AS4Web Adapter

Properties   Config Settings  

The AS4Web Component adds AS4 receive functionality to BizTalk Server.


The AS4Web Adapter supports receiving files into BizTalk. Using a simple application-like design, the adapter allows you to easily incorporate secure EDI (EDI-INT) exchange into your current e-Business process architecture.

AS4Web Receive Adapter

The AS4Web Receive Adapter implements an AS4 server that can communicate with your BizTalk Server. This accepts files sent by your partner to you (handling incoming push requests).

In order to use the AS4Web Receiver, you must set the AS4SiteURL where your AS4 server is hosted, as well as the TradingPartner and ReceivingPartner AS4 identifiers. The AS4Web Receiver will read all incoming requests and check them against these values to ensure that the request comes from a known sender and is actually intended for the receiving entity.

To decrypt incoming messages set DecryptionCert to your private key. To verify the signature of incoming message set SignerCert to your partner's public certificate. To sign receipts sent back to you partner set SigningCert. If a receipt should be sent, set SendReceipt to Yes.

Once the incoming AS4 request has been parsed and verified, the contents are submitted to your BizTalk Server to be processed. Upon successful submission, the adapter will generate and send a receipt if SendReceipt is true.

The AS4Web Receiver is an isolated adapter, meaning that it is hosted by a separate application outside of the BizTalk Server. The adapter uses the incoming HTTP POST URL as the key for storing and retrieving its property set within BizTalk's database. Thus a single page can host multiple trading partner configurations.

Receiver Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the receiver Adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AgreementRefThe agreement reference.
AS4FromIdThe Id of the party. This value is required.
AS4FromIdTypeThe optional type of the Id. If specified this value should be the domain to which the Id belongs.
AS4FromRoleThis field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.
AS4SiteURLThe path to the website hosting the AS4 component.
AS4ToIdThe Id of the party. This value is required.
AS4ToIdTypeThe optional type of the Id. If specified this value should be the domain to which the Id belongs.
AS4ToRoleThis field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.
ConversationIdThe Conversation Id of the message.
DecryptionCertThe certificate with private key used to decrypt.
EDIPropertiesA collection of file properties.
EDITypeThe Content-Type of the EDI message.
ErrorThresholdThe maximum number of errors before the component shuts down.
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
HTTPProxyA set of properties related to proxy access.
LogDirectoryThe path to a directory for logging.
LogFileThe log file written.
MaxThreadsThe maximum number of threads that the component may consume.
MessageIdThe unique Id of the message.
MessagePropertiesA collection of message properties.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the component.
ProfileThe AS4 profile.
ReceiptContentThe content of the receipt.
ReceiptRefToMessageIdThe Message Id to which this receipt applies.
ReceivedFileNameThe name of the file received by the AS4 component.
ReceivingPartnerThe identity of AS4 receiving entity.
RegisterIsolatedReceiverTimeoutThis setting specifies the number of seconds the isolated receive adapter will search for a corresponding receive location.
RequeueEndpointsWhether to requeue receive endpoints if the polling interval has not been reached.
RuntimeLicenseSpecifies the component runtime license key.
SendReceiptWhether to send a receipt.
ServiceThe service which acts on the message.
ServiceActionThe action within a service that acts on the message.
ServiceTypeThe type of service.
SignatureAlgorithmSignature algorithm to be used in the message.
SignerCertThe public signing certificate of the partner.
SigningCertThe certificate used to sign the outgoing AS4 message.
SSLAcceptServerCertFor sending HTTPS requests, a server certificate to unconditionally accept.
SSLCertThe certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.
TempPathA temporary local directory where data can be stored before the component processes it.
TimeoutA timeout for the component.
TokenPasswordThe password used in UsernameToken authentication.
TokenUserThe user used in UsernameToken authentication.
TradingPartnerThe trading partner that will be communicating with this receive location.
TransportLogTells the component where and how to report information about its operations.
URIThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the send port or receive location.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the Adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddMultipartPayloadsToOneMessageAdd multiple AS4 message parts to a single BizTalk message.
AllowWarningsWhether warnings are interpreted as fatal errors.
ContentTransferEncodingThe content encoding of the payload data.
DetectDuplicatesWhether to detect duplicate messages when receiving.
EnableTokenReferenceTokenTypeWhether to include the TokenType attribute in a SecurityTokenReference element.
EncryptionSecurityTokenFormatThe format to use for the security token when encryption.
FilenamePropertyDefines a part property to hold the filename.
ForceSigningCertWhether to force only the SigningCert to be used for signing.
FromId[i]The Id of the party specified by AS4From.
FromIdCountThe number of Ids for the party specified by AS4From.
FromIdType[i]The Id type of the party specified by AS4From.
KeyAgreementMethodThe agreement method used for KeyWrap encryption algorithms.
KeyDerivationConcatKDFDigestMethodThe digest method used for the ConcatKDF key derivation method.
KeyDerivationMethodThe key derivation method used for KeyWrap encryption algorithms.
KeyEncryptionAlgorithmThe algorithm used to encrypt the key.
LogLevelThe level of information to log.
LogOptionsThe information to be written to log files.
OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithmThe MGF1 hash algorithm used when encrypting a key.
OAEPParamsThe hex encoded OAEP parameters to be used when encrypting a key.
OAEPRSAHashAlgorithmThe RSA hash algorithm used when encrypting a key.
ReceiptURLThe URL to which receipts are sent.
ReferenceHashAlgorithmThe hash algorithm used to hash the data specified in the reference of a signature.
RequireEncryptionWhether encryption is required when processing received messages.
RequireSignatureWhether a signature is required when processing received messages.
RolloverCertStoreThe certificate store for the rollover certificate.
RolloverCertStorePasswordThe certificate store for the rollover certificate.
RolloverCertStoreTypeThe certificate store for the rollover certificate.
RolloverCertSubjectThe certificate store for the rollover certificate.
SignatureHashThe hash algorithm used to hash the data specified in signature.
SignerCACertThe CA certificates that issued the signer certificate.
SigningSecurityTokenFormatThe format to use for the security token when signing.
TempPathWhere temporary files are optionally written.
ToId[i]The Id of the party specified by AS4To.
ToIdCountThe number of Ids for the party specified by AS4To.
ToIdType[i]The Id type of the party specified by AS4To.
TokenPasswordTypeThe password type used in UsernameToken authentication.
ReuseSSLSessionDetermines if the SSL session is reused.
SSLCipherStrengthThe minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.
SSLEnabledCipherSuitesThe cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation.
SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
SSLIncludeCertChainWhether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event.
SSLSecurityFlagsFlags that control certificate verification.
TLS12SignatureAlgorithmsDefines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True.
TLS12SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for ECC.
TLS13KeyShareGroupsThe groups for which to pregenerate key shares.
TLS13SignatureAlgorithmsThe allowed certificate signature algorithms.
TLS13SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for (EC)DHE key exchange.
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

AS4Web Receiver

How to Configure a AS4Web Receive Location with the BizTalk Server Administration Console

To configure the receive location by using the BizTalk Server Administration console, use the following procedure:

NOTE: Before completing the following procedure you must have already added a one-way receive port. For more information, see How to Create a Receive Port.

To configure receive location variables for a AS4Web receive location:

  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand BizTalk Server Administration, expand BizTalk Group, expand Applications, and then expand the application you want to create a receive location in.
  2. In the left pane, click the Receive Port node. Then in the right pane, right-click the receive port that is associated with an existing receive location or that you want to associate with a new receive location, and then click Properties.
  3. In the left pane of the Receive Port Properties dialog box, select Receive Locations, and in the right pane double-click an existing receive location or click New to create a new receive location.
  4. In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, in the Transport section next to Type, select nsoftware.AS4Web 2024 from the drop-down list, and then click Configure to configure the transport properties for the receive location.
  5. In the nsoftware.AS4Web 2024 Transport Properties dialog box, you will find the following properties:

    The agreement reference.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The Id of the party. This value is required.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""
    NOTE: This property must have a value.


    The optional type of the Id. If specified this value should be the domain to which the Id belongs.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    This field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The path to the website hosting the AS4 component.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""
    NOTE: This property must have a value.


    The Id of the party. This value is required.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""
    NOTE: This property must have a value.


    The optional type of the Id. If specified this value should be the domain to which the Id belongs.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    This field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The Conversation Id of the message.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The certificate with private key used to decrypt.

    Type: Certificate    Default Value: null
    NOTE: The digital id must have a private key associated with it.


    A collection of file properties.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The Content-Type of the EDI message.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: "application/edi-x12"


    The maximum number of errors before the component shuts down.

    Type: xs:int    Default Value: 5


    A set of properties related to firewall access.

    Type: Firewall    Default Value: null


    A set of properties related to proxy access.

    Type: Proxy    Default Value: null


    The path to a directory for logging.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The log file written.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The maximum number of threads that the component may consume.

    Type: xs:int    Default Value: 20


    The unique Id of the message.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    A collection of message properties.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    Defines a set of configuration settings to be used by the component.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The AS4 profile.

