SecureBlackbox 2020 PHP Edition

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EncryptedDataType Property

Defines the type of data being encrypted.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getEncryptedDataType();

Procedural Interface

secureblackbox_xmldecryptor_get($res, 3 );

Default Value



This property defines what data type is about to be encrypted.

Supported values:

cxedtElement0The XML element is encrypted.
XMLNode property specifies the XML element that should be encrypted.
cxedtContent1Element content is encrypted.
XMLNode property specifies the XML element which content should be encrypted.
cxedtExternal2External data is encrypted. Use ExternalData property to set the data that should be encrypted.
XMLNode property specifies the location where xenc:EncryptedData element should be placed.

If the XMLNode property is set to the empty string, and the InputStream and InputFile properties are not provided, then a new XML document will be created with the xenc:EncryptedData element as a document element.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
SecureBlackbox 2020 PHP Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8154]