SSHClient Class
Properties Methods Events Config Settings Errors
The SSHClient class provides client-side SSH protocol functionality.
Class Name
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_open(); secureblackbox_sshclient_close($res); secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, $id, $function); secureblackbox_sshclient_get_last_error($res); secureblackbox_sshclient_get_last_error_code($res); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, $id, $index, $value); secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, $id, $index); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_config($res, $configurationstring); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_connect($res, $address, $port); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_connectandexec($res, $address, $port, $command, $wantstdout, $wantstderr); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_disconnect($res); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_doaction($res, $actionid, $actionparams); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_ping($res); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_poll($res, $milliseconds); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_receive($res); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_receivebytes($res, $maxlen); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_receivebytesfrom($res, $channel, $maxlen); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_receivefrom($res, $channel); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_send($res, $datastr, $addeol); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_sendbytes($res, $data); secureblackbox_sshclient_do_sendspecial($res, $specialchar);
Use SSHClient to establish terminal-like connections to remote systems and run commands remotely. The component supports most of third-party implementations out there, and is capable of working in "shell" and "command" modes.
Start with assigning your sign-in credentials to Username and Password properties. Where public key authentication is to be used, assign your private authentication key to Key property (remember to set Username in this case too). Subscribe to events to be notified of the session progress. AuthFailed, AuthSucceeded, and Connect are among those particularly useful.
Special attention should be paid to setting up the server key trust. Class only allows connections to servers whose public keys are recognized as trusted, much like any other SSH clients do. Assign a path to the file containing the list of trusted keys to TrustedKeysFile property. If you don't have such file, or if you would like to make trust decisions on the fly, subscribe to KnownKeyReceived and UnknownKeyReceived events. These are fired whenever a trusted or untrusted key is received from the server. For unknown/untrusted keys, you need to set the Action parameter in your UnknownKeyReceived event handler to catAcceptOnce (1) or catAcceptPermanently (2) for the connection to proceed.
Once you are all set up, you can go ahead by calling the Connect method. This launches the SSH handshake and, if everything has been set up right, establishes a connection to the server. You can now use Send and Receive methods to exchange information with the server. You can exchange data in synchronous or asynchronous way; see the description in AsyncMode topic to learn more about each mode.
When you are done with the session, call Disconnect to shut the connection down.
Hint: If you are only interested in a quick-and-dirty execution of a simple, non-interactive command, SSHClient offers a handy shortcut. ConnectAndExec method is a self-contained mechanism which sets up a connection, performs the data exchange internally, and returns the command output. Please keep in mind that you still need to set up the server trust settings as described above for this method to work.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AsyncMode | Controls the SSH clients mode of work. |
AuthAttempts | Specifies the number of SSH password authentication attempts. |
Commands | Specifies the list of commands to execute. |
Connected | Specifies whether the client is connected to the SFTP server. |
ConnInfoClientKeyAlgorithm | Specifies the client's key algorithm. |
ConnInfoClientKeyBits | Specifies the length of the client's key. |
ConnInfoClientKeyFingerprint | The fingerprint (hash value) of the client's public key. |
ConnInfoCloseReason | Contains the line sent by the server just before closing the connection. |
ConnInfoCompressionAlgorithmInbound | Compression algorithm for the incoming traffic. |
ConnInfoCompressionAlgorithmOutbound | Compression algorithm for the outgoing traffic. |
ConnInfoEncryptionAlgorithmInbound | Encryption algorithm for the incoming traffic. |
ConnInfoEncryptionAlgorithmOutbound | Encryption algorithm for the outgoing traffic. |
ConnInfoInboundEncryptionKeyBits | Specifies the length of the key used to encrypt the incoming traffic. |
ConnInfoKexAlgorithm | The key exchange algorithm used during the SSH handshake. |
ConnInfoKexBits | The number of bits used by the key exchange algorithm. |
ConnInfoKexLines | The contents of the received KexInit packet. |
ConnInfoMacAlgorithmInbound | MAC algorithm used for the incoming connection. |
ConnInfoMacAlgorithmOutbound | MAC algorithm used for outbound connection. |
ConnInfoOutboundEncryptionKeyBits | Specifies the length of the key used to encrypt the outgoing traffic. |
ConnInfoPublicKeyAlgorithm | Specifies the public key algorithm which was used during the SSH handshake. |
ConnInfoServerKeyBits | Specifies the number of bits in the server's key. |
ConnInfoServerKeyFingerprint | The fingerprint (hash value) of the server's public key. |
ConnInfoServerSoftwareName | Returns the name of the SSH software running on the server side. |
ConnInfoTotalBytesReceived | Returns the total number of bytes received over this connection. |
ConnInfoTotalBytesSent | Returns the total number of bytes sent over this connection. |
ConnInfoVersion | Specifies SSH protocol version. |
ExitMessage | Contains the last commands exit message. |
ExitSignal | Contains the last commands exit signal. |
ExitStatus | Contains the last commands exit status. |
ExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID | Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls. |
ExternalCryptoCustomParams | Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted). |
ExternalCryptoData | Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor. |
ExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation | Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint. |
ExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm | Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm. |
ExternalCryptoKeyID | The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication. |
ExternalCryptoKeySecret | The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication. |
ExternalCryptoMethod | Specifies the asynchronous signing method. |
ExternalCryptoMode | Specifies the external cryptography mode. |
ExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm | Provide the public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage. |
FIPSMode | Reserved. |
KeyFingerprintSHA1 | Contains the SHA-1 fingerprint (hash) of the key. |
KeyFingerprintSHA256 | Contains the SHA-256 fingerprint (hash) of the key. |
KeyHandle | Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. |
Password | Specifies user's password on the server. |
ProxySettingsAddress | The IP address of the proxy server. |
ProxySettingsAuthentication | The authentication type used by the proxy server. |
ProxySettingsPassword | The password to authenticate to the proxy server. |
ProxySettingsPort | The port on the proxy server to connect to. |
ProxySettingsProxyType | The type of the proxy server. |
ProxySettingsRequestHeaders | Contains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy. |
ProxySettingsResponseBody | Contains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body. |
ProxySettingsResponseHeaders | Contains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server. |
ProxySettingsUseIPv6 | Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy. |
ProxySettingsUseProxy | Enables or disables proxy-driven connection. |
ProxySettingsUsername | Specifies the username credential for proxy authentication. |
ServerKeyAlgorithm | Specifies the key algorithm. |
ServerKeyBits | The number of bits in the key: the more the better, 2048 or 4096 are typical values. |
ServerKeyComment | The comment for the public key. |
ServerKeyCurve | Specifies the elliptical curve when EC cryptography is used. |
ServerKeyDSSG | The G (Generator) parameter of the DSS signature key. |
ServerKeyDSSP | The P (Prime) parameter of the DSS signature key. |
ServerKeyDSSQ | The Q (Prime Factor) parameter of the DSS signature key. |
ServerKeyDSSX | The X (Private key) parameter of the DSS signature key. |
ServerKeyDSSY | The Y (Public key) parameter of the DSS signature key. |
ServerKeyECCD | The value of the secret key (the order of the public key, D) if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used. |
ServerKeyECCQX | The value of the X coordinate of the public key if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used. |
ServerKeyECCQY | The value of the Y coordinate of the public key if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used. |
ServerKeyEdPrivate | The value of the private key if EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm is used. |
ServerKeyEdPublic | The value of the public key if EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm is used. |
ServerKeyFingerprintMD5 | Contains the MD5 fingerprint (hash) of the key. |
ServerKeyFingerprintSHA1 | Contains the SHA-1 fingerprint (hash) of the key. |
ServerKeyFingerprintSHA256 | Contains the SHA-256 fingerprint (hash) of the key. |
ServerKeyHandle | Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. |
ServerKeyIsExtractable | Whether the key is extractable (e. |
ServerKeyIsPrivate | Whether this key is a private key or not. |
ServerKeyIsPublic | Whether this key is a public key or not. |
ServerKeyKDFRounds | Returns the number of iterations of the Key Derivation Function (KDF) used to generate this key. |
ServerKeyKDFSalt | The salt value used by the Key Derivation Function (KDF) to generate this key. |
ServerKeyKeyFormat | Specifies the format in which the key is stored. |
ServerKeyKeyProtectionAlgorithm | Specifies the key protection algorithm. |
ServerKeyRSAExponent | Returns the e parameter (public exponent) of the RSA key. |
ServerKeyRSAIQMP | Returns the iqmp parameter of the RSA key. |
ServerKeyRSAModulus | Returns the m parameter (public modulus) of the RSA key. |
ServerKeyRSAP | Returns the p parameter (first factor of the common modulus n) of the RSA key. |
ServerKeyRSAPrivateExponent | Returns the d parameter (private exponent) of the RSA key. |