    Type: xs:int    Default Value: 0


    The content of the receipt.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The Message Id to which this receipt applies.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The name of the file received by the AS4 component.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The identity of AS4 receiving entity.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""
    NOTE: This property must have a value.


    This setting specifies the number of seconds the isolated receive adapter will search for a corresponding receive location.

    Type: xs:int    Default Value: 15


    Whether to requeue receive endpoints if the polling interval has not been reached.

    Type: bool    Default Value: false


    Specifies the component runtime license key.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    Whether to send a receipt.

    Type: bool    Default Value: true


    The service which acts on the message.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The action within a service that acts on the message.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The type of service.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    Signature algorithm to be used in the message.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: "sha256"


    The public signing certificate of the partner.

    Type: Certificate    Default Value: null


    The certificate used to sign the outgoing AS4 message.

    Type: Certificate    Default Value: null
    NOTE: The digital id must have a private key associated with it.


    For sending HTTPS requests, a server certificate to unconditionally accept.

    Type: Certificate    Default Value: null


    The certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.

    Type: Certificate    Default Value: null
    NOTE: The digital id must have a private key associated with it.


    A temporary local directory where data can be stored before the component processes it.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    A timeout for the component.

    Type: xs:int    Default Value: 60


    The password used in UsernameToken authentication.

    Type: baf:Password    Default Value: ""


    The user used in UsernameToken authentication.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""


    The trading partner that will be communicating with this receive location.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""
    NOTE: This property must have a value.


    Tells the component where and how to report information about its operations.

    Type: Log    Default Value: null


    The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the send port or receive location.

    Type: xs:string    Default Value: ""

  6. Click OK.
  7. Enter the appropriate values in the Receive Location Properties dialog box to complete the configuration of the receive location and click OK to save settings. For information about the Receive Locations Properties dialog box, see How to Create a Receive Location.

AgreementRef Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The agreement reference.

Data Type


Default Value



This property holds a value identifying the agreement between the two parties. The agreement is made outside the scope of the request and response and governs details about the interaction including reply mode, signing and encryption options, etc.

The value of this property should be set to a mutually agreed upon identifier. Both parties will use this value know what the expected requirements are for a particular request or response.

The format of this value is typically a URI, such as "" but can be any unique string that both parties are configured to accept. Another common format is the concatenation of the AS4From and AS4To values.

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:CollaborationInfo/eb:AgreementRef" Note: This property is not available at design time in the receiver, but will be detected from the incoming AS4 message and made available as a message context property.

AS4FromId Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The Id of the party. This value is required.

Data Type


Default Value



This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PartyInfo/eb:From/eb:PartyId"

AS4FromIdType Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The optional type of the Id. If specified this value should be the domain to which the Id belongs.

Data Type


Default Value



This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PartyInfo/eb:From/eb:PartyId@type"

AS4FromRole Property (AS4Web Adapter)

This field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.

Data Type


Default Value



This field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.

In AS4From this specified the role of the party sending the document. The default value is "".

In AS4To this specifies the role of the party receiving the document. The default value is "".

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PartyInfo/eb:From/eb:Role"

AS4SiteURL Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The path to the website hosting the AS4 component.

Data Type


Default Value



This is the virtual path of the application that will host the instance of the AS4 adapter. It is not necessary to include the schema ("http") or host information: the adapter will ignore everything other than the path information. For example, if the URL you would post to is "http://localhost/AS4Receiver/AS4Server.aspx", you only need to set "/AS4Receiver/AS4Server.aspx".

It is possible to set up a single web page to process requests received from more than one TradingPartner, as well as to host more than one ReceivingPartner.

This property is not available in the Sender.

AS4ToId Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The Id of the party. This value is required.

Data Type


Default Value



This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PartyInfo/eb:From/eb:PartyId"

AS4ToIdType Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The optional type of the Id. If specified this value should be the domain to which the Id belongs.

Data Type


Default Value



This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PartyInfo/eb:From/eb:PartyId@type"

AS4ToRole Property (AS4Web Adapter)

This field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.

Data Type


Default Value



This field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.

In AS4From this specified the role of the party sending the document. The default value is "".

In AS4To this specifies the role of the party receiving the document. The default value is "".

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PartyInfo/eb:From/eb:Role"

ConversationId Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The Conversation Id of the message.

Data Type


Default Value



This property specifies an Id that may be used to identify a set of related messages. This is required and if a value is not specified one will automatically be created.

Note: When Profile is set to ebpfENTSOG this value will always be empty.

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:CollaborationInfo/eb:ConversationId"

DecryptionCert Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The certificate with private key used to decrypt.

Data Type



This property specifies the certificate with private key used to decrypt received data.

This property is not available in the Sender.

EDIProperties Property (AS4Web Adapter)

A collection of file properties.

Data Type


Default Value



This property holds file level properties. The properties are specified one per line. The syntax is a follows: PropertyName=PropertyValue For instance, the value below includes two properties. Prop1=Value1 Prop2=Value2

EDIType Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The Content-Type of the EDI message.

Data Type


Default Value



The Content-Type of the EDI message. Sample values are "application/edi-x12", "application/edifact" or "application/xml".

ErrorThreshold Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The maximum number of errors before the component shuts down.

Data Type


Default Value



This property limits the number of errors that the adapter can incur before it shuts down and stops processing messages.

If set to 0 the adapter will never shutdown.

Note that if the operation completes successfully the current error count will be reset.

This property may be configured on the adapter's static handler property page in the BizTalk Server administration console.

This property is not available in the Sender.

Firewall Property (AS4Web Adapter)

A set of properties related to firewall access.

Data Type



This is a Firewall type property which contains fields describing the firewall through which the adapter will attempt to connect.

HTTPPassword Property (AS4Web Adapter)

A password if authentication is to be used.

Data Type


Default Value



This property holds the password used for HTTP authentication.

This property is not available in the Receiver.

HTTPProxy Property (AS4Web Adapter)

A set of properties related to proxy access.

Data Type



This is a Proxy type property which contains fields describing the proxy through which the adapter will attempt to connect.

HTTPUser Property (AS4Web Adapter)

A user name if authentication is to be used.

Data Type


Default Value



This property holds the user used for HTTP authentication.

This property is not available in the Receiver.

LogDirectory Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The path to a directory for logging.

Data Type


Default Value



The directory in which log files are created. The adapter will create log files that detail each transmission.

The verbosity of the logs is controlled by LogLevel.

LogFile Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The log file written.

Data Type


Default Value



If LogDirectory is specified, log files will be written in the specified directory and LogFile will contain the path. A diagnostic log will be written with filename LogFile + ".log".

Since this log file is dynamically generated, this property can be read after the adapter has processed the message to determine the exact name of the log file.

MaxThreads Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The maximum number of threads that the component may consume.

Data Type


Default Value



This property limits the number of concurrent threads that the adapter may consume while completing its work.

This property can only be configured through the adapter's static handler property page in the BizTalk Server administration console.

MaxTransmissionBatchSize Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The maximum number of messages that can be sent in a single batch.

Data Type


Default Value



This property controls the maximum size of an outbound message batch.

Note: be careful when modifying this property as it directly effects the efficiency of the transmit adapter. Setting MaxTransmissionBatchSize to a low value in an environment that requires transmission of large quantities of data will result in the adapter accumulating several small batches. If TransmitBatchMode is set to Parallel, this will result in the adapter transmitting many small batches at once and can put a heavy load on the processor.

Conversely, if TransmitBatchMode is set to Serial, setting MaxTransmissionBatchSize to a large value may result in long transmission delays as the adapter will wait on existing work to complete before accepting new messages from the BizTalk Message Engine. This is especially true when the adapter is transmitting large data.

This property can only be configured through the adapter's static handler property page in the BizTalk Server administration console.

This property is not available in the Receiver.

MessageId Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The unique Id of the message.

Data Type


Default Value



This property provided the MessageId of the message. This is returned for informational purposes.

MessageProperties Property (AS4Web Adapter)

A collection of message properties.

Data Type


Default Value



This property holds message level properties. The properties are specified one per line. The property type is optional. The syntax is a follows: [PropertyType]PropertyName=PropertyValue PropertyName=PropertyValue For instance, the value below includes two properties, the first property does not include a type. Prop1=Value1 [string]Prop2=Value2

Other Property (AS4Web Adapter)

Defines a set of configuration settings to be used by the component.

Data Type


Default Value



The adapter accepts one or more configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the adapter, access to these internal properties is provided through the Other property.

The Other property may be set to one or more configuration settings (name/value pairs). Set one setting per line. For example: configname1=value1 configname2=value2

Profile Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The AS4 profile.

