SecureBlackbox 2020 PHP Edition

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ReferenceUseXPathFilter2Transform Property

Specifies whether XPath Filter 2.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getReferenceUseXPathFilter2Transform($referenceindex);

Procedural Interface

secureblackbox_xmlverifier_get($res, 27 , $referenceindex);

Default Value



Specifies whether XPath Filter 2.0 transform is included in transform chain.

The $referenceindex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ReferenceCount property.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Data Type


Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
SecureBlackbox 2020 PHP Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8154]