SAMLWriter Component
Properties Methods Events Config Settings Errors
The SAMLWriter component offers SAML message generation functions.
SAMLWriter provides means of serialization of SAML entities into valid SAML protocol messages. Together with SAMLReader, this class provides fine-grained access to the composition of SAML requests, responses, assertions, and statements. You can use it as part of your SAML client or SAML server implementation for creating individual SAML entities.
SAMLReader and SAMLWriter are independent of SAML server controls that are also included in SecureBlackbox, and are aimed at scenarios that require lower-level access to SAML functionality than that provided by the server controls.
SAMLWriter can create the following kinds of SAML messages:
- AssertionIDRequest
- SubjectQuery
- AuthnQuery
- AttributeQuery
- AuthzDecisionQuery
- AuthnRequest
- ManageNameIDRequest
- LogoutRequest
- NameIDMappingRequest
- ArtifactResolve
- Response
Please find below a quick-and-dirty example of the use of SAMLWriter class for creating a signed AuthnRequest message:
Samlwriter writer = new Samlwriter();
// configuring general message properties
writer.Destination = "";
writer.IssueInstant = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ");
writer.Issuer = "Value=;Format=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity;IDType=Issuer";
// configuring general AuthnRequest properties
writer.AuthnRequest.IsPassive = false;
writer.AuthnRequest.UseIsPassive = true;
writer.AuthnRequest.ForceAuthn = true;
writer.AuthnRequest.ProtocolBinding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST";
writer.AuthnRequest.AssertionConsumerServiceURL = "";
writer.AuthnRequest.AttributeConsumingServiceIndex = 1;
writer.AuthnRequest.NameIDPolicyAllowCreate = false;
writer.AuthnRequest.NameIDPolicyFormat = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent";
writer.AuthnRequest.ConditionsNotBefore = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ");
writer.AuthnRequest.ConditionsNotOnOrAfter = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(30).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ");
// adjusting request conditions if required
SAMLAssertionCondition cond = new SAMLAssertionCondition();
cond.ConditionType = SAMLConditionTypes.csctOneTimeUse;
// configuring signing properties
Certificate certificate = new Certificate("C:\\Certs\\samlCert.pfx", "password");
writer.Sign = true;
writer.SigningCertificate = certificate;
// creating the SAML entity of the required type
// adjusting low-level signature parameters
// signing the request and serializing it to XML
string request = writer.Save();
The above code produces the following AuthnRequest:
xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" ID="53GhrzQ5f89fu214ANAR" Version="2.0"
IssueInstant="2021-12-15T10:39:31Z" Destination="" IsPassive="false"
AssertionConsumerServiceURL="" AttributeConsumingServiceIndex="1"
<saml:Issuer Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity"></saml:Issuer>
<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
<ds:Reference URI="#53GhrzQ5f89fu214ANAR">
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/><ds:DigestValue>+xhhgXtwYN0/r9h7WAwg=</ds:DigestValue>
<samlp:NameIDPolicy Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"/>
<saml:Conditions NotBefore="2021-12-15T10:39:31Z" NotOnOrAfter="2021-12-15T11:09:31Z"><saml:OneTimeUse/></saml:Conditions>
Note that you need to set the signing certificate before calling CreateNew.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
ArtifactEndpointIndex | An accessor to the EndpointIndex entry of the artifact. |
ArtifactMessageHandle | An accessor to the MessageHandle property of the artifact. |
ArtifactRemainingArtifact | Returns the contents of the artifact. |
ArtifactSourceID | An accessor to the SourceID property of the artifact. |
ArtifactTypeCode | The TypeCode property of the artifact. |
ArtifactURI | An accessor to the URI property of the artifact. |
ArtifactResolveQuery | Contains the artifact resolve query. |
AssertionAssertionType | Specifies the type of the assertion. |
AssertionEncryptedContent | Represents the encrypted assertion content. |
AssertionID | Represents the ID of the assertion. |
AssertionIDRef | Represents an ID reference value. |
AssertionIssueInstant | Contains the assertion issuance time stamp. |
AssertionIssuer | Specifies the assertion issuer. |
AssertionParentAssertion | Contains the index of the parent assertion in the assertion list. |
AssertionSignatureValidationResult | The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation. |
AssertionSigned | Specifies whether the assertion is signed. |
AssertionSubject | Specifies the assertion subject. |
AssertionURIRef | Represents an URI reference value. |
AssertionVersion | Specifies the SAML protocol version used. |
AssertionCount | Returns the number of assertions in the message. |
AttributeCount | The number of records in the Attribute arrays. |
AttributeFriendlyName | Specifies the friendly name of the attribute Use this property to access or set the friendly name of a SAML attribute (e. |
AttributeName | Specifies the name of the attribute. |
AttributeNameFormat | Indicates the format used to reference the attribute. |
AttributeStatementIndex | Contains the index of the statement the attribute corresponds to. |
AttributeValues | Contains a list of attribute values. |
AuthnQueryComparison | Specifies the authentication context comparison method. |
AuthnQueryContextClassRefs | Specifies the context class reference. |
AuthnQueryRefType | Specifies the context reference type. |
AuthnQuerySessionIndex | Specifies the index of the session to the authentication entity. |
AuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceIndex | Specifies the assertion consumer service index. |
AuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceURL | Specifies the assertion consumer service URL. |
AuthnRequestAttributeConsumingServiceIndex | Specifies the attribute consuming service index. |
AuthnRequestContextClassRefs | Provides access to the authentication context class references. |
AuthnRequestContextComparison | Specifies the AuthnContext comparison method. |
AuthnRequestContextRefType | Specifies the context reference type. |
AuthnRequestFlags | Adjusts secondary serialization properties. |
AuthnRequestForceAuthn | Corresponds to the ForceAuthn parameter of the request. |
AuthnRequestIsPassive | Maps to the IsPassive parameter of the request. |
AuthnRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate | Matches the AllowCreate attribute of NameIDPolicy element of the request. |
AuthnRequestNameIDPolicyFormat | Matches to the Format attribute of the NameIDPolicy element of the request. |
AuthnRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier | Matches to the SP name qualifier attribute of the request. |
AuthnRequestProtocolBinding | Specifies the protocol binding to be requested in the authentication request. |
AuthnRequestProviderName | Specifies the name of the requestor. |
AuthnRequestScopingGetComplete | Matches the GetComplete element of the IDPList entry of the Scoping object. |
AuthnRequestScopingProxyCount | The maximum number of proxies on the way between the requestor and the provider. |
AuthnRequestScopingRequesterIDs | A collection of requestor IDs on whose behalf the request is being sent. |
AuthzDecisionQueryActions | Specifies the list of actions included in the query. |
AuthzDecisionQueryResource | Matches the Resource element of the query. |
BindingBindingType | Specifies the type of SAML binding to use. |
BindingBody | Contains the POST binding form body. |
BindingEncoding | Specifies the message encoding. |
BindingForceSign | Enforces a signature over all outgoing messages. |
BindingFormTemplate | Contains the XHTML form template returned by the service provider. |
BindingPOSTMode | Specifies whether binding is applied on the server, or on the client side. |
BindingRelayState | Contains the RelayState parameter of the binding. |
BindingSignatureAlgorithm | Contains the signature algorithm. |
BindingSignatureValidationResult | The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation. |
BindingSigned | Specifies whether to sign the binding. |
BindingURL | Contains the URL of the request query. |
BindingVerifySignatures | Instructs the component whether to verify incoming signatures. |
BindingKeyHandle | Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. |
BindingKeyKey | The byte array representation of the key. |
ConditionCount | The number of records in the Condition arrays. |
ConditionCondition | The condition set in accordance with the ConditionType . |
ConditionConditionType | Specifies a type of the condition object. |
EncryptionCertBytes | Returns the raw certificate data in DER format. |
EncryptionCertHandle | Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. |
FIPSMode | Reserved. |
LogoutRequestNameID | Contains the value of the NameID parameter. |
LogoutRequestNotOnOrAfter | Contains the value of the NotOnOrAfter parameter. |
LogoutRequestReason | Contains the value of the Reason parameter. |
LogoutRequestSessionIndexes | Contains the list of session indices. |
ManageNameIDRequestNameID | Contains the value of the NameID parameter of the request. |
ManageNameIDRequestNewEncryptedID | Contains the value of the NewEncryptedID parameter of the request. |
ManageNameIDRequestNewID | Contains the value of the NewID parameter. |
ManageNameIDRequestTerminate | Contains the value of the Terminate parameter of the request. |
MessageConsent | Contains the Consent parameter of the SAML message. |
MessageContentType | Returns the SAML type of the current message. |
MessageContentTypeString | Returns the type of the processed message, as an original string. |
MessageDestination | Contains the Destination parameter of the SAML message. |
MessageID | The ID of the request. |
MessageInResponseTo | Contains the InResponseTo property of the SAML request. |
MessageIssueInstant | Contains request issuance timestamp. |
MessageIssuer | Sets the issuer of the message. |
MessageSignatureValidationResult | The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation. |
MessageSigned | Specifies whether the SAML message is or should be signed. |
MessageSubject | Gets or sets the subject of the message. |
MessageVersion | Specifies the protocol version to use for the SAML message. |
MessageXMLHeader | Controls the inclusion of an XML header in the message. |
NameIDMappingRequestNameID | An accessor to the NameID parameter of the request. |
NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate | Contains the value of AllowCreate parameter of the NameIDPolicy object. |
NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyFormat | Specifies the format of the NameIDPolicy element. |
NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier | Contains the SPNameQualifier parameter of the NameIDPolicy element. |
NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyUseAllowCreate | Controls inclusion of UseAllow modifier in the NameIDPolicy object. |
Profile | Specifies a pre-defined profile to apply when creating the signature. |
References | Contains the References entry of the SAML AssertionIDRequest message. |
ResponseNameID | Contains the NameID parameter of a NameIDMapping response. |
ResponseOptionalElement | An optional message element to be returned with the response. |
ResponseResponseType | Contains the type of the response. |
ResponseStatus | Gets or sets the status of the response. |
ResponseStatusCodeSubValue | The value of the nested StatusCode. |
ResponseStatusCodeValue | Contains the status code value. |