Data Type


Possible Values

Standard (0)

Default Value



This property specifies the AS4 profile to use. Different profiles may have different requirements and default options. Setting this property to the correct value ensures that the right options are selected in order to conform to the profile. Possible values are:

0 (ebpfStandard - default) The AS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 Version 1.0 OASIS Standard
1 (ebpfENTSOG) The ENTSOG AS4 Profile
2 (ebpfEDelivery) The eDelivery AS4 Profile
3 (ebpfBDEW) The BDEW AS4 Profile
4 (ebpfENTSOG_V4) The ENTSOG Version 4 AS4 Profile
5 (ebpfEDelivery) The eDelivery Version 2 AS4 Profile

When Profile is set to ebpfENTSOG the following settings are automatically applied:

Property Value
CompressionFormat ebcfGZIP
EncryptionAlgorithm "AES128GCM"
ConversationId Remains empty
SignatureAlgorithm "SHA256"
AttachXMLFiles True
DetectDuplicates True
OAEPRSAHashAlgorithm "SHA256"
OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithm "SHA256"
ReferenceHashAlgorithm "SHA256"

When Profile is set to ebpfENTSOG_V4, version 4 of the ENTSOG profile is used and the following settings are automatically applied:

Property Value
CompressionFormat ebcfGZIP
EncryptionAlgorithm "AES128GCM"
SignatureAlgorithm "EDDSA-ED25519"
AttachXMLFiles True
DetectDuplicates True
ReferenceHashAlgorithm "SHA256"
SignatureHash "SHA256"
KeyAgreementMethod "X25519"
KeyDerivationMethod "HKDF"
KeyEncryptionAlgorithm "KW-AES128"
SSLEnabledProtocols "0x3C00" (TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3)

When Profile is set to ebpfEDelivery the following settings are automatically applied:

Property Value
CompressionFormat ebcfGZIP
EncryptionAlgorithm "AES128GCM"
RequireEncryption True
RequireSignature True
SignatureAlgorithm "SHA256"
OAEPRSAHashAlgorithm "SHA256"
OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithm "SHA256"
EncryptionSecurityTokenFormat 1 (Binary)
SigningSecurityTokenFormat 1 (Binary)

When Profile is set to ebpfEDelivery_V2, version 2 of the eDelivery profile is used and the following settings are automatically applied:

Property Value
CompressionFormat ebcfGZIP
EncryptionAlgorithm "AES128GCM"
SignatureAlgorithm "EDDSA-ED25519"
AttachXMLFiles True
DetectDuplicates True
ReferenceHashAlgorithm "SHA256"
SignatureHash "SHA256"
KeyAgreementMethod "X25519"
KeyDerivationMethod "HKDF"
KeyEncryptionAlgorithm "KW-AES128"
SSLEnabledProtocols "0x3C00" (TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3)

When Profile is set to ebpfBDEW the following settings are automatically applied:

Property Value
CompressionFormat ebcfGZIP
EncryptionAlgorithm "AES128GCM"
RequireEncryption True
RequireSignature True
SignatureAlgorithm "ECDSASHA256"
EncryptionSecurityTokenFormat 0 (X509)
SigningSecurityTokenFormat 3 (X509PKIPathv1)
ForceSigningCert True
KeyEncryptionAlgorithm KW-AES128
KeyAgreementMethod ECDH-ES
KeyDerivationMethod ConcatKDF
KeyDerivationConcatKDFDigestMethod SHA256
Note: When ebpfBDEW is selected, both the SigningCert and Encryption Cert(recipientCert) MUST use ECDSA with the BrainpoolP256r1 curve.

ReceiptContent Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The content of the receipt.

Data Type


Default Value



This is the raw XML of the receipt.

When using the Send adapter this is populated from the response received from the server.

When using the Receive adapter this is informational only and is populated with the receipt that was sent by the adapter.

ReceiptRefToMessageId Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The Message Id to which this receipt applies.

Data Type


Default Value



This is the original Message Id from the initial transmission of the file.

When using the Send adapter this is populated from the response received from the server.

When using the Receive adapter this is informational only and is populated with the receipt that was sent by the adapter.

ReceivedFileName Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The name of the file received by the AS4 component.

Data Type


Default Value



If a file name is included in the AS4 request's message headers, it will be written to this context property.

Note: this value is also placed in the File.ReceivedFileName and the FTP.ReceivedFileName context properties. This is to ensure compatibility with other adapters that poll those context properties to fill out macros such as %SourceFileName%.

This property is not available in the Sender.

ReceivingPartner Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The identity of AS4 receiving entity.

Data Type


Default Value



This is the Id of the trading partner that will be receiving AS4 transmissions for this receive location. When data is received, this will value will be checked against the value supplied by the sending entity to ensure that the document received is intended for this receiver.

This property is not available in the Sender.

RegisterIsolatedReceiverTimeout Property (AS4Web Adapter)

This setting specifies the number of seconds the isolated receive adapter will search for a corresponding receive location.

Data Type


Default Value



When processing an incoming request from the HTTP endpoints the adapter will look for the URI of a receive location which matches the incoming request. This process communicates with BizTalk and in high load scenarios this operation may require additional time to complete. The default value is 15 seconds. If an intermittent "Timeout while waiting for endpoint configuration" error is seen, set this to a larger value.

This property can only be configured through the adapter's static handler property page in the BizTalk Server administration console.

This property is not available in the Sender.

RequeueEndpoints Property (AS4Web Adapter)

Whether to requeue receive endpoints if the polling interval has not been reached.

Data Type


Default Value



This setting controls whether receive endpoints are requeued for later processing if the polling interval has not yet been reached. When this setting is set to No (default) each thread will block until the polling interval for the corresponding receive location is reached. If there exist more active receive locations than MaxThreads it is possible for some threads to block the execution of others since they may be waiting for a polling interval.

When this setting is set to Yes if the polling interval has not been reached the thread will not block until the polling interval is reached, and instead the endpoint will be requeued to be processed later. This lets subsequent endpoints in the queue to be processed.

If MaxThreads is set to a low value and there are a larger number of receive locations setting this to Yes will help assure that polling intervals are respected and receive locations poll in a timely manner.

The default value is No.

This property can only be configured through the adapter's static handler property page in the BizTalk Server administration console.

This property is not available in the Sender.

RuntimeLicense Property (AS4Web Adapter)

Specifies the component runtime license key.

Data Type


Default Value



You can use the RuntimeLicense property to set the runtime key for the adapter license.

This property may be configured on the adapter's static handler property page in the BizTalk Server administration console.

SendReceipt Property (AS4Web Adapter)

Whether to send a receipt.

Data Type


Default Value



This property indicates whether a receipt should be sent after downloading files.

The adapter will make multiple requests to download all outstanding files from the server. The receipt for the previous message will be bundled with the request for the next message.

This property is not available in the Sender.

Service Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The service which acts on the message.

Data Type


Default Value



This property specifies the service which acts on the message. This should only be changed from the default value if there is a specific reason to do so.

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:CollaborationInfo/eb:Service"

ServiceAction Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The action within a service that acts on the message.

Data Type


Default Value



This property defines the action within a service that acts upon a message. This should only be changed from the default value if there is a specific reason to do so.

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:CollaborationInfo/eb:Action".

ServiceType Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The type of service.

Data Type


Default Value



This optionally specifies the type of the service. The semantics of this value should be agreed upon by both parties ahead of time. It may be used to tell the other party how to interpret the Service value.

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:CollaborationInfo/eb:Service@type"

SignatureAlgorithm Property (AS4Web Adapter)

Signature algorithm to be used in the message.

Data Type


Default Value



Signature Algorithm can be set to indicate the preferred signing algorithm. Possible values are:

  • SHA1
  • MD5
  • SHA-256 (or SHA256) (default)
  • SHA-384 (or SHA384)
  • SHA-512 (or SHA512)
  • SHA-224 (or SHA224)
  • ECDSA-SHA224
  • ECDSA-SHA256
  • ECDSA-SHA384
  • ECDSA-SHA512
  • EDDSA-ED25519
  • EDDSA-ED448

The default value is "SHA-256".

SignerCert Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The public signing certificate of the partner.

Data Type



This property specifies the public certificate of the partner that was used to sign the message. The adapter will verify the signature with the public certificate specified here.

This property is used to set a Public Key Certificate.

Ordinarily, the system will attempt to locate the public key in trusted certificate stores in the system registry. If a match is found, the certificate is trusted, and the process proceeds without error. If the certificate is not trusted, the adapter will report an error.

You may explicitly set a public key, either to accept a key that is not installed on the system, or to ensure that a specific key is presented. Public key certificates may be loaded from the machine registry or from file. If you click on the ellipses, a certificate selection dialog will open. To select a public key from the system registry, select the System Store tab or the User Store tab, and highlight the appropriate registry store. The list of available certificates will be shown below.

Alternatively, you may specify a public key on file. Select the PEM or Certificate File tabs to load a public key from file. You can use the browse button to examine the file system for the certificate that you wish to use. Public keys typically are stored in .CER, .DER, or .PEM files, but other formats may be used. You can click on the Open button to examine the contents of the certificate. Or, if you have a certificate stored in memory, you can write the contents of the certificate into the text box provided. Note that if you are loading a certificate from memory, the certificate must be Base-64 encoded, or the string representation of the certificate may become corrupted and uninterpretable.

