
Welcome to NetCmdlets, a suite of Microsoft Windows PowerShell Cmdlets for network monitoring, management, remote access and file transfer. Using /n software NetCmdlets and Windows PowerShell, Systems Administrators and IT professionals can easily manage heterogeneous networks and network devices directly from Windows PowerShell.

NetCmdlets include a broad range of network management and messaging capabilities. The current release contains more than 30 Cmdlets implementing major networking protocols such as SNMP, LDAP, DNS, Syslog, HTTP, WebDav, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, Rexec/RShell, Telnet and more.

Included Cmdlets

Add-IMAPThe Add-IMAP component is used to add mail or folder to your Internet Message Access (IMAP) server.
Add-JarThe Add-Jar cmdlet allows for the appending of a file to an existing Jar archive.
Add-LDAPThe Add-LDAP component is used to communicate with LDAP Directory Servers (such as Active Directory) using the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access) protocol and add new items to it.
Add-S3The Add-S3 component can be used to create objects and buckets in the Amazon S3 service.
Add-SevenZipThe Add-SevenZip cmdlet allows for the appending of a file to an existing 7z archive.
Add-TarThe Add-Tar cmdlet allows for the appending of a file to an existing TAR archive.
Add-VPNThe Add-VPN component can be used to create a new VPN connection on the system.
Add-ZipThe Add-ZIP cmdlet allows for the appending of a file to an existing ZIP, JAR, or TAR archive.
Compress-Bzip2The Compress-Bzip2 component implements a Bzip2 compressor.
Compress-GzipThe Compress-Gzip component implements a compressor GZIP format archives.
Compress-JarThe Compress-Jar component implements a compressor for JAR format archives.
Compress-SevenZipThe Compress-SevenZip component implements a compressor for SevenZip files.
Compress-TarThe Compress-Tar component implements a compressor for TAR format archives.
Compress-ZipThe Compress-ZIP component implements a compressor for ZIP, GZIP, JAR, TAR, and ZIP SFX.
Connect-VPNThe Connect-VPN component is used to connect to an established VPN connection.
Convert-DataThe Convert-Data component is used to encode or decode data from one format to another.
Copy-IMAPThe Copy-IMAP component is used to copy mails between folders in your Internet Message Access (IMAP) server.
Copy-WebDAVThe Copy-WebDAV component implements an easy-to-use interface to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol (WebDAV).
Disconnect-VPNThe Disconnect-VPN component is used to disconnect from an established VPN connection.
Expand-Bzip2The Expand-Bzip2 component implements a decompressor for Bzip2 archives.
Expand-GzipThe Expand-Gzip component implements a decompressor for GZIP archives.
Expand-JarThe Expand-Jar component implements a decompressor for JAR archives.
Expand-SevenZipThe Expand-SevenZip component implements a decompressor for 7zip archives.
Expand-TarThe Expand-Tar component implements a decompressor for TAR archives.
Expand-ZipThe Expand-ZIP component implements a decompressor for ZIP, GZIP, JAR, and TAR archives.
Export-CertificateThe Export-Certificate component is used to export an X.509 certificate from a certificate store.
Get-CertificateThe Get-Certificate component is used to list X.509 certificates in a certificate store.
Get-CloudStorageThe Get-CloudStorage component is used to download files and retrieve directory listings from Cloud Storage providers.
Get-DNSThe Get-DNS component is used to query a DNS server for records.
Get-FTPThe Get-FTP component is used to download files and retrieve directory listings from FTP, SFTP, and FTPS servers.
Get-HTTPThe Get-HTTP component can be used to retrieve documents from the World Wide Web.
Get-IMAPThe Get-IMAP component is used to retrieve electronic mail from Internet Message Access (IMAP) servers.
Get-LDAPThe Get-LDAP component is used to search LDAP Directory Servers using the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access) Protocol.
Get-MXThe Get-MX component is used to query a DNS server for mail server records.
Get-NNTPThe Get-NNTP component is used to read articles on Usenet news servers.
Get-PacketThe Get-Packet component is used to listen to network traffic.
Get-POPThe Get-POP component is used to retrieve electronic mail from Internet Post Office (POP) servers.
Get-PowerShellServerFileThe Get-PowerShellServerFile Component is used to retrieve a file from a remote PowerShell Server.
Get-RASThe Get-RAS component can be used to call the Remote Access System (RAS) to list connections, devices and phonebook entries.
Get-RSSThe Get-RSS component is used to retrieve and parse RSS syndicated content.
Get-S3The Get-S3 component provides an easy interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3).
Get-SCPThe Get-SCP component is used to download files from SCP enabled SSH servers.
Get-SFTPThe Get-SFTP component is used to download files and retrieve directory listings from SFTP servers.
Get-SMIMEIMAPThe Get-SMIMEIMAP component is used to retrieve electronic mail from Internet Message Access (IMAP) servers.
Get-SMIMEPOPThe Get-SMIMEPOP component is used to retrieve electronic mail from Internet Post Office (POP) servers.
