IP*Works! SSH V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! SSH V9
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StartService Method

Requests the given service on a target channel.

Object Oriented Interface

public function doStartService($channelid, $service, $parameter);

Procedural Interface

ipworksssh_sshclient_do_startservice($res, $channelid, $service, $parameter);


After a "session" channel has been opened by a call to OpenChannel, a service may be requested for that channel. ChannelId identifies the channel on which the service is to be started.

Service identifies the service being requested. The following list defines some known services:

"shell"Starts a shell on the
"exec"Executes the command identified by Parameter.
"subsystem"Starts up a subsystem identified by Parameter, such as "sftp".

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Build 9.0.6240.0