Regardless of how you selected the certificate, once you hit the OK button, the adapter will attempt to verify that certificate selection. If successful, the subject of the certificate will be displayed in the property field. If the adapter was not able to verify the selection, a dialog box will appear instead detailing the verification error.

SigningCert Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The certificate used to sign the outgoing AS4 message.

Data Type



This property specifies a certificate with private key used to sign the outgoing request and receipts.

This field is used to set a Private Key Certificate.

Private key certificates may be loaded from the registry, from files in PKCS#12 format, or from a PEM file format. If you click on the ellipses, a certificate selection dialog will open. To select a private key from the system registry, select the System Store tab or the User Store tab, and highlight the appropriate registry store. The list of certificates which have private keys will be shown below.

To select a private key certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format, select the PFX Store tab. The browse button can be used to examine the file system for PKCS#12 (.pfx or .p12) certificates. If you wish to examine the certificate, provide the password in the field provided and click on the Open button to examine the file store for certificates present. To load a certificate from PEM files, select the PEM tab. Like the PFX file selection, you can specify the password and click the Open button to examine the certificates in the PEM store, or you may paste any PEM data stored in memory.

Regardless of how you selected the certificate, once you hit the OK button, the adapter will attempt to verify that certificate selection. If successful, the subject of the certificate will be displayed in the property field. If the adapter was not able to verify the selection, a dialog box will appear instead detailing the verification error.

SSLAcceptServerCert Property (AS4Web Adapter)

For sending HTTPS requests, a server certificate to unconditionally accept.

Data Type



In the Send Adapter, this property is used when communicating with trading partners via HTTPS to the URL specified in URL.

In the Receive Adapter, this property is used when an asynchronous MDN is requested by your trading partner to the URL specified in MDNDeliveryOption.

When an HTTPS request is issued by the adapter, a new secure connection is created with the trading partner. By default, the adapter will reject self-signed certificates and any other server certificates not signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

This property is used to set a Public Key Certificate.

Ordinarily, the system will attempt to locate the public key in trusted certificate stores in the system registry. If a match is found, the certificate is trusted, and the process proceeds without error. If the certificate is not trusted, the adapter will report an error.

You may explicitly set a public key, either to accept a key that is not installed on the system, or to ensure that a specific key is presented. Public key certificates may be loaded from the machine registry or from file. If you click on the ellipses, a certificate selection dialog will open. To select a public key from the system registry, select the System Store tab or the User Store tab, and highlight the appropriate registry store. The list of available certificates will be shown below.

Alternatively, you may specify a public key on file. Select the PEM or Certificate File tabs to load a public key from file. You can use the browse button to examine the file system for the certificate that you wish to use. Public keys typically are stored in .CER, .DER, or .PEM files, but other formats may be used. You can click on the Open button to examine the contents of the certificate. Or, if you have a certificate stored in memory, you can write the contents of the certificate into the text box provided. Note that if you are loading a certificate from memory, the certificate must be Base-64 encoded, or the string representation of the certificate may become corrupted and uninterpretable.

Regardless of how you selected the certificate, once you hit the OK button, the adapter will attempt to verify that certificate selection. If successful, the subject of the certificate will be displayed in the property field. If the adapter was not able to verify the selection, a dialog box will appear instead detailing the verification error.

Note: You may also set the Accept Any field to Yes without opening the certificate selection dialog to force the adapter to unilaterally authenticate any server during the security handshake. It is strongly recommended that you use this only for testing purposes. Set the LogMode to Info to cause the adapter to report the server's credentials to Location.

SSLCert Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.

Data Type



This property is used to assign a specific certificate for SSL client authentication.

This field is used to set a Private Key Certificate.

Private key certificates may be loaded from the registry, from files in PKCS#12 format, or from a PEM file format. If you click on the ellipses, a certificate selection dialog will open. To select a private key from the system registry, select the System Store tab or the User Store tab, and highlight the appropriate registry store. The list of certificates which have private keys will be shown below.

To select a private key certificate from a file in PKCS#12 format, select the PFX Store tab. The browse button can be used to examine the file system for PKCS#12 (.pfx or .p12) certificates. If you wish to examine the certificate, provide the password in the field provided and click on the Open button to examine the file store for certificates present. To load a certificate from PEM files, select the PEM tab. Like the PFX file selection, you can specify the password and click the Open button to examine the certificates in the PEM store, or you may paste any PEM data stored in memory.

Regardless of how you selected the certificate, once you hit the OK button, the adapter will attempt to verify that certificate selection. If successful, the subject of the certificate will be displayed in the property field. If the adapter was not able to verify the selection, a dialog box will appear instead detailing the verification error.

TempPath Property (AS4Web Adapter)

A temporary local directory where data can be stored before the component processes it.

Data Type


Default Value



This property indicates a temporary directory where the adapter can store any data before the adapter processes it. If TempPath is empty, the adapter will receive all data to memory. If set, the adapter will generate and write all inbound data to a temporary file in the specified directory.

Once the file is submitted, the adapter will handle closing the file stream and deleting the temporary file. However, if the adapter is shut down during a transfer some temporary files may be left in the directory. To ensure optimal performance, server administrators should check the directory regularly and remove old or extraneous files.

This property accepts the "%TEMP%" macro, which will be replaced with the default system temporary directory at runtime. Note: by default, this property is empty and the adapter will use memory streams to store all inbound data before submitting it. It is recommended that you use a temporary directory when downloading large batches or batches containing large files to alleviate potential increased memory requirements.

This property is not available in the Sender.

Timeout Property (AS4Web Adapter)

A timeout for the component.

Data Type


Default Value



If the Timeout property is set to 0, all operations will run uninterrupted until successful completion, or an error condition is encountered.

If Timeout is set to a positive value, the adapter will wait for the operation to complete before returning control.

If Timeout expires, and the operation is not yet complete, the adapter fails with an error.

Please note that by default, all timeouts are inactivity timeouts, i.e. the timeout period is extended by Timeout seconds when data is successfully sent or received.

Optionally, the behavior of the adapter may be changed to absolute timeouts, i.e. the adapter will wait for a maximum of Timeout seconds since the beginning of the operation, without extending the timeout period during communications.

This behavior is controlled by the AbsoluteTimeout configuration setting.

The default value for the Timeout property is 60 (seconds).

TokenPassword Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The password used in UsernameToken authentication.

Data Type


Default Value



This property specifies the password used in UsernameToken authentication.

This property is not available in the Sender.

TokenUser Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The user used in UsernameToken authentication.

Data Type


Default Value



This property specifies the user used in UsernameToken authentication. If this is specified UsernameToken authentication will be included in the request.

This property is not available in the Sender.

TradingPartner Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The trading partner that will be communicating with this receive location.

Data Type


Default Value



This is the Id of the trading partner that will be communicating with this instance of the AS4 adapter.

This property is not available in the Sender.

TransmitBatchMode Property (AS4Web Adapter)

How the transmitter processes batches.

Data Type


Possible Values

Parallel (0)
Serial (1)

Default Value



This property controls how the transmitter processes message batches:

ParallelThe adapter will process however many batches the BizTalk Message Engine sends it.

The number of maximum concurrent batches may be controlled by the MaxThreads property.

SerialThe adapter will queue batches from the BizTalk Message Engine and process them one at a time.

This property can only be configured through the adapter's static handler property page in the BizTalk Server administration console.

This property is not available in the Receiver.

TransportLog Property (AS4Web Adapter)

Tells the component where and how to report information about its operations.

Data Type



This is a Log type property which contains fields describing how and where the adapter will record information about its execution.

This property may be configured on the adapter's static handler property page in the BizTalk Server administration console.

URI Property (AS4Web Adapter)

The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the send port or receive location.

Data Type


Default Value



This property specifies a URI for the send port or receive location. Setting this property is optional.

By default the adapter will automatically generate a URI. You may choose to specify your own value here to be used in place of the generated URI.

If this value is specified it must begin with the correct prefix, as seen in the default value.

Certificate Type

The digital certificate being used.


This type describes the current digital certificate. The certificate may be a public or private key. The fields are used to identify or select certificates.



Default Value: "MY"

The name of the certificate store for the client certificate.

The StoreType field specifies the type of the certificate store specified by Store. If the store is password protected, specify the password in StorePassword.

Store is used in conjunction with the Subject field in order to specify client certificates. If Store has a value, and Subject is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please refer to the Subject field for details.

Designations of certificate stores are platform-dependent.

The following are designations of the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:

MYA certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys.
CACertifying authority certificates.
ROOTRoot certificates.
SPCSoftware publisher certificates.

In Java, the certificate store normally is a file containing certificates and optional private keys.

When the certificate store type is PFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is PFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e. PKCS12 certificate store).

If the provider is OpenSSL, the certificate store is a file containing a certificate and a private key. This property must be set to the name of the file.


Default Value: ""

If the certificate store is of a type that requires a password, this property is used to specify that password in order to open the certificate store.


Default Value: 0

The type of certificate store for this certificate.

