IP*Works! OpenPGP V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! OpenPGP V9
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BannerText Property

Optional banner text to show before the self-extraction starts.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getBannerText();
public function setBannerText($value);

Procedural Interface

ipworksopenpgp_sda_get($res, 2 );
ipworksopenpgp_sda_set($res, 2, $value );

Default Value



If this property is set, a dialog box will pop up displaying the contents of this property as soon as the SDA executable is run. If this property is set to an empty string (default) no banner dialog will be displayed.

Example (Creating a Self-Decrypting Archive)

class.ArchiveFile = "c:\test.exe"
class.RecurseSubdirectories = true
class.SourceDirectory = "c:\foo\"
class.CaptionText = "Testing SDA"
class.BannerText = "Press continue to decompress the archive."

class.ArchiveFile = "c:\test.exe"
class.SourceFile = "c:\foo\bar.dat"
class.CaptionText = "Testing SDA"
class.BannerText = "Press continue to decompress the archive."

Data Type


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Build 9.0.6240.0