ServerKeyRSAQ | Returns the q parameter (second factor of the common modulus n) of the RSA key. |
ServerKeySubject | Specifies the public key owner (subject). |
SocketDNSMode | Selects the DNS resolver to use: the class's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system. |
SocketDNSPort | Specifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server. |
SocketDNSQueryTimeout | The timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query. |
SocketDNSServers | The addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons. |
SocketDNSTotalTimeout | The timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process. |
SocketIncomingSpeedLimit | The maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second. |
SocketLocalAddress | The local network interface to bind the socket to. |
SocketLocalPort | The local port number to bind the socket to. |
SocketOutgoingSpeedLimit | The maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second. |
SocketTimeout | The maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful. |
SocketUseIPv6 | Enables or disables IP protocol version 6. |
SSHSettingsAutoAdjustCiphers | Whether the SSH client should adjust its list of supported ciphers 'on-the-fly' for greater compatibility with the server it is connecting to. |
SSHSettingsBaseConfiguration | Allows to choose base configuration of SSH settings, tuned up for different purposes such as high security or higher compatibility. |
SSHSettingsCompressionAlgorithms | A list of session compression algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. |
SSHSettingsCompressionLevel | Possible values for the Compression Level range from 0 (minimum compression) to 9 (maximum compression). |
SSHSettingsDefaultWindowSize | The SSH window size specifies how many bytes the client can send to the server in the command channel without obtaining pre-authorization for the further send from the server. |
SSHSettingsEncryptionAlgorithms | A list of session encryption algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. |
SSHSettingsForceCompression | Whether the SSH client should explicitly request compression. |
SSHSettingsGSSAuthTypes | A comma-separated list of authentication types. |
SSHSettingsGSSDelegateCreds | Switches credential delegation on or off. |
SSHSettingsGSSHostname | The GSS host name, in form of a FQDN (e. |
SSHSettingsGSSLib | A path to the GSS-API library (DLL or SO). |
SSHSettingsGSSMechanisms | A comma-separated list of GSS mechanisms to use. |
SSHSettingsGSSProtocols | A comma-separated list of SSPI protocols. |
SSHSettingsHandshakeTimeout | Specifies the maximal time for the SSH handshake to proceed, in seconds. |
SSHSettingsKexAlgorithms | A list of key exchange algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. |
SSHSettingsMacAlgorithms | A list of MAC (for message authentication code ) algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. |
SSHSettingsMaxSSHPacketSize | Specifies the maximum length of one SSH packet in bytes. |
SSHSettingsMinWindowSize | Specifies the minimal internal window size. |
SSHSettingsObfuscateHandshake | Enables or disables handshake obfuscation. |
SSHSettingsObfuscationPassword | Specifies the password used to encrypt the handshake when ObfuscateHandshake is set. |
SSHSettingsPublicKeyAlgorithms | A list of public key algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. |
SSHSettingsRequestPasswordChange | Whether to request a password change when connecting. |
SSHSettingsSoftwareName | The name to be used by the class to identify itself. |
SSHSettingsTrustAllKeys | Enables or disables explicit trust to all server keys. |
SSHSettingsUseAuthAgent | Enables or disables the use of external key agent, such as Putty key agent. |
SSHSettingsVersions | Specifies enabled SSH protocol versions (1 or 2). |
Subsystem | Specifies the subsystem to request from the server. |
TerminalCols | Specifies the width of the pseudoterminal, in characters. |
TerminalEnvironment | Specifies the list of environment variables. |
TerminalEOLChar | Specifies the End-of-Line character or sequence. |
TerminalHeight | Specifies the height of the pseudoterminal, in pixels. |
TerminalOpcodes | Specifies the operation codes specific for the terminal. |
TerminalProtocol | The terminal protocol name. |
TerminalRequestPty | Specifies whether to request a pseudoterminal for the session. |
TerminalRows | Specifies the height of the pseudoterminal, in lines. |
TerminalWidth | Specifies the width of the pseudoterminal, in pixels. |
TrustedKeysFile | Path to the file containing public keys of authorized servers. |
Username | Specifies client's username on the server. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
Connect | Establishes connection to an SSH server. |
ConnectAndExec | Connects to an SSH server and executes a command in one go. |
Disconnect | Closes connection to the SSH server. |
DoAction | Performs an additional action. |
Ping | Sends a keep-alive request to the SSH server. |
Poll | Checks whether there is any inbound data readily available. |
Receive | Reads a portion of received data into a string. |
ReceiveBytes | Reads a portion of received data into a byte array. |
ReceiveBytesFrom | Reads a portion of data received via a specific channel into a byte array. |
ReceiveFrom | Reads a portion of data received via a specific channel into a string. |
Send | Sends a string to the server. |
SendBytes | Sends an array of bytes to the server. |
SendSpecial | Sends a special character to the server or remote command. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AuthAttempt | Fires when a single authentication attempt is performed. |
AuthFailed | Fires when a single authentication attempt is failed. |
AuthSucceeded | Reports a successful authentication. |
Banner | Reports the receipt of the Hello message from the server. |
CommandCompleted | Signifies completion of the command execution. |
CommandStart | Marks the commencement of a command execution. |
Connect | This event is fired when an SSH session has been established. |
DataReceived | Reports receipt of another chunk of data from the server. |
DataSent | Notifies the application that a piece of data has been sent to the server. |
Disconnect | This event is fired when the SFTP subsystem connection is closed. |
Error | Information about errors during SFTP connection. |
ExternalSign | Handles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source. |
KnownKeyReceived | Signals that the server has introduced itself with a known key. |
Notification | This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event. |
PasswordChangeRequest | This event is fired when a password change is requested. |
PrivateKeyNeeded | This event is fired when client's public key was accepted by the server, but the corresponding secret key is not available. |
UnknownKeyReceived | Signals that the server has introduced itself with an unknown key. |
Config Settings
The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
BlockSize | The data block size. |
ErrorOrigin | Specifies whether the error is local or remote. |
ErrorSeverity | Specifies whether the error is fatal. |
LocalCharset | Charset used on the client machine. |
RemoteCharset | Charset used on the server. |
SendCommandEOF | Defines whether EOF control character should be sent after the command data. |
ThrottleControl | Enables or disables throttle control for the connection. |
UseStrictKeyExchange | Specifies how strict key exchange is supported. |
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUse | Enables or disable private key integrity check before use. |
CookieCaching | Specifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports. |
Cookies | Gets or sets local cookies for the class. |
DefDeriveKeyIterations | Specifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count. |
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHE | Enables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients. |
GlobalCookies | Gets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports. |
HttpUserAgent | Specifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients. |
LogDestination | Specifies the debug log destination. |
LogDetails | Specifies the debug log details to dump. |
LogFile | Specifies the debug log filename. |
LogFilters | Specifies the debug log filters. |
LogFlushMode | Specifies the log flush mode. |
LogLevel | Specifies the debug log level. |
LogMaxEventCount | Specifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken. |
LogRotationMode | Specifies the log rotation mode. |
MaxASN1BufferLength | Specifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data. |
MaxASN1TreeDepth | Specifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees. |
OCSPHashAlgorithm | Specifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests. |
StaticDNS | Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used. |
StaticIPAddress[domain] | Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name. |
StaticIPAddresses | Gets or sets all the static DNS rules. |
Tag | Allows to store any custom data. |
TLSSessionGroup | Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption. |
TLSSessionLifetime | Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session. |
TLSSessionPurgeInterval | Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions. |
UseOwnDNSResolver | Specifies whether the client classes should use own DNS resolver. |
UseSharedSystemStorages | Specifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores. |
UseSystemOAEPAndPSS | Enforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations. |
UseSystemRandom | Enables or disables the use of the OS PRNG. |
AsyncMode Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Controls the SSH clients mode of work.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getAsyncMode(); public function setAsyncMode($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 1 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 1, $value );
Default Value
This property defines the way in which the class communicates with the application/user code. AsyncMode set to false makes the component use synchronous single-thread approach. Synchronous mode is generally simpler to integrate and use, but please keep in mind that the calls like Connect, Receive or SendBytes may block until their execution completes. In asyncronous mode all operations return immediately, but more care should be taken about handling them in your code properly.
Here are a few highlights of each mode.
Synchronous mode:
- All operations are performed within the caller thread context
- Operations like Connect or SendBytes may block
- Use Poll to check for the availability of data before reading it out with Receive or ReceiveBytes
- Return of a call guarantees completion of the operation
- Connection errors are reported straight from the methods via exceptions
Asynchronous mode:
- All operations are performed in a separate thread (and so are the event calls!)