The adapter supports both public and private keys in a variety of formats. When the cstAuto value is used, the adapter will automatically determine the type. This field can take one of the following values:

0 (cstUser - default)For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a certificate store owned by the current user.

Note: This store type is not available in Java.

1 (cstMachine)For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a machine store.

Note: This store type is not available in Java.

2 (cstPFXFile)The certificate store is the name of a PFX (PKCS#12) file containing certificates.
3 (cstPFXBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in PFX (PKCS#12) format.
4 (cstJKSFile)The certificate store is the name of a Java Key Store (JKS) file containing certificates.

Note: This store type is only available in Java.

5 (cstJKSBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in Java Key Store (JKS) format.

Note: This store type is only available in Java.

6 (cstPEMKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a PEM-encoded file that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
7 (cstPEMKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
8 (cstPublicKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
9 (cstPublicKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
10 (cstSSHPublicKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains an SSH-style public key.
11 (cstP7BFile)The certificate store is the name of a PKCS#7 file containing certificates.
12 (cstP7BBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary) representing a certificate store in PKCS#7 format.
13 (cstSSHPublicKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains an SSH-style public key.
14 (cstPPKFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
15 (cstPPKBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary) that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
16 (cstXMLFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a certificate in XML format.
17 (cstXMLBlob)The certificate store is a string that contains a certificate in XML format.
18 (cstJWKFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key).
19 (cstJWKBlob)The certificate store is a string that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key).
21 (cstBCFKSFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store).

Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET.

22 (cstBCFKSBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store) format.

Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET.

23 (cstPKCS11)The certificate is present on a physical security key accessible via a PKCS#11 interface.

To use a security key, the necessary data must first be collected using the CERTMGR adapter. The ListStoreCertificates method may be called after setting CertStoreType to cstPKCS11, CertStorePassword to the PIN, and CertStore to the full path of the PKCS#11 DLL. The certificate information returned in the CertList event's CertEncoded parameter may be saved for later use.

When using a certificate, pass the previously saved security key information as the Store and set StorePassword to the PIN.

Code Example. SSH Authentication with Security Key: certmgr.CertStoreType = CertStoreTypes.cstPKCS11; certmgr.OnCertList += (s, e) => { secKeyBlob = e.CertEncoded; }; certmgr.CertStore = @"C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\OpenSC\pkcs11\opensc-pkcs11.dll"; certmgr.CertStorePassword = "123456"; //PIN certmgr.ListStoreCertificates(); sftp.SSHCert = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPKCS11, secKeyBlob, "123456", "*"); sftp.SSHUser = "test"; sftp.SSHLogon("myhost", 22);

99 (cstAuto)The store type is automatically detected from the input data. This setting may be used with both public and private keys and can detect any of the supported formats automatically.


Default Value: ""

The subject of the certificate used for client authentication.

When this property is set, a search is performed in the current certificate store certificate with matching subject.

If an exact match is not found, the store is searched for subjects containing the value of the property.

When setting the property to a partial subject, CN= should be omitted. For example, the following code would find the certificate with subject CN=Test Certificate, OU=People, C=US

Example (Searching with partial subject)

Control.CertSubject = "Test"

If a match is not found, the property is set to an empty string, and no certificate is selected.

The special value "*" picks a random certificate in the certificate store.

If a matching certificate is found, Subject is set to the full subject of the matching certificate.

String (read-only)

Default Value: ""

The thumbprint of the certificate.

This field is used to specify the thumbprint of the certificate. When there are multiple certificates in the store that have the same subject, the thumbprint will be used to distinguish between them.


Constructors are only relevant when configuring adapters in orchestrations.

public Certificate();

Creates a instance whose properties can be set.

public Certificate(string certificateFile);

Opens CertificateFile and reads out the contents as an X509 public key.

public Certificate(byte[] certificateData);

Parses CertificateData as an X509 public key.

public Certificate(CertStoreTypes certStoreType, string store, string storePassword, string subject);

CertStoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a file containing the certificate store. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the constructor will attempt to find the certificate identified by Subject . This can be either a complete or a substring match of the X509 certificate's subject Distinguished Name (DN).

public Certificate(CertStoreTypes certStoreType, string store, string storePassword, byte[] encoded);

CertStoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a file containing the certificate store. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the constructor will load Encoded as an X509 certificate and search the opened store for a corresponding private key.

public Certificate(CertStoreTypes certStoreType, byte[] storeBlob, string storePassword, string subject);

CertStoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a string (binary- or base64-encoded) containing the certificate store. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the constructor will attempt to find the certificate identified by Subject . This can be either a complete or a substring match of the X509 certificate's subject Distinguished Name (DN).

public Certificate(CertStoreTypes certStoreType, byte[] storeBlob, string storePassword, byte[] encoded);

CertStoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a string (binary- or base64-encoded) containing the certificate store. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the constructor will load Encoded as an X509 certificate and search the opened store for a corresponding private key.

Firewall Type

The firewall the component will connect through.


When connecting through a firewall, this type is used to specify different properties of the firewall such as the firewall Host and the FirewallType.



Default Value: False

Tells the adapter whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.


Default Value: 0

Determines the type of firewall to connect through. The applicable values are the following:

fwNone (0)No firewall (default setting).
fwTunnel (1)Connect through a tunneling proxy. Port is set to 80.
fwSOCKS4 (2)Connect through a SOCKS4 Proxy. Port is set to 1080.
fwSOCKS5 (3)Connect through a SOCKS5 Proxy. Port is set to 1080.


Default Value: ""

Name or IP address of firewall (optional). If a Host is given, requested connections will be authenticated through the specified firewall when connecting.

If the Host field is set to a Domain Name, a DNS request is initiated. Upon successful termination of the request, the Host field is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, an error is returned.


Default Value: ""

A password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. If Host is specified, the User and Password fields are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, a trappable error is fired.


Default Value: 0

The TCP port for the firewall Host. See the description of the Host field for details.

Note that the Port is set automatically when FirewallType is set to a valid value. See the description of the FirewallType field for details.


Default Value: ""

A user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. If the Host is specified, the User and Password fields are used to connect and authenticate to the given Firewall. If the authentication fails, a trappable error is fired.


Constructors are only relevant when configuring adapters in orchestrations.

public Firewall();

Log Type

A log where the component will record information about its operations.


This describes how and where the adapter will record information describing its execution.



Default Value: "Application"

This field describes the location where the logging information is to be written.

If the EventLog LogType has been chosen, this field must contain the name of the Event Log to which the information should be written. The default value for this field is "Application". If a value other than "Application" is set the computer must be restarted for the change to take effect. Note that the same event log must be used for all send ports and receive locations that use the same adapter.

If the File LogType has been chosen, this field must contain the location of the file to write logging information to on the file system.

The adapter also supports logging to files based on the current date and time. This allows for log files to be organized by days, months, or other intervals as specified. When specifying a log filename include a valid .NET date and time format string within the < and > characters. For instance C:\logs\sftp_<yyyyMMdd>.log or C:\logs\as2_<yyyyMMdd>T<hhmm>.log.


Default Value: 3

This field controls what information the adapter logs. The possible values have the following affect on the adapter's behavior:

VerboseThe adapter will report all information regarding the transport.
Info The adapter will report all major operations, as well as all warnings and errors.
WarningThe adapter will report any conditions that could result in unpredictable behavior as well as errors.
ErrorThe adapter will report all errors that prevent normal operations from completing.
FatalThe adapter will report only serious errors that cause the adapter to completely stop functioning.


Default Value: 1

This property controls where the adapter will log the information. The possible values have the following affect on the adapter's behavior:

NoneThe adapter will not report any logging information.
EventLogThe adapter will report all logging information to the event log. The specific event log must be defined in the Location field when this type is selected.
FileThe adapter will report all logging information to a file. The desired file must be specified in the Location field when this type has been selected.


Constructors are only relevant when configuring adapters in orchestrations.

public Log();
public Log(LogTypes logType, string location, LogModes logMode);

Proxy Type

The proxy the component will connect to.


When connecting through a proxy, this type is used to specify different properties of the proxy such as the Server and the AuthScheme.



Default Value: 0

Use the AuthScheme field to tell the adapter which type of authorization to perform when connecting to the proxy. This is only used when the User and Password fields are set.

AuthScheme should be set to authNone (3) when no authentication is expected.

By default, AuthScheme is authBasic (0), and if the User and Password fields are set, the component will attempt basic authentication. If AuthScheme is set to authDigest (1), digest authentication will be attempted instead.

If AuthScheme is set to authProprietary (2), then the authorization token will not be generated by the adapter. Look at the configuration file for the adapter being used to find more information about manually setting this token.

If AuthScheme is set to authNtlm (4), NTLM authentication will be used. This option is only available in the SSL package.

For security reasons, setting this property will clear the values of User and Password.


Default Value: False

Tells the adapter whether or not to automatically detect and use proxy system settings, if available.


Default Value: ""

A password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.

