
        "book": [
                "category": "reference",
                "author": "Nigel Rees",
                "title": "Sayings of the Century",
                "price": 8.95
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
                "title": "Sword of Honour",
                "price": 12.99
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Herman Melville",
                "title": "Moby Dick",
                "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
                "price": 8.99
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
                "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
                "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
                "price": 22.99
        "bicycle": {
            "color": "red",
            "price": 19.95
The following code shows several examples.

Get the first book's author:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0].author"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); //Output //"Nigel Rees" Select the first book and inspect the children:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0]"; Console.WriteLine("Child Count: " + json.XChildren.Count); Console.WriteLine(json.XChildren[1].Name + ": " + json.XChildren[1].XText); //Output //Child Count: 4 //author: "Nigel Rees" Get the price of the second book:

json.XPath = "$['store']['book'][1]['price']"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); //Output //12.99 Get the second to last book's author:

json.XPath = "$['store']['book'][last() - 1]['author']"; Console.WriteLine(json.XText); Console.WriteLine(json.XPath); //Note that "last() - 1" is resolved to "3". //Output //"Herman Melville" //$['store']['book'][3]['author'] Display the full subtree at the current path:

json.XPath = "$.store.book[0]"; Console.WriteLine(json.XSubTree); //Output // { // "category": "reference", // "author": "Nigel Rees", // "title": "Sayings of the Century", // "price": 8.95 // }

Input Properties

The class will determine the source of the input based on which properties are set.

The order in which the input properties are checked is as follows:

When a valid source is found, the search stops.

If parsing multiple documents, call reset between documents to reset the parser.

put_name Method

This method writes the name of a property.


def put_name(name: str) -> None: ...


This method writes the name of a property. The Name parameter specifies the value to write.

put_property Method

This method writes a property and value.


def put_property(name: str, value: str, value_type: int) -> None: ...


This method writes a property and its corresponding value to the output.

The Name parameter specifies the name of the property.

The Value parameter specifies the value of the property.

The ValueType parameter specifies the type of the value. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

put_raw Method

This method writes a raw JSON fragment.


def put_raw(text: str) -> None: ...


This method writes raw data to the output. This may be used to write any data of any format directly to the output.

put_value Method

This method writes a value of a property.


def put_value(value: str, value_type: int) -> None: ...


This method writes the value of a property to the output. The Value parameter specifies the value. The ValueType parameter specifies the type of data. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

remove Method

This method removes the element or value set in XPath.


def remove() -> None: ...


This method removes the current object at the specified xpath. This is used when editing previously loaded JSON documents.

See save for details.

reset Method

This method resets the class.


def reset() -> None: ...


This method resets the JSON parser.

save Method

This method saves the modified JSON document.


def save() -> None: ...


This method saves the modified JSON data. This is used after editing a previously loaded JSON document.

After loading a JSON document with parse the document may be edited. The class supports inserting new values, renaming or overwriting existing values, and removing values. After editing is complete, call save to output the updated JSON document.

The following methods are applicable when modifying a JSON document:

When save is called, the modified JSON is written to the specified output location.

Output Properties

The class will determine the destination of the output based on which properties are set.

The order in which the output properties are checked is as follows:

Example 1. Inserting New Values:

To insert new values in a JSON document, first load the existing document with parse. Next set xpath to the sibling or parent of the data to be inserted. Call insert_property or insert_value and pass the ValueType and Position parameters to indicate the type of data being inserted and the position.

The ValueType parameter of these methods specifies the type of the value. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

The Position parameter of these methods specifies the position of Value. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Before the current element)
  • 1 (After the current element)
  • 2 (The first child of the current element)
  • 3 (The last child of the current element)

For example:

Given the following JSON:

    "store": {
        "books": [
                "category": "reference",
                "author": "Nigel Rees",
                "title": "Sayings of the Century",
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
                "title": "Sword of Honour",

Insert a new property "price" for each book:

json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]"; json.InsertProperty("price", "8.95", 3, 3); //3 - Number, 3 - Last Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]"; json.InsertProperty("price", "12.99", 3, 3); //3 - Number, 3 - Last Child json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "category": "reference",
      "author": "Nigel Rees",
      "title": "Sayings of the Century",
      "price": 8.95
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99

