
Welcome to SecureBlackbox, a powerful suite of components for implementing secure data storage, transfer, protection, and much more! This collection of carefully crafted components and libraries implement security standards and network communication protocols for every popular development platform. From AdES to OpenPGP, and from TLS to SFTP, you can rely on SecureBlackbox for all your application's security needs.

Included Components

ArchiveReader The ArchiveReader component supports inspection and extraction of files from zip, tar, gzip and bzip2 archives.
ArchiveWriter The ArchiveWriter component allows compressing, updating and modifying files for zip, tar, gzip and bzip2 archives.
ASiCSigner The ASiCSigner component creates associated signature containers.
ASiCVerifier The ASiCVerifier component verifies associated signature containers.
Authenticator The Authenticator component specializes in user authentication.
AuthenticodeSigner The AuthenticodeSigner component signs executable files (EXE) and dynamically linked libraries (DLL) using Microsoft Authenticode format.
AuthenticodeVerifier The AuthenticodeVerifier component verifies digital signatures over executable files (EXE) and dynamically linked libraries (DLL).
CAdESSigner The CAdESSigner component creates CAdES- and CMS-compliant electronic signatures.
CAdESVerifier The CAdESVerifier component validates CAdES signatures and their trust chains.
CertificateManager The CertificateManager component supports importing, exporting, and generating X.509 certificates.
CertificateStorage The CertificateStorage component works with collections of certificates.
CertificateValidator The CertificateValidator component provides fine-grained validation of X.509 certificates.
CRLManager The CRLManager component supports the importing, exporting, and validation of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).
CryptoKeyManager The CryptoKeyManager component provides a simple way to load, generate and manage generic cryptographic keys.
CryptoKeyStorage The CryptoKeyStorage component provides access to key stores of various types.
DCAuth The DCAuth component represents the private key side of the SecureBlackbox distributed cryptography protocol.
DCAuthWebServer The DCAuthWebServer Component offers higher-level access to 'private key side' functionality of SecureBlackbox DC protocol.
DTLSClient The DTLSClient component provides client-side functionality of the DTLS protocol.
DTLSServer The DTLSServer component provides server-side functionality of the DTLS protocol.
FTPClient The FTPClient component provides client-side functionality for FTP and FTPS protocols.
FTPServer The FTPServer component provides server-side functionality for FTP and FTPS protocols.
HashFunction The HashFunction component implements a wide variety of algorithms for message hashing.
HTTPClient The HTTPClient component implements client-side functionality of HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
HTTPServer The HTTPServer component offers server-side functionality for the HTTP/HTTPS protocols.
IMAPClient The IMAPClient component provides client-side functionality for IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol).
JAdESSigner The JAdESSigner component signs Javascript content electronically.
JAdESVerifier The JAdESVerifier component verifies signatures over JSON objects.
KMIPClient The KMIPClient component provides client-side functionality for KMIP protocol.
KMIPServer The KMIPServer component provides server-side functionality for Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP).
MailReader The MailReader component implements parsing and decryption of e-mail messages.
MailWriter The MailWriter component composes, encrypts, and signs e-mail messages.
MessageCompressor The MessageCompressor component compresses data and stores it in the PKCS#7 format.
MessageDecompressor The MessageDecompressor component decompresses data that is stored in the PKCS#7 CompressedData format.
MessageDecryptor The MessageDecryptor component decrypts data that is stored in the PKCS#7 format.
MessageEncryptor The MessageEncryptor component encrypts data and stores it in the PKCS#7 format.
MessageSigner The MessageSigner component digitally signs data and stores it in the PKCS#7 format.
MessageTimestamper The MessageTimestamper component timestamps data and stores it in the PKCS#7 format.
MessageTimestampVerifier The MessageTimestampVerifier component verifies timestamped messages.
MessageVerifier The MessageVerifier component verifies digital signatures of data stored in the PKCS#7 format.
OAuthClient The OAuthClient component implements interaction between the client, the resource owner (end-user), and the authorization server via OAuth 2.0 protocol.
OCSPManager The OCSPManager component enables the import, export, and management of OCSP responses.
OCSPServer The OCSPServer component provides the functionality of an HTTP-based OCSP server.
OfficeDecryptor The OfficeDecryptor component decrypts Office documents.
OfficeEncryptor The OfficeEncryptor component encrypts Office documents.