If AuthScheme is set to Basic Authentication, the User and Password are Base64 encoded and the proxy authentication token will be generated in the form "Basic [encoded-user-password]".

If AuthScheme is set to Digest Authentication, the User and Password fields are used to respond to the Digest Authentication challenge from the server.

If AuthScheme is set to NTLM Authentication, the User and Password fields are used to authenticate through NTLM negotiation.


Default Value: 80

The TCP port for the proxy Server (default 80). See the description of the Server field for details.


Default Value: ""

If a proxy Server is given, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified.

If the Server field is set to a Domain Name, a DNS request is initiated and upon successful termination of the request, the Server field is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, an error is returned.


Default Value: 0

Determines when to use SSL for the connection to the proxy. The applicable values are the following:

psAutomatic (0)Default setting. The connection to the Server is SSL-enabled for 'https' URL-s, and non SSL-enabled for other URL-s.
psAlways (1)The connection is always SSL-enabled.
psNever (2)The connection is not SSL-enabled.
psTunnel (3)The connection is through a tunneling (HTTP) proxy.


Default Value: ""

A user name, if authentication is to be used for the proxy.

If AuthScheme is set to Basic Authentication, the User and Password are Base64 encoded and the proxy authentication token will be generated in the form "Basic [encoded-user-password]".

If AuthScheme is set to Digest Authentication, the User and Password fields are used to respond to the Digest Authentication challenge from the server.

If AuthScheme is set to NTLM Authentication, the User and Password fields are used to authenticate through NTLM negotiation.


Constructors are only relevant when configuring adapters in orchestrations.

public Proxy();
public Proxy(string server, int port);
public Proxy(string server, int port, string user, string password);

Config Settings (AS4Web Adapter)

The adapter accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the adapter, access to these internal properties is provided through the Other property.

AS4Web Config Settings

AddMultipartPayloadsToOneMessage:   Add multiple AS4 message parts to a single BizTalk message.

Some AS4 messages may have multiple parts or attachments. This setting is used to indicate what should be done with these additional parts when creating the message in BizTalk. By default (False), the adapter will create separate BizTalk messages for each additional part. When True, a single multipart BizTalk message will be created instead. In this case, additional context properties are used to retrieve data related to the additional, non-body parts:

  • ReceivedFileName_i
  • EDIType_i
  • EDIProperties_i
  • EDISchemaLocation_i
  • EDISchemaNamespace_i
  • EDISchemaVersion_i
Note that i is an index, starting at 1 for each additional part. For example, ReceivedFileName_1 is the ReceivedFileName for part 1, the first non-body part.
AllowWarnings:   Whether warnings are interpreted as fatal errors.

When set to False (default) any ebMS level error returned by the other party will be considered an error and cause an exception. When set to True the severity of the ebMS error will be inspected. If the severity is "warning" it will not cause an exception. In this case Errors will still be populated with the error details.

ContentTransferEncoding:   The content encoding of the payload data.

This setting can be used to specify the content encoding of the payload data of the AS4 message. This is set to binary (4) by default. Possible values for the this field are:

Base64 (2) Base64 encoding of binary data.
Binary (4) Binary data without any encoding.
DetectDuplicates:   Whether to detect duplicate messages when receiving.

Whether to detect duplicate messages. If set to True LogDirectory must be set. When a file is received the adapter will store a file containing the MessageId of the received file. When additional files are received the adapter will scan the LogDirectory to see if a file with the same MessageId has already been received. If a duplicate is detected an entry is added to the .log file and Log fires.

The default value depends on the Profile. For the Standard profile the default value is False. When Profile is set to ENTSOG this value is set to True.

EnableTokenReferenceTokenType:   Whether to include the TokenType attribute in a SecurityTokenReference element.

When this configuration setting is enabled, messages will include the TokenType attribute in any SecurityTokenReference elements. It will also add a namespace declaration for Web Services Security Version 1.1 ( Note: This setting is not compatible with the X509 security token format.

EncryptionSecurityTokenFormat:   The format to use for the security token when encryption.

This setting specifies the security token format that is included in the message when encrypting. This setting should only be set if there is a specific reason to do so. This specifies the reference type in the SecurityTokenReference element applicable to the encrypted data. Possible values are:

0 (X509 - default) X509 data including the certificate's issuer name and issuer serial number is included in the X509Data element.
1 (Binary) A binary security token holds the base64 encoded contents of the public certificate and is referenced from within the Reference element.
2 (Subject Key Identifier) The X509 subject key identifier is included in the KeyIdentifier element.
3 (X509PKIPathv1) A binary security token holds the base64 encoded ordered list of X509 public certificates and is referenced from within the Reference element.

The default value is 0 (X509) and should not be changed unless there is a specific reason to do so.

Note: The default value when Profile is set to eDelivery is 1 (Binary).

FilenameProperty:   Defines a part property to hold the filename.

This setting specifies the PropertyName that will hold the name of the file. This may be used to preserve filenames. Both the client and server must agree on the name of the property that will be used to hold the filename.

This is helpful in the case where Profile is set to ebpfStandard and the first file being sent is of type "text/xml" or "application/xml". In that case the file content is included in the SOAP body and there is no standard mechanism for preserving the filename.

When set the adapter will automatically populate the property when sending files and will read the filename from this property when receiving files.

By default this is not specified.

Note: The filenames will always be preserved within the MIME header attributes whenever possible regardless of whether this setting is specified.

ForceSigningCert:   Whether to force only the SigningCert to be used for signing.

When set to False the adapter will first check SigningCert for a certificate to use for signing operations. If SigningCert is not specified it will use the certificate specified in Certificate.

If set to True (default) the adapter will only attempt to use the certificate specified by SigningCert. If SigningCert is not specified signing will not be attempted.

FromId[i]:   The Id of the party specified by AS4From.

This setting sets the Id of the party specified by AS4From at the index specified here. This is only used when multiple Ids are set. See FromIdCount for more details.

FromIdCount:   The number of Ids for the party specified by AS4From.

Multiple Ids may be specified for the AS4From party. This setting defines the total number of Ids. This is used in conjunction with FromId and FromIdType. For instance: component.Config("FromIdCount=2"); component.Config("FromId[0]=id1"); component.Config("FromIdType[0]=mytype"); component.Config("FromId[1]=id2");

When receiving a message with multiple Ids, query these settings to read the values.

By default this value is unspecified and only a single Id is used as specified in the Id field of AS4From.

FromIdType[i]:   The Id type of the party specified by AS4From.

This setting sets the Id type of the party specified by AS4From at the index specified here. This is only used when multiple Ids are set. See FromIdCount for more details.

KeyAgreementMethod:   The agreement method used for KeyWrap encryption algorithms.

This setting specifies the agreement method used for KeyWrap encryption algorithms (KW-AES). The default is ECDH-ES, and other methods are not currently supported. Possible values are:

DH currently implemented.
DH-ES currently implemented.
ECDH-ES when Profile is ebpfBDEW.
X25519 when Profile is ebpfENTSOG_V4 or ebpgEDelivery_V24.

KeyDerivationConcatKDFDigestMethod:   The digest method used for the ConcatKDF key derivation method.

This is the digest method used when the ConcatKDF key derivation method is selected. In most cases this should not be changed. Only change this value if there is a specific reason to do so. Possible values are:

  • SHA512
  • SHA384
  • SHA256 (Default)
  • SHA224
  • SHA1

KeyDerivationMethod:   The key derivation method used for KeyWrap encryption algorithms.

This setting specifies the derivation method used for KeyWrap encryption algorithms (KW-AES). Possible values are:

ConcatKDF (Default)

KeyEncryptionAlgorithm:   The algorithm used to encrypt the key.

This setting specifies the algorithm used to encrypt the key for this message. In most cases this should not be changed. Only change this value if there is a specific reason to do so. Possible values are:

RSA-OAEP-XMLENC11 is used in the default configuration. Additionally if RSA-OAEP is specified this will be automatically used instead if OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithm is set to any value except SHA1 or OAEPRSAHashAlgorithm is set to SHA384 or SHA512.
RSA-v1.5 are no conditions for the use of this algorithm. If specified it will be used regardless of other settings.
RSA-OAEP is used by default when OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithm is set to SHA1 and OAEPRSAHashAlgorithm is set to SHA1 or SHA256. This is only applicable under these conditions, it cannot override when RSA-OAEP-XMLENC11 is used based on the OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithm and OAEPRSAHashAlgorithm values.
KW-AES128 is used by default if Profile is set to ebpfBDEW.

LogLevel:   The level of information to log.

This setting specifies the level of detail that is logged to the Log event and to any log files on disk. Possible value are:

0 (Error) Only errors are logged.
1 (Info - default) Informational and errors are logged.
2 (Debug) All information is logged including debug info.
LogOptions:   The information to be written to log files.