Get-SNMPThe Get-SNMP component is used to query SNMP agents.
Get-SyslogThe Get-Syslog component is used to receive network system log packets.
Get-TFTPThe Get-TFTP component is used to download files from TFTP servers.
Get-TimeThe Get-Time component provides the current (GMT) time from an Internet Time Server.
Get-TraceThe Get-Trace component allows you to trace the path IP packets take on the Internet.
Get-TrapThe Get-Trap component provides a listening point for SNMP traps.
Get-UDPThe Get-UDP component is used to listen for UDP datagrams.
Get-WebDAVThe Get-WebDAV component implements an easy-to-use interface to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol (WebDAV).
Get-WhoisThe get-whois component allows you to query a WHOIS Server for Domain registration information.
Import-CertificateThe Import-Certificate component is used to import an X.509 certificate from a PFX file into a certificate store.
Invoke-PowerShellServerThe Invoke-PowerShellServer Component is used to remotely execute a command on the PowerShell Server.
Invoke-RexecThe Invoke-Rexec component is used to execute commands on a remote UNIX machine using the rexec mechanism.
Invoke-RshellThe Invoke-RShell component is used to execute commands on a remote Unix machine using the rshell mechanism.
Invoke-SSHThe Invoke-SSHcomponent is used to remotely execute a command on an SSH server.
Invoke-TelnetThe Invoke-Telnet component is used to remotely execute a command on a Telnet server.
Lock-WebDAVThe Lock-WebDAV component implements an easy-to-use interface to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol (WebDAV).
Move-IMAPThe Move-IMAP component is used to move mails between folders in your Internet Message Access (IMAP) server.
Move-WebDAVThe Move-WebDAV component implements an easy-to-use interface to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol (WebDAV).
New-CertificateThe New-Certificate component is used to create new X.509 certificates in a certificate store.
Protect-DataThe Protect-Data cmdlet supports encrypting data with various symmetric algorithms including AES, 3DES, and more.
Remove-CertificateThe Remove-Certificate component is used to remove an X.509 certificate from a certificate store.
Remove-CloudStorageThe Remove-CloudStorage component is used to delete files and directories from Cloud Storage providers.
Remove-FTPThe Remove-FTP component is used to delete files from FTP, SFTP, and FTPS servers.
Remove-IMAPThe Remove-IMAP component is used to remove mails and folders on your Internet Message Access (IMAP) server.
Remove-LDAPThe Remove-LDAP component is used to communicate with LDAP Directory Servers (such as Active Directory) using the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access) protocol and delete items from it.
Remove-POPThe Remove-POP component is used to delete electronic mail from Internet Post Office (POP) servers.
Remove-S3The Remove-S3 component can be used to delete objects and buckets from the Amazon S3 service.
Remove-SFTPThe Remove-SFTP component is used to delete files from SFTP servers.
Remove-VPNThe Remove-VPN component can be used to delete an existing VPN connection on the system.
Remove-WebDAVThe Remove-WebDAV component implements an easy-to-use interface to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol (WebDAV).
Rename-CloudStorageThe Rename-CloudStorage component is used to rename remote files stored by Cloud Storage providers.
Rename-FTPThe Rename-FTP component is used to rename files in FTP, SFTP, and FTPS servers.
Rename-IMAPThe Rename-IMAP component is used to rename folders on your Internet Message Access (IMAP) server.
Rename-LDAPThe Rename-LDAP component is used to communicate with LDAP Directory Servers (such as Active Directory) using the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access) protocol and execute a 'modify RDN' operation to items in it to change the assigned Distinguished Name.
Rename-S3The Rename-S3 component is used to rename objects on Amazon S3 servers.
Rename-SFTPThe Rename-SFTP component is used to rename files in SFTP servers.
Search-IMAPThe Search-IMAP component is used to search electronic mail from Internet Message Access (IMAP) servers.
Send-CloudStorageThe Send-CloudStorage component is used to upload files and create new directories with Cloud Storage providers.
Send-EmailThe Send-Email component is used to send Internet mail using the SMTP protocol (the Internet mail standard).
Send-FTPThe Send-FTP component can be used to upload files to FTP, SFTP, and FTPS servers.
Send-IMThe Send-IM component is used to send messages using the XMPP (Jabber) protocol.
Send-NNTPThe Send-NNTP component is used to post articles on Usenet news servers.
Send-PageThe Send-Page component is used to send messages using the SNPP protocol.
Send-PingThe Send-Ping component encapsulates ICMP ECHO functionality, used to check whether there is a communications link between two computers.
Send-PowerShellServerFileThe Send-PowerShellServerFile Component is used to send a file to PowerShell Server.
Send-SCPThe Send-SCP component is used to upload files to SCP enabled SSH servers.