OfficeQuickSigner The OfficeQuickSigner component signs Office documents in a quick-and-easy manner.
OfficeSigner The OfficeSigner component signs Office documents.
OfficeVerifier The OfficeVerifier component is capable of verifying signatures stored in Office documents.
OTPClient The OTPClient component generates one-time passwords.
OTPServer The OTPServer component checks the validity of one-time passwords.
PasswordVault The PasswordVault component implements a vault for keeping passwords and other sensitive properties.
PDFDecryptor The PDFDecryptor component decrypts PDF documents.
PDFEncryptor The PDFEncryptor component encrypts PDF documents.
PDFSigner The PDFSigner component signs PDF documents digitally.
PDFVerifier The PDFVerifier component verifies signatures over PDF documents.
PGPKeyManager The PGPKeyManager component manages individual PGP keys.
PGPKeyring The PGPKeyring component manages PGP keyring files.
PGPReader The PGPReader component unprotects, verifies, and extracts data from protected PGP files.
PGPWriter The PGPWriter component protects data using PGP keys.
POP3Client The POP3Client component provides client-side functionality of the POP3 protocol for collecting E-mail messages from the server.
PublicKeyCrypto The PublicKeyCrypto component supports encrypting, decrypting, signing and verifying messages.
RESTClient The RESTClient component implements client-side functionality for the REST protocol.
RESTServer The RESTServer component supports server-side functionality of the REST protocol.
Rnd The Rnd component class is a basic provider of random number generation functionality.
SAMLIdPServer The SAMLIdPServer component represents a SAML identity provider.
SAMLReader The SAMLReader component offers SAML message processing functionality.
SAMLSPServer The SAMLSPServer component represents a SAML service provider.
SAMLWriter The SAMLWriter component offers SAML message generation functions.
SFTPClient The SFTPClient component provides client-side functionality for SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol).
SFTPServer The SFTPServer component provides server-side functionality for SFTP connections.
SMTPClient The SMTPClient component provides client-side functionality for SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
SOAPClient The SOAPClient component sends SOAP messages.
SOAPQuickSigner The SOAPQuickSigner component signs SOAP messages.
SOAPSigner The SOAPSigner component signs SOAP messages.
SOAPVerifier The SOAPVerifier component verifies signed SOAP messages.
SSHClient The SSHClient component provides client-side SSH protocol functionality.
SSHKeyManager The SSHKeyManager component provides access to SSH key management functions.
SymmetricCrypto The SymmetricCrypto component provides capabilities of encrypting and decrypting binary data.
TLSClient The TLSClient component provides client-side functionality of the TLS protocol.
TLSServer The TLSServer component implements server-side functionality of the TLS protocol. In the TLS-disabled mode it works as a plain TCP server.
TSPServer The TSPServer component supports server-side functionality of the timestamping protocol.
UserManager The UserManager component stores information about user accounts.
Utils The Utils component offers a selection of popular helper methods that may be of use in a variety of scenarios.
WebDAVClient The WebDAVClient component provides client-side functionality of the WebDAV protocol.
WebDAVServer The WebDAVServer component offers server-side functionality for the WebDAV protocol.
WebSocketClient The WebSocketClient component provides the client-side functionality of the WebSocket protocol.
WebSocketServer The WebSocketServer component provides the server-side functionality of the WebSocket protocol.
XAdESSigner The XAdESSigner component creates XAdES-compliant signature files.
XAdESVerifier The XAdESVerifier component verifies XAdES-compliant signatures and their trust chains.
XMLDecryptor The XMLDecryptor component decrypts XML documents.
XMLEncryptor The XMLEncryptor component encrypts XML documents.
XMLSigner The XMLSigner component provides a simple interface for digitally signing XML documents according to the XML-Signature Syntax and Processing specification.
XMLVerifier The XMLVerifier component provides simplified XML signature validation capabilities.

Additional Information

You will always find the latest information about SecureBlackbox at our web site: We offer free, fully-functional 30-day trials for all of our products, and our technical support staff are happy to answer any questions you may have during your evaluation.

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Thank you for choosing SecureBlackbox for your development needs. We realize that you have a choice among development tools, and that by choosing us you are counting on us to be a key component in your business. We work around the clock to provide you with ongoing enhancements, support, and innovative products; and we will always do our best to exceed your expectations!