ResponseStatusDetail | Contains additional information on the status of the request. |
ResponseStatusMessage | Contains a status message (optional). |
ScopingIDPCount | The number of records in the ScopingIDP arrays. |
ScopingIDPLoc | Contains the value of the Loc attribute. |
ScopingIDPName | Contains the name of the IdP provider. |
ScopingIDPProviderID | Contains the provider ID. |
SecurityCanonicalizationMethod | The canonicalization method to use in the signature. |
SecurityDigestMethod | The digest method to use. |
SecurityEncryptionMethod | The encryption method used to encrypt the assertion. |
SecurityFlags | Provides access to secondary security parameters and tweaks. |
SecuritySigMethod | The signature method to use. |
SecuritySignaturePolicy | Specifies the signature validation policy. |
SigningCertBytes | Returns the raw certificate data in DER format. |
SigningCertHandle | Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. |
SigningChainCount | The number of records in the SigningChain arrays. |
SigningChainBytes | Returns the raw certificate data in DER format. |
SigningChainHandle | Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. |
StatementCount | The number of records in the Statement arrays. |
StatementAuthnContextAuthenticatingAuthorities | Contains the list of authenticating authorities. |
StatementAuthnContextChoice | Specifies the authentication context choice variant. |
StatementAuthnContextClassRef | Indicates the authentication contexts class reference. |
StatementAuthnContextDecl | Specifies the authentication contexts declaration. |
StatementAuthnContextDeclRef | Specifies the authentication contexts declaration reference. |
StatementAuthnInstant | Specifies the authentication event timestamp. |
StatementAuthnSessionIndex | Contains the authentication session index. |
StatementAuthnSessionNotOnOrAfter | Maps to the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter of the authentication statement. |
StatementAuthnSubjectLocalityAddress | Specifies the authentication subjects address. |
StatementAuthnSubjectLocalityDNSName | Maps to the authentication subjects DNS name parameter. |
StatementAuthzActions | Provides access to the list of actions of the authorization statement. |
StatementAuthzDecision | Specifies the authorization decision. |
StatementAuthzDecisionEvidence | Manages the authorization decision statement evidence parameter. |
StatementAuthzDecisionResource | Specifies the authorization decision statement resource parameter. |
StatementStatementType | Specifies the assertion statement type. |
SubjectConfirmationCount | The number of records in the SubjectConfirmation arrays. |
SubjectConfirmationAddress | Contains the address enabled for presenting assertions. |
SubjectConfirmationData | The uninterpreted value of data entry in the subject confirmation. |
SubjectConfirmationDataType | The type of data contained in the confirmation. |
SubjectConfirmationID | The identifier of the entity which can satisfy the subject confirmation requirements. |
SubjectConfirmationInResponseTo | The ID of the SAML message in response to which the assertion is issued. |
SubjectConfirmationMethod | Specifies the mechanism to be used to confirm the subject. |
SubjectConfirmationNotBefore | Time moment before which the subject cannot be confirmed. |
SubjectConfirmationNotOnOrAfter | Limits the time until which the subject can be confirmed. |
SubjectConfirmationRecipient | The URI of the entity or the location of the resource to which the assertion should be presented. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AddAttribute | Adds an attribute to an existing attribute statement. |
AddAttributeStatement | Adds an attribute statement to the assertion. |
AddAuthnStatement | Adds an authentication statement to the assertion. |
AddAuthzDecisionStatement | Adds an authorization decision statement to the assertion. |
AddCondition | Adds a condition to the object (assertion or authn request) being edited. |
AddScopingIDP | Adds a scoping IDP to the object being currently edited. |
AddSubjectConfirmation | Adds a subject confirmation to the object being edited. |
BeginAssertion | Initiates the process of creating a new assertion. |
CompleteAssertion | Adds a completed assertion to a SAML message. |
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
CreateNew | Creates a new SAML message with the given type. |
DoAction | Performs an additional action. |
FormatID | Formats a SAML ID in the form in which it can be assigned to the Issuer or Subject fields. |
Reset | Resets the component settings. |
Save | Saves the configured message to a string. |
SaveBytes | Saves the configured message to a byte array. |
SaveFile | Saves the configured message to a file. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Error | Fires to report an error condition. |
Notification | This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event. |
Config Settings
The following is a list of config settings for the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
BodyOnly | TBD. |
DateTimeFormat | TBD. |
KeyDataElements | TBD. |
SAMLPrefix | TBD. |
SAMLProtocolPrefix | TBD. |
SigAfterIssuer | Specifies whether to insert the signature after the issuer tag in the SAML document. |
SigCanonicalizationMethod | TBD. |
SigDigestMethod | TBD. |
SigMethod | TBD. |
TimeZoneOffset | TBD. |
ASN1UseGlobalTagCache | Controls whether ASN.1 module should use a global object cache. |
AssignSystemSmartCardPins | Specifies whether CSP-level PINs should be assigned to CNG keys. |
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUse | Enables or disable private key integrity check before use. |
CookieCaching | Specifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports. |
Cookies | Gets or sets local cookies for the component. |
DefDeriveKeyIterations | Specifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count. |
DNSLocalSuffix | The suffix to assign for TLD names. |
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHE | Enables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients. |
GlobalCookies | Gets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports. |
HardwareCryptoUsePolicy | The hardware crypto usage policy. |
HttpUserAgent | Specifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients. |
HttpVersion | The HTTP version to use in any inner HTTP client components created. |
IgnoreExpiredMSCTLSigningCert | Whether to tolerate the expired Windows Update signing certificate. |
ListDelimiter | The delimiter character for multi-element lists. |
LogDestination | Specifies the debug log destination. |
LogDetails | Specifies the debug log details to dump. |
LogFile | Specifies the debug log filename. |
LogFilters | Specifies the debug log filters. |
LogFlushMode | Specifies the log flush mode. |
LogLevel | Specifies the debug log level. |
LogMaxEventCount | Specifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken. |
LogRotationMode | Specifies the log rotation mode. |
MaxASN1BufferLength | Specifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data. |
MaxASN1TreeDepth | Specifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees. |
OCSPHashAlgorithm | Specifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests. |
OldClientSideRSAFallback | Specifies whether the SSH client should use a SHA1 fallback. |
PKICache | Specifies which PKI elements (certificates, CRLs, OCSP responses) should be cached. |
PKICachePath | Specifies the file system path where cached PKI data is stored. |
ProductVersion | Returns the version of the SecureBlackbox library. |
ServerSSLDHKeyLength | Sets the size of the TLS DHE key exchange group. |
StaticDNS | Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used. |
StaticIPAddress[domain] | Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name. |
StaticIPAddresses | Gets or sets all the static DNS rules. |
Tag | Allows to store any custom data. |
TLSSessionGroup | Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption. |
TLSSessionLifetime | Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session. |
TLSSessionPurgeInterval | Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions. |
UseCRLObjectCaching | Specifies whether reuse of loaded CRL objects is enabled. |
UseInternalRandom | Switches between SecureBlackbox-own and platform PRNGs. |
UseLegacyAdESValidation | Enables legacy AdES validation mode. |
UseOCSPResponseObjectCaching | Specifies whether reuse of loaded OCSP response objects is enabled. |
UseOwnDNSResolver | Specifies whether the client components should use own DNS resolver. |
UseSharedSystemStorages | Specifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores. |
UseSystemNativeSizeCalculation | An internal CryptoAPI access tweak. |
UseSystemOAEPAndPSS | Enforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations. |
UseSystemRandom | Enables or disables the use of the OS PRNG. |
XMLRDNDescriptorName[OID] | Defines an OID mapping to descriptor names for the certificate's IssuerRDN or SubjectRDN. |
XMLRDNDescriptorPriority[OID] | Specifies the priority of descriptor names associated with a specific OID. |
XMLRDNDescriptorReverseOrder | Specifies whether to reverse the order of descriptors in RDN. |
XMLRDNDescriptorSeparator | Specifies the separator used between descriptors in RDN. |
ArtifactEndpointIndex Property (SAMLWriter Component)
An accessor to the EndpointIndex entry of the artifact.
__property int ArtifactEndpointIndex = { read=FArtifactEndpointIndex, write=FSetArtifactEndpointIndex };
Default Value
An accessor to the EndpointIndex entry of the artifact.
The EndpointIndex references a specific artifact resolution endpoint (IdP or SP) managed by the artifact issuer.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ArtifactMessageHandle Property (SAMLWriter Component)
An accessor to the MessageHandle property of the artifact.
__property DynamicArrayArtifactMessageHandle = { read=FArtifactMessageHandle, write=FSetArtifactMessageHandle };
An accessor to the MessageHandle property of the artifact.
A message handle is a unique reference to a SAML message that can be produced by the artifact issuer upon request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ArtifactRemainingArtifact Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Returns the contents of the artifact.
__property DynamicArrayArtifactRemainingArtifact = { read=FArtifactRemainingArtifact };
Returns the contents of the artifact.
Check this property to access the encoded contents of the artifact. This property is updated internally from the parameters of the artifact.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ArtifactSourceID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
An accessor to the SourceID property of the artifact.
__property DynamicArrayArtifactSourceID = { read=FArtifactSourceID, write=FSetArtifactSourceID };
An accessor to the SourceID property of the artifact.
SourceID uniquely identifies the issuer of the artifact.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ArtifactTypeCode Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The TypeCode property of the artifact.
__property int ArtifactTypeCode = { read=FArtifactTypeCode, write=FSetArtifactTypeCode };
Default Value
The TypeCode field of the artifact.
The type code artifact parameter uniquely identifies the artifact format. Currently (as per SAML 2.0) the only type code of 4 is defined. This format assumes the presence of ArtifactRemainingArtifact, ArtifactSourceID, and ArtifactMessageHandle parameters.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ArtifactURI Property (SAMLWriter Component)
An accessor to the URI property of the artifact.