To add a new book to the array:

json.XPath = "/json/store/books"; json.InsertValue("", 0, 3); //0 - Object, 3 - Last Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[3]"; json.InsertProperty("category", "fiction", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertProperty("author", "Herman Melville", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertProperty("title", "Moby Dick", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertProperty("price", "8.99", 3, 3); //3 - Number, 3 - Last Child json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "category": "reference",
      "author": "Nigel Rees",
      "title": "Sayings of the Century",
      "price": 8.95
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 8.99

To add a new array property to each book:

json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]"; json.InsertProperty("tags", "", 1, 2); //1 - Array, 2 - First Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]/tags"; json.InsertValue("quotes", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertValue("british", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]"; json.InsertProperty("tags", "", 1, 2); //1 - Array, 2 - First Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/tags"; json.InsertValue("trilogy", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertValue("war", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[3]"; json.InsertProperty("tags", "", 1, 2); //1 - Array, 2 - First Child json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[3]/tags"; json.InsertValue("classic", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.InsertValue("whales", 2, 3); //2 - String, 3 - Last Child json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "tags": ["quotes", "british"],
      "category": "reference",
      "author": "Nigel Rees",
      "title": "Sayings of the Century",
      "price": 8.95
      "tags": ["trilogy", "war"],
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99
      "tags": ["classic", "whales"],
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 8.99

Example 2. Removing Values:

To remove existing values, set xpath and call the remove method. Continuing with example 1, to remove the first book: json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]"; json.Remove(); json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "tags": ["trilogy", "war"],
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99
      "tags": ["classic", "whales"],
      "category": "fiction",
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 8.99

To remove the "category" properties from each book: json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]/category"; json.Remove(); json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/category"; json.Remove(); json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "tags": ["trilogy", "war"],
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 12.99
      "tags": ["classic", "whales"],
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 8.99

Example 3. Updating Existing Names and Values:

The set_name and set_value methods may be used to modify existing names and values. Continuing with the preceding JSON in example 2, to rename "tags" to "meta" and update values within the array and prices:

//Rename "tags" to "meta" for 1st book json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]/tags"; json.SetName("meta"); //Update Price json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[1]/price"; json.SetValue("13.99", 3); //3 - Number //Rename "tags" to "meta" for 2nd book json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/tags"; json.SetName("meta"); //Update tag "whales" to "revenge" json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/meta/[2]"; json.SetValue("revenge", 2); //2 - String //Update Price json.XPath = "/json/store/books/[2]/price"; json.SetValue("9.99", 3); //3 - Number json.Save();

Produces the JSON:

  "store": {
    "books": [
      "meta": ["trilogy", "war"],
      "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
      "title": "Sword of Honour",
      "price": 13.99
      "meta": ["classic", "revenge"],
      "author": "Herman Melville",
      "title": "Moby Dick",
      "price": 9.99

set_name Method

This method sets a new name for the element specified by XPath.


def set_name(name: str) -> None: ...


This method sets a new name for the element specified in xpath. This is used to modify an existing JSON document.

The Name parameter specifies the new name of the element.

See save for details.

set_value Method

This method sets a new value for the element specified by XPath.


def set_value(value: str, value_type: int) -> None: ...


This method sets a new value for the element specified in xpath. This is used to modify an existing JSON document.

Value specifies the new value.

ValueType specifies the type of the value. Possible values are as follows:

  • 0 (Object)
  • 1 (Array)
  • 2 (String)
  • 3 (Number)
  • 4 (Bool)
  • 5 (Null)
  • 6 (Raw)

See save for details.

start_array Method

This method writes the opening bracket of a JSON array.


def start_array() -> None: ...


This method writes the opening bracket of a JSON array to the output. To close the array, call end_array.

start_object Method

This event writes the opening brace of a JSON object.


def start_object() -> None: ...


This method writes the opening brace of a JSON object to the output. To close the object, call end_object.

try_xpath Method

Navigates to the specified XPath if it exists.


def try_xpath(xpath: str) -> bool: ...


This method will attempt to navigate to the specified XPath parameter if it exists within the document.

If the XPath exists the xpath property will be updated and this method returns True.

If the XPath does not exist the xpath property is not updated and this method returns False.

on_characters Event

This event is fired for plaintext segments of the input stream.


class JSONCharactersEventParams(object):
  def text() -> str: ...

