CertMgr Component
Properties Methods Events Configuration Settings Errors
The CertMgr component is used to manage the digital certificates installed on a system.
The component methods, such as ListCertificateStores or ListStoreCertificates, are used to list certificate stores and certificates. The corresponding lists are returned via the StoreList and CertList events. Encoded certificates are provided through the events.
You can load a certificate by setting the Cert property of the component, then you can get information about the certificate through the corresponding fields of the Cert property (described below).
The CertSubject, CertSerialNumber, and CertIssuer properties identify the certificate. The CertEffectiveDate and CertExpirationDate show the time boundaries of the certificate.
CertPublicKey, CertPublicKeyAlgorithm, CertPublicKeyLength, and CertVersion provide information about the certificate keys and the certificate format (version).
CertUsageFlags specifies the intended usage of the certificate. The CertUsage property provides a text description of these flags.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
CertEffectiveDate | The date which this certificate becomes valid. |
CertEncoded | The certificate (PEM/base64 encoded). |
CertExpirationDate | The date the certificate expires. |
CertExtendedKeyUsage | A comma-delimited list of extended key usage identifiers. |
CertFingerprint | The hex-encoded, 16-byte MD5 fingerprint of the certificate. |
CertIssuer | The issuer of the certificate. |
CertKeyPassword | The password for the certificate's private key (if any). |
CertPrivateKey | The private key of the certificate (if available). |
CertPrivateKeyAvailable | Shows whether a PrivateKey is available for the selected certificate. |
CertPrivateKeyContainer | The name of the PrivateKey container for the certificate (if available). |
CertPublicKey | The public key of the certificate. |
CertPublicKeyAlgorithm | Textual description of the public key algorithm of the certificate. |
CertPublicKeyLength | The length of the certificate public key (in bits). |
CertSerialNumber | The serial number of the certificate encoded as a string. |
CertSignatureAlgorithm | Text description of the signature algorithm of the certificate. |
CertSubject | The subject of the certificate used for client authentication. |
CertSubjectAltNames | A comma-separated lists of alternative subject names of the certificate. |
CertThumbprintMD5 | MD5 hash of the certificate. |
CertThumbprintSHA1 | SHA1 hash of the certificate. |
CertThumbprintSHA256 | SHA256 hash of the certificate. |
CertUsage | Text description of UsageFlags . |
CertUsageFlags | Flags that show intended use for the certificate. |
CertVersion | The certificate's version number. |
CertExtensions | A list of extensions used by the currently selected certificate. |
CertStore | The certificate store to search for certificates. |
CertStorePassword | The password for the certificate store (if any). |
CertStoreType | The type of certificate store for CertStore . |
ExportedCert | The exported certificate string. |
ExportFormat | The format to which the certficate is exported. |
ExportPrivateKey | Whether to export the private key. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
CreateCertificate | Creates a new self-signed certificate in the current store. |
CreateKey | Creates a new keyset associated with the provided name. |
DeleteCertificate | Deletes the currently selected certificate from the store. |
DeleteKey | Deletes the keyset associated with the provided name. |
ExportCertificate | Exports the currently selected certificate. |
GenerateCSR | Generates a new CSR to be sent to a signing authority. |
ImportCertificate | Imports a certificate from a file into the current certificate store. |
ImportSignedCSR | Imports a signed CSR. |
IssueCertificate | Creates a new certificate in the current store, signed by the selected certificate. |
ListCertificateStores | Lists certificate stores. |
ListKeys | List keysets in a CSP. |
ListMachineStores | List machine certificate stores. |
ListStoreCertificates | List certificates in a store. |
ReadCertificate | Loads a certificate from a file. |
ReadCSR | Reads a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). |
Reset | Resets all certificate properties to their default values. |
SaveCertificate | This method saves the currently selected public certificate to a file. |
ShowCertificateChain | Show certificate chain. |
SignCSR | Creates a signed certificate from a CSR. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
CertChain | Shows the certificate chain for the certificate (see the ShowCertificateChain method). |
CertList | Lists the certificates in a store (see the ListStoreCertificates method). |
Error | Information about errors during data delivery. |
KeyList | Lists the keysets in a CSP (see the ListKeys method). |
Log | Fires once for each log message. |
StoreList | Lists the system certificate stores (see the ListCertificateStores and ListMachineStores methods). |
Configuration Settings
The following is a list of configuration settings for the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
CertComment | A comment to include in a saved certificate. |
CertCustomExtensionCount | The number of records in the CertCustomExtension arrays. |
CertCustomExtensionCritical[i] | Whether or not the extension is defined as critical. |
CertCustomExtensionOID[i] | The ASN of the extension at index 'i'. |
CertCustomExtensionValue[i] | The raw value of the extension at index 'i'. |
CertExtendedKeyUsage | The extended key usage of the certificate. |
CertKeyLength | The public key length for created certificates and keys. |
CertKeyType | The types of keys created for new certificates. |
CertPublicKeyAlgorithm | The public key algorithm used when a certificate is created. |
CertSignatureAlgorithm | The signature algorithm used when creating certificates. |
CertSubjectAltNames | Subject Alternative Names for creating or issuing certificates. |
CertUsageFlags | Sets the flags indicating the usage of the created certificate. |
CertValidityOffset | The number of days until the certificate becomes valid. |
CertValidityTime | The validity period for the certificate. |
CreatedKey | The PKCS8 formatted private and public key pair created after calling CreateKey. |
CSP | The Cryptographic Service Provider. |
CSRIgnoredExtensions | Extensions to be ignorned when signing a CSR. |
CSRKey | The PKCS8 formatted private key to use when generating a CSR. |
EncodeExportedCert | Whether the certificate being exported to a string is encoded. |
ImportCertAction | Specified the action to take if a matching certificate or a link to a matching certificate already exists. |
ImportCertStoreType | The type of certificate store being specified for import. |
JWKAlgorithm | The JWK algorithm. |
JWKExportX5C | Whether to export a certificate chain to the x5c parameter. |
JWKKeyId | The JWK key Id. |
JWKKeyOps | The JWK intended key operations list. |
JWKUse | The JWK use parameter value. |
KeyFormat | How the public and private key are formatted. |
LogLevel | The level of detail that is logged. |
ReplaceKey | Whether or not to replace an existing key when creating a new key. |
RequestSubjectAltNames | Subject Alternative Names for a Certificate Signing Request. |
X509Algorithm | Public Key Algorithm OID. |
X509SignatureAlgorithm | Signature Algorithm OID. |
BuildInfo | Information about the product's build. |
CodePage | The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations. |
LicenseInfo | Information about the current license. |
UseInternalSecurityAPI | Tells the component whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation. |