__property String ArtifactURI = { read=FArtifactURI, write=FSetArtifactURI };
Default Value
An accessor to the URI property of the artifact.
The URI property contains the origin of the artifact.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ArtifactResolveQuery Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the artifact resolve query.
__property String ArtifactResolveQuery = { read=FArtifactResolveQuery, write=FSetArtifactResolveQuery };
Default Value
Use this property to read or set the artifact resolve query.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionAssertionType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the type of the assertion.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterAssertionAssertionTypes AssertionAssertionType = { read=FAssertionAssertionType, write=FSetAssertionAssertionType };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterAssertionAssertionTypes { csatAssertionIDRef=0, csatAssertionURIRef=1, csatAssertion=2, csatEncryptedAssertion=3 };
Default Value
Specifies the type of the assertion.
Use this property to check or set the type of the assertion.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionEncryptedContent Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Represents the encrypted assertion content.
__property String AssertionEncryptedContent = { read=FAssertionEncryptedContent, write=FSetAssertionEncryptedContent };
Default Value
Represents the encrypted assertion content.
Use this property to get or set the encrypted assertion content.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Represents the ID of the assertion.
__property String AssertionID = { read=FAssertionID, write=FSetAssertionID };
Default Value
Represents the ID of the assertion.
Use this property to read or set the unique ID of the assertion.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionIDRef Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Represents an ID reference value.
__property String AssertionIDRef = { read=FAssertionIDRef, write=FSetAssertionIDRef };
Default Value
Represents an ID reference value.
Use this property to read or set the ID reference value for assertions of csatAssertionIDRef type.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionIssueInstant Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the assertion issuance time stamp.
__property String AssertionIssueInstant = { read=FAssertionIssueInstant, write=FSetAssertionIssueInstant };
Default Value
Contains the assertion issuance time stamp.
Use this property to check or set the assertion issuance time.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionIssuer Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the assertion issuer.
__property String AssertionIssuer = { read=FAssertionIssuer, write=FSetAssertionIssuer };
Default Value
Specifies the assertion issuer.
Use this property to provide the assertion issuer ID.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionParentAssertion Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the index of the parent assertion in the assertion list.
__property int AssertionParentAssertion = { read=FAssertionParentAssertion, write=FSetAssertionParentAssertion };
Default Value
Contains the index of the parent assertion in the assertion list.
This property is set to -1 for normal assertions. ParentAssertion set to a non-negative value indicates that the assertion is an advice assertion incorporated into a top-level assertion. Advice assertions are typically used by service providers to provide additional information about the SAML assertion issuing authority.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionSignatureValidationResult Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterAssertionSignatureValidationResults AssertionSignatureValidationResult = { read=FAssertionSignatureValidationResult };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterAssertionSignatureValidationResults { svtValid=0, svtUnknown=1, svtCorrupted=2, svtSignerNotFound=3, svtFailure=4, svtReferenceCorrupted=5 };
Default Value
The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
The following signature validity values are supported:
svtValid | 0 | The signature is valid |
svtUnknown | 1 | Signature validity is unknown |
svtCorrupted | 2 | The signature is corrupted |
svtSignerNotFound | 3 | Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated. |
svtFailure | 4 | General failure |
svtReferenceCorrupted | 5 | Reference corrupted (XML-based signatures only) |
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionSigned Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies whether the assertion is signed.
__property bool AssertionSigned = { read=FAssertionSigned, write=FSetAssertionSigned };
Default Value
Specifies whether the assertion is signed.
Use this property to establish whether the assertion is signed.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionSubject Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the assertion subject.
__property String AssertionSubject = { read=FAssertionSubject, write=FSetAssertionSubject };
Default Value
Specifies the assertion subject.
Use this property to provide the assertion's subject SAML ID.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionURIRef Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Represents an URI reference value.
__property String AssertionURIRef = { read=FAssertionURIRef, write=FSetAssertionURIRef };
Default Value
Represents an URI reference value.
Use this property to read or set the URI reference value for assertions of csatAssertionURIRef type.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionVersion Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the SAML protocol version used.
__property String AssertionVersion = { read=FAssertionVersion, write=FSetAssertionVersion };
Default Value
Specifies the SAML protocol version used.
This property specifies the SAML protocol version. The default value is 2.0.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AssertionCount Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Returns the number of assertions in the message.
__property int AssertionCount = { read=FAssertionCount };
Default Value
This property returns the total number of assertions currently defined in the SAML message.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
AttributeCount Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The number of records in the Attribute arrays.
__property int AttributeCount = { read=FAttributeCount, write=FSetAttributeCount };
Default Value
This property controls the size of the following arrays:
The array indices start at 0 and end at AttributeCount - 1.This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AttributeFriendlyName Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the friendly name of the attribute Use this property to access or set the friendly name of a SAML attribute (e.
__property String AttributeFriendlyName[int AttributeIndex] = { read=FAttributeFriendlyName, write=FSetAttributeFriendlyName };
Default Value
Specifies the friendly name of the attribute
Use this property to access or set the friendly name of a SAML attribute (e.g. givenName).
The AttributeIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the AttributeCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AttributeName Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the name of the attribute.
__property String AttributeName[int AttributeIndex] = { read=FAttributeName, write=FSetAttributeName };
Default Value
Specifies the name of the attribute.
Use this property to read or set the formal name of the attribute (e.g. urn:oid:
The AttributeIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the AttributeCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AttributeNameFormat Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Indicates the format used to reference the attribute.
__property String AttributeNameFormat[int AttributeIndex] = { read=FAttributeNameFormat, write=FSetAttributeNameFormat };
Default Value
Indicates the format used to reference the attribute.
This property specifies the format that is used to reference the attribute (e.g. urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri).
The AttributeIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the AttributeCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AttributeStatementIndex Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the index of the statement the attribute corresponds to.
__property int AttributeStatementIndex[int AttributeIndex] = { read=FAttributeStatementIndex, write=FSetAttributeStatementIndex };
Default Value
Contains the index of the statement the attribute corresponds to.
Use this property to read or set the index of the statement in the statement list that this attribute corresponds to.
The AttributeIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the AttributeCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AttributeValues Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains a list of attribute values.
__property String AttributeValues[int AttributeIndex] = { read=FAttributeValues, write=FSetAttributeValues };
Default Value
Contains a list of attribute values.
Use this property to access or set the value(s) included with the attribute. The value contains a list of strings of ContentType=contentType;Value=value format, separated with CRLF.
The AttributeIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the AttributeCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnQueryComparison Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the authentication context comparison method.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterAuthnQueryComparisons AuthnQueryComparison = { read=FAuthnQueryComparison, write=FSetAuthnQueryComparison };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterAuthnQueryComparisons { cacctNone=0, cacctExact=1, cacctMinimum=2, cacctMaximum=3, cacctBetter=4 };
Default Value
Specifies the authentication context comparison method.
Use this property to access or set the authentication contexts comparison method (none, exact, minimum, maximum, or better).
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnQueryContextClassRefs Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the context class reference.
__property String AuthnQueryContextClassRefs = { read=FAuthnQueryContextClassRefs, write=FSetAuthnQueryContextClassRefs };
Default Value
Specifies the context class reference.
Use this property to access or set the authentication context class reference.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnQueryRefType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the context reference type.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterAuthnQueryRefTypes AuthnQueryRefType = { read=FAuthnQueryRefType, write=FSetAuthnQueryRefType };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterAuthnQueryRefTypes { cacrtUnknown=0, cacrtClass=1, cacrtDecl=2 };
Default Value
Specifies the context reference type.
Use this property to access or set the authentication contexts reference type (class or declaration).
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnQuerySessionIndex Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the index of the session to the authentication entity.
__property String AuthnQuerySessionIndex = { read=FAuthnQuerySessionIndex, write=FSetAuthnQuerySessionIndex };
Default Value
Specifies the index of the session to the authentication entity.
Use this property to access or set the index of the session to the authentication entity.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceIndex Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the assertion consumer service index.
__property int AuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceIndex = { read=FAuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceIndex, write=FSetAuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceIndex };
Default Value
Specifies the assertion consumer service index.
Use this property to access or set the location index to which the response has to be returned.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceURL Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the assertion consumer service URL.
__property String AuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceURL = { read=FAuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceURL, write=FSetAuthnRequestAssertionConsumerServiceURL };
Default Value
Specifies the assertion consumer service URL.
Use this property to access or set the URL of the location to which the response has to be returned.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestAttributeConsumingServiceIndex Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the attribute consuming service index.
__property int AuthnRequestAttributeConsumingServiceIndex = { read=FAuthnRequestAttributeConsumingServiceIndex, write=FSetAuthnRequestAttributeConsumingServiceIndex };
Default Value
Specifies the attribute consuming service index.
Use this property to read or set the attribute consuming service index.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestContextClassRefs Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Provides access to the authentication context class references.
__property String AuthnRequestContextClassRefs = { read=FAuthnRequestContextClassRefs, write=FSetAuthnRequestContextClassRefs };
Default Value
Provides access to the authentication context class references.
Use this property to access or set the class references of the authentication context. This property may contain a list of CRLF-separated strings.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestContextComparison Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the AuthnContext comparison method.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterAuthnRequestContextComparisons AuthnRequestContextComparison = { read=FAuthnRequestContextComparison, write=FSetAuthnRequestContextComparison };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterAuthnRequestContextComparisons { cacctNone=0, cacctExact=1, cacctMinimum=2, cacctMaximum=3, cacctBetter=4 };
Default Value
Specifies the AuthnContext comparison method.
Use this property to access or set the authentication contexts comparison method (none, exact, minimum, maximum, or better).
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestContextRefType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the context reference type.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterAuthnRequestContextRefTypes AuthnRequestContextRefType = { read=FAuthnRequestContextRefType, write=FSetAuthnRequestContextRefType };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterAuthnRequestContextRefTypes { cacrtUnknown=0, cacrtClass=1, cacrtDecl=2 };
Default Value
Specifies the context reference type.
Use this property to get or set the context reference type (Class or Declaration).