Send-SFTPThe Send-SFTP component can be used to upload files to SFTP servers.
Send-SMIMEEmailThe Send-SMIMEEmail component is used to send Signed and Encrypted Internet mail using the SMTP protocol (the Internet mail standard).
Send-SMSThe Send-SMS component is used to send SMS messages to cellular phones.
Send-SyslogThe Send-Syslog component is used to send network system log packets.
Send-TCPThe Send-TCP component provides an easy way to send data over a raw TCP connection.
Send-TFTPThe Send-TFTP component is used to upload files to TFTP servers via the TFTP protocol defined in RFC 783.
Send-TrapThe Send-Trap component is used to sends SNMP traps to a remote address.
Send-UDPThe Send-UDP component is used to send UDP datagrams.
Send-WebDAVThe Send-WebDAV component implements an easy-to-use interface to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol (WebDAV).
Set-IMAPThe Set-IMAP component is used to manage the mail on your Internet Message Access (IMAP) server.
Set-LDAPThe Set-LDAP component is used to communicate with LDAP Directory Servers (such as Active Directory) using the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access) protocol.
Set-RASThe Set-RAS component can be used to call the Remote Access System (RAS) to create and delete phonebook entries.
Set-SNMPThe Set-SNMP component exposes functionality to PowerShell to send SNMP SET requests.
Set-WebDAVThe Set-WebDAV component implements an easy-to-use interface to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol (WebDAV).
Unlock-WebDAVThe Unlock-WebDAV component implements an easy-to-use interface to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol (WebDAV).
Unprotect-DataThe Unprotect-Data cmdlet supports decrypting data with various symmetric algorithms including AES, 3DES, and more.
Connect-IMAPThe Connect-IMAP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-LDAPThe Connect-LDAP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-CloudStorageThe Connect-CloudStorage cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-FTPThe Connect-FTP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-NNTPThe Connect-NNTP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-POPThe Connect-POP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-SCPThe Connect-SCP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-SFTPThe Connect-SFTP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-SMIMEIMAPThe Connect-SMIMEIMAP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-SMIMEPOPThe Connect-SMIMEPOP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-PowerShellServerThe Connect-PowerShellServer cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-SSHThe Connect-SSH cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-TelnetThe Connect-Telnet cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-EmailThe Connect-Email cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-IMThe Connect-IM cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-SMIMEEmailThe Connect-SMIMEEmail cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-SMSThe Connect-SMS cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Connect-TCPThe Connect-TCP cmdlet is used to create a persistent connection object.
Disconnect-IMAPThe Disconnect-IMAP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-IMAP cmdlet.
Disconnect-LDAPThe Disconnect-LDAP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-LDAP cmdlet.
Disconnect-CloudStorageThe Disconnect-CloudStorage cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-CloudStorage cmdlet.
Disconnect-FTPThe Disconnect-FTP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-FTP cmdlet.
Disconnect-NNTPThe Disconnect-NNTP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-NNTP cmdlet.
Disconnect-POPThe Disconnect-POP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-POP cmdlet.
Disconnect-SCPThe Disconnect-SCP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-SCP cmdlet.
Disconnect-SFTPThe Disconnect-SFTP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-SFTP cmdlet.
Disconnect-SMIMEIMAPThe Disconnect-SMIMEIMAP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-SMIMEIMAP cmdlet.
Disconnect-SMIMEPOPThe Disconnect-SMIMEPOP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-SMIMEPOP cmdlet.
Disconnect-PowerShellServerThe Disconnect-PowerShellServer cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-PowerShellServer cmdlet.
Disconnect-SSHThe Disconnect-SSH cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-SSH cmdlet.
Disconnect-TelnetThe Disconnect-Telnet cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-Telnet cmdlet.
Disconnect-EmailThe Disconnect-Email cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-Email cmdlet.
Disconnect-IMThe Disconnect-IM cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-IM cmdlet.
Disconnect-SMIMEEmailThe Disconnect-SMIMEEmail cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-SMIMEEmail cmdlet.
Disconnect-SMSThe Disconnect-SMS cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-SMS cmdlet.
Disconnect-TCPThe Disconnect-TCP cmdlet is used to release the connection previously created by Connect-TCP cmdlet.

Additional Information

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