Attendees Property
Defines one or more participants that have been invited to the event.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getAttendees(); public function setAttendees($value);
Procedural Interface
ipworks_caldav_get($res, 11 ); ipworks_caldav_set($res, 11, $value );
Default Value
This property may contain a comma-separated list of attendees that have been invited to an event.
Each email address should be in the mailto URI format (as defined in RFC2368).
For instance:
CalDAV.Attendees = ","
This property is filled from the response to a GetCalendarEvent, and is also used when creating an event to be added using the PutCalendarEvent method. However, when requesting a report using the GetCalendarReport method, the contents of this property will only be valid inside the EventDetails event.
Data Type