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestFlags Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Adjusts secondary serialization properties.
__property int AuthnRequestFlags = { read=FAuthnRequestFlags, write=FSetAuthnRequestFlags };
Default Value
Adjusts secondary serialization properties.
Use this bit mask property to adjust how certain properties will be saved. The following flags are supported:
arfAllowCreate | 1 | Enforces inclusion of NameIDPolicyAllowCreate element in the NameIDPolicy record |
arfForceAuthn | 2 | Enforces inclusion of the ForceAuthn element |
arfIsPassive | 4 | Enforces saving of IsPassive element |
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestForceAuthn Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Corresponds to the ForceAuthn parameter of the request.
__property bool AuthnRequestForceAuthn = { read=FAuthnRequestForceAuthn, write=FSetAuthnRequestForceAuthn };
Default Value
Corresponds to the ForceAuthn parameter of the request.
Use this property to check or set the ForceAuthn parameter of the request, which enforces the identity provider to re-authenticate the presenter.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestIsPassive Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Maps to the IsPassive parameter of the request.
__property bool AuthnRequestIsPassive = { read=FAuthnRequestIsPassive, write=FSetAuthnRequestIsPassive };
Default Value
Maps to the IsPassive parameter of the request.
Use this property to access or set the IsPassive parameter of the authentication request. IsPassive sets out the control the identity provider and user agent have over the authenticating users UI.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Matches the AllowCreate attribute of NameIDPolicy element of the request.
__property bool AuthnRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate = { read=FAuthnRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate, write=FSetAuthnRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate };
Default Value
Matches the AllowCreate attribute of NameIDPolicy element of the request.
Use this property to access or set the AllowCreate attribute of NameIDPolicy, which allows or disallows the identity provider to create a new identifier when processing the authentication request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestNameIDPolicyFormat Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Matches to the Format attribute of the NameIDPolicy element of the request.
__property String AuthnRequestNameIDPolicyFormat = { read=FAuthnRequestNameIDPolicyFormat, write=FSetAuthnRequestNameIDPolicyFormat };
Default Value
Matches to the Format attribute of the NameIDPolicy element of the request.
Use this property to access or set the Format attribute of NameIDPolicy.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Matches to the SP name qualifier attribute of the request.
__property String AuthnRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier = { read=FAuthnRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier, write=FSetAuthnRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier };
Default Value
Matches to the SP name qualifier attribute of the request.
Use this property to access or set the SP name qualifier attribute of the authentication request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestProtocolBinding Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the protocol binding to be requested in the authentication request.
__property String AuthnRequestProtocolBinding = { read=FAuthnRequestProtocolBinding, write=FSetAuthnRequestProtocolBinding };
Default Value
Specifies the protocol binding to be requested in the authentication request.
Use this property to check or set the protocol binding to be used when responding to this request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestProviderName Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the name of the requestor.
__property String AuthnRequestProviderName = { read=FAuthnRequestProviderName, write=FSetAuthnRequestProviderName };
Default Value
Specifies the name of the requestor.
Use this property to read or set the name of the requestor.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestScopingGetComplete Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Matches the GetComplete element of the IDPList entry of the Scoping object.
__property String AuthnRequestScopingGetComplete = { read=FAuthnRequestScopingGetComplete, write=FSetAuthnRequestScopingGetComplete };
Default Value
Matches the GetComplete element of the IDPList entry of the Scoping object.
Use this property to access or set the GetComplete element of the IDPList entry of the Scoping object of the authentication request. This property typically contains an URI that allows to retrieve a complete list of identity providers.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestScopingProxyCount Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The maximum number of proxies on the way between the requestor and the provider.
__property int AuthnRequestScopingProxyCount = { read=FAuthnRequestScopingProxyCount, write=FSetAuthnRequestScopingProxyCount };
Default Value
The maximum number of proxies on the way between the requestor and the provider.
Use this property to get or set the maximum number of intermediaries allowed between the requestor and the provider.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthnRequestScopingRequesterIDs Property (SAMLWriter Component)
A collection of requestor IDs on whose behalf the request is being sent.
__property String AuthnRequestScopingRequesterIDs = { read=FAuthnRequestScopingRequesterIDs, write=FSetAuthnRequestScopingRequesterIDs };
Default Value
A collection of requestor IDs on whose behalf the request is being sent.
Use this property to specify or read the requestor IDs, in the form of CRLF-separated strings, on whose behalf the request is being sent.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthzDecisionQueryActions Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the list of actions included in the query.
__property String AuthzDecisionQueryActions = { read=FAuthzDecisionQueryActions, write=FSetAuthzDecisionQueryActions };
Default Value
Specifies the list of actions included in the query.
Read or set this property to access the list of actions (as CRLF-separated strings) included in the query.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AuthzDecisionQueryResource Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Matches the Resource element of the query.
__property String AuthzDecisionQueryResource = { read=FAuthzDecisionQueryResource, write=FSetAuthzDecisionQueryResource };
Default Value
Matches the Resource element of the query.
Use this property to read or set the Resource element of the authorization decision query.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingBindingType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the type of SAML binding to use.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterBindingBindingTypes BindingBindingType = { read=FBindingBindingType, write=FSetBindingBindingType };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterBindingBindingTypes { csbtNone=0, csbtSOAP=1, csbtPAOS=2, csbtRedirect=3, csbtPOST=4, csbtArtifact=5 };
Default Value
Specifies the type of SAML binding to use.
Use this property to specify the binding type to use with the request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingBody Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the POST binding form body.
__property String BindingBody = { read=FBindingBody, write=FSetBindingBody };
Default Value
Contains the POST binding form body.
Use this property to read or set the body of the form returned by the service provider.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingEncoding Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the message encoding.
__property String BindingEncoding = { read=FBindingEncoding, write=FSetBindingEncoding };
Default Value
Specifies the message encoding.
Use this property to access or set the message encoding.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingForceSign Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Enforces a signature over all outgoing messages.
__property bool BindingForceSign = { read=FBindingForceSign, write=FSetBindingForceSign };
Default Value
Enforces a signature over all outgoing messages.
Use this property to enforce signing of all outgoing messages, independently of whether the original message was signed or not. See also BindingSign.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingFormTemplate Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the XHTML form template returned by the service provider.
__property String BindingFormTemplate = { read=FBindingFormTemplate, write=FSetBindingFormTemplate };
Default Value
Contains the XHTML form template returned by the service provider.
Use this property to access or set the template of a POST form provided by the service provider (POST binding only).
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingPOSTMode Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies whether binding is applied on the server, or on the client side.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterBindingPOSTModes BindingPOSTMode = { read=FBindingPOSTMode, write=FSetBindingPOSTMode };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterBindingPOSTModes { cspmClient=0, cspmServer=1 };
Default Value
Specifies whether binding is applied on the server, or on the client side.
Use this property to specify whether POST binding is used on the server or client side of the communication. The default value is cspmClient.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingRelayState Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the RelayState parameter of the binding.
__property String BindingRelayState = { read=FBindingRelayState, write=FSetBindingRelayState };
Default Value
Contains the RelayState parameter of the binding.
Use this property to access or set the RelayState parameter of the binding. This is an uninterpreted state string that should be passed back to the service provider with subsequent requests.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingSignatureAlgorithm Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the signature algorithm.
__property String BindingSignatureAlgorithm = { read=FBindingSignatureAlgorithm, write=FSetBindingSignatureAlgorithm };
Default Value
Contains the signature algorithm.
Use this property to get or set the signature algorithm. This corresponds to the SigAlg query string parameter, and contains the URI of the signature algorithm.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingSignatureValidationResult Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterBindingSignatureValidationResults BindingSignatureValidationResult = { read=FBindingSignatureValidationResult };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterBindingSignatureValidationResults { svtValid=0, svtUnknown=1, svtCorrupted=2, svtSignerNotFound=3, svtFailure=4, svtReferenceCorrupted=5 };
Default Value
The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
The following signature validity values are supported:
svtValid | 0 | The signature is valid |
svtUnknown | 1 | Signature validity is unknown |
svtCorrupted | 2 | The signature is corrupted |
svtSignerNotFound | 3 | Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated. |
svtFailure | 4 | General failure |
svtReferenceCorrupted | 5 | Reference corrupted (XML-based signatures only) |
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingSigned Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies whether to sign the binding.
__property bool BindingSigned = { read=FBindingSigned, write=FSetBindingSigned };
Default Value
Specifies whether to sign the binding.
Use this property to enable or disable signing of generated binding entities. The SAML specification instructs that the binding should only be signed if the original XML was. This property therefore is only taken into account if the original XML was signed. With that in mind, certain service providers demand the binding to be signed at all times. Use BindingForceSign property to enforce signatures on all binding entities.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingURL Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the URL of the request query.
__property String BindingURL = { read=FBindingURL, write=FSetBindingURL };
Default Value
Contains the URL of the request query.
Use this property to read or set the URL of the request query or POST target.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingVerifySignatures Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Instructs the component whether to verify incoming signatures.
__property bool BindingVerifySignatures = { read=FBindingVerifySignatures, write=FSetBindingVerifySignatures };
Default Value
Instructs the component whether to verify incoming signatures.
Use this property to activate or deactivate verification of signatures in incoming requests.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingKeyHandle Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
__property __int64 BindingKeyHandle = { read=FBindingKeyHandle, write=FSetBindingKeyHandle };
Default Value
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.
When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object
after such operation.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
BindingKeyKey Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The byte array representation of the key.
__property DynamicArrayBindingKeyKey = { read=FBindingKeyKey };
The byte array representation of the key. This may not be available for non-BindingKeyExportable keys.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
ConditionCount Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The number of records in the Condition arrays.
__property int ConditionCount = { read=FConditionCount, write=FSetConditionCount };
Default Value
This property controls the size of the following arrays:
The array indices start at 0 and end at ConditionCount - 1.This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ConditionCondition Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The condition set in accordance with the ConditionType .
__property String ConditionCondition[int ConditionIndex] = { read=FConditionCondition, write=FSetConditionCondition };
Default Value
The condition set in accordance with the ConditionType.
