Salsa20 Errors
XSalsa20 Errors | | | 101 Unsupported algorithm.
| | 102 No Key specified.
| | 103 No IV specified.
| | 104 Cannot read or write file.
| | 107 Block size is not valid for this algorithm.
| | 108 Key size is not valid for this algorithm.
| | 111 OutputFile already exists and Overwrite is False.
| | 121 The specified key is invalid.
| | 123 IV size is not valid for this algorithm.
| | 304 Cannot write file.
| | 305 Cannot read file.
| | 306 Cannot create file.
| | 2004 Invalid padding. This may be an indication that the key is incorrect.
| | 130 Invalid number of rounds. The number of rounds used when Algorithm is set to Salsa must be 8, 12, or 20.