- Methods like Send return immediately
- Use DataSent and DataReceived events to be notified about actual data transmissions
- Return of call only marks the beginning of the operation and does not guarantee its successful completion
- Connection errors are reported via Error event, often followed by Disconnect.
Please note that this is a very important and sensitive property, which has a wide-scale effect on the way the SSH client works and co-operates with the application. Depending on the value assigned to this setting you may need to work with the component very differently.
When setting this property to true, please make sure that your code is prepared to handle events coming from the context of a different thread.
Data Type
AuthAttempts Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the number of SSH password authentication attempts.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getAuthAttempts(); public function setAuthAttempts($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 2 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 2, $value );
Default Value
In case of password authentication failure provide new password inside the AuthFailed event handler.
Data Type
Commands Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the list of commands to execute.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getCommands(); public function setCommands($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 3 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 3, $value );
Default Value
Use this property to provide a list of commands to execute remotely. Separate different commands with EOL characters.
When this property is set, the component works in the command mode, meaning each command is executed in its own virtual terminal session. No shell connection is established.
If no commands are provided via this property, the component will establish a shell session.
Data Type
Connected Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies whether the client is connected to the SFTP server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnected();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 4 );
Default Value
Use this read-only property to check whether the client is connected to the server.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoClientKeyAlgorithm Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the client's key algorithm.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoClientKeyAlgorithm();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 5 );
Default Value
Specifies the client's key algorithm.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoClientKeyBits Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the length of the client's key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoClientKeyBits();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 6 );
Default Value
Specifies the length of the client's key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoClientKeyFingerprint Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The fingerprint (hash value) of the client's public key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoClientKeyFingerprint();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 7 );
Default Value
The fingerprint (hash value) of the client's public key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoCloseReason Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the line sent by the server just before closing the connection.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoCloseReason();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 8 );
Default Value
Contains the line sent by the server just before closing the connection. It might contain the error description if the connection was not closed gracefully.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoCompressionAlgorithmInbound Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Compression algorithm for the incoming traffic.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoCompressionAlgorithmInbound();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 9 );
Default Value
Compression algorithm for the incoming traffic.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoCompressionAlgorithmOutbound Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Compression algorithm for the outgoing traffic.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoCompressionAlgorithmOutbound();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 10 );
Default Value
Compression algorithm for the outgoing traffic.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoEncryptionAlgorithmInbound Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Encryption algorithm for the incoming traffic.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoEncryptionAlgorithmInbound();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 11 );
Default Value
Encryption algorithm for the incoming traffic.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoEncryptionAlgorithmOutbound Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Encryption algorithm for the outgoing traffic.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoEncryptionAlgorithmOutbound();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 12 );
Default Value
Encryption algorithm for the outgoing traffic.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoInboundEncryptionKeyBits Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the length of the key used to encrypt the incoming traffic.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoInboundEncryptionKeyBits();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 13 );
Default Value
Specifies the length of the key used to encrypt the incoming traffic.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoKexAlgorithm Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The key exchange algorithm used during the SSH handshake.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoKexAlgorithm();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 14 );
Default Value
The key exchange algorithm used during the SSH handshake.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoKexBits Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The number of bits used by the key exchange algorithm.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoKexBits();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 15 );
Default Value
The number of bits used by the key exchange algorithm.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoKexLines Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The contents of the received KexInit packet.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoKexLines();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 16 );
Default Value
The contents of the received KexInit packet.
KexInit packet contains the list of algorithms supported by the remote party.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoMacAlgorithmInbound Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
MAC algorithm used for the incoming connection.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoMacAlgorithmInbound();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 17 );
Default Value
MAC algorithm used for the incoming connection.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoMacAlgorithmOutbound Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
MAC algorithm used for outbound connection.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoMacAlgorithmOutbound();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 18 );
Default Value
MAC algorithm used for outbound connection.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoOutboundEncryptionKeyBits Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the length of the key used to encrypt the outgoing traffic.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoOutboundEncryptionKeyBits();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 19 );
Default Value
Specifies the length of the key used to encrypt the outgoing traffic.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoPublicKeyAlgorithm Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the public key algorithm which was used during the SSH handshake.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoPublicKeyAlgorithm();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 20 );
Default Value
Specifies the public key algorithm which was used during the SSH handshake.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoServerKeyBits Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the number of bits in the server's key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoServerKeyBits();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 21 );
Default Value
Specifies the number of bits in the server's key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoServerKeyFingerprint Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The fingerprint (hash value) of the server's public key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoServerKeyFingerprint();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 22 );
Default Value
The fingerprint (hash value) of the server's public key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoServerSoftwareName Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the name of the SSH software running on the server side.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoServerSoftwareName();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 23 );
Default Value
Returns the name of the SSH software running on the server side.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoTotalBytesReceived Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the total number of bytes received over this connection.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoTotalBytesReceived();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 24 );
Default Value
Returns the total number of bytes received over this connection.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoTotalBytesSent Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the total number of bytes sent over this connection.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoTotalBytesSent();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 25 );
Default Value
Returns the total number of bytes sent over this connection.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ConnInfoVersion Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies SSH protocol version.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getConnInfoVersion();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 26 );
Default Value
Specifies SSH protocol version.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ExitMessage Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the last commands exit message.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExitMessage();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 27 );
Default Value
Use this property to access the exit message of the last command or shell session. This property normally gets assigned if the command or shell was closed due to an error.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ExitSignal Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the last commands exit signal.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExitSignal();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 28 );
Default Value
Use this property to access the exit signal of the last command or shell session. This property normally gets assigned if the command or shell was closed due to an error.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ExitStatus Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the last commands exit status.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExitStatus();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 29 );
Default Value
Check this property to obtain the exit status (also sometimes referred to as errorlevel) of the last command or shell session.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID(); public function setExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 30 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 30, $value );
Default Value
Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.
Use this property when working with multi-signature DCAuth requests and responses to uniquely identify documents signed within a larger batch. On the completion stage, this value helps the signing component identify the correct signature in the returned batch of responses.
If using batched requests, make sure to set this property to the same value on both the pre-signing (SignAsyncBegin) and completion (SignAsyncEnd) stages.
Data Type
ExternalCryptoCustomParams Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoCustomParams(); public function setExternalCryptoCustomParams($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 31 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 31, $value );
Default Value
Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ExternalCryptoData Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoData(); public function setExternalCryptoData($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 32 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 32, $value );
Default Value
Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation(); public function setExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 33 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 33, $value );
Default Value
Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint. Please note that this mode is not supported by the DCAuth class.
If set to true, the class will pass a few kilobytes of to-be-signed data from the document to the OnExternalSign event. This only applies when SignExternal() is called.
Data Type
ExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm(); public function setExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 34 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 34, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm.
SB_HASH_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_1994 | GOST1994 | |
Data Type
ExternalCryptoKeyID Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoKeyID(); public function setExternalCryptoKeyID($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 35 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 35, $value );
Default Value
The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
Asynchronous DCAuth-driven communication requires that parties authenticate each other with a secret pre-shared cryptographic key. This provides an extra protection layer for the protocol and diminishes the risk of the private key becoming abused by foreign parties. Use this property to provide the pre-shared key identifier, and use ExternalCryptoKeySecret to pass the key itself.
The same KeyID/KeySecret pair should be used on the DCAuth side for the signing requests to be accepted.
Note: The KeyID/KeySecret scheme is very similar to the AuthKey scheme used in various Cloud service providers to authenticate users.
signer.ExternalCrypto.KeyID = "MainSigningKey";
signer.ExternalCrypto.KeySecret = "abcdef0123456789";
Data Type
ExternalCryptoKeySecret Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoKeySecret(); public function setExternalCryptoKeySecret($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 36 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 36, $value );
Default Value
The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication. This key must be set and match the key used by the DCAuth counterpart for the scheme to work.
Read more about configuring authentication in the ExternalCryptoKeyID topic.
Data Type
ExternalCryptoMethod Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the asynchronous signing method.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoMethod(); public function setExternalCryptoMethod($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 37 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 37, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the asynchronous signing method. This is typically defined by the DC server capabilities and setup.
Available options:
asmdPKCS1 | 0 |
asmdPKCS7 | 1 |
Data Type
ExternalCryptoMode Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the external cryptography mode.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoMode(); public function setExternalCryptoMode($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 38 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 38, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the external cryptography mode.