For csctAudienceRestriction conditions, read or set a list of audiences included in the restriction. Each audience is represented by an URI. Provide multiple audiences by splitting them with CRLF separators.
For csctProxyRestriction conditions, check or set the value of the proxy count restriction.
For csctNotBefore and csctNotOnOrAfter, check or set the respective date/time values.
The ConditionIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ConditionCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ConditionConditionType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies a type of the condition object.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterConditionConditionTypes ConditionConditionType[int ConditionIndex] = { read=FConditionConditionType, write=FSetConditionConditionType };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterConditionConditionTypes { csctAudienceRestriction=0, csctOneTimeUse=1, csctProxyRestriction=2, csctNotBefore=3, csctNotOnOrAfter=4 };
Default Value
Specifies a type of the condition object.
Use this property to check or specify the type of the condition object. This can be either an audience restriction, a one time use limitation, or a proxy restriction.
The ConditionIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ConditionCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
EncryptionCertBytes Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.
__property DynamicArrayEncryptionCertBytes = { read=FEncryptionCertBytes };
Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
EncryptionCertHandle Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
__property __int64 EncryptionCertHandle = { read=FEncryptionCertHandle, write=FSetEncryptionCertHandle };
Default Value
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.
When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object
after such operation.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
FIPSMode Property (SAMLWriter Component)
__property bool FIPSMode = { read=FFIPSMode, write=FSetFIPSMode };
Default Value
This property is reserved for future use.
Data Type
LogoutRequestNameID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of the NameID parameter.
__property String LogoutRequestNameID = { read=FLogoutRequestNameID, write=FSetLogoutRequestNameID };
Default Value
Contains the value of the NameID parameter.
Use this property to access or set the value of the NameID parameter of the request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
LogoutRequestNotOnOrAfter Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of the NotOnOrAfter parameter.
__property String LogoutRequestNotOnOrAfter = { read=FLogoutRequestNotOnOrAfter, write=FSetLogoutRequestNotOnOrAfter };
Default Value
Contains the value of the NotOnOrAfter parameter.
Use this property to access or set the value of the NotOnOrAfter parameter.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
LogoutRequestReason Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of the Reason parameter.
__property String LogoutRequestReason = { read=FLogoutRequestReason, write=FSetLogoutRequestReason };
Default Value
Contains the value of the Reason parameter.
Use this property to read or set the value of the Reason parameter.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
LogoutRequestSessionIndexes Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the list of session indices.
__property String LogoutRequestSessionIndexes = { read=FLogoutRequestSessionIndexes, write=FSetLogoutRequestSessionIndexes };
Default Value
Contains the list of session indices.
Use this property to access or set the list of session indices, as a CRLF-separated list of strings.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ManageNameIDRequestNameID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of the NameID parameter of the request.
__property String ManageNameIDRequestNameID = { read=FManageNameIDRequestNameID, write=FSetManageNameIDRequestNameID };
Default Value
Contains the value of the NameID parameter of the request.
Use this property to read or set the value of the NameID parameter of the request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ManageNameIDRequestNewEncryptedID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of the NewEncryptedID parameter of the request.
__property String ManageNameIDRequestNewEncryptedID = { read=FManageNameIDRequestNewEncryptedID, write=FSetManageNameIDRequestNewEncryptedID };
Default Value
Contains the value of the NewEncryptedID parameter of the request.
Use this property to check or set the value of the NewEncryptedID parameter of the request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ManageNameIDRequestNewID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of the NewID parameter.
__property String ManageNameIDRequestNewID = { read=FManageNameIDRequestNewID, write=FSetManageNameIDRequestNewID };
Default Value
Contains the value of the NewID parameter.
Use this property to access or set the NewID parameter of the request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ManageNameIDRequestTerminate Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of the Terminate parameter of the request.
__property String ManageNameIDRequestTerminate = { read=FManageNameIDRequestTerminate, write=FSetManageNameIDRequestTerminate };
Default Value
Contains the value of the Terminate parameter of the request.
Use this property to read or set the value of the Terminate parameter of the request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageConsent Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the Consent parameter of the SAML message.
__property String MessageConsent = { read=FMessageConsent, write=FSetMessageConsent };
Default Value
Contains the Consent parameter of the SAML message.
Use this property to specify the Consent parameter of the SAML entity.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageContentType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Returns the SAML type of the current message.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterMessageContentTypes MessageContentType = { read=FMessageContentType };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterMessageContentTypes { cstyNone=0, cstyAssertionIDRequest=1, cstySubjectQuery=2, cstyAuthnQuery=3, cstyAttributeQuery=4, cstyAuthzDecisionQuery=5, cstyAuthnRequest=6, cstyManageNameIDRequest=7, cstyLogoutRequest=8, cstyNameIDMappingRequest=9, cstyArtifactResolve=10, cstyResponse=11, cstyAssertion=12 };
Default Value
Returns the SAML type of the current message.
Use this property to check the type of SAML message being created. This is the same value that was passed to CreateNew call.
Depending on the assigned type, use properties of component to tune up the parameters of the chosen message type. For example, if the content type is cstyAuthnQuery, use AuthnQuery property to adjust context class references or comparison settings.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageContentTypeString Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Returns the type of the processed message, as an original string.
__property String MessageContentTypeString = { read=FMessageContentTypeString };
Default Value
Returns the type of the processed message, as an original string.
Check this property to find out the content type of the data stored in the processed message. This returns a string originally included in the SAML message, which may be helpful when processing non-standard types.
Known SAML content types are:
- AssertionIDRequest
- SubjectQuery
- AuthnQuery
- AttributeQuery
- AuthzDecisionQuery
- AuthnRequest
- ManageNameIDRequest
- NameIDMappingRequest
- LogoutRequest
- ArtifactResolve
- Response
- LogoutResponse
- ArtifactResponse
- NameIDMappingResponse
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageDestination Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the Destination parameter of the SAML message.
__property String MessageDestination = { read=FMessageDestination, write=FSetMessageDestination };
Default Value
Contains the Destination parameter of the SAML message.
Use this property to set the Destination parameter of the created SAML object.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The ID of the request.
__property String MessageID = { read=FMessageID, write=FSetMessageID };
Default Value
The ID of the request.
Use this property to specify the ID of the SAML request or response.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageInResponseTo Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the InResponseTo property of the SAML request.
__property String MessageInResponseTo = { read=FMessageInResponseTo, write=FSetMessageInResponseTo };
Default Value
Contains the InResponseTo property of the SAML request.
Use this property to specify the ID of the message in response to which the current entity is provided.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageIssueInstant Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains request issuance timestamp.
__property String MessageIssueInstant = { read=FMessageIssueInstant, write=FSetMessageIssueInstant };
Default Value
Contains request issuance timestamp.
Set this property to specify the time moment of the request formation. Leave it empty to use the current system time.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageIssuer Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Sets the issuer of the message.
__property String MessageIssuer = { read=FMessageIssuer, write=FSetMessageIssuer };
Default Value
Sets the issuer of the message.
Set this property to include the SAML ID of the issuer of the SAML message. A typical SAML ID is a string of semicolon-separated elements of one or more of the following elements:
- Format
- NameQualifier
- Value
- IDType
- SPNameQualifier
- SPProvidedID
writer.Message.Issuer = "Value=;Format=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity;IDType=Issuer";
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageSignatureValidationResult Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterMessageSignatureValidationResults MessageSignatureValidationResult = { read=FMessageSignatureValidationResult };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterMessageSignatureValidationResults { svtValid=0, svtUnknown=1, svtCorrupted=2, svtSignerNotFound=3, svtFailure=4, svtReferenceCorrupted=5 };
Default Value
The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
The following signature validity values are supported:
svtValid | 0 | The signature is valid |
svtUnknown | 1 | Signature validity is unknown |
svtCorrupted | 2 | The signature is corrupted |
svtSignerNotFound | 3 | Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated. |
svtFailure | 4 | General failure |
svtReferenceCorrupted | 5 | Reference corrupted (XML-based signatures only) |
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageSigned Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies whether the SAML message is or should be signed.
__property bool MessageSigned = { read=FMessageSigned, write=FSetMessageSigned };
Default Value
Specifies whether the SAML message is or should be signed.
Check this property to find out whether the processed message was signed by the sender, or set this property to true to indicate that the created message should be signed.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageSubject Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Gets or sets the subject of the message.
__property String MessageSubject = { read=FMessageSubject, write=FSetMessageSubject };
Default Value
Gets or sets the subject of the message.
Check this property to obtain the SAML ID of the message subject.
Set this property to include the SAML ID of the issuer of the SAML message. A typical SAML ID is a string of semicolon-separated elements of one or more of the following elements:
- Format
- NameQualifier
- Value
- IDType
- SPNameQualifier
- SPProvidedID
writer.Message.Subject = "Value=;Format=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity;IDType=Issuer";
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageVersion Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the protocol version to use for the SAML message.
__property String MessageVersion = { read=FMessageVersion, write=FSetMessageVersion };
Default Value
Specifies the protocol version to use for the SAML message.
Use this property to change the SAML version that the message complies to. This is set to 2.0 by default, and rarely needs to change.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
MessageXMLHeader Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Controls the inclusion of an XML header in the message.
__property bool MessageXMLHeader = { read=FMessageXMLHeader, write=FSetMessageXMLHeader };
Default Value
Controls the inclusion of an XML header in the message.
Use this property to enable or disable inclusion of the XML header in the SAML message.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
NameIDMappingRequestNameID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
An accessor to the NameID parameter of the request.
__property String NameIDMappingRequestNameID = { read=FNameIDMappingRequestNameID, write=FSetNameIDMappingRequestNameID };
Default Value
An accessor to the NameID parameter of the request.
Use this property to read or set the value of the NameID parameter of the request object.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of AllowCreate parameter of the NameIDPolicy object.
__property bool NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate = { read=FNameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate, write=FSetNameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyAllowCreate };
Default Value
Contains the value of AllowCreate parameter of the NameIDPolicy object.