When LogDirectory is set, several pieces of information are written to log files in the specified directory. Set LogOptions to one or more of the following values to control what information is written to file. When specifying multiple values, include them in the same string (i.e. "LogOptions=Incoming, Outgoing, Log"). The default value is All. Possible values are:

LogContains information about the steps taken during processing. Also see LogLevel.
IncomingContains the raw request/response that is received by the adapter.
OutgoingContains the raw request/response that is sent by the adapter.
IncomingMessageContains the incoming ebXML message.
OutgoingMessageContains the outgoing ebXML message.
All (default)All of the above
OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithm:   The MGF1 hash algorithm used when encrypting a key.

When encryption is enabled, this algorithm specifies the MGF1 hash algorithm used for the encryption key by RSA OAEP. Possible values are:

  • "SHA1"
  • "SHA224"
  • "SHA256" (default)
  • "SHA384"
  • "SHA512"

Note: If Profile is set to ENTSOG the MGF1HashAlgorithm will be set to "SHA256" by default.

OAEPParams:   The hex encoded OAEP parameters to be used when encrypting a key.

This setting is optional and should only be specified if OAEP parameters need to be explicitly set. The value specified should be a hex string. By default this setting is unspecified.

OAEPRSAHashAlgorithm:   The RSA hash algorithm used when encrypting a key.

When encryption is enabled, this algorithm specifies the RSA hash algorithm used for the encryption key. This may differ from the hash algorithm used to sign the AS4 message content. Possible values are:

  • "SHA1"
  • "SHA224"
  • "SHA256" (default)
  • "SHA384"
  • "SHA512"
ReceiptURL:   The URL to which receipts are sent.

This property specifies the URL to which receipts are sent if different than URL. This property should only be set if receipts must be sent to an alternate URL.

This setting is only applicable to the Receive adapter

ReferenceHashAlgorithm:   The hash algorithm used to hash the data specified in the reference of a signature.

When signing the content being signed is referred to by a reference in the Signature element. This setting specifies the hash algorithm used when computing the reference digest. Possible values are:

  • "SHA1"
  • "SHA224"
  • "SHA256" (default)
  • "SHA384"
  • "SHA512"
RequireEncryption:   Whether encryption is required when processing received messages.

This setting may be set to True to require that received messages are encrypted. When True if a message is received that is not encrypted the adapter will throw an exception. The default value is False.

RequireSignature:   Whether a signature is required when processing received messages.

This setting may be set to True to require that received messages are signed. When True if a message is received that is not signed the adapter will throw an exception. The default value is False.

RolloverCertStore:   The certificate store for the rollover certificate.

The RolloverCert* configuration settings may be used to specify an additional certificate to use for decryption during a period of transition between private certificates in the application. This setting specifies the certificate store.

When specified the adapter will be able to decrypt messages that were encrypted with the corresponding public certificate of either Certificate or the RolloverCert* configuration settings.

RolloverCertStorePassword:   The certificate store for the rollover certificate.

The RolloverCert* configuration settings may be used to specify an additional certificate to use for decryption during a period of transition between private certificates in the application. This setting specifies the certificate store's password.

When specified the adapter will be able to decrypt messages that were encrypted with the corresponding public certificate of either Certificate or the RolloverCert* configuration settings.

RolloverCertStoreType:   The certificate store for the rollover certificate.

The RolloverCert* configuration settings may be used to specify an additional certificate to use for decryption during a period of transition between private certificates in the application. This setting specifies the type of certificate store.

When specified the adapter will be able to decrypt messages that were encrypted with the corresponding public certificate of either Certificate or the RolloverCert* configuration settings.

RolloverCertSubject:   The certificate store for the rollover certificate.

The RolloverCert* configuration settings may be used to specify an additional certificate to use for decryption during a period of transition between private certificates in the application. This setting specifies the certificate's subject.

When specified the adapter will be able to decrypt messages that were encrypted with the corresponding public certificate of either Certificate or the RolloverCert* configuration settings.

The certificate will be loaded after this setting is set, so it should be set after the other RolloverCert* settings.

SignatureHash:   The hash algorithm used to hash the data specified in signature.

This setting is used to specify the signature hash algorithm. This is only applicable when Profile is set to ENTSOG v4 or eDelivery V2. Possible values are:

  • "SHA256" (default)
SignerCACert:   The CA certificates that issued the signer certificate.

This setting may be set prior to signature verification when receiving messages that are signed using a certificate specified in the message itself as a BinarySecurityToken.

If this setting is specified, the adapter will verify the chain of the signer certificate against the CA list set in this setting. To specify one or more CA certificate prior to signature verification set this to the base64 encoded public certificate of each CA certificate. Each additional certificate can be added by prepending the data with a + character. If the value begins with a + the adapter will add the following value to an internal store of CA certificates. For instance: //Add the first CA certificate as4.Config("SignerCACert=MIICFDCCAX2g..."); //Add another CA certificate (Note the leading '+') as4.Config("SignerCACert=+MIICHDCCAYW...");

If the chain validation fails during signature verification the adapter throws an exception. If this setting is not specified no chain validation is performed.

SigningSecurityTokenFormat:   The format to use for the security token when signing.

This setting specifies the security token format that is included in the message when signing. This setting should only be set if there is a specific reason to do so. This specifies the reference type in the SecurityTokenReference element applicable to the signed data. Possible values are:

0 (X509 - default) X509 data including the certificate's issuer name and issuer serial number is included in the X509Data element.
1 (Binary) A binary security token holds the base64 encoded contents of the public certificate and is referenced from within the Reference element.
2 (Subject Key Identifier) The X509 subject key identifier is included in the KeyIdentifier element.
3 (X509PKIPathv1) A binary security token holds the base64 encoded ordered list of X509 public certificates and is referenced from within the Reference element.

The default value is 0 (X509) and should not be changed unless there is a specific reason to do so.

Note: The default value when Profile is set to eDelivery is 1 (Binary).

TempPath:   Where temporary files are optionally written.

When processing large files an excessive amount of memory may be used, leading to out-of-memory exceptions. To reduce the amount of memory used, partially encoded files can be written to a temporary directory. Set this to a folder on disk where temporary files may be written.

ToId[i]:   The Id of the party specified by AS4To.

This setting sets the Id of the party specified by AS4To at the index specified here. This is only used when multiple Ids are set. See ToIdCount for more details.

ToIdCount:   The number of Ids for the party specified by AS4To.

Multiple Ids may be specified for the AS4To party. This setting defines the total number of Ids. This is used in conjunction with ToId and ToIdType. For instance: component.Config("ToIdCount=2"); component.Config("ToId[0]=id1"); component.Config("ToIdType[0]=mytype"); component.Config("ToId[1]=id2");

When receiving a message with multiple Ids, query these settings to read the values.

By default this value is unspecified and only a single Id is used as specified in the Id field of AS4To.

ToIdType[i]:   The Id type of the party specified by AS4To.

This setting sets the Id type of the party specified by AS4To at the index specified here. This is only used when multiple Ids are set. See ToIdCount for more details.

TokenPasswordType:   The password type used in UsernameToken authentication.

This setting specifies the type of password specified when TokenUser and TokenPassword are set. TokenPassword should normally be set to the plaintext password that both the client and server know. The adapter will automatically use SHA-1 to create a hash of the password when TokenPasswordType is set to Digest (default). The hashed password is sent in the request, along with a creation date and nonce. The server will validate these values when receiving the request. Possible values are:

  • 0 (Digest - default)
  • 1 (Text)

This setting is only applicable to the Receive adapter

SSL Config Settings

ReuseSSLSession:   Determines if the SSL session is reused.

If set to true, the adapter will reuse the context if and only if the following criteria are met:

  • The target host name is the same.
  • The system cache entry has not expired (default timeout is 10 hours).
  • The application process that calls the function is the same.
  • The logon session is the same.
  • The instance of the adapter is the same.

SSLCipherStrength:   The minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.

This minimum cipher strength largely dependent on the security modules installed on the system. If the cipher strength specified is not supported, an error will be returned when connections are initiated.

Please note that this setting contains the minimum cipher strength requested from the security library.

Use this setting with caution. Requesting a lower cipher strength than necessary could potentially cause serious security vulnerabilities in your application.

SSLEnabledCipherSuites:   The cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation.

The enabled cipher suites to be used in SSL negotiation.

By default, the enabled cipher suites will include all available ciphers ("*").

The special value "*" means that the adapter will pick all of the supported cipher suites. If SSLEnabledCipherSuites is set to any other value, only the specified cipher suites will be considered.

Multiple cipher suites are separated by semicolons.

Example values when UseInternalSecurityAPI is False (default): // The "Other" property could contain ONE of the following lines: SSLEnabledCipherSuites=* SSLEnabledCipherSuites=CALG_AES_256 SSLEnabledCipherSuites=CALG_AES_256;CALG_3DES Possible values when UseInternalSecurityAPI is False (default) include:

  • CALG_3DES_112
  • CALG_AES_128
  • CALG_AES_192
  • CALG_AES_256
  • CALG_MD2
  • CALG_MD4
  • CALG_MD5
  • CALG_RC2
  • CALG_RC4
  • CALG_RC5
  • CALG_SHA_256
  • CALG_SHA_384
  • CALG_SHA_512
Example values when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True: // The "Other" property could contain ONE of the following lines: SSLEnabledCipherSuites=* SSLEnabledCipherSuites=TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA SSLEnabledCipherSuites=TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;TLS_DH_ANON_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA Possible values when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True include:
  • TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5

If SSLEnabledProtocols is configured to use TLS 1.3 the following values are supported:

  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

SSLEnabledCipherSuites is used together with SSLCipherStrength.