# In class JSON:
def on_characters() -> Callable[[JSONCharactersEventParams], None]: ...
def on_characters(event_hook: Callable[[JSONCharactersEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The on_characters event provides the plaintext content of the JSON document (i.e., the text inside the elements). The text is provided through the Text parameter.

The text includes white space as well as end-of-line characters, except for ignorable whitespace, which is fired through the on_ignorable_whitespace event.

on_end_document Event

This event fires when the end of a JSON document is encountered.


class JSONEndDocumentEventParams(object):
# In class JSON:
def on_end_document() -> Callable[[JSONEndDocumentEventParams], None]: ...
def on_end_document(event_hook: Callable[[JSONEndDocumentEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event fires when parsing of a JSON document ends. This event may fire multiple times if InputFormat is set to a value that accepts multiple JSON documents.

on_end_element Event

This event is fired when an end-element tag is encountered.


class JSONEndElementEventParams(object):
  def element() -> str: ...

# In class JSON:
def on_end_element() -> Callable[[JSONEndElementEventParams], None]: ...
def on_end_element(event_hook: Callable[[JSONEndElementEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The on_end_element event is fired when the end of an element is found in the document.

The element name is provided by the Element parameter.

on_error Event

Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery.


class JSONErrorEventParams(object):
  def error_code() -> int: ...

  def description() -> str: ...

# In class JSON:
def on_error() -> Callable[[JSONErrorEventParams], None]: ...
def on_error(event_hook: Callable[[JSONErrorEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The on_error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing. Normally the class fails with an error.

The ErrorCode parameter contains an error code, and the Description parameter contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

on_ignorable_whitespace Event

This event is fired when a section of ignorable whitespace is encountered.


class JSONIgnorableWhitespaceEventParams(object):
  def text() -> str: ...

# In class JSON:
def on_ignorable_whitespace() -> Callable[[JSONIgnorableWhitespaceEventParams], None]: ...
def on_ignorable_whitespace(event_hook: Callable[[JSONIgnorableWhitespaceEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The ignorable whitespace section is provided by the Text parameter.

on_json Event

This event fires with the JSON data being written.


class JSONJSONEventParams(object):
  def text() -> str: ...

# In class JSON:
def on_json() -> Callable[[JSONJSONEventParams], None]: ...
def on_json(event_hook: Callable[[JSONJSONEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event fires when output data are written.

Text contains the JSON data currently being written.

on_start_document Event

This event fires when the start of a new JSON document is encountered.


class JSONStartDocumentEventParams(object):
# In class JSON:
def on_start_document() -> Callable[[JSONStartDocumentEventParams], None]: ...
def on_start_document(event_hook: Callable[[JSONStartDocumentEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event fires when parsing of a JSON document begins. This event may fire multiple times if InputFormat is set to a value that accepts multiple JSON documents.

on_start_element Event

This event is fired when a new element is encountered in the document.


class JSONStartElementEventParams(object):
  def element() -> str: ...

# In class JSON:
def on_start_element() -> Callable[[JSONStartElementEventParams], None]: ...
def on_start_element(event_hook: Callable[[JSONStartElementEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The on_start_element event is fired when a new element is found in the document.

The element name is provided through the Element parameter.

JSON Config Settings

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

JSON Config Settings

CacheContent:   If true, the original JSON is stored internally in a buffer.

This configuration setting controls whether or not the class retains the entire original JSON data in a buffer. This is used to retain the original JSON as opposed to returning generated JSON after parsing. The default value is True.

CloseInputStreamAfterProcess:   Determines whether or not the input stream is closed after processing.

This configuration setting determines whether or not the input stream set by set_input_stream is closed after processing is complete. The default value is True.

CloseOutputStreamAfterProcess:   Determines whether or not the output stream is closed after processing.

This configuration setting determines whether or not the output stream set by set_output_stream is closed after processing is complete. The default value is True.

ElementXPath:   The XPath value for the current element in the document.

This configuration setting holds the current XPath value when the document is parsed. When queried from inside the on_start_element event, the corresponding element's XPath value will be returned. For instance:

string elementXPath = json.Config("ElementXPath");

Note: The build_dom property must be set to False.