Available options:
ecmDefault | The default value (0) |
ecmDisabled | Do not use DC or external signing (1) |
ecmGeneric | Generic external signing with the OnExternalSign event (2) |
ecmDCAuth | DCAuth signing (3) |
ecmDCAuthJSON | DCAuth signing in JSON format (4) |
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Provide the public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm(); public function setExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 39 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 39, $value );
Default Value
Provide the public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA1 | id-dsa-with-sha1 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_DH_PUBLIC | dhpublicnumber | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA224_ECDSA | ecdsa-with-SHA224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA256_ECDSA | ecdsa-with-SHA256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA384_ECDSA | ecdsa-with-SHA384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA512_ECDSA | ecdsa-with-SHA512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_EC | id-ecPublicKey | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3410_1994 | id-GostR3410-94 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3410_2001 | id-GostR3410-2001 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_WITH_R3410_1994 | id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_WITH_R3410_2001 | id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA224 | id-dsa-with-sha224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA256 | id-dsa-with-sha256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_224_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_256_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_384_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_224_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-sha3-224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_256_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-sha3-256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_384_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-sha3-384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-sha3-512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_224_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-sha3-224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_256_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-sha3-256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_384_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-sha3-384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-sha3-512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA3_224 | id-dsa-with-sha3-224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA3_256 | id-dsa-with-sha3-256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_128_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2s128 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_160_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2s160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_224_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2s224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_256_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2s256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_160_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2b160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_256_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2b256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_384_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2b384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_512_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2b512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_128_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2s128 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_160_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2s160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_224_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2s224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_256_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2s256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_160_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2b160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_256_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2b256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_384_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2b384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_512_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2b512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_128_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2s128 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_160_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2s160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_224_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2s224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_256_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2s256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_160_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2b160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_256_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2b256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_384_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2b384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_512_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2b512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_BLAKE2S_224 | id-dsa-with-blake2s224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_BLAKE2S_256 | id-dsa-with-blake2s256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_EDDSA_ED25519 | id-Ed25519 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_EDDSA_ED25519_PH | id-Ed25519ph | |
Data Type
FIPSMode Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Object Oriented Interface
public function getFIPSMode(); public function setFIPSMode($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 40 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 40, $value );
Default Value
This property is reserved for future use.
Data Type
KeyFingerprintSHA1 Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the SHA-1 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getKeyFingerprintSHA1();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 56 );
Default Value
Contains the SHA-1 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
KeyFingerprintSHA256 Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the SHA-256 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getKeyFingerprintSHA256();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 57 );
Default Value
Contains the SHA-256 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
KeyHandle Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getKeyHandle(); public function setKeyHandle($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 58 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 58, $value );
Default Value
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.
When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object
after such operation.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Password Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies user's password on the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getPassword(); public function setPassword($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 73 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 73, $value );
Default Value
Invalid password fires the AuthFailed event.
Data Type
ProxySettingsAddress Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The IP address of the proxy server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsAddress(); public function setProxySettingsAddress($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 74 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 74, $value );
Default Value
The IP address of the proxy server.
Data Type
ProxySettingsAuthentication Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The authentication type used by the proxy server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsAuthentication(); public function setProxySettingsAuthentication($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 75 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 75, $value );
Default Value
The authentication type used by the proxy server.
patNoAuthentication | 0 |
patBasic | 1 |
patDigest | 2 |
patNTLM | 3 |
Data Type
ProxySettingsPassword Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The password to authenticate to the proxy server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsPassword(); public function setProxySettingsPassword($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 76 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 76, $value );
Default Value
The password to authenticate to the proxy server.
Data Type
ProxySettingsPort Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The port on the proxy server to connect to.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsPort(); public function setProxySettingsPort($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 77 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 77, $value );
Default Value
The port on the proxy server to connect to.
Data Type
ProxySettingsProxyType Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The type of the proxy server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsProxyType(); public function setProxySettingsProxyType($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 78 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 78, $value );
Default Value
The type of the proxy server.
The WebTunnel proxy is also known as HTTPS proxy. Unlike HTTP proxy, HTTPS proxy (WebTunnel) provides end-to-end security.
cptNone | 0 |
cptSocks4 | 1 |
cptSocks5 | 2 |
cptWebTunnel | 3 |
cptHTTP | 4 |
Data Type
ProxySettingsRequestHeaders Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsRequestHeaders(); public function setProxySettingsRequestHeaders($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 79 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 79, $value );
Default Value
Contains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.
Data Type
ProxySettingsResponseBody Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsResponseBody(); public function setProxySettingsResponseBody($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 80 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 80, $value );
Default Value
Contains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.
Data Type
ProxySettingsResponseHeaders Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsResponseHeaders(); public function setProxySettingsResponseHeaders($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 81 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 81, $value );
Default Value
Contains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.
Data Type
ProxySettingsUseIPv6 Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsUseIPv6(); public function setProxySettingsUseIPv6($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 82 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 82, $value );
Default Value
Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.
Data Type
ProxySettingsUseProxy Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Enables or disables proxy-driven connection.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsUseProxy(); public function setProxySettingsUseProxy($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 83 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 83, $value );
Default Value
Enables or disables proxy-driven connection.
Data Type
ProxySettingsUsername Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the username credential for proxy authentication.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getProxySettingsUsername(); public function setProxySettingsUsername($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 84 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 84, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the username credential for proxy authentication.
Data Type
ServerKeyAlgorithm Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the key algorithm.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyAlgorithm();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 85 );
Default Value
Specifies the key algorithm.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyBits Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The number of bits in the key: the more the better, 2048 or 4096 are typical values.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyBits();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 86 );
Default Value
The number of bits in the key: the more the better, 2048 or 4096 are typical values.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyComment Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The comment for the public key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyComment();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 87 );
Default Value
The comment for the public key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyCurve Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the elliptical curve when EC cryptography is used.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyCurve();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 88 );
Default Value
Specifies the elliptical curve when EC cryptography is used.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyDSSG Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The G (Generator) parameter of the DSS signature key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyDSSG();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 89 );
The G (Generator) parameter of the DSS signature key. The string should contain the binary data of G.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyDSSP Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The P (Prime) parameter of the DSS signature key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyDSSP();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 90 );
The P (Prime) parameter of the DSS signature key. The string should contain the binary data of P.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyDSSQ Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The Q (Prime Factor) parameter of the DSS signature key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyDSSQ();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 91 );
The Q (Prime Factor) parameter of the DSS signature key. The string should contain the binary data of Q.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyDSSX Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The X (Private key) parameter of the DSS signature key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyDSSX();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 92 );
The X (Private key) parameter of the DSS signature key. The string should contain the binary data of X.
This parameter may be empty if there's no need to sign data with this key (e.g. if the key is a server public key needed only to authenticate the server).
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyDSSY Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The Y (Public key) parameter of the DSS signature key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyDSSY();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 93 );
The Y (Public key) parameter of the DSS signature key. The string should contain the binary data of Y.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyECCD Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The value of the secret key (the order of the public key, D) if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyECCD();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 94 );
The value of the secret key (the order of the public key, D) if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used. The string should contain the binary data of D.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyECCQX Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The value of the X coordinate of the public key if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyECCQX();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 95 );
The value of the X coordinate of the public key if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used. The string should contain the binary data of X.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyECCQY Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The value of the Y coordinate of the public key if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyECCQY();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 96 );
The value of the Y coordinate of the public key if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used. The string should contain the binary data of Y.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyEdPrivate Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The value of the private key if EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm is used.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyEdPrivate();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 97 );
The value of the private key if EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm is used.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyEdPublic Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The value of the public key if EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm is used.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyEdPublic();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 98 );
The value of the public key if EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm is used.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyFingerprintMD5 Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the MD5 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyFingerprintMD5();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 99 );
Default Value
Contains the MD5 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyFingerprintSHA1 Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the SHA-1 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyFingerprintSHA1();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 100 );
Default Value
Contains the SHA-1 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyFingerprintSHA256 Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Contains the SHA-256 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyFingerprintSHA256();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 101 );
Default Value
Contains the SHA-256 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyHandle Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyHandle();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 102 );
Default Value
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.