SSLEnabledProtocols:   Used to enable/disable the supported security protocols.

Used to enable/disable the supported security protocols.

Not all supported protocols are enabled by default (the value of this setting is 4032). If you want more granular control over the enabled protocols, you can set this property to the binary 'OR' of one or more of the following values:

TLS1.312288 (Hex 3000) (Experimental)
TLS1.23072 (Hex C00) (Default)
TLS1.1768 (Hex 300) (Default)
TLS1 192 (Hex C0) (Default)
SSL3 48 (Hex 30)
SSL2 12 (Hex 0C)

Note: TLS 1.1 and TLS1.2 support are only available starting with Windows 7.

Note: Enabling TLS 1.3 will automatically set UseInternalSecurityAPI to True.

SSLIncludeCertChain:   Whether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event.

This setting specifies whether the transport log contains the full certificate chain. By default this value is False and only the leaf certificate will be present.

If set to True all certificates returned by the server will be present in the transport log. This includes the leaf certificate, any intermediate certificate, and the root certificate.

Note: When UseInternalSecurityAPI is set to True this value is automatically set to True. This is needed for proper validation when using the internal provider.

SSLSecurityFlags:   Flags that control certificate verification.

The following flags are defined (specified in hexadecimal notation). They can be or-ed together to exclude multiple conditions:

0x00000001Ignore time validity status of certificate.
0x00000002Ignore time validity status of CTL.
0x00000004Ignore non-nested certificate times.
0x00000010Allow unknown Certificate Authority.
0x00000020Ignore wrong certificate usage.
0x00000100Ignore unknown certificate revocation status.
0x00000200Ignore unknown CTL signer revocation status.
0x00000400Ignore unknown Certificate Authority revocation status.
0x00000800Ignore unknown Root revocation status.
0x00008000Allow test Root certificate.
0x00004000Trust test Root certificate.
0x80000000Ignore non-matching CN (certificate CN not-matching server name).

TLS12SignatureAlgorithms:   Defines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True.

This setting specifies the allowed server certificate signature algorithms when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True and SSLEnabledProtocols is set to allow TLS 1.2.

When specified the adapter will verify that the server certificate signature algorithm is among the values specified in this setting. If the server certificate signature algorithm is unsupported the adapter will fail with an error.

The format of this value is a comma separated list of hash-signature combinations. For instance: // The "Other" could contain ALL of these lines: UseInternalSecurityAPI=true SSLEnabledProtocols=3072 TLS12SignatureAlgorithms=sha1-rsa,sha1-dsa,sha256-rsa,sha256-dsa The default value for this setting is "sha1-rsa,sha1-dsa,sha224-rsa,sha224-dsa,sha256-rsa,sha256-dsa,sha384-rsa,sha384-dsa,sha512-rsa,sha512-dsa".

In order to not restrict the server's certificate signature algorithm, specify an empty string as the value for this setting, which will cause the signature_algorithms TLS 1.2 extension to not be sent.

TLS12SupportedGroups:   The supported groups for ECC.

This setting specifies a comma separated list of named groups used in TLS 1.2 for ECC.

The default value is ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ecdhe_secp521r1.

When using TLS 1.2 and UseInternalSecurityAPI is set to True, the values refer to the supported groups for ECC. The following values are supported:

  • "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp521r1" (default)

TLS13KeyShareGroups:   The groups for which to pregenerate key shares.

This setting specifies a comma separated list of named groups used in TLS 1.3 for key exchange. The groups specified here will have key share data pregenerated locally before establishing a connection. This can prevent an additional round trip during the handshake if the group is supported by the server.

The default value is set to balance common supported groups and the computational resources required to generate key shares. As a result only some groups are included by default in this setting.

Note: All supported groups can always be used during the handshake even if not listed here, but if a group is used which is not present in this list it will incur an additional round trip and time to generate the key share for that group.

In most cases this setting does not need to be modified. This should only be modified if there is a specific reason to do so.

The default value is ecdhe_x25519,ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ffdhe_2048,ffdhe_3072

The values are ordered from most preferred to least preferred. The following values are supported:

  • "ecdhe_x25519" (default)
  • "ecdhe_x448"
  • "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp521r1"
  • "ffdhe_2048" (default)
  • "ffdhe_3072" (default)
  • "ffdhe_4096"
  • "ffdhe_6144"
  • "ffdhe_8192"

TLS13SignatureAlgorithms:   The allowed certificate signature algorithms.

This setting holds a comma separated list of allowed signature algorithms. Possible values are:

  • "rsa_pkcs1_sha256" (default)
  • "rsa_pkcs1_sha384" (default)
  • "rsa_pkcs1_sha512" (default)
The default value is rsa_pkcs1_sha256,rsa_pkcs1_sha384,rsa_pkcs1_sha512. This setting is only applicable when SSLEnabledProtocols includes TLS 1.3.
TLS13SupportedGroups:   The supported groups for (EC)DHE key exchange.

This setting specifies a comma separated list of named groups used in TLS 1.3 for key exchange. This setting should only be modified if there is a specific reason to do so.

The default value is ecdhe_x25519,ecdhe_x448,ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ecdhe_secp521r1,ffdhe_2048,ffdhe_3072,ffdhe_4096,ffdhe_6144,ffdhe_8192

The values are ordered from most preferred to least preferred. The following values are supported:

  • "ecdhe_x25519" (default)
  • "ecdhe_x448" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp521r1" (default)
  • "ffdhe_2048" (default)
  • "ffdhe_3072" (default)
  • "ffdhe_4096" (default)
  • "ffdhe_6144" (default)
  • "ffdhe_8192" (default)

General Config Settings

AbsoluteTimeout:   Determines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.

If AbsoluteTimeout is set to True, any method which does not complete within Timeout seconds will be aborted. By default, AbsoluteTimeout is False, and the timeout is an inactivity timeout.

LocalHost:   The name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.

The LocalHost configuration contains the name of the local host as obtained by the Gethostname() system call, or if the user has assigned an IP address, the value of that address.

In multihomed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface) setting LocalHost to the value of an interface will make the adapter initiate connections (or accept in the case of server adapters) only through that interface.

If the adapter is connected, the LocalHost configuration shows the IP address of the interface through which the connection is made in internet dotted format (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). In most cases, this is the address of the local host, except for multihomed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface).

TcpNoDelay:   Whether or not to delay when sending packets.

When set to True, the socket will send all data that are ready to send at once. When set to False, the socket will send smaller buffered packets of data at small intervals. This is known as the Nagle algorithm.

By default, this configuration setting is set to False.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to False, the adapter will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable. In this case, calls to unmanaged code will be made. In certain environments, this is not desirable. To use a completely managed security implementation, set this setting to True.

Setting this configuration setting to True tells the adapter to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

On Windows, this setting is set to False by default. On Linux/macOS, this setting is set to True by default.

If using the .NET Standard Library, this setting will be True on all platforms. The .NET Standard library does not support using the system security libraries.

Note: This setting is static. The value set is applicable to all adapters used in the application.

When this value is set, the product's system dynamic link library (DLL) is no longer required as a reference, as all unmanaged code is stored in that file.

Supported Macros

The adapter also supports the following Macros. These values are not case sensitive and would be supplied to a property in the form %MacroName%.

TempThis is resolved to the full path to the system's temporary directory. MessageIDGlobally unique identifier (GUID) of the message in BizTalk Server. SourceFileNameThe original file name. This includes the extension and excludes the file path, for example, Sample.xml SourceFileNameNoExtThe original file name without the extension or file path, for example, Sample RemoteFileNameThe name of the file as it was uploaded to the remote server. This includes the extension and excludes the file path, for example, Sample.xml. Valid only for AS3, FTP, and SFTP Send Adapters. DestinationPartyName of the destination party. DestinationPartyQualifierQualifier of the destination party. SourcePartyName of the source party. SourcePartyQualifierQualifier of the source party. DateTime:CustomFormatThis special value allows you to specify your own custom time format. For instance DateTime:yyyy would be resolved to the 4 digit year. DateThe date format yyyy-MM-dd. DateTimeThe date format yyyy-MM-ddThhmmss. TimeThe date format hhmmss. DateTime_BTS2000The date format yyyyMMddhhmmssf. DateTime.TZThe date format yyyy-MM-ddThhmmsszzz. Time.TZThe date format hhmmsszzz. Property#<Schema>#<Name>This special value allows you to include a property from the incoming message. For instance "PROPERTY#" would resolve to the ReceivePortName property of the message.