Use this property to read or set the value of the AllowCreate parameter of the NameIDPolicy object. AllowCreate regulates whether the identity provider is given permission to create new subject identifiers.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyFormat Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the format of the NameIDPolicy element.
__property String NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyFormat = { read=FNameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyFormat, write=FSetNameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyFormat };
Default Value
Specifies the format of the NameIDPolicy element.
Use this property to set or read the value of the Format parameter of the NameIDPolicy object.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the SPNameQualifier parameter of the NameIDPolicy element.
__property String NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier = { read=FNameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier, write=FSetNameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicySPNameQualifier };
Default Value
Contains the SPNameQualifier parameter of the NameIDPolicy element.
Use this property to specify or read the value of the SPNameQualifier parameter of the NameIDPolicy element of the request.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyUseAllowCreate Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Controls inclusion of UseAllow modifier in the NameIDPolicy object.
__property bool NameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyUseAllowCreate = { read=FNameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyUseAllowCreate, write=FSetNameIDMappingRequestNameIDPolicyUseAllowCreate };
Default Value
Controls inclusion of UseAllow modifier in the NameIDPolicy object.
Use this property to include or exclude the UseAllow parameter from the NameIDPolicy object.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Profile Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies a pre-defined profile to apply when creating the signature.
__property String Profile = { read=FProfile, write=FSetProfile };
Default Value
Advanced signatures come in many variants, which are often defined by parties that needs to process them or by local standards. SecureBlackbox profiles are sets of pre-defined configurations which correspond to particular signature variants. By specifying a profile, you are pre-configuring the component to make it produce the signature that matches the configuration corresponding to that profile.
Data Type
References Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the References entry of the SAML AssertionIDRequest message.
__property String References = { read=FReferences, write=FSetReferences };
Default Value
Use this property to read or specify the value of the References entry of the AssertionIDRequest message.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseNameID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the NameID parameter of a NameIDMapping response.
__property String ResponseNameID = { read=FResponseNameID, write=FSetResponseNameID };
Default Value
Contains the NameID parameter of a NameIDMapping response.
Use this property to read or set the NameID parameter of the NameIDMapping response.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseOptionalElement Property (SAMLWriter Component)
An optional message element to be returned with the response.
__property String ResponseOptionalElement = { read=FResponseOptionalElement, write=FSetResponseOptionalElement };
Default Value
An optional message element to be returned with the response.
Use this property to access or set the optional XML element returned with the response.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseResponseType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the type of the response.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterResponseResponseTypes ResponseResponseType = { read=FResponseResponseType, write=FSetResponseResponseType };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterResponseResponseTypes { csrtResponse=0, csrtArtifactResponse=1, csrtNameIDMappingResponse=2 };
Default Value
Contains the type of the response.
Use this property to get or set the type of the SAML response.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseStatus Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Gets or sets the status of the response.
__property int ResponseStatus = { read=FResponseStatus, write=FSetResponseStatus };
Default Value
Gets or sets the status of the response.
This property specifies the status code to include in the response. This property adjusts the values of the ResponseStatusCodeValue and other status properties.
This property is a bitwise combination of the status facility and an error code. The facility mask can be one of the following:
- 0x00000000 - Success (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success)
- 0x00010000 - Requester Error (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Requester)
- 0x00020000 - Responder Error (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Responder)
- 0x00030000 - Version Mismatch (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:VersionMismatch)
- 0x00FF0000 - Undefined or Unknown
The code assigned to the setting is saved in the response as the status given in the brackets.
The error code can take one of the following values:
- 0x00000001 - Authentication Failed (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:AuthnFailed)
- 0x00000002 - Unsupported content received within the received Attribute structure (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:InvalidAttrNameOrValue)
- 0x00000003 - The requested Name Identifier policy is not supported by the provider (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:InvalidNameIDPolicy)
- 0x00000004 - The requested Authentication Context requirements cannot be satisfied by the provider (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoAuthnContext)
- 0x00000005 - None of the elements in the IDP list can be resolved (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoAvailableIDP)
- 0x00000006 - The provider cannot authenticate the requestor passively (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoPassive)
- 0x00000007 - None of the requested providers in the IDP list are supported (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoSupportedIDP)
- 0x00000008 - The Logout request could not be passed on to other session participants (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:PartialLogout)
- 0x00000009 - Proxy count exceeded (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:ProxyCountExceeded)
- 0x0000000A - Request denied for internal reasons (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestDenied)
- 0x0000000B - The request or its type is not supported by the provider (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestUnsupported)
- 0x0000000C - The version of the request has been deprecated (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestVersionDeprecated)
- 0x0000000D - The version of the request is too high (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestVersionTooHigh)
- 0x0000000E - The version of the request is too low (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestVersionTooLow)
- 0x0000000F - The resource included in the request has not been recognised (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:ResourceNotRecognized)
- 0x00000010 - The number of responses to be returned is too high for the provider to satisfy (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:TooManyResponses)
- 0x00000011 - The attribute profile is unknown to the provider (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:UnknownAttrProfile)
- 0x00000012 - The principal mentioned in the request is unknown to the provider (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:UnknownPrincipal)
- 0x00000013 - Unsupported binding type (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:UnsupportedBinding)
To return a custom error code not available via the above flags, use ResponseStatusCodeValue and ResponseStatusCodeSubValue properties.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseStatusCodeSubValue Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The value of the nested StatusCode.
__property String ResponseStatusCodeSubValue = { read=FResponseStatusCodeSubValue, write=FSetResponseStatusCodeSubValue };
Default Value
The value of the nested StatusCode.
This property contains the value of the nested StatusCode element.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseStatusCodeValue Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the status code value.
__property String ResponseStatusCodeValue = { read=FResponseStatusCodeValue, write=FSetResponseStatusCodeValue };
Default Value
Contains the status code value.
Use this property to read or set one of the status codes defined by SAML specification, such as 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success' or 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Requester'.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseStatusDetail Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains additional information on the status of the request.
__property String ResponseStatusDetail = { read=FResponseStatusDetail, write=FSetResponseStatusDetail };
Default Value
Contains additional information on the status of the request.
The StatusDetail element contains additional request status information.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseStatusMessage Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains a status message (optional).
__property String ResponseStatusMessage = { read=FResponseStatusMessage, write=FSetResponseStatusMessage };
Default Value
Contains a status message (optional).
This property specifies the status message which may, optionally, be returned to an operator.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ScopingIDPCount Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The number of records in the ScopingIDP arrays.
__property int ScopingIDPCount = { read=FScopingIDPCount, write=FSetScopingIDPCount };
Default Value
This property controls the size of the following arrays:
The array indices start at 0 and end at ScopingIDPCount - 1.This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ScopingIDPLoc Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the value of the Loc attribute.
__property String ScopingIDPLoc[int ScopingIDPIndex] = { read=FScopingIDPLoc, write=FSetScopingIDPLoc };
Default Value
Contains the value of the Loc attribute.
Use this property to access or set the value of the Loc (location) attribute.
The ScopingIDPIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ScopingIDPCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ScopingIDPName Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the name of the IdP provider.
__property String ScopingIDPName[int ScopingIDPIndex] = { read=FScopingIDPName, write=FSetScopingIDPName };
Default Value
Contains the name of the IdP provider.
Use this property to retrieve or set the Name attribute of the IdP provider.
The ScopingIDPIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ScopingIDPCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
ScopingIDPProviderID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the provider ID.
__property String ScopingIDPProviderID[int ScopingIDPIndex] = { read=FScopingIDPProviderID, write=FSetScopingIDPProviderID };
Default Value
Contains the provider ID.
Use this property to read or set the identity provider ID.
The ScopingIDPIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ScopingIDPCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SecurityCanonicalizationMethod Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The canonicalization method to use in the signature.
__property String SecurityCanonicalizationMethod = { read=FSecurityCanonicalizationMethod, write=FSetSecurityCanonicalizationMethod };
Default Value
The canonicalization method to use in the signature.
The URI of the canonicalization method to use in the signature (e.g.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SecurityDigestMethod Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The digest method to use.
__property String SecurityDigestMethod = { read=FSecurityDigestMethod, write=FSetSecurityDigestMethod };
Default Value
The digest method to use.
The URI of the digest method to use for signing, as defined in XMLDSIG or XMLENC:
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SecurityEncryptionMethod Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The encryption method used to encrypt the assertion.
__property String SecurityEncryptionMethod = { read=FSecurityEncryptionMethod, write=FSetSecurityEncryptionMethod };
Default Value
The encryption method used to encrypt the assertion.
This property contains the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the XML assertion.
Supported values:
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SecurityFlags Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Provides access to secondary security parameters and tweaks.
__property int SecurityFlags = { read=FSecurityFlags, write=FSetSecurityFlags };
Default Value
Provides access to secondary security parameters and tweaks.
This property is a bitwise combination of zero or more flags. The following flags are currently supported: The following flags can be used with any SAML component (although they may not apply in all modes of use):
ssfSignatureAfterIssuer | 1 | Place the Signature tag after the issuer tag in the XML document |
ssfSignatureBeforeDescriptor | 2 | Place the Signature tag before the entity descriptor tag in the XML metadata |
ssfKeyDataIssuerSerial | 4 | Include the IssuerSerial key data element |
ssfKeyDataSKI | 8 | Include the SubjectKeyIdentifier key data element |
ssfKeyDataSubjectName | 16 | Include the SubjectName key data element |
ssfKeyDataCertificate | 32 | Include the Certificate key data element |
ssfKeyDataCRL | 64 | Include the CRL key data element |
ssfSignAuthnRequests | 65536 | Sign authentication requests (SP only) |
ssfSignArtifactResolveRequests | 131072 | Sign artifact resolve requests |
ssfSignLogoutRequests | 262144 | Sign logout requests |
ssfSignAssertions | 524288 | Sign outgoing assertions (IdP only) |
ssfSignResponses | 1048576 | Sign all responses (IdP only) |
ssfEncryptAssertions | 2097152 | Encrypt generated assertions (IdP only) |
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SecuritySigMethod Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The signature method to use.
