AuthOnly Method
Sends an AuthOnly transaction to the host.
int AuthOnly();
An Auth Only transaction is used to verify and reserve the cardholder's open-to-buy funds available at that time. This transaction is NOT added to the open batch. In order to settle (be paid) for this transaction, the merchant must run a Capture transaction using the original ResponsePNRef obtained during this Auth Only transaction. Only then will the transaction be added to the open batch. Typically any funds blocked with a Sale or Auth Only transaction are reserved for approximately seven (7) to ten (10) days. This may vary from issuer to issuer. Sample transactions follow.
AuthOnly transaction with Track 1 data:
class.CardEntryDataSource = edsMagneticStripe class.CardMagneticStripe = "5499990123456781=15125025432198712345" class.TransactionAmount = "1.00" class.AuthOnly()Manually keyed AuthOnly transaction:
class.CardEntryDataSource = edsManuallyEntered class.CardNumber = "4444333322221111" class.CardExpMonth = 1 class.CardExpYear = 2010 class.TransactionAmount = "1.00" class.AuthOnly()