IP*Works! OpenPGP V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! OpenPGP V9
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ImportKeyB Method

Imports the key specified by UserId to the current keyring.

Object Oriented Interface

public function doImportKeyB($data, $userid);

Procedural Interface

ipworksopenpgp_keymgr_do_importkeyb($res, $data, $userid);


This method imports the key specified by UserId from the key data specified by Data into the current Keyring. The imported key will be automatically selected and available in the Key property.

If the Data specifies key data that contains multiple keys only the key belonging to UserId will be imported.

If UserId is set to "*" or "" (empty string) all keys in the key data will be imported. The ImportAllKeys setting controls the behavior of the class in this case.

Note: If you simply wish to select a key in the current ring set KeyUserId instead.

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Build 9.0.6240.0