EscapeForwardSlashes:   Whether to escape forward slashes when writing a JSON object.

This configuration setting specifies whether forward slashes (/) are escaped when creating a JSON object using the class. This does not affect parsing of JSON. It is applicable only when JSON values are written.

InputFormat:   Specifies the input format used in JSON streaming.

This configuration setting specifies how JSON documents are formatted as they are input to the class. This setting is designed for use when data are provided via JSON streaming. This means multiple documents may be parsed by the class. This setting is applicable only when build_dom is set to False. Possible values are as follows:

Value Description
0 (None - default) Only a single JSON document is expected. Use this when a single JSON document is being parsed (most cases).
1 (Line Delimited) Multiple documents are separated by carriage return (CR), line feed (LF), or CRLF character sequences.
2 (Record Separated) A defined start and end delimiter separate documents. See RecordStartDelimiter and RecordEndDelimiter.
3 (Concatenated) New documents begin immediately after the previous documents end; no characters or delimiters separate the documents.

PrettyPrint:   Determines whether output is on one line or "pretty printed".

The value of this configuration setting determines whether output is generated as a single line of JSON or as multiple "pretty printed" lines. The following example code, provides a better understanding of this configuration setting: json.Config("PrettyPrint=true"); // false json.StartObject(); json.PutName("data"); json.StartObject(); json.PutProperty("id", "3", 3); json.PutProperty("first_name", "Emma", 2); json.PutProperty("last_name", "Wong", 2); json.PutProperty("avatar", "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/olegpogodaev/128.jpg", 2); json.EndObject(); json.EndObject(); json.Flush(); Console.WriteLine(json.OutputData); With PrettyPrint set to False (the default), the output would look like this:

With PrettyPrint set to True, the output instead would look like this:
  "data": {
    "id": 3,
    "first_name": "Emma",
    "last_name": "Wong",
    "avatar": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/uifaces\/faces\/twitter\/olegpogodaev\/128.jpg"
The default value is False.
RecordEndDelimiter:   The character sequence after the end of a JSON document.

This configuration setting is used in conjunction with InputFormat to specify the character sequence that is expected after the end of a JSON document.

RecordStartDelimiter:   The character sequence before the start of a JSON document.

This configuration setting is used in conjunction with InputFormat to specify the character sequence that is expected before the start of a JSON document.

StringProcessingOptions:   Defines options to use when processing string values.

This configuration setting determines what additional processing is performed on string values during parsing. By default, no additional processing is performed and the string is returned as is from the document. Strings also may be unquoted, unescaped, or both. Possible values follow:

0 (none - default)No additional processing is performed.
1 (unquote) Strings are unquoted.
2 (unescape) Any escaped sequences are unescaped.
3 (unquote and unescape) Values are both unquoted and unescaped.
For instance, given the JSON element:
"example" : "value\ntest"
The following table shows the resulting value for the XText of the element:
0 (none)
1 (unquote)
2 (unescape)
3 (unquote and unescape)
XPathNotation:   Specifies the expected format when setting XPath.

This configuration setting optionally specifies the expected input format when setting xpath. Possible values follow:

  • 0 (Auto - default)
  • 1 (XPath)
  • 2 (JSONPath)
In most cases, the default of 0 (Auto) is sufficient. The class will determine whether the path value is in XPath or JSONPath format automatically. If desired, the type may be explicitly set to either XPath or JSONPath using the values above.

JSON Errors

JSON Errors

10231   Unbalanced element tag.
10232   Invalid JSON markup.
10233   Invalid XPath.
10234   DOM tree unavailable (set BuildDOM to True and reparse).

XML Errors

101   Invalid attribute index.
102   No attributes available.
103   Invalid namespace index.
104   No namespaces available.
105   Invalid element index.
106   No elements available.
107   Attribute does not exist.
201   Unbalanced element tag.
202   Unknown element prefix (can't find namespace).
203   Unknown attribute prefix (can't find namespace).
204   Invalid XML markup.
205   Invalid end state for parser.
206   Document contains unbalanced elements.
207   Invalid xpath.
208   No such child.
209   Top element does not match start of path.
210   DOM tree unavailable (set build_dom to true and reparse).
302   Can't open file.
401   Invalid XML would be generated.
402   An invalid XML name has been specified.