When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object
after such operation.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ServerKeyIsExtractable Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Whether the key is extractable (e.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyIsExtractable();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 103 );
Default Value
Whether the key is extractable (e.g., from a security token), or not.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyIsPrivate Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Whether this key is a private key or not.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyIsPrivate();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 104 );
Default Value
Whether this key is a private key or not.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyIsPublic Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Whether this key is a public key or not.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyIsPublic();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 105 );
Default Value
Whether this key is a public key or not.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyKDFRounds Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the number of iterations of the Key Derivation Function (KDF) used to generate this key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyKDFRounds();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 106 );
Default Value
Returns the number of iterations of the Key Derivation Function (KDF) used to generate this key.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyKDFSalt Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The salt value used by the Key Derivation Function (KDF) to generate this key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyKDFSalt();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 107 );
The salt value used by the Key Derivation Function (KDF) to generate this key.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyKeyFormat Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the format in which the key is stored.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyKeyFormat();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 108 );
Default Value
Specifies the format in which the key is stored.
ckfOpenSSH | 0 | |
ckfOpenSSH2 | 1 | |
ckfIETF | 2 | |
ckfPuTTY | 3 | |
ckfX509 | 4 | |
ckfBinary | 5 | |
ckfSSH1 | 6 | |
ckfPGP | 7 | |
ckfPKCS8 | 8 | |
ckfPuTTY3 | 9 |
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyKeyProtectionAlgorithm Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the key protection algorithm.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyKeyProtectionAlgorithm();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 109 );
Default Value
Specifies the key protection algorithm.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ServerKeyRSAExponent Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the e parameter (public exponent) of the RSA key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyRSAExponent();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 110 );
Returns the e parameter (public exponent) of the RSA key.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyRSAIQMP Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the iqmp parameter of the RSA key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyRSAIQMP();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 111 );
Returns the iqmp parameter of the RSA key.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyRSAModulus Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the m parameter (public modulus) of the RSA key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyRSAModulus();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 112 );
Returns the m parameter (public modulus) of the RSA key.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyRSAP Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the p parameter (first factor of the common modulus n) of the RSA key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyRSAP();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 113 );
Returns the p parameter (first factor of the common modulus n) of the RSA key.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyRSAPrivateExponent Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the d parameter (private exponent) of the RSA key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyRSAPrivateExponent();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 114 );
Returns the d parameter (private exponent) of the RSA key.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeyRSAQ Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Returns the q parameter (second factor of the common modulus n) of the RSA key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeyRSAQ();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 115 );
Returns the q parameter (second factor of the common modulus n) of the RSA key.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ServerKeySubject Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the public key owner (subject).
Object Oriented Interface
public function getServerKeySubject();
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 116 );
Default Value
Specifies the public key owner (subject). This property is used only for IETF-keys.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
SocketDNSMode Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Selects the DNS resolver to use: the class's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketDNSMode(); public function setSocketDNSMode($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 117 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 117, $value );
Default Value
Selects the DNS resolver to use: the component's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.
dmAuto | 0 |
dmPlatform | 1 |
dmOwn | 2 |
dmOwnSecure | 3 |
Data Type
SocketDNSPort Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketDNSPort(); public function setSocketDNSPort($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 118 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 118, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.
Data Type
SocketDNSQueryTimeout Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketDNSQueryTimeout(); public function setSocketDNSQueryTimeout($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 119 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 119, $value );
Default Value
The timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query. The value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.
Data Type
SocketDNSServers Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketDNSServers(); public function setSocketDNSServers($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 120 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 120, $value );
Default Value
The addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.
Data Type
SocketDNSTotalTimeout Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketDNSTotalTimeout(); public function setSocketDNSTotalTimeout($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 121 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 121, $value );
Default Value
The timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process. The value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.
Data Type
SocketIncomingSpeedLimit Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketIncomingSpeedLimit(); public function setSocketIncomingSpeedLimit($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 122 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 122, $value );
Default Value
The maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.
Data Type
SocketLocalAddress Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The local network interface to bind the socket to.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketLocalAddress(); public function setSocketLocalAddress($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 123 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 123, $value );
Default Value
The local network interface to bind the socket to.
Data Type
SocketLocalPort Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The local port number to bind the socket to.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketLocalPort(); public function setSocketLocalPort($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 124 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 124, $value );
Default Value
The local port number to bind the socket to.
Data Type
SocketOutgoingSpeedLimit Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketOutgoingSpeedLimit(); public function setSocketOutgoingSpeedLimit($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 125 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 125, $value );
Default Value
The maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.
Data Type
SocketTimeout Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketTimeout(); public function setSocketTimeout($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 126 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 126, $value );
Default Value
The maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.
If Timeout is set to 0, a socket operation will expire after the system-default timeout (2 hrs 8 min for TCP stack).
Data Type
SocketUseIPv6 Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSocketUseIPv6(); public function setSocketUseIPv6($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 127 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 127, $value );
Default Value
Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.
Data Type
SSHSettingsAutoAdjustCiphers Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Whether the SSH client should adjust its list of supported ciphers 'on-the-fly' for greater compatibility with the server it is connecting to.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsAutoAdjustCiphers(); public function setSSHSettingsAutoAdjustCiphers($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 128 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 128, $value );
Default Value
Whether the SSH client should adjust its list of supported ciphers 'on-the-fly' for greater compatibility with the server it is connecting to.
Data Type
SSHSettingsBaseConfiguration Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Allows to choose base configuration of SSH settings, tuned up for different purposes such as high security or higher compatibility.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsBaseConfiguration(); public function setSSHSettingsBaseConfiguration($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 129 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 129, $value );
Default Value
Allows to choose base configuration of SSH settings, tuned up for different purposes such as high security or higher compatibility.
Data Type
SSHSettingsCompressionAlgorithms Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A list of session compression algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsCompressionAlgorithms(); public function setSSHSettingsCompressionAlgorithms($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 130 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 130, $value );
Default Value
A list of session compression algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. Each algorithm in the list may be prefixed with a minus sign (-) to indicate that the algorithm should be disabled rather than enabled. Besides the specific algorithm names, this property supports the all (and -all) aliases that allow to blanketly enable or disable all compression algorithms at once.
Note: the list of algorithms provided to this property alters the baseline list of compression algorithms pre-configured for this component. Remember to start your algorithm string with -all; if you need to only enable a specific fixed set of algorithms. The list of supported compression algorithms is provided below:
- none
- zlib
Data Type
SSHSettingsCompressionLevel Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Possible values for the Compression Level range from 0 (minimum compression) to 9 (maximum compression).
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsCompressionLevel(); public function setSSHSettingsCompressionLevel($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 131 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 131, $value );
Default Value
Possible values for the Compression Level range from 0 (minimum compression) to 9 (maximum compression). This setting is ignored if compression wasn't accepted.
Data Type
SSHSettingsDefaultWindowSize Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The SSH window size specifies how many bytes the client can send to the server in the command channel without obtaining pre-authorization for the further send from the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsDefaultWindowSize(); public function setSSHSettingsDefaultWindowSize($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 132 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 132, $value );
Default Value
The SSH window size specifies how many bytes the client can send to the server in the command channel without obtaining pre-authorization for the further send from the server.
Data Type
SSHSettingsEncryptionAlgorithms Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A list of session encryption algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsEncryptionAlgorithms(); public function setSSHSettingsEncryptionAlgorithms($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 133 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 133, $value );
Default Value
A list of session encryption algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. Each algorithm in the list may be prefixed with a minus sign (-) to indicate that the algorithm should be disabled rather than enabled. Besides the specific algorithm names, this property supports the all (and -all) aliases that allow to blanketly enable or disable all encryption algorithms at once.
Note: the list of algorithms provided to this property alters the baseline list of encryption algorithms pre-configured for this component. Remember to start your algorithm string with -all; if you need to only enable a specific fixed set of algorithms. The list of supported encryption algorithms is provided below:
- 3des-cbc
- blowfish-cbc
- twofish256-cbc
- twofish192-cbc
- twofish128-cbc
- aes256-cbc
- aes192-cbc
- aes128-cbc
- serpent256-cbc
- serpent192-cbc
- serpent128-cbc
- arcfour
- idea-cbc
- cast128-cbc
- none
- des-cbc
- aes128-ctr
- aes192-ctr
- aes256-ctr
- 3des-ctr
- blowfish-ctr
- twofish128-ctr
- twofish192-ctr
- twofish256-ctr
- serpent128-ctr
- serpent192-ctr
- serpent256-ctr
- idea-ctr
- cast128-ctr
- arcfour128
- arcfour256
- aes128-gcm
- aes256-gcm
- chacha20-poly1305
Data Type
SSHSettingsForceCompression Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Whether the SSH client should explicitly request compression.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsForceCompression(); public function setSSHSettingsForceCompression($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 134 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 134, $value );
Default Value
Whether the SSH client should explicitly request compression.
If ForceCompression is False, compression will be used only if the server doesn't support algorithms without compression.
Data Type
SSHSettingsGSSAuthTypes Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A comma-separated list of authentication types.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsGSSAuthTypes(); public function setSSHSettingsGSSAuthTypes($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 135 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 135, $value );
Default Value
A comma-separated list of authentication types. Two types are currently supported: gssapi-with-mic and gssapi-keyex.
Data Type
SSHSettingsGSSDelegateCreds Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Switches credential delegation on or off.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsGSSDelegateCreds(); public function setSSHSettingsGSSDelegateCreds($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 136 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 136, $value );
Default Value
Switches credential delegation on or off.
Data Type
SSHSettingsGSSHostname Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The GSS host name, in form of a FQDN (e.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsGSSHostname(); public function setSSHSettingsGSSHostname($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 137 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 137, $value );
Default Value
The GSS host name, in form of a FQDN (e.g., a principal name (e.g. ', or a cross-real ticket-granting ticket (e.g. krbtgt/
Data Type
SSHSettingsGSSLib Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A path to the GSS-API library (DLL or SO).