__property String SecuritySigMethod = { read=FSecuritySigMethod, write=FSetSecuritySigMethod };
Default Value
The signature method to use.
The URI specifying the signature method to use for signing, for example
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SecuritySignaturePolicy Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the signature validation policy.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterSecuritySignaturePolicies SecuritySignaturePolicy = { read=FSecuritySignaturePolicy, write=FSetSecuritySignaturePolicy };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterSecuritySignaturePolicies { sspAuto=0, sspValidate=1, sspRequire=2, sspIgnore=3 };
Default Value
Specifies the signature validation policy.
Use this property to specify the signature validation policy for the component.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SigningCertBytes Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.
__property DynamicArraySigningCertBytes = { read=FSigningCertBytes };
Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
SigningCertHandle Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
__property __int64 SigningCertHandle = { read=FSigningCertHandle, write=FSetSigningCertHandle };
Default Value
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.
When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object
after such operation.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SigningChainCount Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The number of records in the SigningChain arrays.
__property int SigningChainCount = { read=FSigningChainCount, write=FSetSigningChainCount };
Default Value
This property controls the size of the following arrays:
The array indices start at 0 and end at SigningChainCount - 1.This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SigningChainBytes Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.
__property DynamicArraySigningChainBytes[int SigningChainIndex] = { read=FSigningChainBytes };
Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.
The SigningChainIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SigningChainCount property.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
SigningChainHandle Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
__property __int64 SigningChainHandle[int SigningChainIndex] = { read=FSigningChainHandle, write=FSetSigningChainHandle };
Default Value
Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.
When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object
after such operation.
The SigningChainIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SigningChainCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementCount Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The number of records in the Statement arrays.
__property int StatementCount = { read=FStatementCount, write=FSetStatementCount };
Default Value
This property controls the size of the following arrays:
- StatementAuthnContextAuthenticatingAuthorities
- StatementAuthnContextChoice
- StatementAuthnContextClassRef
- StatementAuthnContextDecl
- StatementAuthnContextDeclRef
- StatementAuthnInstant
- StatementAuthnSessionIndex
- StatementAuthnSessionNotOnOrAfter
- StatementAuthnSubjectLocalityAddress
- StatementAuthnSubjectLocalityDNSName
- StatementAuthzActions
- StatementAuthzDecision
- StatementAuthzDecisionEvidence
- StatementAuthzDecisionResource
- StatementStatementType
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnContextAuthenticatingAuthorities Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the list of authenticating authorities.
__property String StatementAuthnContextAuthenticatingAuthorities[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnContextAuthenticatingAuthorities, write=FSetStatementAuthnContextAuthenticatingAuthorities };
Default Value
Contains the list of authenticating authorities.
Use this property to access the list of URIs of authenticating authorities (IdP entity IDs).
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnContextChoice Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the authentication context choice variant.
__property String StatementAuthnContextChoice[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnContextChoice, write=FSetStatementAuthnContextChoice };
Default Value
Specifies the authentication context choice variant.
Use this property to set the authentication context choice variant. The currently supported values are v1 and v2. If this setting is left empty, the v1 variant is assumed.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnContextClassRef Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Indicates the authentication contexts class reference.
__property String StatementAuthnContextClassRef[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnContextClassRef, write=FSetStatementAuthnContextClassRef };
Default Value
Indicates the authentication contexts class reference.
Use this property to get or set the authentication contexts class reference attribute.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnContextDecl Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the authentication contexts declaration.
__property String StatementAuthnContextDecl[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnContextDecl, write=FSetStatementAuthnContextDecl };
Default Value
Specifies the authentication contexts declaration.
Use this property to access or set the declaration element of the authentication context.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnContextDeclRef Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the authentication contexts declaration reference.
__property String StatementAuthnContextDeclRef[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnContextDeclRef, write=FSetStatementAuthnContextDeclRef };
Default Value
Specifies the authentication contexts declaration reference.
Use this property to get or set the declaration reference of the authentication context.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnInstant Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the authentication event timestamp.
__property String StatementAuthnInstant[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnInstant, write=FSetStatementAuthnInstant };
Default Value
Specifies the authentication event timestamp.
Use this property to read or set the moment in time the authentication event took place.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnSessionIndex Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the authentication session index.
__property String StatementAuthnSessionIndex[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnSessionIndex, write=FSetStatementAuthnSessionIndex };
Default Value
Contains the authentication session index.
Use this property to access or set the authentication session index.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnSessionNotOnOrAfter Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Maps to the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter of the authentication statement.
__property String StatementAuthnSessionNotOnOrAfter[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnSessionNotOnOrAfter, write=FSetStatementAuthnSessionNotOnOrAfter };
Default Value
Maps to the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter of the authentication statement.
Use this property to access or set the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter of the authentication statement.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnSubjectLocalityAddress Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the authentication subjects address.
__property String StatementAuthnSubjectLocalityAddress[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnSubjectLocalityAddress, write=FSetStatementAuthnSubjectLocalityAddress };
Default Value
Specifies the authentication subjects address.
Use this property to specify the address parameter of the authentication subjects locality.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthnSubjectLocalityDNSName Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Maps to the authentication subjects DNS name parameter.
__property String StatementAuthnSubjectLocalityDNSName[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthnSubjectLocalityDNSName, write=FSetStatementAuthnSubjectLocalityDNSName };
Default Value
Maps to the authentication subjects DNS name parameter.
Use this property to access or set the authentication subjects DNS name locality parameter.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthzActions Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Provides access to the list of actions of the authorization statement.
__property String StatementAuthzActions[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthzActions, write=FSetStatementAuthzActions };
Default Value
Provides access to the list of actions of the authorization statement.
Use this property to read or set the actions of the authorization statement. Actions are represented as a list of Namespace=namespace;Value=Value strings, separated with CRLFs.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthzDecision Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the authorization decision.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterStatementAuthzDecisions StatementAuthzDecision[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthzDecision, write=FSetStatementAuthzDecision };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterStatementAuthzDecisions { csadnPermit=0, csadnDeny=1, csadnIndeterminate=2 };
Default Value
Specifies the authorization decision.
Use this property to check or set the authorization decision. This can be one of Permit, Deny, or Indeterminate.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthzDecisionEvidence Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Manages the authorization decision statement evidence parameter.
__property String StatementAuthzDecisionEvidence[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthzDecisionEvidence, write=FSetStatementAuthzDecisionEvidence };
Default Value
Manages the authorization decision statement evidence parameter.
Use this property to read or set the authorization decision statement evidence parameter.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementAuthzDecisionResource Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the authorization decision statement resource parameter.
__property String StatementAuthzDecisionResource[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementAuthzDecisionResource, write=FSetStatementAuthzDecisionResource };
Default Value
Specifies the authorization decision statement resource parameter.
Use this property to access or set the resource parameter of the authorization statement.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
StatementStatementType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the assertion statement type.
__property TsbxSAMLWriterStatementStatementTypes StatementStatementType[int StatementIndex] = { read=FStatementStatementType, write=FSetStatementStatementType };
enum TsbxSAMLWriterStatementStatementTypes { csastAuthn=0, csastAttribute=1, csastAuthzDecision=2 };
Default Value
Specifies the assertion statement type.
This property specifies the assertion statement type. A statement can carry an authentication assertion, an attribute assertion, or an authorization decision assertion.
The StatementIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the StatementCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationCount Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The number of records in the SubjectConfirmation arrays.
__property int SubjectConfirmationCount = { read=FSubjectConfirmationCount, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationCount };
Default Value
This property controls the size of the following arrays:
- SubjectConfirmationAddress
- SubjectConfirmationData
- SubjectConfirmationDataType
- SubjectConfirmationID
- SubjectConfirmationInResponseTo
- SubjectConfirmationMethod
- SubjectConfirmationNotBefore
- SubjectConfirmationNotOnOrAfter
- SubjectConfirmationRecipient
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationAddress Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Contains the address enabled for presenting assertions.
__property String SubjectConfirmationAddress[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationAddress, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationAddress };
Default Value
Contains the address enabled for presenting assertions.
Use this property to specify the network address or location from which the subject confirmation should be issued. This optional element can be used to restrict the possibilities of an attacker to steal the assertion and present it from another IP address.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationData Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The uninterpreted value of data entry in the subject confirmation.
__property String SubjectConfirmationData[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationData, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationData };
Default Value
The uninterpreted value of data entry in the subject confirmation.
Use this property to read or specify the uninterpreted value of the Data entry in the subject confirmation blob.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationDataType Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The type of data contained in the confirmation.
__property String SubjectConfirmationDataType[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationDataType, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationDataType };
Default Value
The type of data contained in the confirmation.
Use this property to read or specify the type of confirmation data included in the object.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationID Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The identifier of the entity which can satisfy the subject confirmation requirements.
__property String SubjectConfirmationID[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationID, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationID };
Default Value
The identifier of the entity which can satisfy the subject confirmation requirements.
This property specifies the identifier of the entity which is expected to satisfy the subject confirmation requirements.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationInResponseTo Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The ID of the SAML message in response to which the assertion is issued.
__property String SubjectConfirmationInResponseTo[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationInResponseTo, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationInResponseTo };
Default Value
The ID of the SAML message in response to which the assertion is issued.
This property specifies the ID of the SAML message in response to which the assertion is issued.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationMethod Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Specifies the mechanism to be used to confirm the subject.
__property String SubjectConfirmationMethod[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationMethod, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationMethod };
Default Value
Specifies the mechanism to be used to confirm the subject.
This property contains a URI reference that identifies the mechanism to be used to confirm the subject.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationNotBefore Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Time moment before which the subject cannot be confirmed.
__property String SubjectConfirmationNotBefore[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationNotBefore, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationNotBefore };
Default Value
Time moment before which the subject cannot be confirmed.
This property specifies the time before which the subject cannot be confirmed.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationNotOnOrAfter Property (SAMLWriter Component)
Limits the time until which the subject can be confirmed.
