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IPInfo Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

The IPInfo component is used to resolve host names to host addresses and vice-versa using asynchronous DNS. The component provides access to other TCP/IP database functions as well.




The IPInfo class operates asynchronously. Requests are posted to the class by setting a property like HostName or HostAddress and then waiting for the RequestComplete event. The RequestId property identifies the request.

Up to 100 simultaneous requests can be queued at any moment. PendingRequests shows the number of pending requests, and may also be used to adjust the size of the queue (by dumping a number of the pending requests).

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AdapterCountThe number of adapters in the system.
AdapterDescriptionThe description of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterDeviceIndexThe system index of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterDHCPEnabledShows whether or not the adapter identified by AdapterIndex has DHCP Enabled.
AdapterDHCPServerThe DHCP server of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterDNSServersThe DNS server list for the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterGatewayThe default gateway of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterIndexSets the current adapter.
AdapterIPAddressThe IP address of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterIPv6AddressThe IPv6 address of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterLeaseExpiresThe expiration date and time of the lease obtained by the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterLeaseObtainedThe date and time of when the current lease was obtained by the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterNameThe name of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterOtherIPAddressesOther IP addresses leased by the adapter specified by AdapterIndex , if any.
AdapterPhysicalAddressThe physical address of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterPrimaryWINSServerThe primary WINS server of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterSecondaryWINSServerThe secondary WINS server of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterSubnetMaskThe subnet of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterTypeThe type of adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
AdapterUsesWINSShows whether or not the adapter identified by AdapterIndex uses WINS.
AdapterZoneIdThe zone Id of the adapter identified by AdapterIndex .
ARPProxyShows whether the local computer is acting as an ARP proxy.
DHCPScopeThe DHCP Scope of the DHCP server.
DNSEnabledShows whether DNS is enabled on the local computer.
DNSServerThe address of the DNS Server.
DomainNameThe current network domain on which the system resides.
HostAddressAn Internet Address in dotted format. When set, it initiates a search for the corresponding host name.
HostAliasesOther names corresponding to the host with the name HostName.
HostNameThe Domain Name of an Internet host. When set, it initiates a search for the corresponding address(es).
LocalHostThe name of the local host.
NodeTypeThe type of node for the system.
OtherAddressesOther addresses for the host identified by HostName (for multihomed hosts).
OtherDNSServersOther DNS servers configured for the host machine.
PendingRequestsThe number of requests awaiting completion.
RequestIdThe handle of the last request.
RoutingEnabledShows whether routing is enabled on the local computer.
ServiceAliasesOther names by which the service specified by ServiceName / ServicePort is known.
ServiceNameA name for a service. When set, it initiates a search for the corresponding port number and protocol.
ServicePortA port number for a service. When set, it initiates a search for the corresponding service name and protocol.
ServiceProtocolThe protocol of the service specified by ServiceName / ServicePort .

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting .
DHCPReleaseReleases the IP Address of the current adapter specified by AdapterIndex .
DHCPRenewRenews the IP Address of the current adapter specified by AdapterIndex .
DoEventsProcesses events from the internal message queue.
GetMACReturns the MAC address of the network interface at IPAddress .
ResetResets the component, stopping all pending requests and refreshing network information.
ResolveAddressResolves an IP address.
ResolveNameResolves a host name.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
RequestCompleteFired after an asynchronous request completes.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

UseOldApiIf set the component will use the old API to get Adapter information.
ARPAddressSpecifies the IP Address of the interface to be used for the GetMAC method.
AdapterDADStateSpecifies the Duplicate Address Detection state of the IP address of the adapter specified by AdapterIndex.
AdapterIPv6DADStateSpecifies the Duplicate Address Detection state of the IPv6 address of the adapter specified by AdapterIndex.
AdapterOtherDADStatesSpecifies the Duplicate Address Detection states of the IP addresses leased by the adapter specified by AdapterIndex, if any.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

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Build 9.0.6635.0