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsGSSLib(); public function setSSHSettingsGSSLib($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 138 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 138, $value );
Default Value
A path to the GSS-API library (DLL or SO).
Data Type
SSHSettingsGSSMechanisms Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A comma-separated list of GSS mechanisms to use.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsGSSMechanisms(); public function setSSHSettingsGSSMechanisms($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 139 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 139, $value );
Default Value
A comma-separated list of GSS mechanisms to use. Two values are currently supported: lib and SSPI.
Data Type
SSHSettingsGSSProtocols Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A comma-separated list of SSPI protocols.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsGSSProtocols(); public function setSSHSettingsGSSProtocols($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 140 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 140, $value );
Default Value
A comma-separated list of SSPI protocols. Two protocols are currently supported: kerberos and NTLM.
Data Type
SSHSettingsHandshakeTimeout Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the maximal time for the SSH handshake to proceed, in seconds.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsHandshakeTimeout(); public function setSSHSettingsHandshakeTimeout($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 141 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 141, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the maximal time for the SSH handshake to proceed, in seconds. If the handshake is not completed within this period, the session is aborted.
Data Type
SSHSettingsKexAlgorithms Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A list of key exchange algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsKexAlgorithms(); public function setSSHSettingsKexAlgorithms($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 142 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 142, $value );
Default Value
A list of key exchange algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. Each algorithm in the list may be prefixed with a minus sign (-) to indicate that the algorithm should be disabled rather than enabled. Besides the specific algorithm names, this property supports the all (and -all) aliases that allow to blanketly enable or disable all key exchange algorithms at once.
Note: the list of algorithms provided to this property alters the baseline list of key exchange algorithms pre-configured for this component. Remember to start your algorithm string with -all; if you need to only enable a specific fixed set of algorithms. The list of supported kex algorithms is provided below:
- diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
- diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
- diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
- diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
- rsa1024-sha1
- rsa2048-sha256
- ecdh-sha2-nistp256
- ecdh-sha2-nistp384
- ecdh-sha2-nistp521
- ecdh-sha2-nistk163
- ecdh-sha2-nistp192
- ecdh-sha2-nistp224
- ecdh-sha2-nistk233
- ecdh-sha2-nistb233
- ecdh-sha2-nistk283
- ecdh-sha2-nistk409
- ecdh-sha2-nistb409
- ecdh-sha2-nistt571
- ecdh-sha2-curve25519
- diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
- diffie-hellman-group15-sha512
- diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
- diffie-hellman-group17-sha512
- diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
Data Type
SSHSettingsMacAlgorithms Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A list of MAC (for message authentication code ) algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsMacAlgorithms(); public function setSSHSettingsMacAlgorithms($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 143 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 143, $value );
Default Value
A list of MAC (for message authentication code) algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. Each algorithm in the list may be prefixed with a minus sign (-) to indicate that the algorithm should be disabled rather than enabled. Besides the specific algorithm names, this property supports the all (and -all) aliases that allow to blanketly enable or disable all MAC algorithms at once.
Note: the list of algorithms provided to this property alters the baseline list of MAC algorithms pre-configured for this component. Remember to start your algorithm string with -all; if you need to only enable a specific fixed set of algorithms. The list of supported MAC algorithms is provided below:
- hmac-sha1
- hmac-sha1-96
- hmac-md5
- hmac-md5-96
- none
- hmac-ripemd160
- hmac-ripemd
- hmac-sha2-256
- hmac-sha2-512
- aes128-gcm
- aes256-gcm
Data Type
SSHSettingsMaxSSHPacketSize Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the maximum length of one SSH packet in bytes.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsMaxSSHPacketSize(); public function setSSHSettingsMaxSSHPacketSize($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 144 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 144, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the maximum length of one SSH packet in bytes.
Data Type
SSHSettingsMinWindowSize Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the minimal internal window size.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsMinWindowSize(); public function setSSHSettingsMinWindowSize($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 145 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 145, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the minimal internal window size. When the minimal window size is reached, the 'window extension' request is sent to the server. This request notifies the server that the window was extended, and it can send more data.
Data Type
SSHSettingsObfuscateHandshake Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Enables or disables handshake obfuscation.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsObfuscateHandshake(); public function setSSHSettingsObfuscateHandshake($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 146 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 146, $value );
Default Value
Enables or disables handshake obfuscation.
Data Type
SSHSettingsObfuscationPassword Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the password used to encrypt the handshake when ObfuscateHandshake is set.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsObfuscationPassword(); public function setSSHSettingsObfuscationPassword($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 147 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 147, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the password used to encrypt the handshake when ObfuscateHandshake is set.
Data Type
SSHSettingsPublicKeyAlgorithms Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
A list of public key algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsPublicKeyAlgorithms(); public function setSSHSettingsPublicKeyAlgorithms($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 148 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 148, $value );
Default Value
A list of public key algorithms separated with commas or semicolons. Each algorithm in the list may be prefixed with a minus sign (-) to indicate that the algorithm should be disabled rather than enabled. Besides the specific algorithm names, this property supports the all (and -all) aliases that allow to blanketly enable or disable all public key algorithms at once.
Note: the list of algorithms provided to this property alters the baseline list of public key algorithms pre-configured for this component. Remember to start your algorithm string with -all; if you need to only enable a specific fixed set of algorithms. The list of supported public key algorithms is provided below:
- ssh-dss
- ssh-rsa
- x509v3-sign-rsa
- x509v3-sign-dss
- spki-sign-rsa,
- spki-sign-dss
- pgp-sign-rsa
- pgp-sign-dss
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
- ecdsa-sha2-nistk163
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp192
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp224
- ecdsa-sha2-nistk233
- ecdsa-sha2-nistb233
- ecdsa-sha2-nistk283
- ecdsa-sha2-nistk409
- ecdsa-sha2-nistb409
- ecdsa-sha2-nistt571,
- ecdsa-sha2-curve25519
- x509v3-ssh-rsa
- x509v3-ssh-dss
- x509v3-rsa2048-sha256
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistk163
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp192
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp224
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistk233
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistb233
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistk283
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistk409
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistb409
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistt571
- x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-curve25519
- ssh-ed25519
- ssh-ed448
- rsa-sha2-256
- rsa-sha2-512
Data Type
SSHSettingsRequestPasswordChange Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Whether to request a password change when connecting.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsRequestPasswordChange(); public function setSSHSettingsRequestPasswordChange($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 149 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 149, $value );
Default Value
Whether to request a password change when connecting.
Data Type
SSHSettingsSoftwareName Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The name to be used by the class to identify itself.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsSoftwareName(); public function setSSHSettingsSoftwareName($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 150 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 150, $value );
Default Value
The name to be used by the component to identify itself.
Data Type
SSHSettingsTrustAllKeys Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Enables or disables explicit trust to all server keys.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsTrustAllKeys(); public function setSSHSettingsTrustAllKeys($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 151 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 151, $value );
Default Value
Enables or disables explicit trust to all server keys. Use with care.
Data Type
SSHSettingsUseAuthAgent Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Enables or disables the use of external key agent, such as Putty key agent.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsUseAuthAgent(); public function setSSHSettingsUseAuthAgent($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 152 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 152, $value );
Default Value
Enables or disables the use of external key agent, such as Putty key agent.
Data Type
SSHSettingsVersions Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies enabled SSH protocol versions (1 or 2).
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSSHSettingsVersions(); public function setSSHSettingsVersions($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 153 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 153, $value );
Default Value
Specifies enabled SSH protocol versions (1 or 2).
Data Type
Subsystem Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the subsystem to request from the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getSubsystem(); public function setSubsystem($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 154 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 154, $value );
Default Value
Subsystem is a special form of an SSH channel. It is typically used to transfer third-party protocol data, with SFTP being the most widely known.
You can tell class to set up a subsystem connection (rather than a shell or command) by assigning the subsystem name to this property.
Data Type
TerminalCols Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the width of the pseudoterminal, in characters.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalCols(); public function setTerminalCols($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 155 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 155, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the width of the pseudoterminal, in characters.
Data Type
TerminalEnvironment Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the list of environment variables.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalEnvironment(); public function setTerminalEnvironment($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 156 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 156, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the list of environment variables.
Data Type
TerminalEOLChar Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the End-of-Line character or sequence.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalEOLChar(); public function setTerminalEOLChar($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 157 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 157, $value );
Specifies the End-of-Line character or sequence.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
TerminalHeight Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the height of the pseudoterminal, in pixels.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalHeight(); public function setTerminalHeight($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 158 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 158, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the height of the pseudoterminal, in pixels.
Data Type
TerminalOpcodes Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the operation codes specific for the terminal.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalOpcodes(); public function setTerminalOpcodes($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 159 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 159, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the operation codes specific for the terminal.
Data Type
TerminalProtocol Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
The terminal protocol name.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalProtocol(); public function setTerminalProtocol($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 160 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 160, $value );
Default Value
The terminal protocol name.
Data Type
TerminalRequestPty Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies whether to request a pseudoterminal for the session.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalRequestPty(); public function setTerminalRequestPty($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 161 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 161, $value );
Default Value
Specifies whether to request a pseudoterminal for the session.
Data Type
TerminalRows Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the height of the pseudoterminal, in lines.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalRows(); public function setTerminalRows($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 162 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 162, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the height of the pseudoterminal, in lines.
Data Type
TerminalWidth Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies the width of the pseudoterminal, in pixels.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTerminalWidth(); public function setTerminalWidth($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 163 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 163, $value );
Default Value
Specifies the width of the pseudoterminal, in pixels.
Data Type
TrustedKeysFile Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Path to the file containing public keys of authorized servers.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTrustedKeysFile(); public function setTrustedKeysFile($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 164 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 164, $value );
Default Value
Path to the file containing public keys of authorized servers.
Data Type
Username Property (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Specifies client's username on the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getUsername(); public function setUsername($value);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_get($res, 165 ); secureblackbox_sshclient_set($res, 165, $value );
Default Value
Client's password is set by Password property. ;
Data Type
Config Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doConfig($configurationstring);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_config($res, $configurationstring);
Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.
These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.
To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).
To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.
Connect Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Establishes connection to an SSH server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doConnect($address, $port);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_connect($res, $address, $port);
Use this method to connect to the SSH server by providing its Address and Port.
Before connecting to the server you might want to set up your credentials using Username and Password properties. You might also need to configure the server key validation routine. You can do this by subscribing to KnownKeyReceived and UnknownKeyReceived events and implementing the event handlers as required.
Adjust AsyncMode before connecting to switch the component to either synchronous or asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, all the calls to the component, such as Connect or SendBytes, are executed within the context of the caller thread, and block until the action completes. In asynchronous mode, the component runs the SSH session in a background thread, which makes all such calls return immediately. Find out more about the modes in the AsyncMode topic.
ConnectAndExec Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Connects to an SSH server and executes a command in one go.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doConnectAndExec($address, $port, $command, $wantstdout, $wantstderr);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_connectandexec($res, $address, $port, $command, $wantstdout, $wantstderr);
Use this method to connect to an SSH server at Address and Port and execute a command. The method returns the output of the executed command.
This method is a handy shortcut for running non-interactive commands. It encapsulates calls to Connect, Receive, Disconnect internally to save you time and space.
Please note that ConnectAndExec always runs synchronously, thus ignoring the AsyncMode setting.
Disconnect Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Closes connection to the SSH server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doDisconnect();
Procedural Interface
Call this method to terminate the active SSH connection.
Please note that in some cases the component may still have some inbound data cached internally even after the connection is closed. You can read that data out using Receive and/or ReceiveBytes methods.
DoAction Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Performs an additional action.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doDoAction($actionid, $actionparams);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_doaction($res, $actionid, $actionparams);
DoAction is a generic method available in every class. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.
The unique identifier (case insensitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.
ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....
Ping Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Sends a keep-alive request to the SSH server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doPing();
Procedural Interface
Use this method to send a keep-alive message to the SSH server. Keep-alive messages are empty data packets which carry no useful information but are a handy way of checking if the connection is still alive.
Poll Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Checks whether there is any inbound data readily available.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doPoll($milliseconds);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_poll($res, $milliseconds);
Use this method to check whether there is any incoming data available in the connection. If this method returns true, you can read the data with Receive or ReceiveBytes calls.
Use the Milliseconds parameter to tell the component how long it can wait for the data to arrive.
Receive Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Reads a portion of received data into a string.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doReceive();
Procedural Interface
Use this method to read out a piece of data received from the server into a string.
Note that in synchronous mode this method may block in the absence of any inbound data until the next piece of data is received from the server. Use Poll to check if there is any data in the connection that is immediately available for reading.
In asynchronous mode a good time to call this method is upon receiving a read notification in DataReceived event handler. When working in asynchronous mode, this call returns immediately.
This method only returns data that arrives via the stdout channel. Use ReceiveFrom to read stderr data.
ReceiveBytes Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Reads a portion of received data into a byte array.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doReceiveBytes($maxlen);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_receivebytes($res, $maxlen);
Use this method to read out a piece of data received from the server into a byte array. Control the maximum length of the data chunk with the MaxLen parameter.
Note that in synchronous mode this method may block in the absence of any inbound data until the next piece of data is received from the server. Use Poll to check if there is any data in the connection that is immediately available for reading.
In asynchronous mode a good time to call this method is upon receiving a read notification in DataReceived event handler. When working in asynchronous mode, this call returns immediately.
This method only returns data that arrives via the stdout channel. Use ReceiveBytesFrom to read stderr data.
ReceiveBytesFrom Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Reads a portion of data received via a specific channel into a byte array.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doReceiveBytesFrom($channel, $maxlen);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_receivebytesfrom($res, $channel, $maxlen);
Use this method to read out a piece of data received from the server into a byte array. Specify the channel that you are interested in reading from (0 for stdout, 1 for stderr) via the Channel parameter, and control the maximum length of the data chunk with the MaxLen parameter.
Note that in synchronous mode this method may block in the absence of any inbound data until the next piece of data is received from the server. Use Poll to check if there is any data in the connection that is immediately available for reading.
In asynchronous mode a good time to call this method is upon receiving a read notification in DataReceived event handler. When working in asynchronous mode, this call returns immediately.
Please also note that stdout and stderr channels are fully independent, which implies that data arriving via each channel should be read out separately.
ReceiveFrom Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Reads a portion of data received via a specific channel into a string.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doReceiveFrom($channel);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_receivefrom($res, $channel);
Use this method to read out a piece of data received from the server into a string. Use the Channel parameter to specify the channel that you would like to read from (0 for stdout, 1 for stderr).
Note that in synchronous mode this method may block in the absence of any inbound data until the next piece of data is received from the server. Use Poll to check if there is any data in the connection that is immediately available for reading.
In asynchronous mode a good time to call this method is upon receiving a read notification in DataReceived event handler. When working in asynchronous mode, this call returns immediately.
Send Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Sends a string to the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doSend($datastr, $addeol);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_send($res, $datastr, $addeol);
Use this method to send DataStr to the remote command's stdin channel. Set the AddEOL parameter to true to append the end-of-line character to the string automatically.
Note that in synchronous mode this method may block until the whole string is commited to the network connection. In asynchronous mode this method returns immediately; the application is eventually notified that the data has been sent via the DataSent event.
SendBytes Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Sends an array of bytes to the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doSendBytes($data);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_sendbytes($res, $data);
Use this method to send Data to the remote command's stdin channel.
Note that in synchronous mode this method may block until the whole byte array is commited to the network connection. In asynchronous mode this method returns immediately; the application is eventually notified that the data has been sent via the DataSent event.
SendSpecial Method (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Sends a special character to the server or remote command.
Object Oriented Interface
public function doSendSpecial($specialchar);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_do_sendspecial($res, $specialchar);
Use this method to send a special or control character to the SSH server or the command being executed. Specify the character id via the SpecialChar parameter.
Currently the only supported special character is "eof", which is sometimes used as a way to close the stdin channel gracefully.
AuthAttempt Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Fires when a single authentication attempt is performed.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireAuthAttempt($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 1, array($this, 'fireAuthAttempt'));
Parameter List
This event is fired each time a single authentication attempt is performed. AuthType parameter specifies the type of authentication. Note, this event could be fired more than once if the client tries different authentication methods one after another.
AuthFailed Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Fires when a single authentication attempt is failed.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireAuthFailed($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 2, array($this, 'fireAuthFailed'));
Parameter List
This event is fired each time a single authentication attempt fails. AuthType parameter specifies the type of authentication.
As SSH may try a number of authentication attempts of different types or with different parameters (such as public keys) during one session, this event may be fired more than once. It is not critical and may not lead to closing of the connection.
AuthSucceeded Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Reports a successful authentication.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireAuthSucceeded($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 3, array($this, 'fireAuthSucceeded'));
Parameter List
This event may be preceded by some AuthFailed events if the client tries different authentication methods one after another.
Banner Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Reports the receipt of the Hello message from the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireBanner($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 4, array($this, 'fireBanner'));
Parameter List
SFPTClient fires this event when it receives hello message from the server.
CommandCompleted Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Signifies completion of the command execution.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireCommandCompleted($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 5, array($this, 'fireCommandCompleted'));
Parameter List
Subscribe to this event to be notified about completion of the remote command execution. This event fires for every command in the Commands list. The Command parameter indicates the command being completed.
ExitStatus specifies the command's return code. ExitMessage or ExitSignal parameters provide error details if the command execution was terminated forcefully,
CommandStart Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Marks the commencement of a command execution.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireCommandStart($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 6, array($this, 'fireCommandStart'));
Parameter List
Subscribe to this event to be notified about the start of execution of a remote command. The Command parameter indicates the command being started.
This event is fired for all commands in the Commands list, in order. The completion of the command is reported via the CommandCompleted event.
Connect Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
This event is fired when an SSH session has been established.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireConnect($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 7, array($this, 'fireConnect'));
Parameter List
Use this event to track the moment when SSH session has been set up.
DataReceived Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Reports receipt of another chunk of data from the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireDataReceived($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 8, array($this, 'fireDataReceived'));
Parameter List
This event fires in asynchronous mode to report the receipt of another chunk of data from the server. Use Receive or ReceiveBytes methods to read out the received data.
The Channel parameter indicates the channel on which the data was received: stdout (0) or stderr (1). BytesReceived specify the size of the newly received chunk, and TotalBytesPending contain the total number of bytes available for reading.
Please note that just like other asynchronous mode events this event may fire from a secondary thread. Please make sure your code is prepared for that by using appropriate synchronization facilities.
This event does not fire in synchronous mode.
DataSent Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Notifies the application that a piece of data has been sent to the server.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireDataSent($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 9, array($this, 'fireDataSent'));
Parameter List
Subscribe to this event to be notified about the outbound data flow. This event fires following a call to Send or SendBytes methods to notify the application that the data provided has been sent to the server. This event may fire more than once for each Send or SendBytes call, subject to the volume of data being sent and the settings of the server.
The BytesSent parameter specifies the number of bytes that has just been sent to the server. The BytesPending indicate the number of bytes that remain cached in the internal buffer. Any bytes cached in such way will be sent again on the next available opportunity and reported via a separate DataSent event invocation.
Please note that just like other asynchronous mode events this event may fire from a secondary thread. Please make sure your code is prepared for that by using appropriate synchronization facilities.
This event does not fire in synchronous mode.
Disconnect Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
This event is fired when the SFTP subsystem connection is closed.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireDisconnect($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 10, array($this, 'fireDisconnect'));
Parameter List
Do not perform any file operations after this event has been fired.
Error Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Information about errors during SFTP connection.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireError($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 11, array($this, 'fireError'));
Parameter List
The event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during data transfer.
ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of error codes please refer to SFTP.
ExternalSign Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Handles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireExternalSign($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 12, array($this, 'fireExternalSign'));
Parameter List
Assign a handler to this event if you need to delegate a low-level signing operation to an external, remote, or custom signing engine. Depending on the settings, the handler will receive a hashed or unhashed value to be signed.
The event handler must pass the value of Data to the signer, obtain the signature, and pass it back to the class via the SignedData parameter.
OperationId provides a comment about the operation and its origin. It depends on the exact class being used, and may be empty. HashAlgorithm specifies the hash algorithm being used for the operation, and Pars contains algorithm-dependent parameters.
The class uses base16 (hex) encoding for the Data, SignedData, and Pars parameters. If your signing engine uses a different input and output encoding, you may need to decode and/or encode the data before and/or after the signing.
A sample MD5 hash encoded in base16: a0dee2a0382afbb09120ffa7ccd8a152 - lower case base16 A0DEE2A0382AFBB09120FFA7CCD8A152 - upper case base16
A sample event handler that uses the .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider class may look like the following:
signer.OnExternalSign += (s, e) =>
var cert = new X509Certificate2("cert.pfx", "", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
var key = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey;
var dataToSign = e.Data.FromBase16String();
var signedData = key.SignHash(dataToSign, "2.16.840.");
e.SignedData = signedData.ToBase16String();
KnownKeyReceived Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Signals that the server has introduced itself with a known key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireKnownKeyReceived($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 13, array($this, 'fireKnownKeyReceived'));
Parameter List
The class fires this event to tell the application that the server has introduced itself with a known key from TrustedKeysFile.
The details of the key are provided: Algorithm and Bits specify the key algorithm and the number of bits. FingerprintSHA256 contains the key's fingerprint.
Use ServerKey to access more key details.
Notification Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireNotification($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 14, array($this, 'fireNotification'));
Parameter List
The class fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the class. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.
The unique identifier of the event is provided in the EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the class, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.
PasswordChangeRequest Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
This event is fired when a password change is requested.
Object Oriented Interface
public function firePasswordChangeRequest($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 15, array($this, 'firePasswordChangeRequest'));
Parameter List
This event is fired by the class when a password change is requested by the server. Prompt contains the password prompt message. Handler should either provide the new password via NewPassword, or deny the request by setting Cancel to true.
PrivateKeyNeeded Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
This event is fired when client's public key was accepted by the server, but the corresponding secret key is not available.
Object Oriented Interface
public function firePrivateKeyNeeded($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 16, array($this, 'firePrivateKeyNeeded'));
Parameter List
Set Skip to true when it is not possible to load the missing key for some reason.
UnknownKeyReceived Event (SecureBlackbox_SSHClient Class)
Signals that the server has introduced itself with an unknown key.
Object Oriented Interface
public function fireUnknownKeyReceived($param);
Procedural Interface
secureblackbox_sshclient_register_callback($res, 17, array($this, 'fireUnknownKeyReceived'));
Parameter List
The class fires this event to tell the application that the server has introduced itself with a key not present in TrustedKeysFile.
The details of the key are provided: Algorithm and Bits specify the key algorithm and the number of bits. FingerprintSHA256 contains the key's fingerprint.
In this event handler, you need to make a decision whether to proceed with the connection. Use Action to tell the class what it should do with the key:
catAcceptOnce | 1 | Accept the key for the current session only. |
catAcceptPermanently | 2 | Accept the key for the current session and store the key to the trusted keys list. |
catReject | 3 | Reject the key and close the connection. |
Config Settings (SSHClient Class)
The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.SSHClient Config Settings
Since both client and server must implement strict key exchange to effectively mitigate the Terrapin attack, the class provides options to further control the behavior in different scenarios. Possible values for this setting are:
0 | Disabled. Strict key exchange is not supported in the class. |
1 (default) | Enabled, but not enforced. This setting enables strict key exchange, but if the remote host does not support strict key exchange the connection is still allowed to continue. |
2 | Enabled, but reject affected algorithms if the remote host does not support strict key exchange. If the remote host supports strict key exchange all algorithms may be used. If the remote host does not support strict key exchange the connection will only continue if the selected encryption and MAC algorithms are not affected by the Terrapin attack. |
3 | Required. If the remote host does not support strict key exchange the connection will fail. |
Base Config Settings
You can switch this property off to improve performance if your project only uses known, good private keys.
Supported values are:
off | No caching (default) | |
local | Local caching | |
global | Global caching |
This setting only applies to sessions negotiated with TLS version 1.3.
Supported values are:
file | File | |
console | Console | |
systemlog | System Log (supported for Android only) | |
debugger | Debugger (supported for VCL for Windows and .Net) |
Supported values are:
time | Current time | |
level | Level | |
package | Package name | |
module | Module name | |
class | Class name | |
method | Method name | |
threadid | Thread Id | |
contenttype | Content type | |
content | Content | |
all | All details |
Supported filter names are:
exclude-package | Exclude a package specified in the value | |
exclude-module | Exclude a module specified in the value | |
exclude-class | Exclude a class specified in the value | |
exclude-method | Exclude a method specified in the value | |
include-package | Include a package specified in the value | |
include-module | Include a module specified in the value | |
include-class | Include a class specified in the value | |
include-method | Include a method specified in the value |
none | No flush (caching only) | |
immediate | Immediate flush (real-time logging) | |
maxcount | Flush cached entries upon reaching LogMaxEventCount entries in the cache. |
Supported values are:
none | None (by default) | |
fatal | Severe errors that cause premature termination. | |
error | Other runtime errors or unexpected conditions. | |
warning | Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong". | |
info | Interesting runtime events (startup/shutdown). | |
debug | Detailed information on flow of through the system. | |
trace | More detailed information. |
The default value of this setting is 100.
none | No rotation | |
deleteolder | Delete older entries from the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount | |
keepolder | Keep older entries in the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount (newer entries are discarded) |
Supported values are:
none | No static DNS rules (default) | |
local | Local static DNS rules | |
global | Global static DNS rules |
This setting only applies to certificates originating from a Windows system store.