__property String SubjectConfirmationNotOnOrAfter[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationNotOnOrAfter, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationNotOnOrAfter };
Default Value
Limits the time until which the subject can be confirmed.
This property specifies the time on (or after) which the subject cannot be confirmed.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
SubjectConfirmationRecipient Property (SAMLWriter Component)
The URI of the entity or the location of the resource to which the assertion should be presented.
__property String SubjectConfirmationRecipient[int SubjectConfirmationIndex] = { read=FSubjectConfirmationRecipient, write=FSetSubjectConfirmationRecipient };
Default Value
The URI of the entity or the location of the resource to which the assertion should be presented.
This property specifies The URI of the entity or the location of the resource to which the assertion should be presented.
The SubjectConfirmationIndex parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the SubjectConfirmationCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
AddAttribute Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Adds an attribute to an existing attribute statement.
int __fastcall AddAttribute(String AttributeName, String AttributeValue, String NameFormat, String ContentType, int StatementIndex);
Use this method to add an attribute to an attribute statement. The method returns the index of the newly added attribute in the statement.
Use the method parameters to provide the parameters of the new attribute:
Name="uid" <!-- AttributeName -->
NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic" <!-- NameFormat -->
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string" <!-- ContentType --> >test <!-- AttributeValue --> </saml:AttributeValue>
Note: if StatementIndex is set to -1, the attribute will be added to the last attribute statement in the collection. If no attribute statements are available in the collection, one will be created automatically.
If StatementIndex exceeds the index of the last statement in the Statements collection, a new attribute statement will be created (even if there are other attribute statements in the list), and the attribute added to it.
If StatementIndex points to an existing statement but that statement is not an attribute statement, an exception will be thrown.
AddAttributeStatement Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Adds an attribute statement to the assertion.
int __fastcall AddAttributeStatement();
Use this method to add an attribute statement to the currently edited assertion. The method returns the index of the newly added statement in the Statements collection.
Note that a call to AddAttribute adds a new attribute statement behind the scenes if no attribute statements have been added by that time.
AddAuthnStatement Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Adds an authentication statement to the assertion.
int __fastcall AddAuthnStatement(String AuthnInstant, String SessionIndex, String NotOnOrAfter, String ClassRef);
Use this method to add an authentication statement to the currently edited assertion. The method returns the index of the newly added statement in the Statements collection.
AddAuthzDecisionStatement Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Adds an authorization decision statement to the assertion.
int __fastcall AddAuthzDecisionStatement(int Decision, String Evidence, String Resource, String Actions);
Use this method to add an authorization decision statement to the currently edited assertion. The method returns the index of the newly added statement in the Statements collection.
AddCondition Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Adds a condition to the object (assertion or authn request) being edited.
int __fastcall AddCondition(int ConditionType, String ConditionValue);
Use this method to quickly add a condition to the SAML object you are creating.
AddScopingIDP Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Adds a scoping IDP to the object being currently edited.
int __fastcall AddScopingIDP(String Name, String ProviderID, String Loc);
Use this method to quickly add a scoping IDP to the SAML object you are creating. The method returns the index of the new element in the ScopingIDPs collection.
AddSubjectConfirmation Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Adds a subject confirmation to the object being edited.
int __fastcall AddSubjectConfirmation(String Method, String Address, String Recipient, String InResponseTo, String NotBefore, String NotOnOrAfter, String ID, String DataType, String Data);
Use this method to quickly add a subject confirmation to the SAML object you are creating. The method returns the index of the new subject confirmation in the list.
BeginAssertion Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Initiates the process of creating a new assertion.
void __fastcall BeginAssertion();
This method resets the contents of all assertion-related properties and prepares the component for creating a new assertion.
Use the methods and properties of the component, such as Assertion, as well as Statements and Attributes to prepare the new assertion. When ready, call CompleteAssertion to commit the provided details to the message.
CompleteAssertion Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Adds a completed assertion to a SAML message.
int __fastcall CompleteAssertion();
Use this method to commit an assertion to the SAML message being created. Before calling this method, prepare the assertion by calling BeginAssertion and filling in the details via the Assertion, Attributes, and Statements properties.
The method returns the index of the new assertion in the list.
Config Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.
String __fastcall Config(String ConfigurationString);
Config is a generic method available in every component. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the component.
These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.
To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).
To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.
CreateNew Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Creates a new SAML message with the given type.
void __fastcall CreateNew(int ContentType);
Use this method to create a new SAML message with the specified content type. The following values are supported:
- cstyNone (0)
- cstyAssertionIDRequest (1)
- cstySubjectQuery (2)
- cstyAuthnQuery (3)
- cstyAttributeQuery (4)
- cstyAuthzDecisionQuery (5)
- cstyAuthnRequest (6)
- cstyManageNameIDRequest (7)
- cstyLogoutRequest (8)
- cstyNameIDMappingRequest (9)
- cstyArtifactResolve (10)
- cstyResponse (11)
- cstyAssertion (12)
DoAction Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Performs an additional action.
String __fastcall DoAction(String ActionID, String ActionParams);
DoAction is a generic method available in every component. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.
The unique identifier (case insensitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.
ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....
Common ActionIDs:
Action | Parameters | Returned value | Description |
ResetTrustedListCache | none | none | Clears the cached list of trusted lists. |
ResetCertificateCache | none | none | Clears the cached certificates. |
ResetCRLCache | none | none | Clears the cached CRLs. |
ResetOCSPResponseCache | none | none | Clears the cached OCSP responses. |
FormatID Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Formats a SAML ID in the form in which it can be assigned to the Issuer or Subject fields.
String __fastcall FormatID(String Value, String IDType, String Format, String NameQualifier, String SPNameQualifier, String SPProvidedID);
This is a utility method that simplifies formatting of SAML IDs. Pass the components of the SAML ID to this method, and assign the resulting string to the required property.
// you can provide some of the values; the optional values will be omitted from the output
writer.Issuer = writer.FormatID("", "Issuer", "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity", "", "", "");
// this call will just return the bare value, with no attributes
writer.Issuer = writer.FormatID("", "", "", "", "", "");
Reset Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Resets the component settings.
void __fastcall Reset();
Reset is a generic method available in every component.
Save Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Saves the configured message to a string.
String __fastcall Save();
Use this method to save the created SAML message to a string.
SaveBytes Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Saves the configured message to a byte array.
DynamicArray<Byte> __fastcall SaveBytes();
Use this method to save the formed SAML message to a byte array.
SaveFile Method (SAMLWriter Component)
Saves the configured message to a file.
void __fastcall SaveFile(String FileName);
Use this method to save the created SAML message to a file.
Error Event (SAMLWriter Component)
Fires to report an error condition.
typedef struct { int ErrorCode; String Description; } TsbxSAMLWriterErrorEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TsbxSAMLWriterErrorEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TsbxSAMLWriterErrorEventParams *e); __property TsbxSAMLWriterErrorEvent OnError = { read=FOnError, write=FOnError };
Subscribe to this event to be notified about any error conditions occurring during the component's work. ErrorCode and Description provide the details of the error.
Notification Event (SAMLWriter Component)
This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
typedef struct { String EventID; String EventParam; } TsbxSAMLWriterNotificationEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TsbxSAMLWriterNotificationEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TsbxSAMLWriterNotificationEventParams *e); __property TsbxSAMLWriterNotificationEvent OnNotification = { read=FOnNotification, write=FOnNotification };
The component fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the component. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.
The unique identifier of the event is provided in the EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the component, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.
Config Settings (SAMLWriter Component)
The component accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.SAMLWriter Config Settings
Base Config Settings
You can switch this property off to improve performance if your project only uses known, good private keys.
Supported values are:
off | No caching (default) | |
local | Local caching | |
global | Global caching |
This setting only applies to sessions negotiated with TLS version 1.3.
Supported values are:
file | File | |
console | Console | |
systemlog | System Log (supported for Android only) | |
debugger | Debugger (supported for VCL for Windows and .Net) |
Supported values are:
time | Current time | |
level | Level | |
package | Package name | |
module | Module name | |
class | Class name | |
method | Method name | |
threadid | Thread Id | |
contenttype | Content type | |
content | Content | |
all | All details |
Supported filter names are:
exclude-package | Exclude a package specified in the value | |
exclude-module | Exclude a module specified in the value | |
exclude-class | Exclude a class specified in the value | |
exclude-method | Exclude a method specified in the value | |
include-package | Include a package specified in the value | |
include-module | Include a module specified in the value | |
include-class | Include a class specified in the value | |
include-method | Include a method specified in the value |
none | No flush (caching only) | |
immediate | Immediate flush (real-time logging) | |
maxcount | Flush cached entries upon reaching LogMaxEventCount entries in the cache. |
Supported values are:
none | None (by default) | |
fatal | Severe errors that cause premature termination. | |
error | Other runtime errors or unexpected conditions. | |
warning | Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong". | |
info | Interesting runtime events (startup/shutdown). | |
debug | Detailed information on flow of through the system. | |
trace | More detailed information. |
The default value of this setting is 100.
none | No rotation | |
deleteolder | Delete older entries from the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount | |
keepolder | Keep older entries in the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount (newer entries are discarded) |
Supported Values:
certificate | Enables caching of certificates. |
crl | Enables caching of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). |
ocsp | Enables caching of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) responses. |
Example (default value):
In this example, the component caches certificates, CRLs, and OCSP responses.
The default value is an empty string - no cached PKI data is stored on disk.
In this example, the cached PKI data is stored in the C:\Temp\cache directory.
Supported values are:
none | No static DNS rules (default) | |
local | Local static DNS rules | |
global | Global static DNS rules |
This setting only applies to certificates originating from a Windows system store.
The property accepts comma-separated values where the first descriptor name is used when the OID is mapped, and subsequent values act as aliases for parsing.
OID: The Object Identifier from the certificate's IssuerRDN or SubjectRDN that you want to map.
PrimaryName: The main descriptor name used in the XML signature when the OID is encountered.
Alias1, Alias2, ...: Optional alternative names recognized during parsing.
Usage Examples:
Map OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 to E, with aliases EMAIL and EMAILADDRESS: